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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 650x465, molasses-5941b263fac44b77aeb6b58d80084f98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20576329 No.20576329 [Reply] [Original]

I recently purchased molasses which is an extremely rare ingredient in my country, what can I do with it?

>> No.20576338

Baked beans.

>> No.20576351

barbecue sauce

>> No.20576353

You can cram it but you’ll have to either freeze it or use a funnel

>> No.20576355

I made the same mistake once. That shit is gross. I put a little in my oatmeal in the morning until it was done. Never buying it again.

>> No.20576361

Its best application is making sweet tea. BBQ and Baked beans with molasses are gross.

>> No.20576364

Baked goods, sweet obviously
Cookies, cakes, bread

>> No.20576391

>in my country
Why do you faggots constantly do shit like this instead of just saying which country? Half the time it's some retard from Germany or Poland.

>> No.20576393

>make brown sugar
>use brown sugar to make coffee cake

>> No.20576412

Wait until you hear of panela anon, your mind will be blown!

>> No.20576416

Make rum.

>> No.20576426

Im sorry youre retarded

>> No.20576431

Wow how many mole asses did it take to fill that bowl?

>> No.20576466

Almost as many mole skins as it takes to make a notebook.

>> No.20576481

>I recently purchased X, what can I do with it?
I hate you stupid invalids so fucking much.

>> No.20576499

I like to stir a spoonful into my tea

(proper English builders tea with milk)

>> No.20576524

because i dont want to draw unnecessary attention to myself faggot

>> No.20576533

i heard about it plenty of times but i never stumbled into it because as i said its a rare thing here
i went to a very expensive grocery store and they had it, in beer bottles for some reason, and i thought wow i heard about this i ever thought i would be able to get any and now i have a beer bottle full of molases but i dont actually remember whats good for
its not like it goes bad right? its like concentrated sugar so im in no hurry

>> No.20576590

there are at least three different types of molasses, ranging from more sweet to more bitter, so you'll want to be sure you find recipes matching the one you have

>> No.20576613

>i bought something i don't know how to use hehe someone help plz? :3c

>> No.20576711

well fuck

>> No.20576723

Post a picture of it.

>> No.20576803

Anon, that second options a enema, not cramming. Please take this serious.

>> No.20576808

Molasses cookies have a nice chewy texture. Sometimes I like it in milk or porridge.

>> No.20577134

This first if you can't find barbecue sauce
Then this, specifically molasses crinkle cookies
^I like this style but there are stiffer/taller styles, too
>captcha: mww4

>> No.20577392

Looks like unpurified blackstrap. Man that shit is strong. I never considered it might not be available in some places. In the US, it's fed to horses. If you've got a lot of rusty junk to clean, we mix a couple gallons with hot water - in a week or two, it'll eat the rust right off a fucking engine block.

>> No.20577786

I use to to bake my whole wheat bread.

>> No.20577829

Cookies or something like banana bread

>> No.20577863

Make buttermilk biscuits and put butter and molasses on them

>> No.20577960

Make brown sugar

>> No.20577962

You already are by pointing out that its rare in your country, retard.

>> No.20578029

Deep fry thinly sliced aubergine to make crisps

Use it as a dip

>> No.20578120

Idk why everyone here is a molasses hater. I grew up in rural Pennsylvania and had molasses cake fairly frequently. Easy to make and delicious. Idk what else to do with it though

>> No.20578127

Boil it and pour it all over yourself.

>> No.20578144

Probably can't cram that but I bet you could funnel it in

>> No.20578151
File: 214 KB, 902x1024, 1426804110880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find a good molasses cookie recipe. That with some black coffee is fuckin scrumptious.

>> No.20578220


>> No.20578253

Doesn't this stuff go into pecan pie? Also, why are pecan nuts so insanely expensive in europe, they are the only delicious nuts

>> No.20578661

I've never seen pure molasses in the UK. But we have "black treacle" which is like blackstrap molasses but lightly sweetened and somewhat burned/caramelized.

>> No.20578678

Some recipes but most are sugar-based
It's because you guys only use them for pie and not God damned everything like they do in the South

>> No.20578691

3rding molasses cookies, specifically the soft chewy kind. ginger snaps are also good. it’ll last forever so don’t worry about using it up