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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 247 KB, 466x344, pasta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20567865 No.20567865 [Reply] [Original]

This kills the Italian

>> No.20567881

>YES, it's a POUND!

>> No.20567886
File: 641 KB, 1920x1080, pasta [SubsPlease] Yuru Camp S3 - 09 (1080p) [22E0C563].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20567898

nah seems good, then you don't have to snap it

>> No.20567922

Italians are insufferable with what some would call gatekeeping. Their food is the only relevant thing left of their once mighty country so they cling on for dear life

>> No.20568016

actually Italians are a repetitive forced topic to generate discussion on incel cooking forums and thus generate ad revenue

>> No.20568026

What's the actual reason that italians hate short spaghetti? It can't possibly change the flavor or texture, so what's so important about it to them?

>> No.20568040

>and here's why that's a good thing!

>> No.20568045

It's not how their nonna did it, ergo it's wrong and an affront to the nation.

>> No.20568054


>> No.20568062

When you half long noodles like spaghetti, you end with a bowl of limp, sauced mush. The complete long strands naturally mound up so you don’t get a soggy bowl of noodles.

>> No.20568067

It alters the experience for the worse.
I'm not Italian, and I'm not gonna my pants if someone breaks their spag', but I generally find it less enjoyable to eat if it's too short. It loses something if you can't wrap it around a fork.
That said, I also dislike angel hair so what the fuck do I know?

>> No.20568070

That sounds flat out wrong. Why would the noodles being shorter turn them soggy?

>> No.20568157


Where the hell do you people get the idea that we don't and that it's something forbidden in Italy and offends our sensibilities?
Care factor: 0

>> No.20568856

Luigi on suicide watch.

>> No.20568866

Ameritalians with utter ass burgers seem to pitch a fit. I've noticed actual Italians don't seem to care.

>> No.20568877

>why are short noodles soggy
Because they don't stand up like long noodles. Short noodles turn into a lump of sauce.

>> No.20569142

he snapped

>> No.20570813


>> No.20570835

I don't really care either way, but why do so many people feel compelled to break their spaghetti and then complain about it? Like, why would you buy OP's prebroken spaghetti instead of buying normal spaghetti and then either breaking it or not breaking it as you see fit?

>> No.20570844

That's not Gunsmoke

>> No.20571249
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heh you're just mad because you're angry aren't you

>> No.20571790

you seem offended

>> No.20571805
File: 54 KB, 364x500, scooby_snacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not scooby dooby do and not scooby snacks.

>> No.20571809

I love shit like that on packaging. Exclamations are high energy.

>> No.20571812

We broke him like a spaghet

>> No.20571909
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Problem solved.

>> No.20571947

Cut your nails bro.

>> No.20572049

>Ameritalians with utter ass burgers seem to pitch a fit
no fucking joke, the dude at mine looked like he was gonna kill me when I asked if you were supposed to break the giant 2ft long spaghetti they sell in bulk bags.

>> No.20572050

>the dude at mine
dude at my local Italian Deli, I mean, fuck I'm tired

>> No.20572093

>It can't possibly change the texture
Shortening the noodle is a considerable change in texture.

>> No.20572117


>> No.20572134

You are supposed to break the giant 2ft long spaghetti they sell in bulk bags. "Italian" Americans don't actually know anything about Italy, Italians or our culture and cuisine. Don't take anything they say as gospel. They can't even currently pronounce their own names. They're the biggest larpers in America, bested, possibly, only by your Mother Africa blacks and your filthy, white trash plastic Paddy "Irish" who reduce an entire culture down to beer, potatoes and tattoos of clovers and angry, green-clad midgets

>> No.20572158

Italian cuisine is the single worst thing you can do with pasta. There, I said it.

>> No.20573306

What links they do have to Italy are all with Sicily too. My mom's grandparents were from what's now far Northern Italy (South Tyrol) and I've been to their village, met my cousins, etc. but I don't even tell people I'm Italian because I don't want any association with all the Sicilian-American fucktards, it was Austria when they left and that's what it says on their immigration papers so that's what I tell people even though my relatives there all speak Italian and identify as Italians now.

>> No.20573322

You're a moron. Texture is the profile of the surface. Making the surface bigger or smaller doesn't change the profile of the surface. It can change mouthfeel, but the texture is still the texture. There's just more or less of it.

>> No.20573341

>It loses something if you can't wrap it around a fork.
You can still easily wrap half length spaghetti or whatever around your fork.

>> No.20573412

is this some ethnic north-south rivalry thing

>> No.20573418

Yes. Ireland is north of Italy

>> No.20573430


>> No.20573436

But what if you break the broken spaghetti

>> No.20573654

A visit from a few very elegantly clothed men in black limousines taking you for a walk.

>> No.20573671

someone post the chart that says half of italians think it's fine to break pasta and it's americans who sperg out about it because they believe italians who would never do such a thing.

also showed that italians think you're retarded for eating garlic bread with spaghetti bolognese, so fuck what italians think.

>> No.20573684

>half of italians think it's fine to break pasta
That means a full half of them don't think it's okay? That's literally proving the stereotype. Half of an entire country's population caring about such a nonsensical thing is crazy.

>> No.20573687


>> No.20573769

>What's the actual reason that italians hate short spaghetti?
Everyone should hate when someone breaks the noodles because they don't think it will fit in the pot.
I will explain this as simply as I can, so you to can also learn to hate everyone who does that if you don't already.

The people who break spaghetti are idiots. Complete fucking idiots. They put the spaghetti in the pot, see it doesn't fit, and then think they're geniuses for breaking the spaghetti so it fits. They do this every time, they've done this every time, and never have considered any alternative, because-
1. If noodles don't fit ->
2. Make the noodles fit.

At no point have they tried the alternative, which is just putting the noodles in standing up, and then waiting the 30 seconds it takes for them to soften enough to then put them entirely in the water.

30 seconds. That's all it takes. That's all that separates these retards from being functional human beings. Never, in their entire lives, could they even imagine that something so hard and rigid could become so soft and pliable so quickly, because the transformation isn't instantaneous. That 30 second delay is enough to prevent them from ever learning that they can completely avoid the needless step of breaking the noodles so they fit in the pot.

How can you not despise such a creature?

This shouldn't be a matter of Italians vs. the rest of the world, and really, it isn't. That would be insulting to the rest of the world, this idea that everyone else except Italians are too fucking stupid to wait 30 seconds. It's the kind of shit the dumbest fuck alive would come up with, where after being explained why they're so fucking stupid, they instead decide "You only hate my method because you're too traditionalist/Italian/etc., and not because it's as completely retarded as I am."

>> No.20573787

Italian Americans aren't Italian, they are just grotesque potato-people. Even the Sopranos mocked them by having an episode where a bunch go to Italy and they get shit on by actual italians.

>> No.20573791

You didn’t explain why breaking long pasta is bad. How does broken spaghetti change a spaghetti dish for example?

>> No.20573793
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>At no point have they tried the alternative, which is just putting the noodles in standing up, and then waiting the 30 seconds it takes for them to soften enough to then put them entirely in the water.
I don't boil spaghetti. I'm not your fat ugly mom who learned everything from reading a cook book that has recipes for ham in lime jell-o. I flavor olive oil with whatever is appropriate for the recipe and then fry the spaghetti in said oil, after which I spoon the existing sauce in. This not only flavors the noodles (boiling does not) but produces a more consistently cooked spaghetti and, also, flavors the sauce more elaborately. If you still boil pasta you are no better than some flyover queer who boils vegetables with no reasoning. You're miserable because you're stupid.

>> No.20573804

You're adding a pointless step because you're too retarded to wait 30 seconds.
You're asking why a braindead borderline voodoo ritual is bad, and I'm now curious how the rest of your pasta process goes.

Do you first chant something before you start boiling the water? Throw salt over your shoulder before putting some in the water? Spin around three times and bark like a dog before putting the pasta in the water?

>> No.20573823

>you're too retarded to wait 30 seconds
you're retarded for waiting 30 seconds

>> No.20573831

>nigga with a pan too small wants to lecture someone about pasta
Sounds like your pan has got the same problem as your brain and dick.

>> No.20573833

What is the difference between a sauced bowl of broken spaghetti and a sauced bowl of unbroken spaghetti? Do you really not know? If you don’t know the difference what the fuck are you arguing about?

>> No.20573874


I'm gonna break some spaghetti in you honor.

Counter-question: What's so bad about breaking them?
Once broken they are perfect. They are still MORE than long enough to twirl onto the fork, but much more comfortable to handle. Not just when putting them in the pot but also when taking them out again. No overlong strands hanging down, and as mentionen they are still more than long enough! You can still do everything you could with the long ones, they are just nicer to handle.

>> No.20573940

Breaking spaghetti is a white trash thing, so /ck/ is proud and eager to do it

>> No.20573946

I find them more difficult to handle when broken but if you find them easier, you do you, boo.

>> No.20573947

It’s not a white trash thing, it’s a poor person thing. Black and Latinx people also make there skettis with broken spaghetti.

>> No.20573950

the only reason you break them is if you don't have a normal sized pot, otherwise get the fuck out of my country.

>> No.20573952

You can't be poor and a person. It's one or the other.

>> No.20573956
File: 61 KB, 1024x678, gettyimages-87142589-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more comfortable to handle
If you're struggling with noodles, I don't think you're arguing against yourself being some kind of an idiot.

There's no challenge to long noodles. In fact, I'd argue that longer noodles make for a more pleasurable experience overall, both aesthetically and for the actual act of eating. While that is subjective, as long as you're not trying to shove half the plate into your mouth at once I don't see why you'd even bother mentioning there being any difficulty in handling pasta whatsoever unless you are some sort of hoof-handed cow person.

>> No.20573959

Can you provide any actual reasons or proofs for this claim?

>> No.20573967

The biggest reason not to break spaghetti or other long noodles is because broken string pasta doesn’t sauce properly. It becomes a puddle of mush. Unbroken string pasta mounds up on the plate and doesn’t become a saucy puddle of noodles. The other reason is broken pasta doesn’t twirl on the fork well.

>> No.20573969


>> No.20573979

For most pastas, you need a lot of water. A big pot's worth. And, with a big pot, you have no real need or even inclination to break the pasta.

Now, what kind of person doesn't have a big pot? The sort of person who lives in either a cramped apartment or a trailer. And, the person in a cramped apartment isn't cooking; they're ordering/dining out because they have that as an option. So, the only people without big enough pots but still want to cook pasta because it's the closest thing to real food they can find in the 99 cent store are trailer park trash.

>> No.20574052

I just use a saute pan. I can put the pasta in and it fits and it uses less water than a pot. Surely, you've got a saute pan.

>> No.20574113

I use a saute pan because it comes up to boiling faster

>> No.20574135

More surface area = faster to heat up, yeah. It's my secret for quickly cooking things that need reduction like stews and sauces.

>> No.20574156

>So, the only people without big enough pots but still want to cook pasta because it's the closest thing to real food they can find in the 99 cent store are trailer park trash.
This sounds a little bit like projekshun to me.

>> No.20576293

>amerilards are too retarded for waiting ten seconds until the spaghetti bends

>> No.20576410

>make noodles too long for pot
>seethe when people fix the problem

>> No.20576435

>he has time to wait 10 seconds for the pasta to bend
I'm sorry your tame is so worthless. Why don't you just make your own pasta, Mr. Freetime? Oh, I'm so jealous of your authentic lifestyle, but I have important business money to make.

>> No.20576469

For the life of me, I cannot imagine why anyone would ever have strong feelings about this.

>> No.20576479
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>German name
>product makes more sense

>> No.20576542
File: 16 KB, 371x696, 1688960738587893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dna changes when you come to america

>> No.20576545

>ethnicity is the same thing as nationality

>> No.20576551

it actually might considering our food laws

>> No.20576598

That's what >>20568157 was saying.

>> No.20576818

you retards lack reading comprehension, that anon was saying breaking pasta is acceptable in italy you idiots

>> No.20576968

the entire site is overrun by thirdies. they literally dont know any better, or english for that matter

>> No.20577201

italy is a third world country

>> No.20577327

he sounded pretty upset, maybe not by the noodles, but definitely more than care factor: 0

>> No.20577339

The care factor was over the breaking of pasta. lrn2context

>> No.20577340

He’s mad. It doesn’t matter why. You’re not supposed to get mad on the internet.

>> No.20577343

Why not?
You sound mad to me. Why are you?

>> No.20577353

*breaks noodles in half anyway*

>> No.20577358

*breaks your half in half*

>> No.20577365

Because of posts like yours. Calm down.

>> No.20577388

Why do posts like mine make you angry? Grow from love.

>> No.20577395


>> No.20577404


>> No.20577466
File: 260 KB, 1080x610, Pound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20577475

Ethnicity generally correlates with nationality. It's why immigrants shouldn't be in white countries (among other reasons)

>> No.20577552

If that were the case, Italy would be bisected in >>20576542 and everyone in Inner Mongolia would be Han.

>> No.20577576


>> No.20577626

I have autism and broken spaghetti bothers me. Also when people add sugar to the sauce. At that point just use grape jelly.

>> No.20577663


Good. Fucking wop. I cooka the pizza, I sucka the dick

>> No.20577782

Op, I swear to god. Try telling one of the gabagools that youre alergic to tomatoes.

>> No.20578436

454 grams of pasta? thats very little

>> No.20579383

>YES, it's a POUND!

>> No.20579401

It makes it easier to eat. If you break the spaghetti you end up with a lot more loose ends that make it messy.
See above.

>> No.20579672

ffs what a fucking retard. Break the damn noodles downward toward the pot. If you are just going to shatter noodles into the air, just throw the rest of the fucking noodles in the air why don't you you dumb fucking meme shit anime fagg loving shit snarfer!