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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20538995 No.20538995 [Reply] [Original]

The 2 new hottest additions to my spice rack yet! This new update brings heat that’s sure to make even the toughest of capsaicin connoisseurs sweat!

First I’d like to welcome Wing Master Reaper by our boys over at Pepper Palace. Reaper is an even stronger variant of Wing Master Ghost, featured in the last hot sauce thread. A fan favorite returns, with a spicier twist!

Second is something truly special I found on Amazon, pure Carolina Reaper peppers ground into a fine powder ready to kick your next meal to the edge of insanity. Simply titled “Wicked Reaper” and put out by the Electric Pepper Company, this powder brings the POWER.

So what are your thoughts on this new update? Seasons don’t fear the reaper, but how about (you)?



>> No.20539005

I think you are going to suffer peripheral edema from your salt intake

>> No.20539006

Are you that 40 year old that lives on his parents property and watches tranime all day?

>> No.20539008

Have you tried Bushel & Peck's Holy Ghost sauce? I like to add three drops per bowl to my soup for a pleasant warmth.

>> No.20539027

Post timedtamped weight fatty.

>> No.20539029

I'm gonna timetamp your butthole boi

>> No.20539030
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I turned 26 yesterday and haven’t watched an anime in almost a year
Does it use capsaicin extract or is it all natural? It’s a very simple design.

>> No.20539032
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rawrrr!!! XD

>> No.20539039
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I’m not going all the way back down to the house for that(no scale in cabin), but I weighed in at 263.4 this morning. It’s my lowest yet but I would be even lower if not for all the birthday shenanigans last week. Back on track now. Left pic is from March 7th and right pic is from yesterday

>> No.20539041

You’re only 26!? I thought you were in your mid thirties.

>> No.20539045
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I get that a lot lol, I was already drowning my sorrows without getting ID’d at 18, picrel

>> No.20539047

Persevere, fatty!

>> No.20539050

what prompts someone to post pictures of themselves on 4chan

>> No.20539051

You were balding at 18?!

>> No.20539054

Idk but it’s fucking retarded

>> No.20539061

I'll have to check my bottle the next time I head down to the kitchen.

>> No.20539102
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lol I remember my brother commenting on how thin was hair was at 14 at the earliest. A friend at school once pointed out I had a nickel sized bald spot right on top of my scalp at 15, which was the point of origin of my hair loss. Picrel was me at 16. Dad is almost 60 and just now starting to bald
Please do

>> No.20539220
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You're just jealous that you don't have these dance moves.

>> No.20539226
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>> No.20539229

Nah that's me.

>> No.20539251

Fuck yeah I'd hit the dance floor with that dude I'm sure he's kino on top of kino as a wingman

>> No.20539254
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very based

>> No.20539262

Cyraxx dances better

>> No.20539291
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I gotta keep training..wow

>> No.20539316
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About to try this shit out. I put a healthy dash into my mixture and have some leftover wings. Chocolate milk in case it’s needed

>> No.20539322
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ur cute and funny
i’d be you’re friend

>> No.20539337

That reaper powder ain't no joke, BOY. Hubris will be your downfall.

>> No.20539361
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Hey friend!
It’s basically exactly what I wanted out of it. I was worried it would be unbearable but it seems the little dash I put was just enough to leave me with a spicy afterburn but not so bad that it actually hurts or made the sauce inedible. I can already feel it subsiding now and I’m sure this bottle will last me years. Would recommend

>> No.20539369
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Kinda hard to see but I put about this much before mixing it up

>> No.20539718

One or two shakes is all you need. Its best used as an acoutramonte and not something to cook with.

>> No.20539789
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Hell yeah I’m really looking forward to adding it to my next bowl of chicken ramen

>> No.20539802

I didnt know there was an extra hot texas pete, now im bummed out because i moved somewhere that i cant even find the normal version

>> No.20539820
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It’s pretty good but I can’t seem to find it anywhere myself lately. Last time I went to the hodunk podunk local grocery where I usually find it they didn’t have it. Therefore I use it very sparingly. It’s also rare that Walmart ever has the Melinda’s creamy style ghost pepper sauce so next time I’m buying 2 or 3 bottles when I’m there and they have it. It’s so good

>> No.20539857

I really like the melinda's bhut jolokia sauce, weirdly enough no store near me has it, but i routinely find it at TJ maxx of all places

>> No.20539876
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Never seen this one anywhere but it sounds like it would be an instant buy for me. “Bhut jolokia” is not a pepper I’m familiar with. Does it also have ghost pepper in it? Confusing labeling desu

>> No.20539931

Good to see you stll expanding yer hot sauce.
Have this spicy OC webm

>> No.20539941

very inpsiring, saved to my inspiration folder

>> No.20539945

Lmao it made me kek

>> No.20539953

damn bro, proud of you.
t. 400 lb death feeder who cant get his life together

>> No.20539957

.legitimately insane mobility

>> No.20539971

>used the macaroni dish for ramen
Might as well though, that thing never worked for me on macaroni. It would always start to boil over.

>> No.20539978
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I personally do OMAD most days, although sometimes I do 24-48 hour fasts. Doing OMAD still lets me eat food I love, and it feels so much more special than before.
Haha I know exactly what you mean. Whenever I use that bowl for macaroni I have to watch it the whole time it’s in the microwave and constantly stop it and stir it to make it not boil over. Still love that little bowl

>> No.20539985

how much have you lost so far? how long have you been doing this?

>> No.20539991

I dont know where else to find them, but Walmart has stacks of Melinda's 2 oz bottles of damn near every flavor. I order online, no idea where'd they be in the store, but they were delivered from the store. The 8/10 oz ones I've ordered shipped (from a warehouse) for whatever reason. Check their website and see if you can find em.

>> No.20539994
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I started at 320lbs in late February/early March. That’s about how much I was in this pic on the left>>20539039 so about 55lbs so far.

>> No.20539998

how do you stop the cravings

>> No.20540016

I wonder if the original instructions said you had a close eye on it and I just forgot. Otherwise I assumed I could just leave it in there so it made me mad when I found out it would try to boil over otherwise.
I wonder where I even put it and my ramen one.

>> No.20540021
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I’m not gonna bullshit you man. It’s extremely hard at first to get past that. Like beating any addiction you just have to find something to keep you distracted and not thinking about how much you’d like to eat. Find some project to work on, some new vidya you really like, or even a new tv show to get invested in. When I was first teaching myself to quit eating so much and fighting the cravings I started watching Twin Peaks and I got so into that show that I barely was even thinking about how hungry I was. Bravo Lynch. After a few weeks you’ll be asking yourself “how the hell did I even eat like that to begin with?” and it won’t even be that hard anymore.

>> No.20540022
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Nta but who said anything about stopping them?

>> No.20540030
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Excellent work so far Cabinboy. Just remember not to pick up your phone when the Architect calls again, he was never really your friend.

>> No.20540086

Why are you making weird faces in the photos? Good job thoughever, keep it up.

>> No.20540097

Why do rapers taste so bad? Ghost is way better.

>> No.20540100

I don’t know what you mean

>> No.20540114

Ayyy nice going, if you feel yourself stalling start lifting, putting on muscle was the only way I broke through my plateau and finally got into good shape (plus I think your face will be handsome if you’re also buff).

>> No.20540132

Can you even build muscle or get stronger when you’re at a calorie deficit? I figured I’d have to put on muscle after I got to my target weight since I’m having less than 1000 calories a day on average

>> No.20540670

I think the /fit/ broscience is "never stop lifting," you might need to deload on a deficit but supposedly it helps to encourage fat burning instead of muscle wasting.

>> No.20540677

put the fork down. simple as.
>Verification not required.

>> No.20540686

Or in other words, continuing to lift minimizes how much strength you LOSE on a deficit.

>> No.20540691

Running naked through the streets at night, howling at the moon, standing on the neighbor's porch and "flossing" (Fortnite dance) as your penis rhythmically slaps against your thighs until they call the cops, fleeing into the woods and hiding in a pile of leaves as the crickets explore your asscrack, then jumping into the river to wash them out, before making that final long, slow, cold-but-sweaty walk home and passing out on the ground in the driveway by the trashcans.

>> No.20540694
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This is quality progress, fat ass. Good on ya
I am nearly 20 years older than you, what on earth is up with that hair loss...

>> No.20540715

Age is only one factor of many. I knew kids who were already thinning in high school, and also 70yo men with more hair than me.

>> No.20540719

That's actually a pretty kino snapshot (although admittedly it could be confused for the thumbnail to a gay porn video).

Anyway, Cabinboy clearly has many gifts other than luxurious locks, and we wish him the best on his journey of self improvement.

>> No.20540911

For me it was as simple as installing a calorie counting app. I just made sure I didn't go over my daily calorie limit. I've been under the limit every day this year and have lost over 20kg so far. I've never found it hard. I've been tempted to eat junk food a few times, but even the couple of times I did eat KFC, I still made sure not to go over my calorie limit. It really helps knowing that if I stay under the limit, I WILL lose weight. I can be 100% certain of that, and that's what keeps me going. You can't leave it to discipline alone. You have to be accountable to something (such as an app). Watching your progress becomes like a game, it's enjoyable and feels good.

>> No.20541160
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A pound less than yesterday

>> No.20541189

That's cool but you should know that daily fluctuations make a 1lb difference meaningless. I lose more than 1lb when I take a shit. It's better to focus on weekly results (or for the master autist, a running average). Keep at it though, that before/after photo you posted is all the evidence that you need that you are KILLING IT famalampai.

>> No.20541196
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Everyone always says this, but as long as I stick to my regiment of less than 1000 calories a day and do my daily cardio, I’m always less the next day. Pic related was taken over the course of 9 straight days recently for example. The only exceptions are when I have too much sodium from ramen or popcorn for example and I retain water for a day or 2

>> No.20541205

>Everyone always says this
Well, for many people it's true, and I think "everyone says this" so that newbies don't get discouraged. But obviously you know your own situation, so carry on sir.

How's the cabin climate these days? Humid yet?

>> No.20541208

>less than 1k kcal a day
i dont recommend this dude, and im gonna be real honest because i like you, but you shouldnt eat more than 500 less than maintenance. if you keep that up, youll be left with sagging skin and stretch marks. seriously, take your time with it, dont rush, and youll look good at the end.

>> No.20541231

why would you get stretch marks from losing weight quickly? it's the being fat that stretches the skin, not the losing fat.

saggy skin yeah, but it corrects over time. like if you lose 50lbs in 3 months vs 6 months, either way at the 6mo mark your skin should be the same amount of sag. Since what fixes sag is just a waiting game of letting your body make new collagen and elastin bonds.

>> No.20541264

im not gonna argue with you, you think what you want, i know the facts

>> No.20541273
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Extremely humid some days, although today seems much more mild than usual.
Glad to see someone else saying this, as I feel the exact same way and it’s usually really hard to explain it to people. Just like you said whether you lose it fast or slow, you’ll look the same after the 6 month period. At least this is what I believe and what makes sense to me.

On an unrelated note, I don’t think I ever mentioned how much I fucking love this sauce after finally buying a bottle recently. I thought Cholula might be my favorite new casual hot sauce, but this may be even better. The Mexicans just get it better

>> No.20541278

The /fit/ broscience consensus is that too rapid weight loss can cause problems with more persistent sagging skin. But /fit/ also thinks it's OK to spend 12 hours a day looking at pictures of other shirtless guys on the internet, so take that with a grain of salt.

>> No.20541284

How's Marie Sharp's Belizean Heat working for you? Looks like you've made a nice dent.

>> No.20541292
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Yeah! I didn’t like this stuff that much at first because I wasn’t fond of the strong onion smell and taste it had but it’s actually grown on me quite a bit. I was putting lots of it on my rotisserie chicken to “get rid of it” at first but it goes so well with the chicken I could potentially see myself buying it again in the future.

>> No.20541313

>The Mexicans just get it better
Tapatio is Californian. It was started by someone who sounds like they are from or a descendent of Mexico though, but that's just California these days. Either way it is good stuff and that's the important part.

>> No.20541320
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Oh damn what about Cholula?
>don’t ever talk to me or my sauce ever again

>> No.20541388

I think it's made in Mexico but McCormicks owns it now and the headquarters are somewhere in the USA.

>> No.20542027

Are all your sauces shelf stable?

>> No.20542120
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As far as I know they are. I noticed my Wing Master sauce on the side says “best if refrigerated” but I’ve never kept it in the fridge and it’s always been fine to me. I only recently learned you’re supposed to keep ketchup in the fridge, but I haven’t opened this bottle yet. I only have the ketchup and mustard up here because I wasn’t sure where else to put them

>> No.20542152

Nah that's you.

>> No.20542210

if this isn't b8 then i don't know what is

>> No.20542217

this is much more b8ier with all the old af vidya. but op is so much gay he just doesn't give af about being called gay. good job op

>> No.20542263
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It’s not bait you guys I just like video games and hot sauce a lot.

The new Monster Hunter trailer looks sick as fuck btw, glad to finally have another game to look forward to

>> No.20542443

I've been able to find it at Walmart and Kroger both in Washington and Texas. It's pretty common. I like it because it's not ridiculously spicy and has a lot of flavor other than just being hot. I'd say it's worth a try.

>> No.20542524
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I fucking hate you and hope you die

>> No.20543667

cabinbrah, what are you doing with that dog?

>> No.20543671

>“Bhut jolokia” is not a pepper I’m familiar with. Does it also have ghost pepper in it?
Bhut jolokia is ghost pepper. Same thing.

>> No.20543674


>> No.20543772
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Thank you
OP is a fat faggot that watches fucking spongebob and this thread is full of 400lb dysgenic losers and no one is calling them out.
Either kill yourselves or contribute to society you fucking rejects, i’d have bullied you in highschool

>> No.20543783
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What's your contribution to society?

>> No.20543820

is this the fucking dick on deck guy

>> No.20544087

I like green pepper cholula

>> No.20544173
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It was mere moments before I whipped the peanut butter out
But SpongeBob is hilarious and goes great with meals because 11 minutes is the perfect amount of time needed to eat something

>> No.20544178

You’re only 26. Stop driving up the prices of retro games, you fuckman. People like you have made video game collecting impossible.

>> No.20544191
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What do you even mean? I shouldn’t buy retro games because it makes them more expensive for you? First come first served nigga

>> No.20544200

Oh I remember that guy. He let all his tvs and shit run 24/7 and his parents paid more then 400$ electric bill every month.

>> No.20544229
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Big drop this morning

>> No.20544492

No you don't, you arrogant retard.

>> No.20544571

>died at 50

>> No.20545387

Yes. Retard zoomers who saw all their favorite youtubers gaming walls decided to collect games so they too could make a wall of games they never play. Get your own nostalgia, stop stealing a youth you never experienced.

>> No.20545440

You're a pathetic loser.

>> No.20545453

I do believe I've seen a picture of your asshole.

>> No.20545458

>wall of games they never play

>> No.20545468
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Speak for yourself dude..the first console I ever owned was a SNES and N64 and I played them for a long time before ever getting a GameCube and PS2 later on. I have an older brother who is 32 so I always got his hand me down consoles. It’s baffling to me how many people my age started with the Xbox 360 or Wii instead and just blankly stare at me when I try and talk about N64 or SNES games I loved as a kid. I had a whole notebook in 2nd grade that I drew pictures of SMRPG and DKC characters in.

Pic related, first vidya I ever played

>> No.20545472

holy shit were you the same fat fuck who used to post on /v/? insane progress man, good shit

>> No.20545485
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Thanks m8

>> No.20545553

Lil Jimmy married a trannie
Fezzies dead

>> No.20546154

He doesn't still post his ugly dick on the Steam deck shit?

>> No.20546194

That was never me anon

>> No.20546197

tabasco is the only hot sauce a man ever needs, anything else is just vanity

>> No.20546200

The ugly dick is his face.

>> No.20546217
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Eh. I’ll eat it if there’s nothing else at the restaurant but would never buy it.

>> No.20546229


>tore the top off of his pizza hut chicken nugget sphere

that's all i need to know about you

>> No.20546260
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Did it give you good or bad vibes? It was in my way, and nothing stands in my way.

>> No.20546838

Do you guys even feel the taste of the food with those sauces? Tried something more spicy than tobasco and that was really hurtful.

>> No.20547613

I don’t feel the taste of food WITHOUT the sauce anymore..