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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 191 KB, 1080x1866, 1000017187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20555646 No.20555646 [Reply] [Original]

What is peak white people cuisine?

>> No.20555653

>OP doesn't know what struggle meals are

>> No.20555664

Everything but mud and bugs have been brought to you by white people. Fucking deal with it. The entire modern world, lads. You wouldn't have SHIT without us. And you'd all kill each other if we'd let you. But then who would pick crops or dig ditches? We sure don't want to. You're welcome for your "lives". Now get lost.

>> No.20555670

fuck you both. That looks awesome

>> No.20555675

I'd much rather just have biscuits and gravy with some eggs on the side. Every ingredient in the food was made worse by the preparation.

>> No.20555681

English Muffins

>> No.20555690

I'd try it. Pretty sure you'd have to eat it with a fork tho.

>> No.20555700

>implying that doesn't sound delicious

>> No.20555710

Eggs on pizza are goated OP needs to go back to eating gruel if he can't handle tastes

>> No.20555745
File: 426 KB, 2048x2028, 2mxzjts (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Thanksgiving dinner. It's hard to get more "white" than something that originated in colonialism.

>> No.20555758

All of the best dishes in the world come from some poor culture's clever way of turning whatever garbage they had into something edible, then white people come along and make it actually good by removing all the low quality poverty shit from it.

>> No.20555767

>It's hard to get more "white" than something that originated in colonialism.
same idea for british people eating curry and drinking tea. lmao

>> No.20555958

Sorry, mate. Bongland ain't white.

>> No.20555961

the two things that came to mind for me where thanksgiving dinner and a full english breakfast. pretty much full on white people food.

>> No.20555970

Ok, I'd eat it, but only because I know deer meat is tasty.

>> No.20555994
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>> No.20556036 [DELETED] 

Whites were slinging shit at each other while the Chinese and the Arabs were building civilization. you bought your moldy spices and low quality silk from arab scammers

>> No.20556051

It's mostly Indians right now.

>> No.20556144

>without us
how much did you contribute to this >us?

>> No.20556185

About as much as you contributed to the >we in >we deserve reparations.

>> No.20556416
File: 110 KB, 736x736, Entrées.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virtually everything from the Midwest. Though there’s some real questionable stuff up in the northeast too.

>> No.20556460


>> No.20556487
File: 506 KB, 759x825, 1712485738386361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally good food

>> No.20556529

How fat do you have to be to eat this for breakfast?

>> No.20556534

British curry is a world away from pajeet slop but you're correct about the tea.

>> No.20556536

>Pretending British curry is better than Indian curry

>> No.20556538

If I eat this thing, how many points does my credit score go up?

>> No.20556539

Then explain The Romans and The Greeks.

>> No.20556543

I didn't say it's better I said it's different. Which you'd expect for something which has been diverging for centuries with the point of divergence not far off when both countries got access to tomatoes, chili and potatoes.

>> No.20556546

>The Romans and The Greeks.
Yes, the people buying silk and spice from the East

>> No.20556547 [DELETED] 

Lmao you fucking mutts were bathing yearly until the people your ancestors referred to as “savages” the nips taught you to clean yourself daily. The revisionism of white culture is fucking hilarious.

>> No.20556549

>didn't say it's better I said it's different
Referring to one as curry and the other as slop is obviously implying one is better

>> No.20556561

The average pajeet curry as you can see from countless webms on this very board very much counts as slop. Once they learn to wash their hands and use utensils I'll stop insulting their food at every opportunity.

>> No.20556563

That's just like, your opinion man

>> No.20556576

looks good
never had venison sausage myself

>> No.20556733
File: 9 KB, 275x183, fml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is peak white people cuisine?
Nothing whiter than a toast sandwich.

>> No.20556736

It's beef stew. It's pot roast. It's steak, potatoes and asparagus with rye bread. It's definitely a beef and potato dish.

>> No.20556741

Why would you roast a pot, anon? Cook the food, not the container.

>> No.20556749

Go watch an anime.

>> No.20556751

But I'm not a weeb.

>> No.20556753

Ancient texts specifically call attention to Nordic invaders bathing and grooming far more frequently than the native Britons, as it made them more appealing to local women.
I think you might be full of shit, Hoshi.

>> No.20556754

You act like one.

>> No.20556756

We're like a foot taller than them, and our dicks are twice as long. Let him have this one.

>> No.20556757

But I'm not an actor.

>> No.20556767

Why are brown incels who hate white people turning every thread to shit recently?

>> No.20556772

Shitskins spread shit? Who woulda thunk it.

>> No.20556773

The Roman Empire wasn’t built on your faggot burqas or your sriracha.
Small dicks.

>> No.20556797

>The Roman Empire wasn’t built on your faggot burqas or your sriracha.
Wouldn't have fallen if it was.

>> No.20556808

worldwide internet access was a mistake
it should have been limited to 5 eyes nations, maybe some continental yuros and the japs

>> No.20556842

>ruined what would otherwise be a pretty tasty breakfast treat by smothering it with cheese
no thanks

>> No.20556908

That looks amazing. But nothing will ever top a good burger with a side of fries or onion rings. And everyone knows this.

>> No.20556924

Based beyond belief.
You struck a nerve with seething shitskins.

>> No.20556990

I would eat the fuck out of that

>> No.20557045

I love eggs, but they don't belong on pizza. Overpowers every other flavour (which isn't a good thing).

>> No.20557048

I love eggs, and they absolutely belong on a pizza. Overpowers every other flavor (which is a good thing, because I love eggs)

>> No.20557098

ham sandwhich

>> No.20557100

you're too dark to know

>> No.20557112

Shepard's pie, or meatloaf.

>> No.20557115

the whitest food is a tuna melt.

>> No.20557131 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 557x609, TitMonster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20557323

It's a lot better than Indian curry - I've had both. Good curry houses are one of the few top tier places to eat if you're in bongland.

>> No.20557414

Every empire falls. You'd know this if you were white since white people are smarter than whatever you are

>> No.20557425

The pizza looks so good though you could've posted something sloppy easily

>> No.20557430 [DELETED] 

This Faggot learned everything he knows from (((TEEVEE))) and Movies.
Get fucked lefty.
I'll bet your a self hating Cuck like Aids Skrillex too.

>> No.20557452

Unironically, I would play with those titties all day long

>> No.20557978
File: 36 KB, 600x315, 1716210740278416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

El Basado

>> No.20557989
File: 176 KB, 1894x1440, broodje-kroket-scaled-e1592295514849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>erm ackshually, mosquito burgers are le epic!
No thanks muhammutt, I'll have a broodje kroket instead

>> No.20558000

American Tacos

>> No.20558027

Too much broodje not enough kroket

>> No.20558029

>"Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible. It's Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared. The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don't grasp what it really means: humiliation. The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn't conscious of it. And, superiority excites envy. Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities."
- Joseph Sobran

>> No.20558037
File: 71 KB, 800x800, broodje-kroket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20558039

Yes, would eat now

>> No.20558118


Whites conquered the world for herbs & spices.

The very floor you walk on was invented by white people. Be humble.

>> No.20558138

needs some greens, I'd throw some pickled jalapeno slices on that nigger. looks very good otherwise

>> No.20558154

Looks good.

>> No.20558208

Bongland lost me back in the 1770s, bro
Lol, seethe and make up shit all day long, boys. You've got nothing else, you might as well have that. Sucks about all those ugly features and dreadful colors you're all associated with. So I know seething over the kings of the world comes easy to you.

>> No.20558276

Say that to Israel goym cuck

>> No.20558344

>white people cuisine

So, edible food?

>> No.20558390

Detroit style pizza is good but Kraft singles?
fucking eww

>> No.20558789
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probably something like this

>> No.20558815
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>> No.20558825
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Holy fuck I love White oeople food

>> No.20558828
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>> No.20558830
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>> No.20558835
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>> No.20558836
File: 464 KB, 1536x2048, CF9698CD-C824-4D19-8966-724F2D02B96E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20558847

>Whites conquered the world for herbs & spices
And didn't use a single one in their cooking.
Ah ah ah, ketchup doesn't count.

>> No.20558848

French #1 or maybe Italian if you count meds as white

>> No.20558879
File: 90 KB, 474x711, 1711510462920368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope and seethe, nigcel

>> No.20558894


>> No.20558895

Imagine if we didn't let them have engines or guns.

>> No.20559144

Then we'd have had to do a lot more work and killing. Although hindsight 20/20, we should have let every single one of them starve in the fucking dark. Could you imagine the world today? God, it'd have been beautiful

>> No.20559401

This isn't White cuisine, it's prison food.
>t. attended public school

>> No.20559412

Humanitarian aid has been a disaster for humanity, ironically enough.

>> No.20559451
File: 43 KB, 782x456, CFA3BF79-5AC0-44CE-BAEE-64D07418640D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pledge allegiance

>> No.20559492


>> No.20559508

Who do you think runs those companies and works in their food labs

>> No.20559534

Based and truthpilled. We were too kind to the undesirables. Some Asians get a pass though.

>> No.20559536


>> No.20559549
File: 97 KB, 800x425, white-cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20559638

That makes me thirsty as fuck. I feel like you'd need to down a liter of water eating a couple slices of this.

>> No.20559663

>blending of spanish and african cuisine, later supplemented by italian

>> No.20559664

>beef bourguignon
>foie gras
All the annons itt who didn’t respond with a French dish are a failure. France has the best food in the world, if a dish isn’t French it probably tastes like shit.

>> No.20559697

Even their lazy shit it tops

>> No.20559839

Some people of all colors and creeds get a pass. The ones who speak White American and have been greatly influenced by our presence. Who embrace the only real culture. There's a good chance that if everyone is memeing that you don't have culture, you are actually the centerpiece of the sort

>> No.20559840

QT breakfast pizza looks better dawg.

>> No.20559944
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This but unironically

>> No.20560005

Washing your hands

>> No.20560144
File: 3.62 MB, 864x540, ramen_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is peak white people cuisine?

>> No.20560290

to a world of disbelief where I belong
a walking disaster
the son of a bastard

>> No.20560310

toast sandwiches are unironically good

>> No.20560315


>> No.20560442

Basiert und rotgepillt

>> No.20560459

This. Look at all the seethe lol

>> No.20560557

Lol no. Chickens? South East Asia. Spices? Asia and Middle East. Chilli, Tomatoes, potaytoes, corn? South America. Wheat? Middle East. Rice? China. I'm struggling to think of any unique non-meme foods from Europe (America is not white, sorry).

>> No.20560609

You don't get it. That's OK, no one expects you to

>> No.20560615

bread, mayo, ham, pickle, american cheese,

>> No.20560635

yeah but you throw away the envelope after planting the seed

your time is up fag

>> No.20560643


No op, fuck off.

>> No.20560685

>What is peak white people cuisine?

>> No.20560730

There's more white people now than any other time in history. Our time is always. We are the survivors. And we are about to cut you people off. Then what will you do? Who will you endlessly follow and emulate?

>> No.20560745

>we wuz kangs
Pre mud flood people can't be counted on to be any color in any place.
Safe to say they weren't black though.

>> No.20561089

Absolutely based and the truth. Brownoids, elevate yourselves, try to make just ONE brownoid country first world, just one for a start.

>> No.20561345

least historically illiterate /pol/ user

>> No.20561358

something edible, nigger worshiper

>> No.20561371

Who spread those things all over the world?

>> No.20561512


>> No.20561553

that would be black people food.

>> No.20561832
File: 71 KB, 1071x1411, IMG_4324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Implying that the Greeks and Romans were anything other than Black KANGZ

>> No.20561838

Would, all you prissy bitches mad cunty

>> No.20561990

No that was Africans, not spices.

>> No.20562349


>> No.20562399
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>> No.20562409

So what you're saying is you got your shit pushed in by weak retards?
Jesus. You know, when people get their shit stomped in they normally tell everyone the other guy was built like a fucking bear. You know, so as to not look completely fucking pathetic.
>We're so smart that we got outsmarted by retards.

Good look, champ. That's a good look.

>> No.20563157

>solely done by the 56% country

>> No.20563178

Cows, pigs, boars, the entire field of baking. You're favorite dish, dog was invented in Europe. Europeans take natural resources others sit on and turn them into something actually useful and good. Like Gunpowder.

>> No.20563182

It was invented by America when America was 90% white by white people in America before America was even a country.

>> No.20563192 [DELETED] 

whyboys don't struggle

>> No.20563208 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 671x457, 1707788252892577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. Niggers did something with peanuts and that's about it. The rest is on us.

>> No.20563260

Is that sliced deli meat turkey? Packaged rolls? This kind of post doesn’t usually get me triggered, but Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I’ve experienced it depression low effort tier and splendid feast tier and one is clearly the way to actually give thanks. That stuffing, potatoes and to a lesser extent mac looks good but you need something to cut in there- like roast brussles with lemon or braised cabbage with ACV

>> No.20563289

French food mogs because of the quality of their ingredients, not necessarily the dishes themselves. Many “classic” French dishes are very heavy with few flavor notes, but the notes are pure. I’ve had boeuf bourguignon, it’s great but it’s better with venison backstrap and prosciutto instead of pate. Foie gras is delicious, but only a little tiny bit. Bouillabaisse is fantastic but I don’t think cioppino is worse. I thought the idea of French food being fantastic is you can go walk around any small town, stop at a couple shops for some bread, cheese, cured meat and wine and have a world class picnic at your own pace. I’m just an American though and I have no desire to visit, but I wish our food culture was similar (very few besides crusty hippies give a shit about quality)

>> No.20563299

Based. as evidenced by the seethe. remind me, what language are we all speaking in again?

>> No.20563354

Roman baths you retard. The only revisionist here is you. Amerimutt mongrel

>> No.20563402

Good bait
If it's serious it's even funnier
I love it when anons get really mad and seethe about shit they have no idea about

>> No.20563412

Just because you'd eat fucking garbage doesn't mean you're unique or cool. It just means you've probably been smoking cigs for 20 years and your taste buds are shot so you gulp down any slop you can with no regard to taste

>> No.20563413

Greeks and Romans Arent white unless anons feel like they are. I've seen it argued either way. Race schizo stuff is hilarious m8

>> No.20563414

Eggs, hash browns, toast, coffee.
Nothing better than an all-american breakfast.

>> No.20563422

>white people eat jeans for dinner
What the fuck are you niggers smoking

>> No.20563491
File: 71 KB, 1024x640, IMG_0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa someone got all the darkies and communists riled up good job 10/10

>> No.20563690
File: 1016 KB, 1024x1007, japan is white says spain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, that's a meme, most europeans washed themselves quite regularly even in the middle ages. They certainly didn't do it any less than anyone else
Second of all Europeans were actually always japanophiles at least to some extent, see picrel
Second of all

>> No.20563695
File: 335 KB, 220x124, what-the-fuck-man-stressed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oscar mayer deli meat and king's hawaiian rolls for thanksgiving dinner

>> No.20563696

does america count or does it have to be fully brown

>> No.20563703

The only yoids that figured out taxation, forcing germanic cave painters to barely confederate under threat of destruction is not that impressive, basically orcs

>> No.20563711

Read some history of the other great cultures anon, you look retarded
The whole world outside West+Northern Europe isn't just the lower parts of Africa

>> No.20563712

Look on a map where Greece is located. Is it closer to where you'd put 'white people' or is it closer to the 'brown people' just east of them?

>> No.20563714

it's probably safer to eat

>> No.20563751 [DELETED] 
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Quintessential White main course for those who avoid goyslop.

>> No.20563755

Not even.
Carver didn't invent peanut butter, he just invented uses for it. He appealed to the American palate to promote peanut farming in the south. He's like a peanut version of a branded promotional cookbook.
Peanut butter was always popular in South East Asian cuisine, and the idea that so many people got brainwashed into thinking a black American invented it in the 20th century is insane.

>> No.20563761

this is fine. salt is literally all that matters for flavoring meat, everything else is just extra fluff that doesn't matter and realistically only there to make it look more appetizing.

>> No.20563788

You only need salt if the meat is low quality or starting to spoil.
Use quality ingredients and ditch the crutch.

>> No.20564481

>heh, read a book
One of the books printed in English (white people) by a printing press (white people)? Get fucked, kid

>> No.20565086

Correct. It also includes Japan.

>> No.20565333
File: 9 KB, 114x187, Screenshot_20240606_201613_ESPN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just here to help

>> No.20565567

>love japs
>hate jeets
Simple as + same as it ever was

>> No.20565593

Not a nigger sorry sambo

>> No.20565602

A lot of "racism outside of /b/" going on in this thread.

>> No.20565607

Then why don't you report it instead of bitching?

>> No.20565803

That looks fucking amazing.

>> No.20565806
File: 226 KB, 1280x720, steak potato broccoli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a mid tier steak, some type of potato, and broccoli

>> No.20565807

go back to www.reddit.com

>> No.20565811
File: 349 KB, 1536x2048, 1A72D248-6348-4269-AEBB-E0FD2287BB11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20565847

Unbleached chicken or chicken without dish soap

>> No.20565887

Are rocks edible?

>> No.20565924


>> No.20565950
File: 1.13 MB, 638x791, 1710461342341461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you thought you were funny but now what?

>> No.20566584

A lot of "boo hoo hoo" going on in your post, concernfag

>> No.20566622

Barbados is pretty cool, I guess.

>> No.20566624

Didnt chinks or mongols do that?

>> No.20566626

>make a racebait thread
>it backfires
Post White cuisine or leave.

>> No.20566635

Oof looks a little too spicy for my taste! Perhaps a jolly dollop of mayo might cool things down a bit for my palette!

>> No.20566640
File: 426 KB, 3438x1515, Saltine-Crackers-2595161709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post White cuisine
This with a side of BBC dip.

>> No.20566653

As long as it's just plain mayo and something like miracle whip. Too tangy and zippy, burns my tongue.

>> No.20566661

absolutely boiling lol

>> No.20566673

It’s chocolate

>> No.20566809

Fuckin gotteem

>> No.20566826

We're making fun at your expense, no one is mad at your meaningless, suburbanoid existence as some average white person.

>> No.20566837

>no! you are the fucking bloody basterd bitch!
lol you're so fragile
go have a slice of quiche (White cuisine, btw) and simmer down

>> No.20566847

As some average white person he is more valuable than every last "human" residing in your shithole. Which is why you're here malding about it. It's the best you can do.

>> No.20566858

You seem pretty mad. Actually, you people seem really fucking mad all the time about it

>> No.20566863

10/10, and absolutetly true. Thank you for reminding them today.

>> No.20566881

The nigcels are still going ape (lol) over this, oi I'm laffin

>> No.20567010

Mud cookies and foufou.

>> No.20567072 [DELETED] 

Uh oh the suburban crackers are being genocided! Nurse, 3ccs of mayonnaise please!

>> No.20567096

How are you still so mad? I thought yard work was supposed to be therapeutic.

>> No.20567107
File: 26 KB, 583x616, c1hU1Rj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making fun of you, retard. You know, just like when you got bullied in school?

>> No.20567192

lol @ your entire existence

>> No.20567199

He's right you know.

>> No.20567242

I imagined your post being narrated by your picture. Lol.

>> No.20567269
File: 13 KB, 646x400, mug,standard,x400,left-bg,ffffff.u2-3753150479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have to imagine you being mad
Nice self own retard. You can imagine me drinking out of this cup next.

Is that what your mom said after you were born? Brutal...

>> No.20567272

Your skin is the color of shit lmao

>> No.20567280
File: 123 KB, 450x300, abb-1661478384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more impotent suburbanite screeching

>> No.20567283

>mug is empty

>> No.20567285

Looks like I was right. You will always be a poopskin.

>> No.20567290

That actually looks awesome, and anyone who's had biscuits & gravy or venison would tell you as much.

>> No.20567306

Who is we?

>> No.20567308
File: 1.60 MB, 4000x3000, 20240607_140819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more impotent cracker seethe

>> No.20567312

Oh, hi Russ.

>> No.20567320

Is Russ another person who's genociding you? What's his number, I want to link up.

>> No.20567322

This thread proves Anthony Bourdain was right when he said
>There is nothing more political than food

>> No.20567325

>that's n-n-not me!
Good one, Russ.

>> No.20567331

Okay, schizo Timmy. Tell your friend Russ I said hi.

>> No.20567337

My and my homie Russell (goes by Russ)

>> No.20567340

Yeah Texas!

>> No.20567360

Which one of you is uncut?

>> No.20567476

It's fairly easy. Food that originated in White countries before colonialism.

>> No.20567510


>> No.20567547

Ask your mom, she knows ;)

>> No.20567548

berries and raw meat?

>> No.20567572

Black people have stripped Thanksgiving of its roots and taken over the holiday

>> No.20567661

There's so much wrong with this it's insane. Firstly, it's over stuffed. If your toppings all falling off you fucked up. Second whatever the fuck a biscuit crust is disqualifies it from being pizza. 3rd, it's fucking ugly. A little presentation goes a long way.

>> No.20567715


>> No.20567720

>Implying my favorite go-to meal can't be called slop even though I cook everything in one pot.

>> No.20567741

It was technically a thing long before. They were likely the first to standardize its creation and usage where the history of such has survived to modern day. And then they squandered it until others came along and quickly realized how to do everything better.

>> No.20567747

Colonialism is literally as old as human history.
What, did you think Europe invented, fucking, going to your neighbor, beating the shit out of him, and taking and using his stuff?

>> No.20567751

>have to use bottled water cause tapwater will kill you
do americans really?

>> No.20567754

>this food is too plentiful >:(
Truly it is White cuisine.

>> No.20567858

Its the history of the spice trade so calm your man tits. No one said colonialism is a new feature inherent to European societies, just that certain regions of the world only had certain foods before their native inhabitants traveled somewhere else to colonize and found spices or whatever else to incorporate into their cuisine.

>> No.20567997

>overpriced mechanical keyboard
Soy-tier purchase.

>> No.20568004

Exactly. Now ask yourself what Indian food was before white people brought them chili, potato, tomato and literally fucking cheese. Granted that last one might have been the Persians it's a bit up for debate who introduced the pajeets to basic foodstuffs.

>> No.20568297

Oh, the irony

>> No.20568306
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>> No.20568336
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im gonna start using that in daily conversation
>put me through to a manager please, preferably one thats uncut

>> No.20568338
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without a doubt

>> No.20568342

There was a guy on /b/ a decade or so ago who used to ask OPs “are you cut or uncut” for no reason and it was very funny.

>> No.20568359

Rare Sakura, saved

>> No.20568365

Nobody cares

>> No.20568380

Are you cut or uncut?

>> No.20568390

Obsession with circumcision is an unfunny forced activist meme

>> No.20568426

Doesn't matter. You couldn't handle it anyway buttercup.

>> No.20568447

But I need to know if we can dock or not, playboy.

>> No.20568465

I'm not hip to your gay vernacular so I'm assuming dock means fuck so no, I do fuck dumb little retards like you. Grow up.

>> No.20568469

>But then who would pick crops or dig ditches? We sure don't want to
We know, which is why the entire Western would is now filled with the blacks.

>> No.20569362

Yea, that's our bad. Forgive us?

>> No.20569377

Grilled cheese. Nothing except bread, cheese, and mayonnaise. Yet it tastes better than anything Asians, Africans, or South Americans ever invented.

>> No.20569401

Bavarian. Nothing says white man like a crispy pork knuckle, potato dumplings and a massive beer

>> No.20569402

This sounds good

>> No.20569404

>>>20555653 >>20555664 >>20555670 >>20555681 >>20555700 >>20555745 >>20555758 >>20555970 >>20556416 >>20556487 >>20556529 >>20556538 >>20556576 >>20556733 >>20556842 >>20556908 >>20556990 >>20557045 >>20557048 >>20557100 >>20558029 >>20558138 >>20558154 >>20558344 >>20558789 >>20558848 >>20559549 >>20559638 >>20559840 >>20560005 >>20560144 >>20560615 >>20560643 >>20560685 >>20561358 >>20563414 >>20565803 >>20565806 >>20565811 >>20565847 >>20567010 >>20567290 >>20567661 >>20569377 >>20569402
the heat of the pizza cooks the egg

>> No.20569413

That's improvised, you retard.

>> No.20569474

Dumb whiney faggots like you have destroyed language to the point that it has no meaning.

>> No.20569476

>he thinks a 70 dollar keyboard is expensive
Poor poopskin detected

>> No.20569554
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White people cuisine has two peaks. The corporate steakhouse and the run of the mill fast food restaurant. They are peak efficiency restaurants, one with high end and highly repeatable food, and the other is low cost slop that's geared to poors and children.

>> No.20569574
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>invent everything
>still dominated by blacks proliferating in your country

>> No.20570313

>overpaying for technology your grandfather used to larp as a man
insecure soyboy redditor detected paying $200 for a keyboard and $100 for a safety razor won't get you a girlfriend

>> No.20570321

Anything outside of not being black culture or other shit is.... white culture.

>> No.20570346

I'm in my mid 40s and have an incredible grip on the English language. I think it's a (you) problem.

>> No.20570386

Bitch I know that

>> No.20570622 [DELETED] 

cope chink

>> No.20570625

whats scary is people actually think like this

>> No.20570639 [DELETED] 

its true, without us you wouldn't have anything. cope more shit skin

>> No.20570726

It's very characteristic of white America, but it's honestly hard to do it well. I've had so many bad Thanksgiving dinners.
Green bean casserole is hard to fuck up though. Just canned green beans, canned cream of mushroom soup, and canned fried onions on top.

>> No.20570738
File: 217 KB, 1500x1000, as-bacon-egg-and-cheese-1-threeByTwoMediumAt2X-v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bacon egg and cheese sandwich.

That pic looks pretty good though. Biscuits and gravy is the second greatest white people dish.
Breakfast pizza is great too, but maybe only top 10 rather than top 3 white people foods though.
White Americans just absolutely crushed it when it came to breakfast foods.

>> No.20570782

Second post best post

>> No.20570830

>what's scary
You can not go back fast enough.

>> No.20570842 [DELETED] 

I am fucking DONE with your bullshit. Either you're a shit-stirring Jew, trying to sow division among the browns, black and thirdies, or else you're one of those thirdies whose undeserved arrogance has been pandered to by a Jew at some point, telling you that your thirdie mud pies are good, and white people don't know how to cook.
And jannies won't do shit.
>259 posts for a thread with no other point than D&C tactics for no reason

>> No.20570886

it's just an open faced sandwich for breakfast retard. chill.

>> No.20570910

You gotta just crop the guy's picture out of this because that screed being dropped by an insanely pathetic looking dumpy boomer in a black and white photo really undercuts the message, which is fundamentally true.

>> No.20570967

lol buch of thin skinned faggots in her reporting for bad words. kill yourself tranny

>> No.20570969

oh no, here is some more food stamps. keep dominating champ.

>> No.20570972

you are not in good company

>> No.20571190

>White tears
>everyone always tries to be as white as they can be for status, from WASPs to deepest parts of Africa to Pajeetville to slanteyed islands.
We are what you can only pretend to, no matter what you bleach, no matter the cosmetic surgery, we're closer to whatever gods or spirits that shaped your history than you will ever be. Just by being born white.

>> No.20571232

>and farm fresh eggs!
I really hate people who pretend farm fresh eggs are somehow incredibly different. I've raised my own chickens even and I couldn't give a fuck between their eggs and store eggs. Surely the color is different with the yolk and shell but beyond that the taste is so minimally different unless you don't season your food.

>> No.20571798
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>when the anti-white bait thread goes horribly wrong

>> No.20571818

A black guy literally discovered peanuts

>> No.20571823

A black guy literally invented white people.

>> No.20571917

>venison breakfasts pizza

Damn, I'd eat the fuck out'a that!

>> No.20572418

Sure he did, kid. And even if he did, welp, I guess you've got peanuts.

>> No.20572425

see >>20563755
Carver didn't discover or invent anything, he just pushed for a heavier focus on peanut farming because of regional hardships in the American south.

>> No.20572433

and flying pyramids

>> No.20572472

And what have YOU got?

>> No.20572497

I've got a shitload of browns riled the fuck up is what I've got.

>> No.20572521

The blacks invented groov'n

>> No.20572540

Oh wow. That's crazy good. I... I'm just going to go over here >>

>> No.20572544

Finally, they're going back.

>> No.20572568
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preach king

>> No.20572843

Why are they so easy to anger?

>> No.20572863

Intelligence has a negative correlation with irritability. But this is true regardless of race.

>> No.20572896
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>> No.20572909

no worries anon, great minds think alike. or they could just be isolating themselves and devouring their own delusions.

>> No.20573062

Thanks /pol/ - very redpilled

>> No.20573089

>enter "White Cuisine" thread
>expect race-baiting, anti-white posts
>get facts

>> No.20573138
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>> No.20573180

No I expect shitty foods made by useless white housewives, instead I get useless "muh white" larpers acting like they're somehow part of the white people who actually made the world the way it is today. As if your useless faggot ass would make it with any sort of struggle lmao

>> No.20573195
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>> No.20573199

>using "white" as an insult
This place isn't for you, as alien a concept that may be to you.

>> No.20573233


>> No.20573431

Well in that case, you aren't disenfranchised or owed any sort of reparations, either. Your ancestors are meaningless and your current life is pointless. Just going by your logic here

>> No.20573447

White boy is right for the most part. It's just history. Niggers and crybabies of other races need to STFU. I'm Mexican btw.

>> No.20573466

Dude STFU and stop crying. Are you a nigger? What have other races done that have advanced people in modern history? Niggers can barely take care of themselves and other races know white people were behind modern society as we know it. Stop being a little bitch.

>> No.20573570

Based mexibro.

>> No.20573583

>ancestors fought holy wars for decades over black pepper
>now eat every food unseasoned out of conditioning

>> No.20573591

Wait do we eat unseasoned food or are we saucejaks? Pick one then stick with it

>> No.20573799

Breakfast Gumbo

>> No.20573800

I’m a saucejak. I carry hot sauce in my purse like Hillary and all the black women do.

>> No.20573806

It's anything outside of their comfort zone.
In any scenario, food or not, you'll see "wypeepo" used as a descriptor for people on either extreme.

>> No.20574088

So incredibly based it triggered like 30 people. Keep on posting bro

>> No.20574459

Why are they so fragile, bros?

>> No.20574718

looks like niggers prepared that, they cant cook. Nigs live on fastfood and hot cheetos

>> No.20574958

Don't be dumb anon. He uses bottled because water in Texas is really hard and hard water taste minerals. He also may be trying to avoid fluoride.

>> No.20574959

Take someone else's cuisine and put more cheese on it.

>> No.20575032

Why bother? The first thing anyone reading that screed is going to imagine is that an insanely pathetic looking dumpy boomer wrote it.

>> No.20575176

>In 1993, in a column in The Wanderer, Sobran attacked Buckley for his support of the 1991 Gulf War. Already unhappy with Sobran's columns on Israel and anti-Semitism, Buckley was reportedly angered that Sobran had used information from their private conversations and decided to fire him as senior editor. Buckley said he considered some of Sobran's columns to be "... contextually anti-Semitic. By this I mean that if he had been talking, let us say, about the lobbying interests of the Arabs or of the Chinese, he would not have raised eyebrows as an anti-Arab or an anti-Chinese".[8][9] In response to his firing, Sobran claimed that Buckley told him to "stop antagonizing the Zionist crowd" and accused him of libel and moral incapacitation.[10] In his own assessment, Columnist Norman Podhoretz wrote that Sobran's columns were "anti-Semitic in themselves, and not merely 'contextually'"
He sounds kind of based in terms of current of year politics.

>> No.20575360

serving people plain frozen veg like that should be a felony

>> No.20575361
File: 190 KB, 778x800, 1703438236999885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best weeknight meal on the planet

>> No.20575651

Beats the authentic stuff nine times out ten.

>> No.20575657

Looks pretty good

>> No.20575660

>we wuz Godz n shiet
You work at McDonalds.

>> No.20575663

Even if that is true, I'd consider him more deserving of my respect than you based on appearance alone.
He's got an immediate head start.

>> No.20575669

>my respect
Means fuck all. You're some skinny fat pimply suburbanite.

>> No.20575670

Guess I was right, lol

>> No.20575672
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>> No.20575677

>y-you're a white man!
You got me.

>> No.20575678 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up and get back in your wage cage, shitskin.

>> No.20575682

You're a faggot too lmao.

>> No.20575685

Such angry creatures.
You may not deserve my respect, but you have my pitty.

>> No.20575780

Lmao, use a spellchecker next time, dumb cracker.

>> No.20575792

So fragile.
Don't worry, the white man will protect you. As is our burden.

>> No.20576132

I'm surprised they let this thread stay up. Good work, everyone. These people don't want equal rights, they want special privileges. And we are all tired of the anti white meme

>> No.20576326

This is a based and blessed thread

>> No.20577381

good morning sar!!!