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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 61 KB, 1024x768, loyl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20578494 No.20578494 [Reply] [Original]

>Click on a youtube recipe
Why the fuck have they started doing this? It's disgusting.

>> No.20578503

It's what Asian "people" do and now consoomers have started imitating them

>> No.20578649

Shut the fuck up

>> No.20578653

clearly it drives engagement

>> No.20578671

>>*SLURP* *
It's just low class. Tell them that in their comments. Chewing loudly, showing the contents off your mouth, or anything audibble at all, even a mmm, is low class. If you want to compliment a cook, you speak out a sentence of dialogue to them, duh.

The part that is cultural appropriation is ONLY the part of eating with chopsticks and a spoon concurrently, and needing to feed more into your mouth or bite off some of it to fall back into the bowl. (Conversely, in western etiquette, you'd use your knife or fork, even together, to only move a small amount into each bite on your fork. It wouldn't be okay to hold half a bite in the air in chopsticks between chewing.)

>> No.20578808

>it's just low class
If an establishment allows niggers through the door, then it's low class and no hoity-toity rules of manner should be observed.

>> No.20578833

You fucked up

>> No.20578842

Woah! Dude...

>> No.20578849

It's all that retard deserves

>> No.20579203
File: 419 KB, 596x767, Recipes by women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just the video equivalent of this. I have a similar one that references the holocaust but I don't remember what I named the file.

>> No.20579247

They always mic up like crazy on tiktok

>> No.20579253

asmr has ruined a fuckton of food content online

>> No.20579303

>Click on OP thread
why is it always like this?

>> No.20579339


>> No.20579354

Kenji doing this during his POV videos was fucking disgusting.

>> No.20579360

Can anyone give me a non meme answer about why Asians do this? Or why NOT SCHLORPIN is the right thing to do?

>> No.20579378

asians are weird man, trust me i been around plenty of them in anaheim

>> No.20579633

Different cultures dude

>> No.20579644

With noodles they say it’s to cool them down but I don’t believe it because they also SCHLURP cold noodles.

>> No.20579657
File: 239 KB, 1300x948, family-eating-variety-typical-korean-food-at-home-A9R216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same reason they share food in communal dishes using personal utensils.

>> No.20579829

the soju sterilizes the communally-acquired foodborne disease

>> No.20580066


>> No.20580443


>> No.20580447

oh you want some too??

>> No.20580471

yes, I do. Why do you guys SCHLURP cold noodles?

>> No.20580693

women like it, so everything panders to them

>> No.20580698

I have never felt asmr. I have a dweeb online friends who have linked me asmr videos and it's just a person talking too close to their microphone.

Did I lose the genetic lottery or are these people actually just mentally ill

>> No.20580721

I think they're mentally ill tumblr refugees who are still trying to be unique quirky gals well into their 30s. And I believe the ASMR response of goosebumps and tingles they claim to enjoy is a natural flight or fight response to somehting that sounds like wriggling snakes or maggots or other creepy crawlies people are hardwired to have a hard response to.

>> No.20580737

>Chewing loudly, showing the contents off your mouth, or anything audibble at all, even a mmm, is low class.
that's how gooks eat

>> No.20580783

>non meme answer

But it literally is memes as per the second dictionary definition, "an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture"

>> No.20580812

daily reminder, the koreans were literal peasents living in mud huts before 1945. all of their culture is completely new and taken from their neighbors

1. because most of their soups are just giant noodles in a liquid and you need to suck them all in in one go to consume them
2. theyve convienced themselves that this means they really like the food and its a compliment and not rude to be fucking loud while eatting

>why not do this

In western culture its considered extremely rude and low class to slurp soup. Propperly made Western soups and stews fit entirely on a spoon and there are elaborate rules regarding the useage of spoons and consuming soup (although most modern people dont even know these formal rules anymore because tradition has been stamped out of us). As traditional western habbits are firmly stamped out, you will be gaslit into believing its right and propper to slurp all your soups and stews because all culture is good and valid except your own.

That being said, in some asian cultures, particularly traditional buddhist ones, its considered rude to show bone which means eating with your mouth open or similar behavior that exposes your teeth is also considered bad form.

>> No.20580829

Something like 91% of Chinese identify as atheist and they all fucking SCHLORP. Don't give me that Buddhist crap explanation.

>> No.20581143


>> No.20581417


>> No.20581659

Reading comprehension is not your strong suit, huh?

>> No.20582399


>> No.20582418

But you don’t show teeth when you SCHLURP noodrs. When SCHLURPing you pucker up your lips and hide the teeth.

>> No.20582419

>you don’t show teeth when you SCHLURP

>> No.20582928


>> No.20582931

You put you head down, pucker your lips which hides your teeth and go SCHLORP.

>> No.20582957

No one does that

>> No.20582961
File: 47 KB, 480x480, 1717245618911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost like he was talking about two completely different things. If only there was something in English punctuation like oh I don't know.. A paragraph to indicate a seperation of ideas/segments in writing.

>> No.20582964

>YouTube recipe
>Basic weeknight meal like a simple cheats bolognese
>Gets to tasting part

>> No.20582980
File: 101 KB, 620x414, shutterstock_1362448463-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first image result for "asian slurping noodles". Notice the pursed lips, closed mouth, and no bone showing.

>> No.20583020

So what is racism just allowed outside of /b/ now?

>> No.20583021
File: 26 KB, 500x333, Noodle Slurping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look another head down closed mouth noodle slurper. Just like in the OP image. If you don't slurp noodles head down with pursed lips, you splash noodle broth all around your face, shirt, and immediate vicinity.

>> No.20583029

asian robert carlyle

>> No.20583043
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1451335411038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ASMR meme must die. Hearing other people chew on their food is disgusting.

>> No.20583078

agreed. listening to other people eat disgusts me and makes me not want to eat.
mukbangers and those that enjoy mukbang should be shot, and not just because of the sound of it.

>> No.20583081

why is it so popular and rising trend then?

>> No.20583115

because its mostly women and lonely internet users like watching women, it makes them feel like they have company.

>> No.20583122

That's just regular muck bangs. ASMR eating videos are different and the audience for AMSR is mostly women.

>> No.20583232

nope its actually men, sorry youre 100% wrong

>> No.20583248

I have never experienced this a single time in my life

>> No.20583266

That isn't true at all if we're talking about youtube mukbang vids. Men watch the weird ASMR steamers who lick the fake ear mics, women and gay men watch fat women eating on youtube. Are you familiar with Amberlynn or Gorl World?

>> No.20583347

I have misophonia and my mother is Chinese. she eats very loud. It drives me fucking nuts when she slurps or smacks or makes any noise while eating, so usually I avoid eating with my mom.

She also has a habit of watching these trashy Chinese soap operas on her phone, out in public without any headphones on. Everyone can hear what she is watching and its embarrassing. Is this a "cultural" thing or does my mom have zero self awareness?

>> No.20583805


>> No.20584260


>> No.20584267

I hate when they make a recipe then take a bite and act like they just came.

>> No.20584283

A lot of boomer Americans do this too. They'll eat loudly with their mouth open, cough in front of people without covering their mouth, and I've seen a few older women watching shows without headphones in public.

But the Chinese can be absolutely filthy with eating, i.e. throwing food around at buffets.

>> No.20584630

Where are the mods?

>> No.20585025


>> No.20585333

Ramen is goated

>> No.20586044

>chinese peasents dont follow the rules of the upper class nobility who practice buddhism to flex on everyone

i know its weird to hear because in the west, buddhism is presented as this kind of humble/poor people 'one with nature' down to earth type of spiritualism, but traditionally only the extremely wealthy could afford to practice buddhism or daoism. The founder of buddhism was basically a bored prince, a kind of proto-boomer, who wanted to prove he was a really good person even though he was born into wealth and power.

most people dont practice any buddhist precepts, and these rules vary on region and social class. Most normal/poor/middle class people dont have the free time to sit around and meditate all day, much less practice specific dining customs.

I pointed it out because we are talking about eating habbits. In somecultures, basically in the lower/middle class of those cultures, people slurp their food. Its an easy way to consume the food. But when you start talking about actual dining traditions, rules, and regulations you will find its almost universally reviled to be loud while you eat or to eat with your mouth open or to even show yourself consuming food.

Opening your mouth widely to slur some soup, for example, shows bone, which is considered unclean and rude. So even in the same context of the same culture, you might find rules that encourage you to quietly and slowly sip instead of slurp. But noodle soups are primarily for poorfags, and poorfags have no culture.

This point is important, because we constantly see our own culture being taught to embrace not 'forign' culture per say..... but SPECIFICALLY lower class forign culture. You are lowering yourself in the eyes of your betters when you embrace slurping, and its a fucking lie when these same power brokers try to gaslight you into believing that slurping is an 'okay' thing to do because 'the people in this country do it'. You are being conditioned to act like a rude peasent.

>> No.20586697
File: 2.81 MB, 361x640, 1623083873700.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20586700

is it racism if it's true
t. gook

>> No.20586703
File: 2.83 MB, 1012x600, 1695847663333784.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20586714
File: 448 KB, 720x720, 1717918751226061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every Japanese restaurant I've been in has been much quieter than the equivalent American restaurant.

Chudcels get trigged by the sound of slurping noodles because they don't have the sound of 20 boomers loudly talking to drown out the sounds of eating. That and autistic sensitivity to certain stimuli.

>> No.20586852

Idk, I don't do this public but if Im home alone I'll do it, idk it taste different if you slurp it, it's kinda like the same thing with drinking coke with a spoon

>> No.20587249

Being a gay nigger faggot is allowed outside of /mlp/ and /lgbt/, so why not racism? Faggot.

>> No.20587365
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendless autistic ASMR and mukbang faggots have ruined cooking media.
Every popular cooking video now revolves around capturing the sounds of preparation and eating. It's just another outlet for ASMR retards to "stim" over while pretending it's about learning to cook.
>*sets up hypersensitive mic array*
>*boosts sound 5000%*
>*throws ingredients on the counter with PLAP noises*
>*slaps and jostles the ingredients for no reason*
>*taps utensils on cookware during preparation just for the dinging noises*
>*fixates on searing and simmering sounds during cooking*
>*macro zooms to tiny simmer bubbles with enhanced diarrhea sound*
>*scrapes the seared meat surface while making an orgasm face*
>*takes a very slow bite of deep fried gob to maximize crunching sound (while making orgasm face)*
>*deliberately slurps soup loud as fuck, looks up at camera with perverse expression*

>> No.20587396

Chinks will never understand the joy of sitting down and having dead silence for a minute or two because everyone is savoring their meals to the fullest. The silence will be inevitably be broken by someone saying, "I guess we did a good job with the food."

>> No.20587431

I can't say I've noticed, because I don't watch that crap, but from what I've heard, it's part of that Korean trend from almost decade ago, where people who are mentally ill somehow enjoy watching ugly gooks eat food very sloppily. I've never seen it in a recipe video though, but it's not like I tend to watch them, unless it's a particularly complicated dish, and even then, I just watch the instructions.

>> No.20587444

I've never watched ASMR content, but I knew what it was a decade or two before it became a term. There were just certain sounds that sounded very crisp, either in real life, in songs or in videos, that triggered a physical reaction. But it's not like it's something that's worth seeking out. If anything, caring about that beyond base level curiosity is pretty pathetic, and it's insane that it's become its own thing. If anything, it's kinda disgusting when it's deliberate rather than accidental.

>> No.20587530

From what I've read, it's a fuzzy nice feeling. I only get that feel when a girl whispers in my ear leading up to sex, never from videos or anything else. I would guess this feeling comes from a rush of pleasant hormones and intends to pair bond you to a mate. Whereas ASMR content is the equivalent of jerking off to porn.

>> No.20587545

It's just any crisp sound that's very clear and close to your ear. Obviously the easiest way to replicate that is to speak close to a good mic, or make some kind of sound close to it, and listening to it wearing headphones.