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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20546593 No.20546593 [Reply] [Original]

Swedish sandwich cake, yum

>> No.20546596

That's not a sandwich. It's not even food, it's like half fruit rind

>> No.20546600
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>> No.20546604
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>> No.20546608
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>jealous because he will never experience this opulence

>> No.20546612
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>> No.20546618
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>> No.20546619
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Underneath it's sandwich

>> No.20546620
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Then it becomes cake

>> No.20546626

Ååhh guuu va läckert det hade vart med litta smörgstårta nu på bakfyllan.

>> No.20546627
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Common topping: Shrimp and salmon

>> No.20546635
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Also roast beef and ham

>> No.20546637

These 2 look the best, I don't like the ones with a bunch of fruit on them

>> No.20546648
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this is just a 1950s american housewife recipe

>> No.20546655

Unlike everything OP's posted, that actually looks edible (but still not good)

>> No.20546863

this one looks pretty good

>> No.20546880

what do swedes do with the snipped crusts

>> No.20546883

Throw it away I bet

>> No.20546888

Trust me smörgåstårta is not only edible but insanely good, it's usually what people buy for the whole office on their birthday, it's literally what it sounds sandwich cake, yes there is an obscene amount of toppings on top of it , usually shrimps, ham, salmon, and eggs, but underneath you have 2-4 layers of bread with mayo mixed with whatever toppings you want finely diced, one layer is also commonly made with a pate

It may look like a decoration and not a meal, but it is incredibly good and crazy addictive

>> No.20546889

breadcrumbs for meatballs

>> No.20547012

Feed to birds

>> No.20547104

>this frightens and confuses the diabetic fast food eater
Never had a sugary cake since I was 16, always had the sandwich cake

>> No.20547134

Bork bork bork

>> No.20547147

Hey remember that time literally anyone on earth said "let's have Swedish for dinner"? Yeah me neither.

>> No.20547283

Most people don't eat people

>> No.20547412

smörgåstårta is like smørrebrød but retarded and mysteriously amerifat like

>> No.20547998

nej, det är det inte

>> No.20548021
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Swedish food in general is extremely good and is interesting in that it uses very little spice or herb to add flavor, instead relying on cooking methods and combinations.
But it's criminal how underused lingon are.

>> No.20548040

That's just because of a mix of people not knowing what swedish food even is in the first place (i.e. 'advertisement' issue) and the lack of appropriate ingredients available for it in most of the world.

>> No.20548141
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Nobody said it was a sandwich you retard, it literally says sandwich CAKE!
Do you call a fucking pancakecake a pancake?

>> No.20548152
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Opinion of Baloney Cake?

>> No.20548158

We feed it to the blattar.

>> No.20548470

>appropriate ingredients
rocks and fish? You can find that anywhere. Even those famous Swedish Meatballs aren't even Swedish. It's just Turkish Kofte.

>> No.20548480

That sauce is a prepared mixture, right? I know that's not just straight up mayonnaise stacked on bologna like some trailer park Walmart recipe.

>> No.20548542

most swedish photo ever

>> No.20548550
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Meanwhile, in America.

>> No.20548849

>The dish consists of layers of sliced bologna and cream cheese with ranch dressing or other seasoning for the cream cheese.

>> No.20548877

>Turkish Kofte
Which they stole from vikings who traded in constantinopel.

>> No.20550813

sounds good nigga

>> No.20551020

Bread pudding

>> No.20551022

Why not?

>> No.20551103

yeah i need a video of someone trying to cut this bullshit please

>> No.20551110

Want to try that again, champ?

>> No.20551115

Don't like the mix of sweet and savoury. Tart apples are nice in salads sometimes but oranges just don't fit with the rest of the flavours

>> No.20551126

You just cut a square with a kitchen knife. You'll have to use something sharper than a cake server of course


>> No.20551142

Yeah, very common in Finland also. I get that it looks fucking goofy if you're not used to it but it truly is amazing.

>> No.20551165

>sweet and savoury
That's basically the entire swedish palette if you add salty.

>> No.20551213

i will never like smörgåstårta. just too much vegetable and mayo for me to enjoy it.

>> No.20551228


>> No.20551310
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Anyone remember Swedengate a couple years back?

Yeah even if I was invited to join dinner when over at a friend's place I wouldn't be eating this stuff, looks like the blandest white person food imaginable.

>> No.20551335

That plate is pure soul. No one wants you for dinner.

>> No.20551341

What's the problem other than the egg?
The ingredients are meant to be combined as you eat them.

>> No.20551346

Even the egg belongs to that plate, although I admit it's overcooked.

>> No.20551351

>although I admit it's overcooked.
That was my point. The egg compliments the pickled herring and the cream fraiche.

>> No.20551355

Skandi Anons? Why in the absolute FUCK do you not peel the fucking citrus? What's wrong with you guys? Do you just eat the lemons/oranges with the peel on like retard mongoloids or what? If you're forced to dissect your food like assholes to peel off the rinds from your citrus, then you inherently ruin the entire damn dish.
Reminds me of Asian bugmen that like to play with their food.

>> No.20551374

No idea what swedengate is, can I get a tl:dr pls?

That plate looks like what I eat after a long month when I'm broke. I just rummage through the fridge & pantry and throw something together. The only thing separating that image from my own poverty meals is the lack of a paper plate.

>> No.20551396
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The meal is buffet style but that's a pretty bad image
This is what you usually get, minus the shish kebab. The grilled meat is usually grilled steak or block

>> No.20551410


Apparently in Sweden guests are not served food even when the host eats -- this includes children going over to play at their friends' houses. When the host family eats the guest is made to sit and wait, alone, in a separate room.

Seeing how hospitality is such an natural part of most cultures this of course caused quite an outrage when it became publicly known a few years back, and it triggered further investigations from the internet. Eventually someone came across the fact that Sweden used to mine and sell iron that was used to make chains used in the Atlantic slave trades, and with that basically damn near a century's worth of positive Swedish international PR was torn down overnight.


Never been to Sweden, but in every other country I've visited the locals have been open, welcoming, and hospitable.

>> No.20551428

>Eventually someone came across the fact that Sweden used to mine and sell iron that was used to make chains used in the Atlantic slave trades
Almost like Sweden was a major exporter of iron...

>> No.20551439

>Apparently in Sweden

Yeah that was all lies and misinformation spread by a black woman on social media

>> No.20551443

I am from Norway, and we also have the culture of not giving guests food. But if our culture is like in Sweden, it applies especially to children, I feel like it's less likely to apply to adults.
I used to wait for the people I was visiting to eat dinner with their families a lot when I was a child. It did happen that I was invited to eat with them, but that was an exception.
(Although I have experienced watching hosts eating without having anything even as an adult, so it's not unheard of to apply it outside of children too)

This was more than 20 years ago so it's possible things have changed now.

>> No.20551456

That spread looks absolutely delicious, but I'm confused about the corn. Do Skanis like corn? Is it expensive over there? I'm of the impression that corn is considered "exotic" as an American crop.
Thanks for the tl;dr, this kinda reminds me of what I've heard about the Danes. Apparently Denmark is a country of turbojews like that, where they even have a phone app dedicated to paying back their friends after they were invited over for dinner. Like, their friend would charge them for gas money and expect th m to bring their own food for a dinner date.
I fail to understand that shit, maybe I'm just too Celtic. When I invite guests, it my obligation to feed them the best I have to offer. Nickel & dining them seems far too Jewish to me. If I invite you to my home, I WILL feed you a delicious meal and never even consider the concept of repayment.
The laws of hospitality reign supreme in my home.

>> No.20551464

Pretty damn cringe to hear that culture exists in Norway, but you're still absolutely based since at least you're not Sw*dish.

>> No.20551476

>I'm of the impression that corn is considered "exotic" as an American crop.
Swedes (and maybe danes) like it a lot since it's sweet and it's usually a side when grilling. Corn is actually quite common in the skandinavian south because the weather is good for it.
It's around 1.80 per cob.

>> No.20551484

Kids are expected to go home to eat dinner with their families, which they do. Of course they are offered snacks and drinks or fika. If they are staying overnight they get dinner and breakfast of course.

Retarded immigrants who don't understand they should feed their own children got outraged when Swedes don't feed their children dinner for them and spread this misinformation on social media. And the usual Sweden hateboneritis spread this around.

>> No.20551502

Eating with others or sitting at that table is a sign of hospitality and good will. It is a tradition that has basically existed throughout all human culture. The fact that swedes don't allow that just makes them seem like subhuman.

>> No.20551509

This. It's a high trust vs low trust society issue. Foreigners who come here think Native=wealthy elite and try to force a free meal from them but the from the cultural viewpoint of the swede if you feed someone else and they go back with a ruined appetite you're in the wrong.

>> No.20551532

Well I was asked plenty of times as a kid but I always said no I'm going home to eat with my family later. That's is hospitality and good will.

>It is a tradition that has basically existed throughout all human culture.
It's a tradition for children to eat with their parents.

>The fact that swedes don't allow that just makes them seem like subhuman.
You will never be white, freeloader

>> No.20551533
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>Sweden used to mine and sell iron that was used to make chains used in the Atlantic slave trades
This is just anti-Swedish propaganda thoughever.
Sweden mined (and still mines) tons of ore and sold the iron to all countries in Europe and beyond, that some of these countries made chains (among other things) and then used some of those chains for slaves is not related to Sweden.

>> No.20551539

Maybe I'm just too Irish/American to understand this shit, but holy fuck dude. You're supposed to feed guests. If you have a friend over, don't you want to give unto them? Don't you care about them?
The very idea of having a child over to play with my own, yet not sharing dinner with them, is horrifically repulsive to me.
FEED CHILDREN. what the fuck is wrong with you retards?

>> No.20551546
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>> No.20551549

How does that government sanctioned nigger cock taste?

>> No.20551553

I don't understand your geopol soyjack meme. I literally said I'm American.

>> No.20551554

We feed them snacks, drinks, fika. They want to go home and eat dinner with their parents. Moron mutt you are repulsive

>> No.20551556

Just goes to show that despite "offering" hospitality it is an act of saving face with no goodwill towards others involved.

>> No.20551559


They could have damn well stopped selling it once they found out what it was used for.


While I don't agree with some of the language here, basically this post has got it right. Hospitality has been a cornerstone of basically every other culture in the history of mankind. Feed guests. Especially fucking CHILDREN.


Mental gymnastics to excuse shitty racist behavior? Cool. That's really great.


Swedes have little to no good will, they use their on-paper high numbers of asylum seeking refugees to divert attention from the fact that their actual attitude towards outsiders is extremely hostile.


If anything the fact that she's Black is even more of a reason to believe in it. A lot more to lose.

>> No.20551565

The fact is Swedes are a superiror race of people that's why we get so much hate. Honestly I forgive you for you are lesser people who understandably are feeling insecure.

>> No.20551572

I'm gonna go on a limb here and assume you don't have any friends.
Real white people take care of each other. We feed each other. We provide for each other. You know, just strong communal culture.
But it's white culture, so I don't expect you to understand.

>> No.20551573

Can't you feed your own child? Should I contact social services on you?

>> No.20551581
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Americans aren't white. And fast food isn't a dinner.

>> No.20551583

I can, and I'll feed yours too.
That's what white people do.

>> No.20551584

Stop feeding my kids, pervert. We're not poor.

>> No.20551586

>providing for your friends is mutt culture
The absolute state of Sw*des.

>> No.20551602

Are swedes so poor they can't feed other people's? Need more government hand outs?

>> No.20551622


Oh they have money all right.

In Sweden presidential election campaigns are state financed, and it was recently uncovered that the second largest political party have been employing people to run anonymous social media accounts to spur social unrest and further racial divides. They used to overtly be literal nazis before people realized nazis suck.

State. Funded.

>> No.20551626

I never implied you were poor, and please don't project upon me.

Ya know what? As much of an asshole that you come across as, I'd still invite you and your family over. Your kid can play outside in the woods with mine. And at the end of the day? You, your wife and your child will eat dinner with us. You all can even crash in our spare bedroom, queen sized bed for you and your missus with a child size in the same room.

>> No.20551630

You insult me with your implications of poverty.

>> No.20551636

asg suedisötnosen

>> No.20551645

I'm confused. Being able to afford to feed an entire family and allowing them to sleep in my guest room means I'm poor?

>> No.20551651

No but by feeding my kids you are saying I am not able to take care of me and mine. It's a direct insult to my independence.

>> No.20551663

Being charitable isn't an insult dude. When I have guests over, I never even think about their ability to care for themselves. I know they can.
But when I invite them, they recieve the best I have to offer all the same because that's just what you're supposed to do.

>> No.20551683

>Being charitable isn't an insult dude.
It is when you don't ask in advance or when you don't need charity. It's saying "look at you, filthy hobo. Have a sandwich aren't I a good person"

>> No.20551697

You Danish retards just don't get it.

>> No.20551720

You're the one not getting shit

>> No.20551731

ITT Mutts learning about different cultures and being angry and confused

>> No.20551748

Dude, I'm trying to understand, I truly am.
But it's just so wild to me that the concept of treating your guests the same as you would your own family doesn't exist over there.

>> No.20551807

Charity is for the needy. Not only that but taking what you don't need is extremely subhuman which means if you take charity when well off then you're a bad person.

>> No.20551835

>be me
>be swede
>be revolted
It's delicious but it's literally candy, the bread and the cream is just too heavy. I can never take more than 2 bites (one to taste, and another because it was tasty).

>> No.20551842
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>> No.20551850

I'm a second gen migrant and we always offered guests food but they typically denied because they had food at home, so we either stopped playing because it was time to eat and they'd go home to eat too, or they'd at our house
I'm honestly baffled you don't even offer. The Swedes I know today do...

>> No.20551871


>> No.20551874

May I ask where your originally from?
I've always thought Skandis were just fellow normal white people except they speak a silly language and eat fermented fish. I never knew there was such a cultural difference, I'm struggling to wrap my head around it.

>> No.20551935

>The Swedes I know today do...
It's almost as if this is something completely blown out of proportion

>> No.20551942


>> No.20552012

From Turkey but kurdish, my grandparents left in 60s and my parents were born in Sweden in 70s, I was born in early 00s

>> No.20552016

Yeah I never had memories of not being offered food when I was a kid

>> No.20552058

but not on one plate

>> No.20552074

Eh, I've seen it mixed. Jams with savory and salty sauces is a pretty common meal. They also love jackobs frestelse. Banana and ham casseroles in a savory gravy.

Shits wild.

>> No.20552529

you're not even correct
when i was a kid i got invited to dinners all the time, but i usually just waited in my friends room 5 minutes while he hoovered up all the food because my mom was going to ask me to come home and eat in like 40 minutes anyway

difference is that we don't FORCE people to come to dinner like equatorial cultures do

>> No.20552538

literally 23 accounts named #SDwaifu or #SDtobbe ran by a dozen of 20somethings in a spare office, posting memes of riding into rinkeby on a tank
kill yourself sosse

>> No.20552573

Kek what a bunch of plebs. Each ingredient on that table is of the highest quality, and together those flavours combine into heavenly taste. It’s not poverty, it’s high culinarism.

>> No.20552581

looks good but wtf are those green/orange slices?

>> No.20552586

wtf were they thinking
needs thick sliced cheese instead

>> No.20552588

It just isn’t an issue. Everyone has enough food to eat, kids rarely are interested in dinnef. Why serve them food if they don’t care? I just don’t get it.

>> No.20552595

Why? It’s alreadt salty and heavy, it’s doesn’t need more salty fattiness.

>> No.20552636

fine but I don't want to pick rinds out of my sandwich cake
a shredded lemon pulp or juice garnish would be fine

>> No.20552855


>posting memes of riding into rinkeby on a tank

AKA memes about ethnic genocide, spread by members of the party that wants to rid the country of non-whites and other undesirable minorities. Does that seem fine to you?


I am not Swedish, I have never been to Sweden, and I do not speak the language -- I have no idea what this means and I can't find a definite answer. Doesn't matter; just know that EVEN IF I DON'T have any connection to your country at all, the rest of the world now has their eyes on you if you ever step out of line again. THAT is the true power of Swedengate.

>> No.20553393

wow that looks novel and delicio-
>all that orange and lemon/lime rim
jesus christ how horrifying
this is even worse than that rotten fish stuff

>> No.20553470

My assumption is that it's just a salad ontop of a piece of bread? Or do you fold it over like a sandwich? Regardless I would just squeeze the citrus on top and discard and discard the rinds?

>> No.20553988

>AKA memes about ethnic genocide
no? it's about crime

>> No.20554020


Ah yes, the good people of the neo nazi party just want to keep everyone safe, THAT'S why they would drive a war machine into the area with the highest concentration of PoC in the country.

>> No.20554041

The kids get hungry and you tell them to get the fuck out and ask their mom for food, or it gets late and you make dinner for your kid and tell the other kid to sit in his room alone because you don't have a plate for him. This bizarre idea that your neighbors are trash that barely deserve to exist in your home.

>> No.20554151


>> No.20555245

i've lived in rinkeby and there are constant murders on the street
if People of Crime didn't want to get patrolled by tanks then maybe they shouldn't commit so many murders

>> No.20555250

it's not actually real you dumb fuck

>> No.20556270


It is. The whole fucking Internet blew up over it less than three years ago.


Bullshit. Go home, nazi.

>> No.20556317

See, I hate using oranges like that because the peel just makes it a chore on something that should just use a fork and maybe knife

>> No.20556732
