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20535919 No.20535919 [Reply] [Original]

this shit is just spicy wood

>> No.20535962

the neat thing about wasabi is how the heat is very quick, it doesn't linger or build like capsaicin heat does

>> No.20536200

I like this too
except this one time I snorted up a blob and I think I was hemorrhaging brain cells for the next 10-15 min

>> No.20536559

There's like two brands that are actually Wasabi, 99% of the shit in the stores is horseradish with green dye

>> No.20536567

This is one of them though. Avoid the powdered stuff

>> No.20536601

even the "20 years to learn how to put raw fish on top of rice" chef faggots in japan say its ok to use horseradish you monumental prancing la la homo boy
real wasabi is pointlessly expensive

>> No.20536619

It really is completely identical which is impressive considering they're from wildly different parts of the world and wasabi has some kind of bushido glacier fed mountain stream only growing environment meanwhile horseradish is like an invasive weed, but I feel jewed if I buy "wasabi" and it's actually horseradish

>> No.20536645

I had wasabi once. Shit made me cry so I probably have some sensitive-ass taste buds. First time for everything, I guess.

>> No.20536660

There are a lot of Japanese sushi chefs that like the American horseradish wasabi better

>> No.20536670

Well then those fuckers should be sent to re-education camps to have their minds erased of Amrican imperialism.

>> No.20537112


Pro tip: if the tube has text in English on it, you are paying a massive premium for what is basically just horse radish. Not real わさび at all.

>> No.20537170
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>> No.20537179
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Wasabi roll (Namida maki) is delicious.

>> No.20537207
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Wasabi rice bowl.

>> No.20537212
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Wasabi root is delicious.

>> No.20537220

This looks like something you’d force feed to a prisoner of war during interrogation that would directly violate the Geneva convention.

>> No.20537223
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so's this

>> No.20537224
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>> No.20537228

It looks delicious.

>> No.20537229
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>> No.20537353

How are you jewed when horseradish paste/tube wasabi literally costs a pittance

>> No.20537417

sounds like funny little hat behaviour to me

>> No.20537424
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>> No.20537450

>go out for sushi to celebrate a friend's birthday
>they prepare fresh wasabi and put it in a little jar for the table
>said friend explains the importance of using just the right amount of wasabi per bite
>use it like it's ketchup
>burn out entire nasal cavity
>melt back of eyeballs
>force the sushi down gullet to save myself from the murderous intent of the wasabi root

that's a good fish seasoning. I like it.

>> No.20537471

>Chernobyl garloids in their natural habitat

>> No.20537472
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Step aside, psuedo-tubar.

You think youre Ginger, youre a fucking mustard plant!

>> No.20537495
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i'll show you spicy wood

>> No.20537570

How do you know what wood tastes like

>> No.20537649
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>> No.20538443

i am not answering this question

>> No.20538450

>move mouth
>wasabi gas shoots straight up your nose

Could do without that part desu

>> No.20538455

I'll give you my spicy wood big boi. You'll love the creamy center

>> No.20538469

Wait till you realize that everything is wood, even meat

>> No.20538471

pretty sure thats just dyed horseradish thing

>> No.20538475

You want some of my woody meat boi?

>> No.20538750

>charge 1 pittance for a tube of "wasabi" which is horseradish paste and green dye
>charge a half pittance for a tube of horseradish paste
Cut the pilpul, I don't have a problem with horseradish but if it says WASABI on the package it should actually be made of wasabi.

>> No.20538780

name one

>> No.20538805

I wouldn't even categorize wasabi as "hot". It's more like a histamine reaction on the palate. Used in small doses with soy sauce it tastes good, but anything more than that is just nasty. It doesn't add anything but burn. Most hot sauces at least add a bit of flavor.

>> No.20538811

I want to have intense immediate sensory experiences without doing damage to my body and for this reason wasabi or horseradish and even strong mustard is better than hot sauce because it absolutely melts your fucking eyeballs from the inside out but also doesn't fuck up your stomach or anus later

>> No.20538827

Anything you touch you can imagine the taste of. Especially if it has a smell.

>> No.20538838

>but also doesn't fuck up your stomach or anus later
I have never had this happen to me, and I'm a White guy who practically dunks their pizza in Tapatio

>> No.20538846

How to respond to this without sounding like the hot sauce soyjak? There's a level of heat where the Downstream Consequences become real and tapatio ain't it

>> No.20538851

Steve Hakamotojapanesename