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20543676 No.20543676 [Reply] [Original]

It has such a long coastline it may as well be an island. And yet all we know about Italian food is grain slop meant for peasants like pizza and pasta.

>> No.20543684

>I'm an ignorant xenophobe therefore I wouldn't have heard about Italian seafood
>blah blah grainslop
>fuck, I'm such a fucking vapid cunt

>> No.20543686

i'm also against seed oils, all bread, sugar, and Biden.
I do, thoughever, drink a lot of Monster Energy drinks and eat soy-filled chicken nuggets prepared by my fat cunt mom

>> No.20543687

>Why isn't Italy famous for seafood
It is. Have you ever been there?

>> No.20543692

Italian seafood was great when i was there. The american versions just use less of it. Countries like Croatia aren't that famous for seafood either but they had some of the best ones I've ever had other than Norway, Greece, Denmark and Finland.

>> No.20543693

In europe italians are known for seafood and everything is based on what can be caught in the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian sea, reason why it's hard to emulate the same in other countries and italian food ends up being reduced to a poor copy of "easy to replicate italian dishes" and by easy I mean using trash ingredients like american cheese and tomato sauce with corn syrup to make pizza.

>> No.20543695
File: 12 KB, 270x186, ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are describing American Italian shit, which is cheapest stuff poor immigrants could make palatable. In Europe, Italian restaurants are quite different and seafood is very prevalent.

>> No.20543699
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>Why isn't Italy famous for seafood

>> No.20543702

Correction, sweden deserves an honorable mention as well for their smoked fish, crayfish and shrimp. Even the tuna i had at some cheap sushi joint was better than anything I ever had in the US.

>> No.20543713

We nordics developed a rather big culture around seafood, because it was so plentiful and during the summer we could catch a large excess. Then we would obviously preserve it any way we could. Smoking was possibly the easiest way of preservation. Practically free, as opposed to salt. Much faster than drying. Also, added a nice flavor. So smoked fish was a huge thing in all nordic cultures. Not even that long ago, almost all households had improvised smokers or ways of smoking fish with byproduct smoke from saunas etc. Or, at least the ones near water, which is almost everyone here.

>> No.20543732

The smoked mackerel and skagenrora i had in gothenburg from saluhallen was amazing. We have pretty damn good seafood in the pacific northwest but that stuff was amazing. Danish smorrebrod too.

>> No.20543737

it is
for last christmas I gave my Italiano gf Seven Whole Foods fishsticks for her own personal Feast of the Seven Fishes. She cried. Im a pretty fucking great catch, but not as good a catch as those fishsticks!

>> No.20543771

>Countries like Croatia aren't that famous for seafood either but they had some of the best ones I've ever had
lol you're American
I'm from Italy but we used to go on holiday to Croatia from time to time when I was a kid. Seafood all day. It's super fucking famous for its seafood.

>> No.20543775

>his gf is a dude

>> No.20543777

if they have so much water, why didn't they invent sushi and wrapping crap in seaweed?

>> No.20543789

It literally is though. Retard

>> No.20543798

That's my point. I went to the adriatic sea around Makarska and Split and that was some of the best seafood i ever had. Americans only know fast food slop.

>> No.20543812

Shellfish and fish benefit from cold water. It makes them leaner and firms their meat. That's why even Italians orefer dried Belgian fish (stokvis/stoccafisso and bakkeljauw/baccalà) over their own Mediterranean products. There are exceptions of course: tuna, anchovy, swordfish, scorpionfish and vongole.

>> No.20543843

We do eat various types of seaweed and eat something similar to sashimi and that marinated type of sushi where the fish is soaked in salted citrus juice. We just never got around to wrapping things in seaweed.

>> No.20543890

>Why isn't Italy famous for seafood instead of grain slop?
Because you're stupid? Half the dishes I had were seafood focused when I was in Italy.

>> No.20543899

>The american versions just use less of it.
I'd disagree. But maybe that's because I'm on the coast.

>> No.20543911

for the love of god, kill yourself

>> No.20543992

No. You'd disagree because you want to be contrary even if it goes entirely against reality. I also live on the coast, surrounded by greasy wop degos and these eye-tie fucks just don't eat seafood very much at all. And why would they? They're descended of the sister-fucking hillbillies from the mountains of southern Italy (srsly, one told me that she knows she's "100% Italian" because her parents are cousins). They wouldn't know jack shit about seafood, anyway, the stupid, inbred pricks.

>> No.20544001

"Italians eat a lot of seafood" is like the first comment everyone makes after actually visiting Italy for the first time.

>> No.20544030


Just how fat and disgusting are you OP? Have you seen your own penis this decade? Don't answer that, I don't want the effort of typing a reply to be the one bit of exercise that finally finishes you off.

>> No.20544044

It is.
You just haven't heard of it because Italian-Americans were poorfags with grain-based diets.

>> No.20544116

>mama mia, il xenophobo doesn't know about mah frutti di mare
fucking drama queens lol

>> No.20544275

>>Why isn't Italy famous for seafood
Kys you moron.

>> No.20544290 [DELETED] 

This is the truthbomb that mutts hate. USA is populated by the dregs of Europe that had to leave in order to survive. The quality people of Europe didn't need to risk the Atlantic crossing in a wooden boat because life in Europe was fine – because they weren't retards.

>> No.20544317

You kidding? They got all kinds of great seafood that goes great with that grain slop. You can get fresh caught freshly molted soft-shell crabs there.

>> No.20544328

You can't export seafood without turning it to slop. See: sushi.

>> No.20544339

If it isn't famous in America, then it isn't famous

>> No.20544340
File: 31 KB, 546x357, 9cf9f2256b7321a64a05dac5932a4b7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've never been to italy or actually looked into its cuisine
thanks for the info faggot

>> No.20544454

Right? Like I said in >>20543771, I'm from Italy.
That same woman was also surprised that I'm tall despite being from Italy. I told her that if Northeast Italy were it's own country, it would actually have the tallest average height on earth and she and her family are short because her grandparents were country bumpkins starved during childhood and therefore didn't have the nutrition necessary to grow tall during that time, permanently stunting their height. Once they got to America, they were still too poor to feed their kids properly and the cycle repeated itself for her generation. And now, her daughter is relatively tall for an American girl (using US measures, she's 5ft8; average US woman's height is shy of 5ft4 last I checked, shorter than Italian women, 1m64/5ft4.5) because she had easy access to food.
I'm tall and everyone in my family is tall because we're from a city. My grandmother was 1m85 (6ft1), ffs.
And no, this woman whose grandparents are cousins doesn't eat any seafood except supermarket cooked crab legs, shrimp/prawns and that's it. Meanwhile, I'm buying a fucktonne of mussels omw home this evening because they're unbelievable cheap ($2/lb) and the missus and I like seafood and eat it regularly.
There are a billion people who know who Evonne Hsu is. I'm pretty sure she's more famous than whatever TikTokers you choose to follow.

>> No.20544479

>invent sushi
Because only japanese are lazy/silly enough to eat raw fish for fun.

>> No.20544511
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they were overshadowed by the portugese, whose seafood is 100x better

>> No.20544595

Italians and many other cultures eat raw fish, too.

>> No.20544690

>another shitalian thread
How many times do we have to tell you you’re fucking indian you share the DNA and maritime laws as they do stupid pretentious fucks

>> No.20544806

Love me some Fruite De Mare.