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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20581255 No.20581255 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever made a homemade copycat of fast/restaurant food? How'd it turn out?

>> No.20581271

I got breaded chicken fillets to try out homemade chicken sandwiches. I still don't understand what the hype is about. I think it's based off the chemicals they put in their food.

>> No.20581280
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>did I just destroyed
>did destroyed

>> No.20581281

>bought breaded fillets
No wonder

>> No.20581283

I think its that fat little ESL guy who cooks meat

>> No.20581299
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>did I just destroyed

>> No.20581308

>is this burger i spent 40 dollars making better than a 6 dollar fast food burger?
>let's find out!

>> No.20581311

You've never cooked, have you ma'am?

>> No.20581315

>Have you ever made a homemade copycat of fast/restaurant food? How'd it turn out?
When they closed my local Bennigan's, I eventually got a craving for a Monte Cristo in the way that they served it, and never got a good rendition anywhere else. So I made a nice club sandwich, and did a challah bread french toast to the bread, and though it was delicious, it was missing the battery crust of their version which is more like a beer batter fish n chips crust. Whim was over though. Later on, I tried to make my own broccoli chedder bites, using a scoop on day 2 leftover casserole, but didn't have the right sweet grainy mustard sauce to dip them in. Mine had too much honey flavor.
I'd love to duplicate the onion loaf from Tony Romas! Did they serve a sauce with it? I hardly remember.

>> No.20581540

>did I just destroyed

>> No.20581545

I'm about to make some homemade burgers

I have 400 grams of ground beef, I only feel like eating two 100g patties
Ground meat is notorious from going bad incredibly fast. Once the package is opened, it releases the gases and that possibly expedites the spoiling process
how do I preserve the last 200g for tomorrow? Will just saran wrap do the trick or do I need to freeze it?

>> No.20581555

He has been far even as decided to use

>> No.20581573

When I first saw the taco bell chipotle sauce I picked some up and tried to make homemade queseritos. They were good but a far cry from the original, there's some goyfeed element that got lost in translation.

>> No.20581593

Just wrap the packaging back up with saran or foil. One day will not make a difference if you are planning on eating it tomorrow. If you need more long term storage then yeah freeze it.

>> No.20581605

I got tired of McChickens being more than $1, so I decided to make my own. Got some basic grocery store hamburger buns, frozen chicken patties, shredded iceberg lettuce, and mayo. Toast the buns a little, microwave the patty, and throw a ton of black pepper into it (I use the chunkity butcher block stuff) and damn, I can't tell the difference.

>> No.20581616

>make produxt entirely at home by hand
>use traditional cooking processes entirely seperate from a factory setting
>product look different
Why are youtubers like this?

>> No.20581623

why ask questions you know the answers to

>> No.20581632

Right looks better. There's got to be atleast a pound of beef on the left.

>> No.20581945
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Yeah, crunchwraps. This used to be posted here a lot.

>> No.20581948

Based booru oldfag.
It’s been a long time.

>> No.20581962

I fucking hate that guy. He's legit retarded and surrounded by other beaner retards.


>> No.20582033

Both them burgers did costed the same though

>> No.20582530

one on the left is over 1500 calories.

>> No.20582584

Orignal mosg

>> No.20582616

That's only true if your time is worthless.

>> No.20582637

I copied this Youtube recipe of some guy recreating the original McDonalds hamburger from the first restaurant before it became a chain. Was actually really good and would highly recommend.

>> No.20582643

I would prefer the burger on the right. Left has its ratios all fucked

>> No.20582735

WTF is that square meat? Spam?

>> No.20582737

I'll take the original bc I'm not FAT

>> No.20582750

They stopped making the A1 Thick and Hearty Whataburger but A1 still makes the Thick and Hearty Sauce so I often recreate the best fast food burger ever at home. It turns out well, but I use pepperjack instead of American cheese.

>> No.20582773

I think he just took the youtube video title and add a 'did' in front of it in his other social media postings. Still pretty kek.

>> No.20582778

I once tried to replicate the burger patties from Wendy's and make a Dave's Single from a recipe online. It came out as a decent burger but really didn't taste like the Wendy's version at all.

>> No.20582814

rodeo cheeseburger, but i add bacon and crispy onions so i guess it’s not copycat anymore. tried to recreate a big mac but can never capture the essence

>> No.20583086

publix used to carry a pack of chopsteaks that tasted identical to mcdonalds steak on the egg and cheese bagel. was eating good for a month there, then they got discontinued
have an old wrapper packed up somewhere with the brand name

>> No.20583152

tried but was never close to the original, the reason for this is because i try to follow the same rules of the original instead of making "my own version" like in every single fking youtube video.
>GEE lets add even more meat
>lets give it twice as big meat patty
>let's add this expensive american cheese instead of using the same they often use in their burgers.

use the same bread, same amount of meat, make the same sauce, cook it in a similar way, add exactly the same amount of toppings they use

>> No.20583205

I'd eat both.

>> No.20583210

A Big Matt.
You can buy Big Mac sauce so yeah it's a piece of piss. Get to have a thick beef patty and 2 slices of cheese.

>> No.20583329

I used to be the sous chef at a country club. it was, desu, a low rent club by country club standards. still a bunch of stogey fucks, but it was cheaper by half than others in the area. the members were all old as fuck and hated good food. we tried to push the limits but they just wanted a 70s menu. frustrating.
Anyway one of the occasional weeknight specials was a big mac ripoff. we called it big mick, like in Coming to America. I don't think the members got the reference but they fucking loved big mick night.

>> No.20583342

Yes, I make tacos all the time and they're great

>> No.20583643

if anyone finds the red lobster salt and vinegar shrimp recipe, please let me know

>> No.20583647


I made crunch wraps for awhile with freshly fried inner crunch tortillas, ground beef and shredder cheddar on one side and, lettuce, tomatos, onions and sour cream on the other and no nacho cheese

these weren't 1-to-1 with the true crunch wrap recipe, but they were still good. I stopped making them because they took twice as long to make as regular tacos and the regular tacos I make are really good already.

>> No.20583652

in there lets me know he's some esl to be ignored

>> No.20583694

Having a relaxed time cooking isn't wasted time.

>> No.20583950

Why does literally every at home crunch wrap recipe use two tortillas? Just buy bigger tortillas.

>> No.20583953

Still have to go to Taco Bell to get some sauce packets, so this is just a waste of time.

>> No.20583962

I see what you did there

>> No.20584133

>but A1 still makes the Thick and Hearty Sauce
Where? I've never seen it at my local grocery.

>> No.20584755

>did I just destroyed?
ESLs should stick to making content in their first language until they learn how to speak English competently.

>> No.20585068

in one sitting.

>> No.20585569

That's not good for your health. Keep one for later.

>> No.20586922
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>Did I just destroyed

>> No.20586929
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>did I just destroyed

>> No.20587043

I'm sorry but since you're unskilled you cannot factor your 20$/h rate into the cost formula.
So it's indeed cheaper.

>> No.20587092

I make food that restaurants may also make but no I do not attempt to make my own version of a specific item like that. Only a truly insufferable faggot would even consider it.

>> No.20587104

yeah literally just Google the southern living recipe and do it with fresh chicken

I made a mcgriddle at home last week and it was a lot better than mcdicks
just add syrup to the pancake batter and shape a beaten egg into a square, sausage and slice of cheese and wa la

>> No.20587122


>> No.20587128
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>did I just destroyed

>> No.20587135

"did" is the auxiliary verb in the sentence, meaning you use "destroy" in its base form
esl retard, god you're fucking stupid

>> No.20587139
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>Google verb conjugations to """own""" native speakers

>> No.20588065

We make a knockoff Big Mac on the food truck I work on sometimes. It's a big seller and easy to make.

>> No.20588980

this just reminds me of the times whenever 4chan was so much better. the late 2010s really changed this place for the worse. its basically reddit-lite at this point

>> No.20589021
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Olive Garden zuppa Toscana. I always put down like 6 bowls in addition to my meal when I go there so I just made a ton at home instead. Turned out really tasty but what you don't notice at the restaurant is the massive layer of sausage grease that floats on top of the pot. Even dodging that I always seem to end up with a headache after eating much of the copycat. Might be the kale?

>> No.20589030

I tried doing Popeye's spicy chicken tenders and they came out pretty decent. Same for the fries. May have to try them again since the five-strip combo is now $17.

>> No.20589033

>there's some goyfeed element that got lost in translation.
Salt, oil, or MSG. Restaurants use WAY more of these three things than home cooks do. Your squirt of oil is like half a tablespoon while they dump 2-3 tablespoons of oil. Your pinch of salt is a few flakes while their pinch is a full teaspoon. And fast food is usually loaded with MSG and other artificial flavors to make the slop taste addictive.

For breads and stuff its all the dough conditioners and gums and shit they add.

>> No.20589034

esl detected
opinion rejected

>> No.20589039

Shartmart only carries the mission ones in that photo - that is why.

>> No.20589045

I know how to cook and don't consider a fucking baconator the height of cuisine

>> No.20589433


this is a good one. my mom used to do it a lot for us. she also has one she likes that used to be an old cheesecake factory thing that has bowtie pasta and peas i think i dont remember much else about it but it is pretty damn flavorful.

>> No.20590871

>Another "Hey I made this thing but better at home by taking 3 hours and 3x the cost!"

>> No.20590915

Idiocracy is really settling in with that title.

>> No.20590932
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right looks better to be tbhonest with you

>> No.20590944

I used to make a copycat version of almond shrimp served by my local chinese place.
The sauce was basically mayo + honey + lemon juice tossed over battered shrimp.
I guess you could add almonds too but I never did.

>> No.20590957

>he doesn't activate his shrimp

>> No.20591044

no retard the headache is all the sodium you're consuming. soup broth is salty water.

>> No.20591314

I add very little salt to this soup, but when I make ramen or something with extremely more sodium than this I don't get the headache.

>> No.20591339

nobody drinks ramen broth

>> No.20591470

I do, I'm stupid

>> No.20592007

lmao thats disgusting

>> No.20592035

I made a McRib. It had proper rib in it.

>> No.20592125

i make a lot of copycats
>panda orange chicken, mushroom chicken, honey walnut shrimp (sometimes i just make tempura chicken with the shrimp recipe)
>jack in the box sourdough jack, brunch burger
>red robin teriyaki pineapple burger, fry seasoning
>in n out burger

>> No.20592298

It's okay, I'm an athlete. Electrolytes, plants crave, etc.

>> No.20593439

ive eaten a copycat chick-fil-a, but they dont exist in my country so i cant say if it compared well. it was fucking tasty though

>> No.20594792

Buy the lightly salted Taco Bell seasoning and then add MSG.

>> No.20594794

Dave Thomas doesn't fucking cut corners, faggot.

>> No.20594873

tall burgers were never and never will be good for eating.. stop making things you can't easily bite into -- just make two good smaller burgers.

>> No.20594903

I did destroyed your dad's cheeks yesterday.

Yesterday. My ass seemed so far away.Now, it looks as though it's here to stay.

>> No.20594930

Yeah I made a home version of the ultimate cheeseburger from Jack n the box and it came out pretty good

>> No.20595206

>he has a small mouth

>> No.20595823

I have made Crunchwrap Supreme™ multiple times and each time it's been better that Taco Bell's.

>> No.20595847

I'm expecting that it was actually dogshit, but you've convinced yourself that it was better. It's what speccos like you do. The same when you think you're passable as a woman. Tragedy.

>> No.20595890
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One of these with some shredded lettuce and mayo on a cheap hamburger bun

>> No.20595918

Tyson makes McD's chicken. I'm sure it's a proprietary recipe, but I'm also pretty sure that the patties in that bag are probably close enough. Toast the bun for authenticity, and use s o y based mayo.

>> No.20595931

these are bretty good

>> No.20596085

you can say soy on /ck/

>> No.20596204

Is this a bot post?

>> No.20596207

>I-Is th-this a b-b-bot p-post
It can be whatever you want, shitweasel

>> No.20596261
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>> No.20596429

I used to make a copycat chipolte bowl every day for lunch, just without meat because that would've made it like 10x more complicated

they were good

>> No.20597235
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I'm going to Wendy's tomorrow what should I order? I'll post pics itt if your order wins.

>> No.20597277

3 separate orders of 20 piece saucy nuggs

>> No.20597299

florida boy here, made homemade canes for a friend from the midwest. they said that it tasted too good to be canes lol

>> No.20598390

>copycat of fastfood
No, I prefer my food not fucking suck so I make it good instead.

>> No.20598394

I made copycat KFC. The batter wasn’t as good but I used free range chicken so that was nicer than the mutant stuff they use.

>> No.20598405

>hello. fellow. human.
>tell me. how do I. even food?
>it is. mystery. that we. cannot solve.
>we. should just. buy. for baconator store.
Welcome to our planet, alien newfriend.