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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20551007 No.20551007 [Reply] [Original]

Why does nothing else come close to pic related?? Legit 11/10 fast food

>> No.20551117

The gyro highlights the meat, while still allowing enjoyment of a few fries and toppings. I'm in Greece right now. Someone talk me out of running out and buying one.

>> No.20551133

ESL Retard.

>> No.20551143
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>I'm in Greece right now. Someone talk me out of running out and buying one.

you are a literal retard if you are in greece rn and haven't already eaten like 5 of these

>> No.20551155

It's not the struggle to eat them. Its the struggle to stop eating them. Fuckit anon, im going out for one now. I may deviate course and go with a wood fired pizza instead. Will post what I get.

>> No.20551183

why would I talk you out of getting a souvlaki? they're great

>> No.20551198

I've had sex

>> No.20551210

>someone talk me out of running out and buying one
go and DO buy one while youre still there. get it from some mom n pops if you can, not a chain. gyro is awesome

>> No.20551222
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Here it is. One of Thessaloniki's finest.

>> No.20551225
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The meat mountain after I ate the fries

>> No.20551234
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Bobby liked ‘em.

>> No.20551477

I really like them, but not with fries, every place I went to in Greece had shitty fries that were cooked an hour earlier and tasted like ass
Either cook them fresh or don't bother

>> No.20551652

>every place I went to in Greece had shitty fries
And this is how you know the entire sandwich will be disappointing. The tzatziki will be half mayonnaise, and you'll have the lowest tier veggies too.

>> No.20551703

That looks fucking good

>> No.20551705

shit looks perfect and fries look well fried and aren't soggy

>> No.20551707


>> No.20551716

fried on the side is superior but otherwise yes

>> No.20551803
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they taste pretty good but they have become way too expensive, before covid they cost like 2 euros and now they almost cost double that

>> No.20551867

This one is damn good. The place puts so much meat in it that the pita doesn't stand a chance of closing. Thessaloniki style gyros are bigger than the ones down south. Only downside is they put ketchup and mustard on them instead of tzatziki. It's an unholy combination that only works if you add ziki as an extra and use ketchup and mustard to dip the fries. Having been through both Greece and Turkey, I can fairly say that the gyro mogs whatever bullshit the turks try putting into their wraps. Greek cusine in general is vastly superior in every aspect. Turkish food is even better in Greece than turkey due to the quality of ingredients.

>> No.20551877

They treat their meat really well, but DESU I've not really had a terrible meal in Turkey either.

>> No.20551887
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>Turkish food is even better in Greece than turkey due to the quality of ingredients

Can confirm. Have been to greece almost every summer and the food quality there is just out of the world. Even if you try to recreate pic related with surgical precision with western european ingredients it never tastes as good. Generally fruits, veggies, meat, bread tastes extremely good in greece no matter if you buy the cheapest options there is or you go to some high end restaurant. I have tried gyros from shops run by greeks in the UK, Germany and Netherlands and none of their gyros come close to one from the greece because western meat has bad quality compared to greek meat.

>> No.20551890
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>when you could get a Gyro platter with extra meat and a drink at this hole in the wall greek joint for only $6 back in the day

>> No.20551979

The problem with Turkish food seems to be that somewhere they fail hard at logistics. In Greece, stuff is picked, packed, and delivered to the restaurants or the weekly farmers market within 24 hours. Turks seem to let stuff linger for a while until it wilts before they deliver it. Every time I come here I get blown away by the quality. Thessaloniki restaurants are absolutely incredible. It's my favorite place to eat in the 26 countries that i've visited. I enjoy walking around here and rubbernecking what people are eating at restaurants, then going to eat it myself. I have never had anything less than a fantastic meal by doing that here.

Zoom in on google at random places in Thessaloniki and see for yourself. Virtually everything looks great.

>> No.20551991

Cheers anon, I will do actually.

>> No.20552336

How bad is the food where you people live? I'm greek and the quality of the ingredients has taken an extreme nosedive with the prices almost doubling """because of the war""". You used to pay 5 Yurops to have a great and filling meal and now you pay ~8 to eat less food that also feels like you're gurgled gutter oil, I always try other places whenever I eat out too so I know I'm not being conceited on this. Only other place I've been has been Portugal and I considered the food much tastier -and cheaper-, so it must be the grass being greener on the other side I guess.

>> No.20552353

probably the greatest "fast food" in the world
my gf is greek so I go to athens every year and always come back 2kg heavier just from boozing with her dad and smashing suvlaki every day

>> No.20554125

I live in Canada. You have no idea how bad food can be until you pay the equivilant 10 euros for a wilted green cabbage because it's the cheapest vegetable per kg in the store.

Our grain is heavily sprayed with glyphosphate so it makes you sick and bloated. Nothing you buy in the store is ever fresh. Bread comes in a bag, and it costs 3-5 euros and has an ingredient list longer than most industrial paints. Chicken is pumped full of water, which coats it in a slime and you have to wipe off, but wont sear anyway because its too waterlogged. 100% of the olive oils on the shelf are fake. Punjabs cook all thr fast food, and prices also went way up "because of the war." It's food hell.
Meat goes bad within a day or two of purchase.

>> No.20554147

i wonder if i can make fake gyros with like egg and almond flour or something

>> No.20554165
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I know I'm going to get a lot of shit for this but here goes:

I have tried both gyros and European döner, and Neither comes even fucking close to a real ドネルケバブ. Taste, texture, nutritional value, price -- it wins in every category.

In Japanese culture the concept of 生きがい is present in every aspect of life; the idea that everything is an art that shall be perfected and mastered to the best of one's ability. Literally EVERYTHING. This includes street food, something people in the west view as conveniently available food and little more.

If you've never tried it you're in for a real treat.

>> No.20554170

what a pathetic fat weeb you are. get a fucking job. you've never left the country. you've never tried this meme nip food. your brain is rotten. seek help.

>> No.20554181

In the US, you "shop with your Dollar" which is to say just to use good sense to shop where the owner deserves your business. I would much rather have a business charge what it takes to maintain the highest quality/serving size, than for some owner to start cutting corners, and maybe nothing more than restricting sauces, grr. If you shop where the tourist foot traffic is less, you'll probably do best. Loyal repeat customers have higher standards than single-purchase tourists.

>> No.20554196

are you fucking retarded? you think "this restauant sucks, im not going there anymore" is a uniquely american thought to have... you're the same fat ass retarded weeb who posted the fucking jap kebab aren't you?

>> No.20554204


>you're the same fat ass retarded weeb who posted the fucking jap kebab aren't you?

We are not the same. I'm the one who shared my thoughts on Japanese ドネル, though that other anon does have a point. American culture is built around financial freedom to a degree you won't find in Europe; restaurants here won't survive if they don't get customers. European nations tend to give grants to struggling business owners to help everyone stay afloat and contribute back to the economy in terms of sales and income tax, meaning there is less incentive to actually make and sell a good product.

>> No.20554211

Fucking Christ anon this is weebing at a whole new level.

>> No.20554219

I'll echo the previous sentiments. You're pathetic and fat. Weebs like you are fucking useless

>> No.20554223

No, you're definitely the same fucking anon. "they limited suaces, grrr"

Nice try fat boy. Turn off the cartoons and get a job.

>> No.20554234

Why though? Use pork like a real man.

It's the opposite. Americans have way more disposable income than Greeks, so they can afford to waste money on shitty restaurants. The Greek restaurant scene is comparably merciless. If your food's not great, you're fucked.

>> No.20554235

>a uniquely american thought to have.
Your hatred and potty mouth is only exceed by your lack of reading comprehension. The phrase that uses the word "dollar" is the only thing American about what I stated.

In the US. the failure rate of all restaurants is something like 90% in the first year, which is astounding, but deserved most of the time. With so many choices, I wouldn't tolerate any inferior gyro. To me, the origin of the owner figures into the gyro. Locally to me, the best gyro is from a restaurant owned by a Venezuelan. The anti-pork issue of muslims doesn't affect the traditional GREEK gyro meat blend, which should be a pork-lamb blend. I ok with an actual kebob of beef, chicken or lamb, but that would be shawarma. There is a difference in greek seasonings vs lebanese. The biggest difference is that greeks use greek yogurt as a basis for the tzatziki. There is no shalf stable desert climate driven mayo anywhere. If there is no cucumber in my sandwich, wtf.

>> No.20554236
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>No, you're definitely the same fucking anon.

See pic rel, pay attention to the (You)s.

>"they limited suaces, grrr"

The fuck are you talking about?


And you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.20554240


>Americans have way more disposable income than Greeks

So they can afford to pay more, doesn't mean they will eat more times per day than if they had slightly less money though. If a restaurant doesn't get any customers it doesn't matter how much they make per order.

>> No.20554241

Shut the fuck up, weeb

>> No.20554249
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I don't think I will.

>> No.20554250

>No, you're definitely the same fucking anon. "they limited suaces, grrr"
My favorite Chicken Kitchen with Caribbean jerk-marinated char-grilled chicken limited their mustard curry sauce to 1 per customer, in other words, there was an actual argument if you simply wanted to buy 1 additional sauce. Who argues? A business that wants to close because their employees are too lazy to fill individual containers all day. Next thing they did was make it watery and half strength. Next thing was that they closed down. Pollo Tropical now duplicates their sauce, so they can stay closed!

>> No.20554257

No, I agree with the other anon. Fuck off weeb

>> No.20554280

anime website

>> No.20554298

Nope. This isn't 2005. People became tired of your childishness.

>> No.20554302
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anime website

>> No.20554314

oh nice, my aunt and uncle live there. i went 16 years ago, shortly after they had all the forest fires. absolutely beautiful seas

>> No.20554356

because Greeks are the kings of fast food, many people don't know this but the McDonald's brothers Spiro and Nicko were actually greek as was Ray Kroc (his family angelocised their name it was originally Krocokropolis)

>> No.20554366
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>> No.20554386
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lurk more tourist-kun

>> No.20554715

It's an awesome city. S tier food, lots of entertainment, and an easy boat ride to a decent beach packed with tavernas and babes. Heatwave is bringing out the skipy outfits and the eye candy is unbelievable thanks to all the universities. I am not looking forward to going back to Canada.

>> No.20556459

rip, must've been raped to death by a gang of pakis. so glad i live in the USA

>> No.20556478

Those are muslim immigrants you fucking retard, not Japs who trained 20 years to make kebab, ffs.

>> No.20556490

>I am not looking forward to going back to Canada.
Can you get real gyros (pork) in Canada? In USA it's always beef or sometimes a beef-lamb mix, because the "Greeks" are all actually larping Turks.

>> No.20556501

>Can you get real gyros (pork) in Canada?

no even if you go to a legit place run by real greeks it doesn't taste the same like the gyros in greece

>> No.20556516

I hate the fries in them. It's just cheap filler. Like loaded fries, the fries in gyros lose everything that makes fries great.

>> No.20556593

It's honestly shocking how many retards in 2024 still think images like this prove anything either way. 5 seconds and a basic understanding of html and you can add or remove as many (You)s as you feel like. Also phoneposters are the niggers of imaegboards.

>> No.20557061

back to led dit with you

>> No.20557248


Did you not read my post? It is not the chef's ethnicity that makes these ドネルケバブ good, it is the fact that Japanese culture encourages perfection in every single little mundane task. That is 生きがい.

>> No.20557263

>you are a literal retard if you are in greece rn and haven't already eaten like 5 of these

>> No.20557272

Get your gay ass moon runes out of here and go back to molesting children you useless english teacher. You've obviously never had any kebab in europe or the Mediterranean if you think that döner in japanese is the greatest thing ever.

>> No.20557370


>You've obviously never had any kebab in europe or the Mediterranean

Oh, the sweet irony. I am on vacation in Europe right fucking now.

>if you think that döner in japanese is the greatest thing ever

I never said it was the best thing ever. It is the best variation of döner/gyros however.

>gay ass moon runes

You do realize your lack of comprehension of other cultures is a dead giveaway that one should not take your opinions too seriously, right?

>> No.20557380

Nta, but you're a cunt and nobody wants to hear from you

>> No.20557391



Sure, buddy.

>nobody wants to hear from you

No, a vocal minority, possibly even just one person, doesn't want to hear from me. I'm contributing to the topoc, you are not. Please leave.

>> No.20557397

>it's impossible that more than one person can take a dislike to me
>I'm contributing my laughable opinion that nobody gives a shit about, I think everybody wants to hear more about
I certainly will leave, you shat all over a decent thread. You're a bore and a waste of time

>> No.20557451

Please stop formatting your posts like a retard

>> No.20557548


This is actually how we used to do formatting, before a bunch of Redditors came in around 2015 and started doing everything they could to distance themselves from the roots and force a new retarded "4chan culture".

>> No.20557561

>And you don't know what you're talking about.
I know you're a fucking weeb who needs to fuck off

>> No.20557564


>> No.20557800


"Weeb" implies someone who has an unhealthy obsession with Japan; one who idolizes the culture with rose tinted glasses.

I simply have a deep respect for the Japan. I understand the culture and can see both its strong points and its flaws. That is not at all the same thing as a weeb.

>> No.20557810

I've always thought that weebs have a mental illness, this one here sort of confirms it

>> No.20558077

You know we can all just translate that on the fly on our phone ?

>> No.20558081

I agree, this bloke is mentally ill

>> No.20558101

based japanese man dunking on weebshits. everyone hates anime faggotry.

>> No.20558200

No because some lebs in Halifax ruined it for everyone. They make them out of mystery meat and cover them with a sweetened condensed milk and garlic sauce. It's called a "halifax donair" and now people in this country expect a gyro to taste like that. Also we can't afford to put enough meat on them despite having higher incomes because restaurant owners need to pay huge rents to shekelburg. In the end you get a ground meat mystery kebab in a stale leb pita with sickly sweet sauce even its served by an actual Greek because market forces.

>> No.20558216

The fries are a nice touch if they are done right. Its basically an order of small fries you can dip into the sauce before you rip into your meat mountain.