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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20564703 No.20564703 [Reply] [Original]

For me it's Laphroaig Quarter Cask

>> No.20564722

My local Costco had pre-pandemic prices on whiskey the other day - I couldn't believe my eyes.
$37 Laphroaig 10. $38 Woodford Reserve Double Oaked.

>> No.20564739

>quater cask
>is only 750ml

>> No.20564755
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>> No.20564763
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Diplomático Reserva of course!

>> No.20564775

>I couldn't believe my eyes
Me either. That much for a hand sanitizer that's too watered-down to be effective and with more conflicting odors than an incense shop? What's even the point of it?

>> No.20565118

This is standard for scotch bruh

>> No.20565159
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>> No.20565175

idiot, when you finish the bottle it becomes the dildo

Why the fuck would you waste whisky money on a plastic dildo when the glass ones are free?

>> No.20565179
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>why the fuck would you buy a dildo
I don't know, why don't you ask consumers of Diageo whiskies? They like buying dildos and bad whisky.

>> No.20565198

I'm the one buying JW green, so I'm the one wondering who the fuck is buying the dildos, because it ain't me.

>> No.20565201

1 rupee was deposited into your account for this post, Pradesh.

>> No.20565230

My US passport and birth certificate don't say "Pradesh" anywhere...

Is it really shocking that people enjoy one of, if not the most well known scotch blender in the world?

>> No.20565247

>Is it really shocking that people enjoy one of, if not the most well known scotch blender in the world?
Buy an ad.

>> No.20565302
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Wild Turkey 101.

>> No.20565307
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not my fault you're a dumb bitch that actually thinks diageo gives a single fuck about this basket weaving forum.

>> No.20565383

It's always funny seeing people addicted to drinking eyeglass cleaner argue over which brand of it is the best.

>> No.20565423

how am I addicted if I haven't had a drink in over a month? And when I do drink it's generally 2-3 per night at most.

>> No.20565427
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>> No.20565450 [DELETED] 

Spoken like a true addict

>> No.20565455

>I haven't had a drink in over a month
That's called recovery.
>when I do drink it's generally 2-3 per night
Right, enough to get the "fun" feeling of your neurons denaturing without looking like an absolute case in public.
Looking like.

>> No.20565458

>Right, enough to get the "fun" feeling of your neurons
nah, just enough so that i can sip for 5-6 hours with a slight buzz the entire time.

>> No.20565463 [DELETED] 

>describes same thing in different words
Addict behavior

>> No.20565471

>with a slight buzz the entire time
Yeah, the "slight buzz" of drinking a chemical that kills biological life by reacting to the proteins that make up cells, including your brain cells.

>> No.20565474

> Any alcohol in any quantity means you're addicted

wow good to know you're just a complete retarded faggot, thanks for sharing.

>> No.20565477
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god damnit why do we get fucked so hard in canada. quarter cask is 104 btw

>> No.20565479

>Any alcohol in any quantity means you're addicted
Nobody said that you subhuman addict. I'd tell you to learn to read, but you probably don't have enough functioning neurons left to accomplish that.

>> No.20565480

looks like the puritan 15 year olds are not just on a crusade against sexy anime girls but all drugs too? it's OK I know you hate that the popular kids smoke weed but you'll grow out of it soon

>> No.20565497

>Nobody said that
Oh really?

>funny seeing people addicted to drinking eyeglass cleaner argue
>how am I addicted if I haven't had a drink in over a month?

>Spoken like a true addict
>That's called recovery.

>> No.20565498

>be me
>retired old man who smokes weed for joint pain every day and have a well stocked full bar in my basement
>get called a puritan 15 year old for posting a glass of water in a thread asking what I drink regularly
okay sorry

>> No.20565500

sorry I just assumed samefag because people are schizos on this site and will spam the same thread over and over.

>> No.20565502 [DELETED] 

None of those posts say what you originally quoted, or mean anything similar. You are so far gone it's insane.

>> No.20565506

Go home retard

>> No.20565508

>I just assumed you were some specific samefag that I invented in my head without any evidence
>that's why I immediately flew off the handle and started flinging baseless accusations everywhere
Sounds like you're the only schizo here anon

>> No.20565513

He's LARPing, and is in fact the samefag you detected.

>> No.20565517

Don't listen to him. I'm the samefag and you correctly identified me. The voices in your head leading you to me are real.

>> No.20565584

If you're drinking boat fuel to get a "slight buzz," and you do it regularly...
I'm just saying, the shoe slipped on perfectly.
>puritan 15 year olds
The "dweebs" in your Freshman class aren't "lamer" than you because you're a Sophomore who did his first "keg stand" at 11.
>I know you hate that the popular kids smoke weed
Oh, my mistake, you seem to have left high school in 1997, when the pot-smokers were all "edgy" and not functional retards who read (a headline) from a cannabis blog that said "toking" repairs lost brain tissue.
I'm kidding, stoners were always lame. Being lame in an illegal way just gave them an unearned err of "coolness." Now that it's legal in about half the country, and more and more people are noticing how braindead stoners have always been ("dude weed lmao"), it's starting to turn.

>> No.20565618

That's way too much text about your opinions toward 15 year old stoners.

>> No.20565628

>15 year old stoners
I didn't call out any age group in particular. But hey, after all that "good kush and alcohol," I can see how the text might get jumbled up a bit...

>> No.20565633

Good choice.
Is the lower proof good for drinking neat? The 101 is great for an old fashioned, but its harsh as shit to go raw

>> No.20565640

>I didn't call out any age group in particular
You literally quoted "15 year olds" and talked about freshmen. You sure you aren't a stoner yourself with a short term memory like that?

>> No.20565652

>You literally quoted "15 year olds" and talked about freshmen
In response to...?
>You sure you aren't a stoner yourself with a short term memory like that?
Presented without comment.

>> No.20565765

Stop responding to obvious trolls you absolute fucksticks.

>> No.20565784

You're right, >>20565652 should stop responding to >>20565640.

>> No.20567116

I don't really care for the 80 proof but I'll be honest, I take shots. I'm not really a sipper or taster.

>> No.20567147

Laphroaig Cairdeas
Ardbeg Spectacular

>> No.20567467

What's the dumbest thing you've done while drunk.

>> No.20567490

Quarter Cask is the goat. Lore was good too before the markup and discontinuation.
I like to switch it up from time to time and drink some Johnny Walker platinum. It's not bad for a blend
Haven't had the octcomores yet but it's on my radar.

>> No.20567496

Probably something I don't remember

>> No.20567497

Rare breed exists

>> No.20567524

according to others
>pissed myself (twice)
>fell asleep while standing
>generally assholery
i don't regret any of it. i was just returning the favor to what people did to me while sober. as far as I'm concerned they deserved it and id do it again

>> No.20567558

>i'm going to destroy myself just to be a burden to everyone around me out of spite!
I hope the "you" in the future who can't remember his own initials thinks kindly of that decision.

>> No.20567597

Maybe you should stop drinking before you wake up in jail.

>> No.20567613

i dont even know what i had for breakfast this morning and don't even mention burdens
im just going to avoid people and drink alone

>> No.20567617


>> No.20567655

>pissed myself twice
>just returning the favor to what people did to me while sober

>> No.20567657

>im just going to avoid people and drink alone
You say so, but you addicts are all the same. You won't.

>> No.20567744

>Others treat me like shit so I treat myself like shit
It's been to be really hard to win when you have enemies and one of them is yourself.

>> No.20567960

I'm more inclined to drink until drunk when around peers. when I'm alone I can sip on a couple 3/4 oz pours for 12 hours.

>> No.20568055


>> No.20568424

101 is better than Rare Breed and it's cheaper. Win win. I don't buy things just because they cost more. The price isn't always indicative of the product.

>> No.20568610


>> No.20569226

Good company
Good conversation

I would reach for the Glenkinchie I got in Edinburgh, but I'm out

>> No.20569390

so, is this booze featured in some currently popular media?
why does this keep getting shilled?

are they drinking this in mad men?

>> No.20570095

Not much different from Chicago prices TBQPH.

>> No.20571064

Knob Creek 12. Not terribly difficult to find, reasonably priced, and delicious.

>> No.20571083

Laphroaig (the 10) is simply the most affordable heavily-peated Scotch that's also widely available. The alternatives, Ardbeg 10 and especially Lagavulin 16, are more expensive.
If you switched around Laphroaig and Ardbeg's prices, it's Ardbeg that would be memed here constantly.

>> No.20571093

>Not terribly difficult to find
I've never seen it locally.

>> No.20571123
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I can't really stand most spirits.
Pic related is always acceptable though.

>> No.20571130

That's too bad. I'm in the suburbs of Murderapolis,and while it's not at every store, I can almost always keep a bottle in the house.

>> No.20571977

>That's too bad.
It is. I've been wanting to try it - bourbons that old are pretty unusual.