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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20581286 No.20581286 [Reply] [Original]

Denmark’s food agency has recalled South Korean instant ramen produced by a brand popular in the west, warning noodle lovers that they were so hot they might cause “acute poisoning”.

WTF you all told me this was a stereotype
A little spice is literally DEADLY to these people

>> No.20581288

regular spicy ramen is almost too spicy for me. I couldn't handle 3x

>> No.20581290

Danish Chad (queer incel) here who could eat the 2x without any issues. Haven't tried the 3x spicy.
Not sure why they are being recalled desu, they've been on the market here for a long time. Probably some media sensationalism over some non-issue, like packaging not being up to standards or whatever.

>> No.20581294

wypipo doen season dey food

>> No.20581316

Will you be a criminal and eat the forbidden noodles

>> No.20581328

it's 2 spicy 4 me and I'm korean

>> No.20581336

Of course not, I respect the law of the Land
*licks boots*
i hope we can be friends

>> No.20581338

Sounds about white

>> No.20581366

The 3x really is spicy, and this is coming from a guy who douses every meal in hot sauce and grounded Wii controllers.

>> No.20581378

Almost as spicy as mayo

>> No.20581381

I don't care if you're the blackest guerrilla in the Congo. Eat a bowl of the 3x and try not to sweat.

>> No.20581384

Remember when that black kid literally died from eating a spicy chip, so they discontinued the brand and ruined it for everyone?

>> No.20581401

That was a yt boi

>> No.20581427
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Not quite.

>> No.20581433

feel free to delete your post now kek

>> No.20581470

nigga shoulda stayed outta da kitchen

>> No.20581474

We don't claim him

>> No.20581539

I've tried the 2x spice and they cause genuine pain, but they're actually really delicious. Not worth it though.
When you eat spicy food from elsewhere, India, Thailand etc. it heats you up nicely and enhances the experience.
I have good tolerance for spicy stuff, but these noodles and their sauce is just over the top gimmick.

>> No.20581612

Not mentioned: what actually killed him.

>> No.20581629

I have the opposite opinion. They are extremely flavorless. I eat hot food all the time but I want to actually taste peppers. These noodles have a heat that seams artificial.

>> No.20581653

agreed. shin ramyun has much better taste and are still spicy. the buldak ones are just plain heat without flavour

>> No.20581666

Buldak is on the whole just a shit brand that only sells artificial shit food

>> No.20581672
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kind of agree with you both, the 2x spicy is edible, it's alright if you fancy that sensation, the 3x is just pointless as their is no weight to an instant noodle broth to justify the heat, it just feels really fake!
The Carbonara buldak are objectively the best they do, a really good snack where the taste justifies the slightly premium price point.
Don't fall for the spicy meme, get the pink packet, they are god tier.

>> No.20582135

Heart attack.

>> No.20582149

Man, I have tasted the hot sauce. I expected something spicy but instead got sour battery acid. I think Western culture has a different view about "hot".

>> No.20582360

Gays and beta males are the main people who enjoy spicy stuff. They are more equipped for it because they are used to self harm. Only pussies are obsessed with heat levels in food. You never see a bad ass eating that shit. Always the weakest people around.

>> No.20582366

Faggots who eat spicy food don't care about flavor. They are people that got bullied growing up pretending to be tough to compensate for the fact that they are a complete pussy.

>> No.20582384

man the 99 cent store used to have these in stock occasionally and then they went and closed down, probably due to 13/50s always stealing

>> No.20582400


>> No.20582407

Per capita.

>> No.20582459

Westerners are literally the only people on the planet who don't regularly eat spicy food. Everyone in Mexico and South America, Asia (outside of cucked Western nations like Japan), India, etc. all eat spice regularly. I don't know why you feel the need to make it into a masculinity thing.

White guys are always throwing a fit over how manly they are for eating spicy food or, in your case, how manly they are for NOT eating spicy food. Meanwhile, for the rest of the world, it's just food. It's like attaching your masculinity to whether or not you put salt on your food or something. It's bizarre.

>> No.20582590

based retard disablers

>> No.20582605

>Everyone in Mexico and South America, Asia (outside of cucked Western nations like Japan), India, etc.

So everywhere except developed first world countries?

>> No.20582609

That argument would only hold up if thirdies didn't make the fact that they have spicy food the major part of their identity on here.

>> No.20582624

Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.20582640
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>> No.20582681

You clearly don't know what that means, so you must be from one of the countries named.
I'm guessing India.

>> No.20582721

I'm sorry but laying in bed for three hours, waking up in the middle of the night with abdominal pain and Satanic shits are definition of "acute poisoning".

>> No.20582732

It's not "spicey food", it contains an extract used in pepper spray. People in Thailand and India are using whole chilli, a natural and genuine food and these horror-movie esque Koreans who all wear the same mask are feeding children acid. If you knew anything about Social Geography you would know the jetsetting Samsung family run everything in South Korea, from the economy to the screws you buy at the hardwear store so they should be brought to Danish Food Court (a newly created arm of the United Nations).

>> No.20582994

Suddenly huh.

>> No.20583054

Based opinion. I got the creamy carbo waiting for me. Idk the diff.

I too miss my samyang hook up, the 99. Dollar tree can get fucked.

>> No.20583196

I wanted to buy one of these chips but when I finally decided to do it this guy died and I live in the same state as him so they were recalled from us almost immediately.

>> No.20583735
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The usual black packet ones kicked my ass, what the FUCK 3x

>> No.20583770


>> No.20583779

they have been banned because dtu estimates a risk of capsaicin posining (especially so for children), combined with a tiktok trend of apparently eating this garbage as a challenge

>> No.20583930

it's like that challenge when people tried to swallow a tablespoon of ground cinnamon and almost fucking died, hilarious. let nature have it's course i say

>> No.20583932

The weight of racism on his shoulders, it crushed him to death.

>> No.20583943

There's no reason or excuse for anything hotter than a jalapeno.

>> No.20583945

This shit is vile garbage. I don't even know why they call it carbonara when it tastes nothing like it

>> No.20583954

>via gofundme
fund what?

>> No.20583967

It's a popular thing among these people. One gets rekt and the rest demand gibs.

>> No.20584272

For me it was the tide pods.

>> No.20584288
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>> No.20584290

Gen X are millennials.

>> No.20584294

Baby boomers are millennials

>> No.20584296

no, that's gen Y

>> No.20584300

Well, now I want to know how I can support this here process.

>> No.20584503

For me the regular one ain't that bad with a glass of milk to dissipate some of the heat but I've had the 2x twice and it gave me pretty bad stomach pains, 3x just sounds like a bad time

>> No.20584511

Isn't Denmark that country that has an app dedicated to jewing one another? Like, I've heard that when a Dane invites a friend over for dinner, they're supposed to pay them for their meal, and the host is supposed to pay their guest for the gas they spent to drive there.
I truly cannot understand how people can act like that.

>> No.20584586

the guests must also pay for any toilet paper used during the visit, as well as a small cleaning fee

>> No.20584598

That's the Netherlands. Very common for you retarded Americans to get Dutch and Danish confused, so I won't make too much fun of you for it.

>> No.20584600

denmark has that too.
of course it's exaggerated on 4chan, though.

>> No.20584601

>A little spice is literally DEADLY to these people
But it's not a little spice, it's a novelty 3x spice product.

>> No.20584603

It's got a Korean chicken crying spice tears on the packaging. If people buy this expecting mild it's their own fault.
Danes, and I am one, disgust me with how they constantly demand more laws restricting their lives to "keep them safe".

>> No.20584614

>be a culture in a land where spicy peppers don't naturally grow
>be surprised when they have a low heat tolerance
wow who would have thought?

>> No.20584635

as a swede i say remove all laws and protections, let the danish problem solve itself

>> No.20584664

My mistake, but please understand that to us Amerimuts, you're all more or less the same. I'm sad that your country is just as fucked by jews as we are.

Whereabouts do you live and what do you commonly eat there? Here in the American South, we tend to eat a lot of pork and catfish as well as crawfish and coleslaw.

I'm a good Celtic man, so when I invite guests into my home, I'm not just obligated, but want to provide the best I have to offer to them. The concept of paying me back for my generosity is foreign to me. If I invite you to my house, I WILL cook a delicious meal for you, I WILL provide the best I have to offer, you WILL be comfortable and you WILL enjoy the time you spend with me and my family.
And the best part? You reap these benefits for free because I like you enough to invite you over in the first place.

>> No.20584676

wtf this sounds based, its easily $50 to make dinner for myself and a couple friends. and they live far from me so us giving each other cash for resources sounds pragmatic.
people would say that generosity is just doing something for nothing in return but i think it shows respect by compensating people for their effort and resources spent

>> No.20584691

No we don't.
t. actual dane

>> No.20584695

dude you're amerifat/burger, you lost your heritage about 300 years ago when your ancestors stepped of the boat. let it go

>> No.20584711

You make a good point. My friends and I always pay each other back, but the difference is we don't nickle and dime each other like autists. And most importantly, from the social mental aspect, we don't expect anything in return. If I provide a birthday gift, I don't expect them to give me one on my birthday. It's just a gift for them.
I guess in a sense, I think that going out of your way to enjoy a friend's company is worth it. If you enjoy spending time with them so much as to spend $30 in gas, then it's worth it. But I would never ask them to pay me for my gas.
I dunno, I just have a difficult time understanding the concept. It's alien to me. We, around where I live, take care of one another.

>> No.20584719
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Yes we do.
T. Actual actual Dane

>> No.20584726

>ikke på dansk
11/10 Meget troværdigt.

>> No.20584733
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>Kan man ændre sproget i MobilePay?!
Hvorfor er du så snotdum?

>> No.20584738

Hvorfor er du? Bare fordi der er en mulighed for det, betyder det ikke at alle bruger det. Surt show, dine venner er jøder.

>> No.20584747

>heritage autism
Dude, I just live here. I was born and raised here. One day, a hundred years or so ago, an Irishman came here and fucked a German woman and created my family.
I'm just me, ya know? I don't understand this weird pride you guys have about where your ancestors came from.

>> No.20584753

>N-nej dig
Lær dog at læse. Det originale brev du svarede spurgte om Danmark ikke var landet med en app hvor man kan splejse, du skriver nej det er Holland, og jeg skriver det har Danmark også.

>> No.20584780

Guys, I've gotta say, your language is fucking bizarre. It's like a bastard blend of Swedish and German. It gives me mental whiplash from just reading it.

>> No.20584793

not too strange
both danish and swedish stem from old norse, and denmark has been largely influenced by germany

>> No.20584806

Forkert. Første post var at alle bliver afkrævet småpenge for alt. Dit mobilepay eksempel ville kun vlære relevant vis alle konstant sendte requests til hinanden. Muligheden for at splejse har ikke nogen relevans her.

It's because we're so much better than both of those subhuman countries, they're trying to ape out language but failing miserably.

>> No.20584808

>Isn't Denmark that country that has an app dedicated to jewing one another?
Første sætning. Tud videre, knægt.

>> No.20584812

The chip was laced with fentanyl

>> No.20584816

you really try hard to fit in, huh

>> No.20584848

>Første sætning. Tud videre, knægt
See what I mean? I can't tell if this is swedish or Norwegian, but I assume it's Danish. Your language is fucking weird.

>> No.20584853

Tud selv. "jewing one another" har ikke noget at gøre med at have mulighed for at spejse. "jewing" ville være at sende en 50 øres requests vis nogen bruger dit lokum.

>> No.20584854

Norwegian (Bokmål) is literally bastardized Danish, though.

>> No.20584857

>N-nej dig
Gab. Samtale slut.

>> No.20584860

Din indrømmelse af nederlag er noteret og accepteret.

>> No.20585525


>> No.20587148
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>> No.20587157
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They're apparently 13200 scoville, which is like eating serrano peppers straight. Unpleasant, but not really worth a whole ass recall. It's made obvious on the packaging that it's stunt spicy food, you might as well recall all hot sauce if that's your threshold for "poisonous".

>> No.20587166

>obvious on the packaging that it's stunt spicy food
In Denmark, they don't speak English.

>> No.20587172

There's fuckin' bombs and demon peppers and the cartoon chicken is crying with fire coming out of its mouth.

>> No.20587188

Danes are better at English than the average American.

>> No.20587196

This tastes like absolute dog shit. No clue how bugs eat this. Make pasta with habanero sauce instead but you fuckers cant cook anyways.

>> No.20587198

>charge they phone
>be bisexual
>eat hot chip and die

>> No.20587389

>No clue how bugs eat this
Do they actually? I thought this was like Fosters for Australians, or Communism for Russians. Purely for export.

>> No.20587809

vaxx status?

>> No.20587873

kinda a lame reason but 3x spicy does taste like ass. almost as bad as Buffalo Wild Wing's Blazin'

>> No.20587904

or maybe Danes are just faggots that want to be treated like babies, I think that's likely the case

>> No.20587909

you're just a pussy

>> No.20587911

You don't even have to ask anymore...

>> No.20588371

South Korean instant noodles is meme.

>> No.20588373

he wasn't vaccinated btw

>> No.20588851
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I don't like eat hot stuff just to eat it, but I'm going to have to try it or the less spicy brand.
I had this yakisoba and thought it was pretty hot, kind of ruined my weekly snack night.

>> No.20588867

WTF I love spicy food now.

>> No.20588875

i cant eat spicy food anymore, which sucks because i really like it
it literally makes my poop burn my asshole

>> No.20589579

I just bought some. Are these really that hot?

>> No.20589585


>> No.20589654

It’s hot in a bad way. It’s spice powder is just the contents of a can of pepper spray

>> No.20589698

Bro just add red chili pepper flakes to beef ramen next time

>> No.20590026


>> No.20590031

>WTF you all told me this was a stereotype
>A little spice is literally DEADLY to these people
I thought white people can't handle the spice was entirely made up until I lived in Minnesota. Some of those people think salt is too spicy. A lot of them will passive aggressively complain for weeks if you put black pepper in something you serve them.

>> No.20590034

>A little spice is literally DEADLY to these people
lol >>20581427

>> No.20590040

That kid had a heart condition. Minnesotans are just pussies.

>> No.20590048

Negroes make up 13% of the population of the u.s but commit 50% of the violent crime

>> No.20590054

>Thought OP was playing a jape
>it's real https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy00gk0kr82o
What the FUCK is wrong with that country?

>> No.20590056

Keep telling yourself that, friend.

>> No.20590057


>> No.20590061

>he doesn't think Minnesotans are pussies

>> No.20590064

I don't understand why the youth are so enamored with all these stupid challenges. I don't agree with the solution being proposed a lot these days to pretty well kick young people off the internet entirely but there's gotta be some way to like shame them into being less retarded or something
That one though I'm pretty sure was just people commuting suicide in a way their parents wouldn't realise was suicide.

>> No.20590088

>I'm a good Celtic man
why do so many burgers believe that they're still european? I don't get it.

>> No.20590089

>be me
>sit down at a restaurant
>order my food with 1 star spice
>nignog a table over starts flapping his gums
>he's crying and sweating
>wipes tears
>immediately he starts shitting himself
The whole ordeal ruined my appetite honestly.

>> No.20590102

>I'm sad that your country is just as fucked by jews as we are.
t. schizo

>> No.20590110
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I'm tellin' you, Cletus, we was Vikings n shit. I done seen it on History Channel after Ancient Aliens wuz over

>> No.20590125

Thanks for setting the record straight, Ahmed.

>> No.20590474
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>Thought this was going to just another "OHHH SO SPICY!" nonsense
>It actually is ridiculously spicy
>They take them off the shelves before I get to try

Damn, now I want to try some myself.

>> No.20590656

I unironically agree with it. These meme noodles are basically just heat and no flavor at all. They're pointless gimmicks barely suitable for consumption.

>> No.20590789

they are also too stupid to understand caveman like symbols

>> No.20590795

>I don't like something so thererfore it should be banned for everyone
kill yourself, zoomer

>> No.20591337

I'll try a few flakes. I think I've added Frank's Red Hot years ago but it doesn't go well.

>> No.20591340

why don't they season their food

>> No.20591739
