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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 288 KB, 905x859, ghettto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20542337 No.20542337[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do they not die from malnutrition?

>> No.20542371

Everything but that slice of bread pizza is real

>> No.20542389

your mom served me that exact spread

>> No.20542393

They don't sell glass 40 oz bottles of beer anymore ;_;

>> No.20542433

Some anons have posted their glass bottles of olde english recently. Steelies also reverted to glass.
forties are banned in my area :(

>> No.20542482

>How do they not die from malnutrition?
because all food has nutrition in it.

>> No.20542486

Ghetto? They do this up the holler, down the creek, in the barrio... anywhere poor, anon.

>> No.20542607

This is a meme. If you knew how many foodstamps ghetto-trash get, for themselves and each of their bastards, you'd understand why they eat better than you. They don't need to buy this shit.

>> No.20542610

First they lose mental acuity, then they find a way to die.

>> No.20542612

They don't really because they waste their money on dumb shit so their EBT card runs out pretty quickly and then they're stuck eating overpriced gas station food.

>> No.20542614

Where I live you can get 211, Mickeys, Colt 45, OE, Hurricane, Pabst, Modelo, Pacifico, and Corona in glass 40oz bottles. There’s probably one or two I’m missing as well.

>> No.20542630

They do die of malnutrition though. Poors have a lifespan 20-25 years less than everyone else

>> No.20542631

40s are legit good no cap. Gotta be St. Ides though

>> No.20542642

I love Arizona Fruit Punch. Niggers can have the rest, don't take the Arizona from me.

>> No.20542755

Florida Man.

>> No.20542819

Blessed 40 oz land, enjoy them bro

>> No.20542856

worked at walmart a few years ago as a cashier. on food stamp day, they'd have a cart full ultra crap, and then something like frozen shrimp or crab legs or racks of ribs
mexicans would always have large amounts of produce like oranges, mangoes, big bags of cilantro, and big bags of rice or beans, with a box of some mexican snack you'd find next to little debbie on the shelf, and their kids (always had kids) would be drinking an already opened little yogurt thing i can't recall the name of. looked good.

>> No.20542862

in FL its been illegal to sell malt liquor in 40oz so ours were 32oz
king cobra was my favorite, tasted like regular beer and was 6%. i couldn't stomach that bastard hurricane or colt 45 or olde english

>> No.20542957

explain the sugar bread
did it make you more racist against blacks and less against latinos

>> No.20542970
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equally as racist against blacks, as I always knew their nature, a little less racist against latinos after. later worked at a restaurant, and that's where my racism for blacks grew higher and i rarely saw latinos, i guess because they were still home, cooking.
gotta put this on my shopping list, always looked alright

>> No.20542987

tell me stories

>> No.20542993

poor white people eat a lot of mayonnaise

>> No.20543001

Nigga nigga nigga, nigga nigga nigga
it ain't beer, it malt likka!

>> No.20543092
File: 29 KB, 465x337, 171635274648933115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at-least they actually bought the stuff
>walmart wagie
>ring up ghetto woman
>overflowing cart
>most of it is perishable (milk, eggs, meat, etc)
>finish ringing and she goes to pay
>she doesn't have enough on her EBT card
>decides she doesn't want most of the perishable stuff and hands it to me
>we're short staffed so no one was there to run it back
>it just sits there for an hour and ends up in claims
>tfw ~$100 worth of perfectly good meat and poultry went to waste
oh and walmart doesn't care because they can just write it off

>> No.20543273

I bet a lot of these convenience foods that seems silly to most people are really designed for lazy EBT people. Gotta get that government cheese

>> No.20543279
File: 145 KB, 642x642, krispy-krunchy-chicken-fl-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gas station fried chicken is actually fantastic though, it blows KFC out of the water

>> No.20543282

Not at the ghetto marts. It's always dry and super salty

>> No.20543295

Wheat and corn are enriched with extra vitamins and minerals because it's mainly what poor people would eat and they would get sick and die from malnutrition. That's the reason those foods started being enriched. White rice too.

>> No.20543300

I work at one and my black coworkers literally wash the bone-in chicken under the sink with tap water and I don't have the heart to confront them about it and tell them you don't need to do that
not trying to reinforce stereotypes but that's real

>> No.20543384

You never made pizza bread before? You're missing out. Its a nice tasty treat when you don't have much.

>> No.20543390

ngl, 711 wings are pretty damn good.

>> No.20543469

It was never about poverty, it was always about choices. They'll invent concepts like "food desserts" to justify why low income people subsist on fast food and frozen slop. They eat it because they prefer it. They don't want to curate their own whole ingredients and then cook them into a complete meal, they want the quick fix of salt, seed oils, and corn syrup.
The fulsome grocery stores that do exist in their areas suffer from their violence and crime, which keeps their numbers low (and declining). They don't want to buy fresh produce there when afforded the choice, they prefer to loot it until it leaves their community.
If you gave them all a 5x pay raise, they'd still be buying the same food (and spending the rest on luxury scams designed for people like them).

>> No.20543473

>You never made pizza bread before?
No, I've never been below the poverty line before.

>> No.20543482

You've never been above the BAC either

>> No.20543488

Fried mayonnaise and sugar sandwich is a really "dirty souff" black thing

>> No.20543764

i work for a health care think tank with a bunch of leftists, and there have been two times where the retarded black girl gets into debates with the public health communists over whether it's appropriate for FDA to tell black people not to wash they chicken (retarded black girl does so).

>> No.20543808

Let me guess, something about “mah culture”?

>> No.20543810

No, faggot, all poor people are nogs. Deal with it. Your precious skin color isn't elite or exempt

>> No.20543830

The sad truth is we need to treat poor people like children. You don’t let a child loose in a store and tell them to pick out whatever they want. Every time they’ll go for the desserts, candies, ultra processed foods. You have to force them to have a healthy diet until they naturally learn to eat better. Food programs should not be blank checks. It should be: here is your package of food for the week. It has your veggies, meats, rice, etc. You don’t get anything more, cook what’s given to you or starve.
It would honestly do a lot of good for those people, but of course every one will call it communist, facist, racist, and whatever else

>> No.20543842

actually we're on the same page then. i thought you were coming at it from the other angle.

>> No.20543844


>> No.20543845


>> No.20543851

You’re lucky I included meats on the list bitch

>> No.20543858

>If you knew how many foodstamps ghetto-trash get,
I do know.
>One person household: $291
>Two person household: $535
>Three person household: $766
>Four person household: $973
>Five person household: $1,155
>Six person household: $1,386
>Seven person household: $1,532
>Eight person household: $1,751
>Each additional person: $219
Those are maximum amounts. If you have income, 30% of your monthly income is subtracted from the maximums above, so if you're a single person household and make $970 or more per month, you get nothing. If you don't have children, you're required to work or be in a work training program. This is why people on SNAP will keep having kids, not just to get higher per month payments but also to get out of the work requirement as long as they have a kid under 18. Since custody is almost always awarded to mothers (and out of wedlock births always default to the mother), this represents another wealth transfer from men to women.

>> No.20543865

>a few years ago as a cashier. on food stamp day
Wyoming is the only state with "food stamp day". Your talking points are either out of date by two decades (that's when other states started spreading out food stamp distribution over the entire month) or you live in Wyoming. I'm going to assume you live in the Equality State and aren't LARPing for (you)s but for the sake of everyone else, food stamps are no longer a first of the month thing in most of the country.

>> No.20543920

>This is why people on SNAP will keep having kids, not just to get higher per month payments but also to get out of the work requirement
Did you look at the numbers? I simply don’t see how a family could survive on SNAP alone.

>> No.20543934
File: 509 KB, 264x236, Thass Rassiss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forties are banned in my area

>> No.20543949

Imagine defending that this hard...
Also, This very thing happens ALL THE TIME, all over the US. They may not all get refilled on the same day, but when they run out, very often a couple weeks in advance, I see carts, 10-20, all parked and abandoned in the front of the store, all filled to the brim with garbage food with frozen stuff,(usually on the bottom of the cart for some reason,) and the edges stacked with those 20 oz 8 packs of soda.
You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

>> No.20543962

Anyone who watched the GF trial saw George's brother testify that George Floyd's favorite sandwich was a banana mayonnaise sandwich.
The whole "Only Whites" like mayo thing came pretty much outta nowhere around 2005 for some reason.
It's just more intentional social corrosion intended to distract from bigger issues.
It's STILL bizarre to me just how many people deign to speak on "How it is" when they quite literally get 90% of all their info from television and social media.

>> No.20544027

They all die at like 58 or heart disease bro

>> No.20544040

My brother is 28ish and hes been an addict since like 13, currently on fentanyl and heroin. Hes been in and out of jail so many times that he literally eats like this for every meal when hes out. You'd think once someone gets out of jail having eaten ramen and cheetos for gears they'd go for a nice hot steak or a quality hero or something. Nope. Dude just eats skittles and jerky. I guess prison really does change you

>> No.20544042

Ghetto is a state of finance/personality

>> No.20544055
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, aunti-fee-ramen-noodle-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Top Ramen
LOL reminds me of this classic video.

>> No.20544104
File: 131 KB, 1183x494, TGI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 'S' in SNAP stands for Supplemental. If you have zero income, it's enough money as long as you mostly buy staple food items instead of convenience foods. $291 = 370 lbs of chicken leg quarters. The $973 for a four person household gets you 1230 lbs of chicken leg quarters per month. Obviously you're going to want more variety than that but it shows how much food you can get if you're not buying stupid shit like pic related.
Where it somewhat falls short is if you have teenagers but they get free breakfast and lunch at school, in some places year around, but if not, at least during the school year.

>> No.20544119

More like you need to fix your education system and municipal policies before anything else
White trash are white trash because they can't be arsed to eat more than tv dinners since their parents never taught them to cook
Niggers are niggers when their single mothers can't be arsed to raise them properly since they never knew any better as they've never really seen what "better" looks like, never mind how to reach "better"
Your boomer policymakers invented the ghettos after all

>> No.20544123

Facts are facts. Post your random babble all you want but the fact is that food stamps aren't issued the first of the month to everyone except in Wyoming. All other states stagger SNAP money throughout the month. That's the factual truth. You look like a whiny idiot disagreeing with such simple basic facts.
I gave you an out by saying I'd take your word if you claimed to be in Wyoming even though all of us know you're not. You're an idiot repeating things you heard others say and now you've got your fragile ego bruised because you ran into someone who knew facts instead of repeating shit that's decades out of date.
You can reply here all day or even all week and it still won't make you correct. Just accept that you acted like an idiot, passed up an opportunity to save face, and move on. The lesson to learn here is to not repeat things you don't have knowledge about yourself, don't LARP about things you didn't actually see yourself, and don't pass up an opportunity to save face when someone offers it to you.

>> No.20544154

I don’t think you are thinking this through. Food is only one part of your budget. You also have rent, utilities, car payments, gas, clothes, etc. The poster is saying SNAP parents have kids to get out of work requirements and, like I said before, I cannot fathom a stipend of $973/mo to be enough for a family of four to survive

>> No.20544258
File: 118 KB, 640x718, notMADyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post your random babble all you want
LOL--Then you double down on FACTS are FACTS.
I wasn't the Original anon.. And I'm really not trying to pick a fight. But WHEN it happens isn't the point--It's WHAT happens.
>Wall of txt
You are simply speaking about shit you haven't experienced and don't KNOW about, based on some shit you looked up online.
AND you are lashing out at anybody to justify yourself.
NGL, Kinda reeks of insecurity.

>> No.20544310
File: 143 KB, 1500x1000, 1000000032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out about these and put myself into a light coma

>> No.20544319

>fix your education system
>parents never taught them to cook
>can't be arsed to raise them properly
>they never knew any better
If you teach these people to cook, they'll still eat slop. Your logic of educating and policying our way out of social ills has been tried for decades and has never worked. You can't "educate" people out of making stupid choices. People aren't blank slates that can be turned into any kind desirable adult you want by institutionalizing them from birth.

>> No.20544342

NTA but you are factually incorrect

>> No.20544351
File: 19 KB, 352x482, A blank expression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHatever you say BRAH...
There was an "EBT day" in Ohio as recently as 2019.
Idgaf about it...You can spin all you like, I'm not invested in whatever "I Need to be right" weak ass beta has to say.

>> No.20544378
File: 564 KB, 800x430, 1698502878763150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I havn't seen the unedited version of this gif in fucking 10 years, minimum. Holy shit.

>> No.20544379

But you are wrong senior

>> No.20544388 [DELETED] 
File: 597 KB, 1600x1600, BANNED--Fo-WAT..5.25.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying that GLOWS?
Lol...I grabbed it from a simple search.
(i didn't use the one with chicken because /ck/ b&Hammer)
Can Glowies get B&??

>> No.20544398

I gots dah diabeetus cause of the whyte raysims.
Whyte peepo don't know how to season food
>proceeds to add 1600% of recommended daily sodium intake to "season" said food

>> No.20544634

i just call it food stamps, it was the day their ebt cards get reloaded. mine got reloaded on the same day, but i only got $97, they had two cards sometimes and could manage $350~. i guess they were worse off than me because i was a cashier at fucking walmart while they didn't have jobs?

>> No.20544650

because they die of gunshots before the malnutrition can get em

>> No.20544654

I really can't see most black people buying a bag of pepperoni.. everything else looks on par, though. not enough "juice dranks" though

>> No.20544658

the grape drank is actually 100% pure nutrition, the rest is just for fun. the reason for the vigor of the american negro compared to scrawny native africans is the consumption of delicious nutritious grape drank.

>> No.20544673

theyd sell it to smarter people on the cheap and go spend the money on whatever they wanted to eat in the first place
or theyd cook it into a dish, then sell it out their house

>> No.20544674


>> No.20544676

How much do you spend on groceries? My family actually uses SNAP and we do just fine on it

>> No.20544686

any farm raised meat has most nutrition youd need to get by. chicken alone paid with almost anything else is enough to grow on, maybe not be super healthy or anything, but still.

>> No.20544709
File: 448 KB, 720x628, Screenshot_20240531-152020-845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20544721

also, you could suvive solely on gas station food. niggers also like drinking actual juice at gas stations, i see it all the time, so theres vitamin C. modern processed foods make people fat with excessive carbs, HFCS, and vegetable oil promoting inflammation, but all carb heavy food is also made with enriched flour, so on top of them getting all their macro nutrients, niggers are also regularly consuming enough vitamins, especially B vitamins found in chicken and energy drinks. also, that super size me shit was all wrong. fast food isnt bad because it magically makes you fat or doesnt have enough nutrients, its all there. processed foods are bad because "vegetable" oil, HFCS, and food additives labeled safe by the FDA promote inflammation of your organs and cause cancer. people suddenly all got fat when all foods suddenly contained these substitutes. HFCS instead of sugar, and seed/soybean oil as a filler and emulsifier in basically everything. if you avoided eating any food containing HFCS or added oils, which is damn near anything processed, you wont be fat unless youre a compulsive over eater. people didnt have iron will and hardcore workout routines before 1980, they just werent eating those 2 food slops, ever.

>> No.20544729
File: 120 KB, 1200x800, UWG4CRKJAFEF5HYTK2FARICJNU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eatting le veggies is le jewish (but forget the fact the jewish "special interest" food lobby campaigns against vegetables)
>eatting testicles and penis is heckin redpilled
Carnitard logic.

>> No.20544754
File: 933 KB, 320x214, IMG_3426.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s right. You are wrong. I get my food stamps on the 4th and disability on the 5th. I’m in Washington. It was the same in Colorado for food stamps, got it on the 7th because they went by last number of your social.

>> No.20544825
File: 741 KB, 1200x900, fats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>die at 58
And its a miserable slow decline:
By 18yo: they feel like shit all the time (like they're permanently hung over). This is why so many are casually cruel/miserably sociopathic.
By 23yo: permanent brain fog sets in, along with constant: forgetfulness, & absent mindedness etc. Most get on social security for "intellectual disabilities" (retardation) at this point, the rich ones sell drugs.
By 28yo: become morbidly obese and unable to climb a set of stairs without getting winded. Their exercise is reduced to waddling to the liquor/corner store (a block away at most) 4 times a week.
By 33yo: Thier Joints are preeminently in pain, their back starts to go. Diabetes starts.
By 37yo: They start having blind spots in their eyes and permanent swelling in their arms/legs, chronic kidney and liver disease, swollen prostates, gout attacks, etc.
By 42yo: they get regular: "transient ischemic attacks" (mini strokes) & NSTEMI (mini heart attacks), others around them laugh, play pranks, and make fun of them while its happening.
By 47yo: they start getting heart attacks, seizures, permanent gout,
By 52yo: Diabetes starts rotting thier extremities, many have to get amputations,the gout turns into painful masses in their ears/etc.
By 57yo: basically on deaths door.

>> No.20544960

Diabetes is more manageable than ever these days. Medicaid will give them a free glucose monitor that even a lazy fuck can use because it doesn't require finger pricks.

Anyone who loses or even comes close to losing a limb from diabetes these days has to be beyond retarded.

>> No.20544966

They still have some glass 40s, but they're fairly rare. Even plastic 40s are more rare now. Shitty malted beverages that come in large cans seem to be the popular thing now.

>> No.20544992

>food desserts

>> No.20545026

Whats so fucking funny? The (((establishment))) keeps the black man down and out. This is a fact.

>> No.20545042

Its deserts

>> No.20545096

If you qualify for SNAP, you probably qualify for Section 8, Medicaid, and a bunch of other government programs that help cover the other costs of having children. But for free food, you need to have at least one kid under 18 in the home if you don't want to work. Section 8 is probably also easier if you have some kids but I'm not sure about the other programs.

>> No.20545128
File: 173 KB, 818x726, Ohio SNAP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EBT and SNAP aren't quite synonyms because SNAP (food stamps) is just one of many programs that can be loaded onto the EBT card. That's why sometimes you can see someone buying items with their EBT card that aren't permitted with SNAP as they're using funds from another program.
Yes, if you have income, it will reduce your SNAP benefits by $0.30 for every dollar you bring in.
Nice projection but pic related stills says you were wrong. But here, I'll give you another way of saving face by letting you know I was wrong: Wyoming no longer does first of the month and has spread out distribution like other states. You can point and laugh at me for that if you want to sooth your blown up ego a bit.

>> No.20545150

thread theme

>> No.20545304

Wrong. Dessert is food

>> No.20545587

>People aren't blank slates that can be turned into any kind desirable adult you want by institutionalizing them from birth.
You can’t be serious

>> No.20545596

Before you say anything else, is your family’s ONLY INCOME from SNAP?

>> No.20545614

You missed the sweet potatoes with ten pounds of sugar.

>> No.20545662

The ghetto gas stations always have the most fucked up fried snacks.
I went to one in a nicer part of town, and it was miles above the stuff the ghetto rats fry.
Coincidentally, there's usually a nice latina who does the cooking at the nice one.

>> No.20546006

Used to be. Now, they have so much on the EBT, they're literally selling their extra food-stamps for money.

>> No.20546082

>they've never really seen what "better" looks like
They have access to TV and the internet, not to mention they get free breakfast and lunch as school. They know what "better" looks like, they just don't care enough to put in the effort. Niggers are notorious for their high time preference.

>> No.20546088

Cuz niggas is built differrnt, guess you're coddled saltine ass wouldn't get it.

>> No.20546418

You know, a hello fresh type program for the ghetto trash out there would be interesting. No worries about them buying weird shit, you can keep it eco friendly, and they get it portioned to them daily such that they can't fuck it up and starve one week because they traded for Jordans. Plus you could scale it for family meals to ensure single moms can feed their army of brats.

You'd have to dumb it down though and provide 5 languages on the instructions, plus pictures. It would have to be hamburger helper simple.

>> No.20546424

Maybe don't work for woke jew companies dumbass? I
m white and I'd do the same desu, I deliberately fuck around with supermarkets and leave bottles of milk down different aisles so the corporate jew makes less money, cry harder, maybe don't try to replace white people? Dumb fuck.

>> No.20546427

Nah, just don't feed them, so they starve out.

>> No.20546429

Not that anon, but people AREN'T 100% programmable automatons. People are a mix of hard coding (instinct + genetics) and custom programming (social environment). Humans are complex, and we have both as we need to be social conformists to survive together, so all the generalization shit where it's gotta be one or the other is wrong. You can't program people to ignore their needs, but you can program people to want shit they don't need via social conformance instincts.

Breathing, drinking, and eating are not social constructs. You will never be able to program a person into having them not breathe. But you can program them to want X food with addictive chems, fake taste, advertising, and low cost. Or you can make X food item "bad" with social exclusion costs.

>> No.20546430

It's because ricecels and currycels hate mayonnaise, and hate white men so they call whites mayocels. I don't think it's a nig thing.

>> No.20546437
File: 6 KB, 227x222, 1717009246764269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, el monterey frozen burritos/chimichangas/etc are fine cuisine.....im a big fan of colt 45 as well

>> No.20546489

SNAP, TANF, Medicaid, WIC, Section 8, LIHEAP, and that's just federal welfare. After that you get your state and local benefits, then you go and get a job that pays under the table.

>> No.20546540

It's not sugar bread, there's butter too. Brown sugar and butter on a slice of bread is thing some poor people from the south and appalachias would have for a treat or even for calories if there was nothing else. You are poor though so sometimes you don't have brown sugar and butter is a rich man's thing, you have margarine, shortening or drippings you saves.

>> No.20546563

I worked doing reclamations for Walmart for a while, nothing gets wasted at any supermarket, and especially at Walmart, they get credit back for any broke item that has to be thrown away and pig farms buy buckets full of any food that can't be sold. You're not making anyone lose money you retard.

>> No.20546579

The world will be a better place when the following posters die:

>> No.20546632

You aren't even human if you think you can create any human you want just by educating them from birth. You must have never lived despite spending decades breathing.

>> No.20546647

Haven't paid a dime for groceries for years, I just rotate my local food shelves and pick up free food. Pretty decent stuff from normies and markets too. Boars Head meat, Starbucks coffee, Bar Harbor Lobster Bisque. It's hard not to laugh when. I hear people going off on how food prices are killing them. They could be eating like kings if they'd swallow their pride and come pick up some free food.

>> No.20546686


Itt: scared white people who would dare say this shit in real life. Crackers

>> No.20546731

Ooo sooper scary wow the concept of black people eating unhealthily is so frightening! Egads it’s all so SPOOKY!

>> No.20546803

>Your logic of educating and policying our way out of social ills has been tried for decades
No it hasn't. Your governments half assed everything because they hold the same mindset as you do right from the very beginning: you'd kick them out of the city limits of you could, out of sight, out of mind. Why continue to fund something that doesn't benefit yourself after all, since you don't even consider non-whites humans
Like said, your boomer policymakers created the ghettos, because it was convenient. Fixing the ghettos are inconvenient, so no one has ever really tried to do it properly