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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20569155 No.20569155 [Reply] [Original]

I am attempting Kenji's sous vide BBQ brisket. Welcome to my blog.

This bad boy is >6lb of local, dry aged beef brisket point. Let's make it into something delicious for a party.

>> No.20569157
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Rubbed down with SPG, a hint of pink curing salt, and in the >plastic bag. It'll be going for 36 hours at 155°F.

>> No.20569159
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36 hours done and into the ice water until it's time to light the BBQ in about 3h time.

>> No.20569163

I fancy a Big Mac.

>> No.20569170

That looks kind of creepy for just 4:27am in the morning.

>> No.20569172

I'd fancy a big mac too compared to that nasty looking shit.

>> No.20569177
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Whilst that was cooking, I also whipped up a very boozy tiramisu for dessert.

>> No.20569227

Pretentious piece of shit.

>> No.20569250

What's the problem? It's just tiramisu.

>> No.20569267

tiramisu department here, hell yeah brother

>> No.20569275
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burhbuhqu bribskit..

>> No.20569279

kill yourself faggot pseud

>> No.20569287

Meds, now

>> No.20569348

Did you or your husband pick out that ugly-ass ring?

>> No.20569357

Looking good, what else did you get in the meat order?

I like the subtle junk and balls art

>> No.20569363
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Coals are lit just in time for the rain to begin.

>> No.20569368
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And away we go.

I got some nice sausages and marrow bone canoes to put on the grill later. I made the Tiramisu together with my wife, the stringy thing was her little touch on it :)

>> No.20569432

>36 hours

>> No.20569468

Is that double bagged?

>> No.20569511

Yeah, 36h at 155°F

Only single bagged, I checked for a good seal before bathing it.

>> No.20569588

>36+ hours to cook instead of 15-18 with much better results
you are a supreme retard

>> No.20569723

Fuck y'all. All I need is a pressure cooker and liquid smoke.

>> No.20569951

>very boozy
You made it wrong.

>> No.20569952

But muh Kenji!

>> No.20570096

Does food taste good? For every hour of extra cooking time it seems like diminishing returns on flavor.

>> No.20570243

Why is every fucking brisket bathed in mustard??

>> No.20570311

Yep. Sous vide for brisket takes for damn ever. It's amazing, especially smoked prior, but it takes a long time.

>> No.20570314

You only need to double bag things with bones and pokey bits. Brisket doesn't need it.

>> No.20570326

So the advantage to a sous vide brisket is that it gets "perfectly" done to an exacting standard and you can't fuck it up. A 100% smoked brisket can be fucked up - either overcooked or undercooked if you screw the timing up. Full smoked will have a far better crust though. But sous vide gives the brisket a bath in it's own juices, which just does some amazing magic on the meat.

There is also a hidden upside - you can start the sous vide on the weekend and have hot brisket ready for an event later on in the week. So instead of a weekend cook, you can have brisket ready hot and fresh for a thurs/fri type work event.

>> No.20570329

Off to hell with you and take that chemical fake shit goyslop with you.

>> No.20570341

I can smell the seasoning coming through the bag when I only use a single layer and I use the real foodsaver bags and not a cheap Wallmart brand knockoff

>> No.20570352

>buys a quality cut of meat
>boils it in a plastic bag
as one human being to another, I truly mean it when I say the words 'you should kill yourself to make this world a better place.'

>> No.20570364

Nice, thanks OP.
You have pics of the inside?

>> No.20570377

>a quality cut of meat
Brisket is shitty meat, that's why you need to cook it for ages dumbass

>> No.20570394

>local, dry aged beef brisket point.

fucking hipsters.

>> No.20570439

OP here, it was excellent, everyone loved it! Juicy and flavourful, paired well with a vinegar based BBQ sauce made using the sous vide juices :)

I'll post a video of the carving when I'm more sober and figure out how to post webms.

>> No.20570559
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>> No.20570574

I don't know if I 'care' as such, but I would like to see it, if you don't mind? You can go back to discussing what's the best instant ramen or why the mcdouble with cheese is better than the big mac. You're a bore.