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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 445 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_4760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20548851 No.20548851 [Reply] [Original]

What are your feelings on eating in the car?

>> No.20548875

much comfier than eating inside

>> No.20548879

i'd rather eat on my car

>> No.20548883

I never had a car akschually.

>> No.20548910

I have no problem with you eating in your own car, but only I eat in mine.

>> No.20548913

did you wver eat in someone elses car

>> No.20549008

I'd rather sit outside and eat than eating in the car. It's uncomfortable.

>> No.20549028

is uncivilised and uncouth

>> No.20549099

I don't do it. The odor-laden moisture full of volatile organic molecules releases all over the interior and sets in the surfaces. Little crumbs of food fall into inaccessible crevices even if you're careful. If you ever gotten in someone's car and it smells like stale ass, that's probably why. You will notice the smell more when it's raining and someone gets into the car with wet shoes.
But if you avoid eating in the car and maintain basic personal hygiene, it will never start to stink. Of course you could pay extra to get it detailed and ozonated regularly, but this won't 100% eliminate lingering odors.

>> No.20549103

I see it like eating on a bus or train. A small snack is fine. A full meal is not. The few times in my life I've ever gone through a drive thru, I always parked somewhere and ate it outside of the car or brought it home/wherever to eat it there.
European sensibilities, I guess.

>> No.20549150
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This, so much this.
>Here in my car
>I feel safest of all
>I can lock all my doors
>It's the only way to live
>In cars

>> No.20549175
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If the restaurant is clean and has nice seating with booths, and I'm not in a rush, then I go inside to eat 100% of the time. I like going to (local, not chain) diners and just getting a burger/patty melt and a soda, it's comfy. I've only eaten in my car a couple of times in the last year, usually people who eat only in their cars are rightfully ashamed fatties or otherwise insecure weirdos too scared to eat alone. Also I'm American so my opinion matters more than >>20549103 because God loves me more.

>> No.20549383
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>triple patty fish borgir

>> No.20549386

You are not very smart.

>> No.20549387

I like eating in my car because I can just throw the wrappers or any part of the food I don't want to eat straight out the window. Much more convenient than carrying it to a trashcan.

>> No.20549408
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I support it fully. Especially when it's a fresh baguette and you just can't wait until you get home to try it

>> No.20549546

When's the next Vagrant Holiday video

>> No.20549575

I keep my car spotless, so I don't do it. It still smells like how it did when I bought it three years ago.

>> No.20549588

Yeah, I can't get the dead hooker smell out of mine, either.

>> No.20549649

If you're so smart why are you fat and afraid to eat alone?

>> No.20549704

>insecure weirdos too scared to eat alone
But... they are eating alone

>> No.20549775

I've got little kids so my car interior is 90% piss shit and mud anyway

>> No.20549824

do your kids know that you're a 4chan-loving sociopath

>> No.20549835

I just let my son know and he asked what a skopeepat is

>> No.20549865

Eating in cars is as old as cars themselves and we got cupholders now

>> No.20549914

Fast food, that's usually what I'll do. Couldn't give a shit less about being seen eating alone or anything like that. My vehicle is more comfortable and I get to watch videos/listen to whatever (never been a headphone/earbud person and *hate* people who play shit in public).

Also, given how heavily fast food places now prioritize drive through over inside, I almost always get it faster than if I had gone in.

Anything that's not fast food I'm either eating in or finding a place with a table.

>> No.20549915

"Dad what's a chudjak fakecel"

>> No.20550118
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I prefer not to and only will on long drives, I like to keep my car clean. I eat in my work truck though since it gets dirty anyway

>> No.20550333

comfy as long as u aren't driving.

>> No.20550344

>eating while parked
>eating while driving
downright retarded, idk why this isn't illegal it's the same as using a cell phone, you have one hand off the wheel distracted with stuffing your fat fucking face

>> No.20550372

>What are your feelings on eating in the car?
Done it in long-ass car trips tons as a kid. And I drink in the car all the time. It's fine, just try to avoid stuff that can drip all over the place or fling shit. Basically limiting you to hand-held items.

As the driver it is WAY harder to scarf shit down while driving, so I rarely do it while driving. Most recent would be to grab fries out of the fast food bag to munch on while hot, and even then that was months ago.

Guilty of eating baguette in the car.

>parked somewhere and ate it outside of the car
Lolwut, are you putting down a full table cloth and silverware set for enjoying your goyslop burger from McDicks? It's slop, it's meant to be eaten as slop.

>> No.20550375

Oh no, I stuffed some fries in my pie hole while at a red light! Officer you got me. I've got a bad case of Affluenza, so you'll let me off right? Thanks officer, I'm sure you'd get it.

>> No.20550384

I don't like doing it but i'm usually too damn hungry not to. By the time I get home i'll usually have 3 pizza slices gone.

>> No.20550421

Agree that it makes things too dirty over time (especially French fries), maybe the could make a car privacy hood that you can put on and it keeps all the food particles inside and makes it so people can’t see you eating.

>> No.20550425

Get your fatass on Shark Tank

>> No.20550437

>crockpot incident in the car

>> No.20551301

tell me

>> No.20551306

Its a challenge because my car is a stick and every bump feels like an earthquake. I have to be careful with what I eat or food will get everywhere

>> No.20551873

I hate it. No wipes present. People can see you. Don't want to get my chair wet. No computer space. Can't get to the bathroom quick enough. Not a pleasant experience.

>> No.20552120

My mom is a hoarder and will eat in her car but will leave dirty wrappers and half eaten chocolate bars in the same car. Anytime I ride with her I feel roaches crawling on my legs. When I get out of the car there's probably still a roach crawling on my back that I have no idea is there. It's disgusting. Also people that do doordash types of jobs will eventually get roaches as well unless you use medicine or the fog bomb monthly.

>> No.20552362

I ate in my car once and never again. I hate how the smells stick around for so long.

>> No.20552388

It's only acceptable at drive-in restaurants.

>> No.20552427

If I'm on a long trip I'll grab some jerky or candy or whatever when I stop for gas and eat that while driving. Otherwise never, though.

>> No.20552439
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It's fine if you can do it hands free.

>> No.20552578

eating in the car is fine when its just me, but when other people do it they always leave their trash/food everywhere and i have to clean it :(

>> No.20552606

I'm just curious will all pizza delivery drivers eventually get roaches too?

>> No.20552609

You dont eat in my car because I am Jimmy, and Jimmy don't cater to no one. You buckle your seatbelt, you don't touch the radio and you sure as fuck do not eat on the near pristeen cloth seats of Jimmy's 2008 Honda Civic. Now, you may be tasked to hold dipping sauces, soups, sterno cans and other road trip tools Jimmy may need as pilot. If you do not think you can goose to my mavrick, eject right now motherfucker.

>> No.20552624

No, that other anons mom brought the roaches to her car from her roach infested home. When doing door dash or whatever your'e just dropping the food off not bringing everyone's garbage back into your car.

>> No.20552630

Jimmy Glick?

>> No.20552678
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>> No.20552695

Delivery drivers handle food that's packed up by the restaurant and placed into an insulated bag for transport. It's not gonna happen because even if there's a spill, it's contained. But I can see the car smelling bad after a while due to all the slop food smells mixing and hotboxing the car for hours a day.

>> No.20552906
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>>I feel safest of all
>>I can lock all my doors
Beaner here. It isnt safe, they can bust down your window

>> No.20553170
File: 709 KB, 3264x2448, pizzacar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always and forever

>> No.20553182

i can't do it. i always feel nasty eating in the car. if i'm absolutely starving i might eat, like, a fry out of the bag. but i'll still feel gross.

>> No.20553185
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>> No.20553191
File: 45 KB, 508x696, 73C3F7A6-FEFE-4C56-9C68-81777D9FC6A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dropped a salmon sandwich in my car twice so far this year.

>> No.20553222

(You) don't get to eat in my car.
I don't care for the subject otherwise.

>> No.20553224

this kipper's car fucking REEKS of fish

>> No.20553227

I'm feeling your dad should've kicked your mom in the stomach. Repeatedly.

>> No.20553236

wasted trips

>> No.20553239
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>> No.20553515

Go check his channel

>> No.20553703

Always end up spilling some between the seats, never to be seen again. It's kind've disgusting thinking about all the rotting food particles down there desu.

>> No.20553705

I thought I was the only one that liked to eat plain fresh baguettes.

>> No.20554043

Love it

>> No.20554052
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fast food always makes my car smell like ƒarts for like 3 days. it doesn't even matter what I eat; could be Arby's, could MackDonnoughs, could be the local hot dog place. The residual essence is always like a dog ƒart.

>> No.20554057

he passed away recently

>> No.20554076
File: 2.00 MB, 382x480, 1f2a3bfdfdd8c6857e6206bb2f21d66c876aa3cbfcb02d9dd7ba37eef91bd95f.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like a home away from home
eating with someone else in the passenger's is comfy
but it kinda depends on the time and weather desu

>> No.20554148

the common denominator here is you

>> No.20554252

I use to drive interstate for work. Smoking weed, listening to tunes and eating slop on the open road were real comfy times.

>> No.20554265
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What a smarmy faggot. Glad he got his shit kicked in by those muzzies lol.

>> No.20554363

Very awkward

>> No.20554501
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>What are your feelings on eating in the car?

A disgusting habit. Back in high school one of my friends got a car before the rest of us, so we all depended on him for rides. He was also a fat slob who ate in his car all the time. I once dropped my phone and it slipped underneath my seat, so I had to go fish it out. I reached under without looking and got a handful of dried out fries, melted chocolate, and sticky candy instead, because he kept eating and dripping shit and ignoring it. When I finally got my own car, I had one firm and fast rule: absolutely no eating or drinking, with the exception of bottled water. I don't even allow snacking on a single fry or chewing gum or eating a single piece of candy. 0 tolerance. It's been over 15 years later and that rule is still in effect in my car. I've never had to deal with a bad smelling car, or someone accidentally dropping or spilling something. Fuck people who eat in their cars, it's gross. Wait until you get to your destination before eating, fatty mcfatfat.

>> No.20554671
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It's the only place I eat. The messier the better.

>> No.20554690

Only if i have to, imma a clean freak when it comes to my car
But those car meals after long rides hit different

>> No.20554766
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love car pizza

>> No.20554777 [DELETED] 

It could be worse:
>"Hey, can I smoke in your car?"
>(or worse yet, they just start lighting up)
No, you literal negro, you may not. No, not even with the windows down. Not even within 10 feet of the vehicle. (But to be honest, maybe it's my fault for even being acquainted with such low-class individuals.)

>> No.20554796

Yhis guy wont fart inside his car

>> No.20554851

I actually won't because my seats are fabric. The ass gas goes deep into the seat since it's released at pressurized velocity. Fart too many times in your car and it will smell like stale farts forever. Be careful out there anons

>> No.20554862

I prefer to eat in their dining room. The dining room was specifically designed to enhance the vibe of the food.

>> No.20554864

This is why you never, ever, buy a car with cloth seats.

>> No.20554885
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Unless you like pizza in your car. then you don't have to worry about ruining leather seats.

>> No.20554903
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It would be nice if you were french
Are you french? If so its fine,
Also no, the protagonist of the Panpanya manga's eat a plain baguette in the short story city of the deads (here is a picture of her eating a plain baguette)

>> No.20554951

>Lolwut, are you putting down a full table cloth and silverware set for enjoying your goyslop burger from McDicks?
Nope. I've actually never done that with McDo simply because... well, idky, really. Likely because I can count on one hand how many times I've gone through their drive-thru.
It's also partly about stretching my legs after driving so long. Like I said, I rarely, if ever, go for fast food and even less commonly do so by drive-thru so it's usually because I've been on the road a while. The other part is because I just don't like eating while driving or without something stable to put my food onto. But I misspoke when I implied I never eat drive-thru in the car. Like I said, a small snack is fine. The last time I went to McDonald's was four years ago and it was by drive-thru. All I got was the worst donut ever made. I wasn't even going to go, but I was on my way to the supermarket that morning, my neighbour lady saw me packing shopping totes into the passenger's side and asked if she could come with me because she needed to shop and, as we were nearing the store, asked if I wouldn't mind going through the drive thru, too. She got some steak bagel thing and some coffee I just got the godawful donut.
That was the very last time I went through a drive thru.
Other times I've gotten fast food, which are only three* others in the last four years, twice were me just walking to the place from home and the other was me parking and going in because the drive-thru was packed but the inside was empty.
>* unless Chinese takeaway or food truck/cart stuff counts, then it's maybe eight times in the last four years.
Jesus doesn't love you. That's why you look like that

>> No.20554977

I know a guy who, soon after buying a new Genesis, was driving it to a potluck with a fucking slowcooker in the passenger's side and was surprised it was spilling everywhere. I'm close to his place so he texted to ask if I had fucking Tupperware for him to borrow. Knowing I would never see it again if I gave him any, I offered electrical tape to hold the lid shut instead but he refused it.
I hope his car smells of rotten chili or whatever it was he was bringing. Hate that guy.
The missus and I were invited, too, but we just had a kid and weren't going to go. I guess it's good we didn't since neither of us like that guy. Fuck him.

>> No.20554992

I don't want my car to smell like mcdonalds, so I eat inside and I find the unlimited refills on soda and the fact that i can dip my fries in ketchup makes for a better experience.

>> No.20554998
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>> No.20555010
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where tf did you even find that F?

>> No.20555211

Kek'd harder at that pic than anything else if seen on this site in months

>> No.20555481

I prefer eating while not driving, and preferably while sitting in a restaurant. Eating while actually driving, I usually have a hard time keeping the food from getting smeared all over my face, or falling all over me and the car.

Last Saturday I set a mostly-empty 2L bottle on the passenger seat, and it promptly fell over and the cap popped off and dumped all the soda onto the floor. Fortunately it was diet, so now my car merely has an aroma of cherries instead of being sticky af.

>> No.20555484

fuck you I'm diabetic I can't eat that you bastard

>> No.20555629

Is that really him? I imagined him a little buffer.

>> No.20555815
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we need to bring back this packaging

>> No.20555845
File: 55 KB, 740x1000, 61PFZpuCuCL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This packaging would be more appropriate these days

>> No.20555849

As long as you're not actively driving it shouldn't be frowned upon. Short lunch break, wand some AC and isolation for a few moments...what's the problem?

>> No.20555856

You have very feminine legs and sit like a fag. Also what the fuck is on those hot dogs, it looks like doodoo feces. Is that their pride month special?

>> No.20555895

I always try to go into restaurants and eat there, but I used to eat in my car when the dining rooms were closed and drive-thru only during COVID.

>> No.20555978

>I find your legs feminine and attractive
>I can't stop talking about gays
Drop your contact info honey

>> No.20556070

Check your DMs :3

>> No.20556299

I think it's the musical symbol for forte

>> No.20556306

>Ford symbol blanked out

>> No.20558600
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the sloppier the better.

>> No.20558783
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Get on my level.

>> No.20558906

Bad, I don't like to eat in any condition besides at home on the couch

>> No.20558916

I will NOT allow MY PROPERTY to be used as an unpaid advertisement - or more to the point, an advertisement I paid them for the privilege of wheeling around town. I took all the branding off the exterior of the car as well.

>> No.20558934

just make your own car lol

>> No.20559606
File: 222 KB, 604x578, pic of my car (bite sized).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I love eating in my car!

>> No.20559802

based, I hate eating in a car

>> No.20559811

>salmon sandwich
>in the car

>> No.20559813


>> No.20559969

cool bro, thanks for advertising mcdonalds though, just bought some :D

>> No.20559978

if anyone is dumb enough to think a Genesis is a good brand to pay tens of thousands for they deserve what they get

>> No.20559982

Mildly related, but what's with all the low view youtube people filming inside their car? Are they aping McDonalds wifi? Is it because they live with people and it's the only way to be alone?

>> No.20560022

oh n-

>> No.20560134
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>eat in car
>hang one of these up
best of both worlds

>> No.20560151
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Sneed it.

>> No.20560157


>> No.20560162

>a legitimate help me step-boyfriend i'm stuck

>> No.20560165

wrong way around though

>> No.20560181

Totally acceptable if youre homeless

>> No.20560257

Used to eat at Pal's with my late mom when we went to the town next to ours(that town was much bigger and nicer and had an actual K-mart that sold Zoids toys when I was a kid), the parking lot had trees beside of it and the store adjacent to it was an antique shop, so it was quiet. Fed the little birds pieces of buns and fries and people watched.

It was the best "little moments" of my life. Miss it dearly.

>> No.20560281
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Just like me sir. I put on the armani spray and it fixes the BO

>> No.20560399

RIP the keebler elf...they RUINED him...he was so much better before...now he's an uncanny FREAK