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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20568511 No.20568511 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the coffee grinder the only security protected appliance in the kitchen section of Kmart?

>> No.20568521

because you're gay

>> No.20568525

Because they had issues with people stealing them

>> No.20568526


people use it to grind weed probably

>> No.20568538

yet more evidence of the ingrained inherent degeneracy of dudelmao's

>> No.20568539

>milk fother
what hapened to milk mother

>> No.20568542

Are there still open K Marts, or you from Australia?

>> No.20568545
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look closer anon :3

>> No.20568551

>random anon makes up a guess at something
>this is evidence!
You're a subhuman

>> No.20568555
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not OP but that's Kmart Australia.

>> No.20568557

it's clearly to stop the weedgrinder from being stolen.

OP if you're still in the store go have a look at the spice/pepper grinders. I have a theory.

>> No.20568560

Kmart still around?

>> No.20568573

Probably this. Same reason that our school's chem lab's digital scales get stolen.

>> No.20568578

it's the top retailer in Australia. please note it has no connection whatsoever to Kmart USA

>> No.20568594

It’s absolutely this. I knew someone who worked at Target and they told me tales of certain people stealing coffee grinders and other certain people who actually bought the grinders but would try to return them covered in sticky weed residue.

>> No.20568595
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Beginner question. You should be asming what happened to Tea Führer

>> No.20568600

>but is not an addiction, lol

>> No.20568724

Neither do Aussie Target and Aussie Woolworth's tho American Woolworth's went out of business decades ago anyway.

>> No.20568749
File: 93 KB, 800x1982, Target_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, Kmart, Target, Woolworth's, Greyhound, and probably others were all names stolen purely for the name recognition and to allow people to think these were big exciting American companies coming to town. But alas, none of them are

>> No.20568801

>man addicted to 4chan complains about others addictions again

>> No.20568802

how is this legal?

>> No.20568814
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Trademarks aren't international anon. Every countrie has their own and as long as they keep completely out of each others' way and out of each others' markets there's no authority for legal action.

>> No.20568823


>> No.20568843

it's black people. they have to meet a quota for theft and this is what the tokers want.

>> No.20568884

Nice shop anon, well done.

>> No.20568895

They aint stealing these for weed, they're stealing these for pills

>> No.20568899

why are people grinding up pills? aren't pills already designed to be ingested and absorbed? are people smoking pulverized pill powder? or snorting maybe?

>> No.20568902

Snorting or smoking the powder. More commonly they're pulverizing other pills to mix and repress into another pill.

>> No.20568905

well I guess that's very enterprising of them

>> No.20568912

So I can make a 4chan or make products and slap a 4chan name on them?

>> No.20568913

That's the hustle when you're selling drugs.
Decent coke can be made into crack, triple your money right there.

>> No.20568921

I would suggest seeking legal advice regarding this but if you do make an 4chan you would most likely have to ensure it is not accessible by users in North America and probably a million other risks that only a legal eagle would know

>> No.20568922

Shaped like a dick

>> No.20568928

I should get into this

>> No.20568956

They use the grinders to mix the cut and drugs into a fine powder that can be easily be pressed into fake pills using a pill press.

>> No.20568960

I wonder why kmart isn't selling pill presses. I must find their suggestion box

>> No.20568974
File: 2.13 MB, 4032x2268, 20240608_161946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's this, Anon. Never have to bother chopping again.

>> No.20568976

straight mandela.

>> No.20568977

nobody knows what the fuck that means, anon.

>> No.20568980

>Trademarks aren't international

>> No.20568983

>why are people grinding up pills?
they use these to mix cut with cake.
quite self-evident.

>> No.20568985

grinding weed is far fucking idiots.
just smoke the bud.

>> No.20568999

>said conformist cattle
How hypocritical, or you are suddenly stopped being trashy used goods and meanigless idealogical nonsense enjoyer?

>> No.20569004

Wouldn't it get gunked up and stop working?

>> No.20569039

>you would most likely have to ensure it is not accessible by users in North America
Rangeban the thirdworlders and it could be comfy.

>> No.20569066

in the store?
Why not just buy it first?

>> No.20569138

They steal them, apparently.
They got too stupid from all that weed to just buy a grinder for several dollars and avoid the issues with trying to steal the damn thing.

>> No.20569140

they're of weak character anon. buying them would be an honest act.

>> No.20569148

It aint about grinding weed bro, it's about making double/triple profit out of repressing pills. When you're selling heavy shit in capacity like that it's always safe to not leave of a trail of the transactions you're making.

>> No.20569153

pay in cash?

>> No.20569380

>Trademarks aren't international

>> No.20569382

ni99a I ain't clickin that shit

>> No.20569386

I do.

>> No.20569435

we all do anon

>> No.20569438

fuck timmy gon do

>> No.20569448

found one, get a job you lazy stoner.

>> No.20569458
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kek this

>> No.20569877


Security Protected milk frother or not Security Protected milk frother?

>> No.20570077

druggies steal them
they use it to grind up pills like sudafed and extract pseudoephedrine to cook meth.

>> No.20570140

because it's a small, high demand product that is easily stolen. stores will lock up anything that disappears often enough, this is just basic practice. there's a wal-mart near me that locks up the diapers, the baby formula, the diabetic test strips, and the spam

>> No.20570156

>coffee grindr

>> No.20570167

post nose

>> No.20570171

people are often confused by this being a “bud buster” while the handheld one is a “weed grinder” because this is known as a coffee grinder but retarded stoners don’t understand that calling a rotating chopper a grinder a grinder doesn’t mean it’s grinding

>> No.20570180

If you're grinding coffee with one of these, I feel sorry for your taste buds.

>> No.20570182

well it is bitter bean water.
your taste buds already don't like you...

>> No.20571020

its the smallest box, and therefore the easiest to steal. the usual suspects necessitated those tags, im sure

>> No.20571074

I bet I can make a good assumtion about their albedo...

>> No.20571096

Fuck off gatekeeper.
>noooo you can't grind your own beans unless you're using a $2000 burr grinder cast from Mt Vesuvius lava iron under a full moon and pissed on by an Italian shaman

>> No.20571125

I think there's like 5 K-marts left in the US and 3 of them are in "territories" rather than actual states

>> No.20571128

>security protected appliance in the kitchen section of Kmart?

>> No.20572673

up the mully
cunts would chop their weed in it then get the dust off the lid for a dusty once it built up enough and get super fucked up
they haven’t changed the design in nearly ten years lol

>> No.20572679

but when they do this they get less high off the regular weed. I never understood this. I always mix it back in