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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.43 MB, 2000x1151, salt in lemon pepper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20535882 No.20535882 [Reply] [Original]

Who the fuck's idea was it to make SALT the number one ingredient in my LEMON AND PEPPER seasoning? (for non Americans, the ingredients are listed in order of most to least)

Not even mentioning all the other shit that it's there that isn't lemon or pepper. I've noticed this nonsense in a bunch of seasonings from a bunch of brands, it seems almost impossible to just get the seasonings on the front without having a bunch of extra salt and other stuff sneaking in. If I wanted to add salt (and I do) then I'll fucking add it myself. I've had a couple dishes turn out oversalted before I noticed this, because I would salt as normal without noticing that most of the seasonings already added their own salt.

How can they keep getting away with this?

>> No.20535897

Because a genuine amount of people, shit I'd probably even guess 9/10 people, don't even use salt or know what it is.

>> No.20535903
File: 36 KB, 680x505, 140842371475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not gonna talk about how lemon is ingredient 11 out of 12 in your lemon & pepper seasoning? Or how sugar is the 5th ingredient? Salt is the least of your worries if you're buying that shite.

>> No.20535904

Im endlessly amazed by american useless food data sheets
>heres amounts per 0.9g of the thing
who gives a fuck
>heres 133 servings

>> No.20535906

Nigga what the fuck is salt

>> No.20535908

>Not even mentioning all the other shit that it's there that isn't lemon or pepper.

>> No.20535924

Who are you quoting dude?

>> No.20535934

To save you from having to salt it yourself? If they didn't put it in you'd have to put salt on your chicken or whatever, then the seasoning. Why not save a step?

>> No.20535941

just make your own seasoning...
citric acid is basically lemon flavor

>> No.20535943

they make these things for me to shake over some chicken thighs before i put them in the oven after drinking all day and it's 11pm and i forgot to make dinner

>> No.20535950

well this is bullshit

>> No.20535953

what kind of tastelet uses lemon pepper?

>> No.20535959
File: 122 KB, 1600x1600, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wa la

>> No.20535971

>equals taste of 12 lemons
by what metric

>> No.20535977

are americans in the room right now??

>> No.20535980

>citric acid is basically lemon flavor
Got some acid for you to taste right here.

>> No.20536049


>> No.20536051

taste, duh

>> No.20536189

Holy shit, imagine biting into that, it'd be like biting into 12 lemons at the same time, it'd make your mouth bleed

>> No.20536222

It's a good way to boost the volume of the product and charge idiots more money.

>> No.20536329

My guess is that most people consistently under-salt their food, and so these seasonings that add salt make the end result taste better, so it sells better.

>> No.20536363

it's something that homosexuals will never understand.

post your superior nutrition data sheet then

>> No.20536414

>those ingredients
>salt #1
>FD&C Yellow No. 5 Lake
I think they dye the salt yellow just to trick you.

>> No.20536516
File: 82 KB, 391x1000, 81pTjNPOy7L._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black peppercorn
>neither pepper nor corn
>it's a berry
which one of you retards named this?

>> No.20536518

If you didn't have salt it wouldn't be seasoning anymore, it'd be a herb mix

>> No.20536564
File: 168 KB, 1200x1800, taco-seasoning-ingredients-1200x1800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop buying "seasoning salt" like a tard and just buy seasoning and make your own blends

>> No.20536563

How do you make lemon pepper seasoning at home? I mean, I have pepper and I have lemon, but sometimes I don't want lemon juice, just lemon flavor.

>> No.20536583

The word pepper derives from Old English pipor, Latin piper, and Greek: πέπερι.[6] The Greek likely derives from Dravidian pippali, meaning "long pepper".[7] Sanskrit pippali shares the same meaning.[6]

In the 16th century, people began using pepper to also mean the New World chili pepper (genus Capsicum), which is not closely related.[6]:2b

>> No.20536596

Ty fellow etymologist

>> No.20536627

>dyed salt to trick people
This is life in ameriKKKa

>> No.20536652


>> No.20536658

I wish I got into etymology earlier. It's like a fucking cheat code

>> No.20536669

thanks tyrone

>> No.20536683

Calm down Mahmoud

>> No.20536698

cooklets would complain that it is bland
you have to blend your own spices

>> No.20536703

yes and they use tiny servings but round to zero. makes me seethe so much

>> No.20536715

NTA but back in europe they typically break it down by 100 gram so you get a percentage of the content instead of an arbitrary serving size no one ever follows. Living here in the US you have to do some math to figure out the percentage of sugar in cereal or whatever instead of just having it on the box.

>> No.20536730

jamals don't season their food, they just put flavored salt on it

>> No.20536732

That is what seasoning is
Seasoning is primarily the addition of salt
What you're thinking of is flavouring

>> No.20536737

old school sour candy, like warheads, used to make my tongue bleed. especially if you did the WARHEAD CHALLENGE, on every wrapper there was a scale of how badass you were based on how long you could keep the fresh warhead on your tongue without moving it or spitting it out. probably fucked up a lot of kid's tongues. all the sour candy today is weak shit, it's barely tart.

>> No.20536752

Check the definition of seasoning Jamal. It can be salt, herbs or spices. Basically anything that amplifies the flavors, not just salt.

>> No.20536820

Salt amplifies flavours, acids can amplify flavours, MSG amplifies flavours
Herbs and spices? They don't generally amplify flavours, they add flavour
Salt lets you taste the flavours that are already present in the dish more intensely, that is a seasoning not a flavouring

>> No.20536852

Imagine having your taste buds this fucked up

>> No.20536857

Just buy powdered citric acid or a liquid extract.

>> No.20536863

i hear you man
last time i tried to buy garlic powder I accidentally bought garlic salt
it fucking sucks
I am okay with having a container of salt over here to add to stuff I dont need it premixed for me.

>> No.20536900

>9/10 people don't know what the fuck salt is
i mean i'm with you that people aren't always the brightest, but i'm pretty sure most of them know what fucking salt is

>> No.20536920

>hasn't lurked for 2 MOAR YEARS
>Can't even into greentext
Yup, it's a tourist.

>> No.20536927

½ tsp. of this, inna mug
1-2 Tblsp. Morena sugar(any will do tho-)
¼ tsp powdered ginger
pour in boiling water to the top
Best fucking drink for a Cold/Flu ever.
*(I was using 2 of those little packets of the lemon powder.)

>> No.20536942
File: 1.31 MB, 2000x1500, IMG_8800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you're at it, try out making your own BBQ sauces and ketchups.

>> No.20536960

in europe
>pour 150 grams of cereal
>need to calculate
in the US
>labelled per half cup
>pour whole cup because I'm fat
>need to calculate

>> No.20536968
File: 415 KB, 777x777, That's INAPPROPRIATE!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it was the rich BURN of cinnamon oil in the humble Atomic fireball.
microplane or fine grate the zest of a lemon onto some parchment or waxed paper--let it air dry over night. In the morning get out of your step-sister's bed and mix the ingredients in a cleaned out spent seasoning container. then use the same paper to grind fresh black pepper and top off the container, leaving enough headroom for shaking and a little salt for further desiccation of the zest.
Then, crawl back into bed with your sister and enjoy your own sloppy seconds.

>> No.20536973

how did you know I've slept with my step sister

is there some correlation between lemon pepper and not-incest that I'm not aware of?

>> No.20537012

Fool. you don't need to calculate because you have the ratios. If you know the percentage you can just scale it.

>> No.20537018

what do you think scaling it is if not a calculation?

>> No.20537038

bizarre take

>> No.20537039

How can anything with organic matter in it have zero calories?

>> No.20537041

in America, they round to zero for calorie counts if it's less than one per serving. And yes, they often abuse "serving size" to take advantage of this. For example, "tic tacs" say they have zero calories despite being pretty much pure sugar, because each serving has less than 1 calorie.

>> No.20537045

Or just buy the seasoning because it's a trivial expense and time is worth more than money.

>> No.20537056

you seriously go through life only using combinations of seasonings designated for you? you buy a "lemon pepper" blend with no source of lemon, just "Citric Acid" and "Yellow No. 5" instead of adding lemon juice and some lemon zest because you don't know you're supposed to add onion and garlic to everything?

>> No.20537062

>time is worth more than money
I will save you one second of your time if you pay me $10k

>> No.20537108

season with vingear/lemon and herbs, just use sea salt

>> No.20537358

depends on the situation
if I'm cooking for my wife and I on a Tuesday night I'll just make something easy
if I'm making something specific or fancy I'll put more effort in
but even then, I don't see a problem with using store bought seasoning, it's no different than me using sweet baby ray's on my grilled chicken imo. It's good, easy, and reliable.

>> No.20537410

lol too poor, has to buy great value

>> No.20537413

this isnt the middle ages, retard!

>> No.20537446
File: 182 KB, 1024x640, On my Period-meat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you s'pose he meant it in the halide meatals group kinda way?

>> No.20537454

I've eaten roadkill many times and it's fine as long as it's fresh, and the stomach/intestines aren't ruptured

God help you if they are though, easily the worst smell I've ever smelled after cutting open the stomach, by far

>> No.20537458
File: 101 KB, 680x683, salts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mrs Dash makes a flavor profile for nearly every purpose and cuisine. They even have finer grinds for use at the table. There is nothing wrong with controlling how much salt you want in your food. If I'm making a BBQ rub, I want to make it myself. I don't even own garlic salt. I think the only two salted blends in my pantry are Lawry's and Tony Cachere's cajun. I use my salt grinder for most applications.

>> No.20537505
File: 1.07 MB, 1488x1111, Awaiting the return of the Turkey dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, One time a doe got killed in front of my house in the wintertime. I even went to Wally world and bought a cheap field dressing kit to see if anything could be saved. I wasn't experienced with game that hadn't already been dressed, and when I made the belly cut to dump the innards, even though I did it right and it was like 36°F outside, a rib had punctured the intestines from impact...
I have never to this day smelled anything worse, not even the time I was a kid and somebody died in the neighborhood duing a hot summer, and NOBODY even knew until they had putrefied enough that the gasses from it ignited and blew out all the windows.
You know that sickly sweet smell or rotting you sometimes run across in the country? I respect the attempt to not waste an animal, but I'm forever biased against roadkill after that.

>> No.20537510

understandable response. but you could always try again sometime, that or just drag the body into the woods so the animals can eat it without getting run over too. also if the body is bloated at all, forget about it, it's too late.

>> No.20537520

the 3rd ingredient is citric acid. You operating clown mode, friend?

>> No.20537524
File: 1.41 MB, 1999x1499, This lil Faggot got lucky..released 8 miles away.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that or just drag the body into the woods so the animals can eat it without getting run over too.
That's what I ended up doing.
I thought It MIGHT be okay, because she'd been hit the night before and as I said it was winter and cold..
depending on the animal, I'd probably still give it a try.

>> No.20537525

>What do you mean it's not real parmesan cheese, the second ingredient is MSG!

>> No.20537531

Nice pics. Wish I lived further from civilization, it's a drag constantly being able to hear trains, cars, and planes (my town/city is a major railway hub and has an air force base. the air force has planes and helicopters in the sky constantly, and they frequently do practice bombing runs over the town with big, loud airplanes)

>> No.20537532
File: 532 KB, 400x300, Level-UP!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

**Threadly reminder that seasoning traditionally has always included SALT, herbs and spices.
Just salt alone is also referred to as seasoning.

FRESH microplaned whole nutmeg has some very lemony/citrusy flavors. Seems like adding some of that to dried lemon zest, and fresh ground pepper would be a LVL up.

>> No.20537540

1. parmesan cheese isn't real. It's a bastardization of parmigiano-reggiano
2. all cheese produces natural msg, thus a bastardization should include it
3. you are retarded, gay, and HIV positive.

>> No.20537575
File: 94 KB, 688x554, Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 04-25-47 Parmesan Cheese Block - Kroger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wish I lived further from civilization,
Me too.
While it's great being able to run around in the Smol woods with my girls, I too can still hear all that bullshit from 10 miles away.
Still, I am thankful that there are always deer and turkey right outside my windows most everyday.
Comforting to know if the Grocery stores ever stop being stocked, I won't have to worry...for a little while.
That reminds me.
I need to get a few 50# bags of Salt, just in case I need to preserve any.
Pretty sure I could throw together a quick smokehouse too.
You CAN buy smol blocks of it, you know..
Can-Parm is fake as hell, but does the trick for a lot of people who just want the flavor, not the "Prestige"
It is full of wood flour, and other adulterants like "To prevent caking"
Truly, if some lurking anon here hasn't ever tried a $7 smol block of real parm and a microplane, just splash out for them once, you can get a ridiculous amount of grated parm from a smol block--and the taste is way different.
t. Zyliss or microplane user

>> No.20537581

Based retard completely missing the point.

>> No.20537583


>> No.20537593

foreigner moment

>> No.20537601

>get salt free version of seasoning thinking it's the same thing but without salt so I can use as much as I want without it getting too salty
>it actually just replaces the salt with salt substitute
why? also
>powdered chicken bouillon
>first ingredient is salt
>second ingredient is either sugar or msg

>> No.20537628
File: 460 KB, 1280x720, MRE Kot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's because they are cheap, and the main drivers of flavor are Salt, Sugar and Fat.
Most of the people out there don't have any experience with real food and have only ever eaten out of bags boxes or cans for their entire lives.
The bouillon thing is just because salt and sweet compliment each other, and that is what the majority of consoomers have an affinity for.
all bouillons are loaded with salt as preservative, AND because it will be highly diluted.
Ever had Sweet and Sour Chinese anything?
That's like ½ soysauce --SUPER SALTY, but you don't taste that because the sugar "tricks" the tongue.
That's why the sugar.

>> No.20537631

>calcium stearate
>silicon dioxide
>calcium silicate
>FDC yellow 5
the salt is not the problem with that shit

>> No.20537636

the irony of this post.
full-blown AIDS btw.

>> No.20537643
File: 2.00 MB, 356x400, 1660763850302480.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FDC yellow 5
Tartrazine gives me SCREAMING headaches.
that shit can go to HELL.

>> No.20537742

>saw a prepared chicken spinach wrap at the store
>cut in half and placed in a sealed package
>350 calories
>serving size 1/3 package
Come the fuck on. Who is going to eat 2/3rds of half of a sandwich wrap.

>> No.20537778

Because salt is dirt cheap and it is the easiest way to subtly increases the margin by 10 fold.

>> No.20537787

it's insane how all those pre-packaged foods have barely anything in them but somehow always have a shitload of calories. they must just be loaded with oil or something

>> No.20537794

some stuff like knorr cubes it can also be that salt prevents bacteria growth + the price per kg looks better

with dry spices that last forever its just to steal money from suckers

>> No.20538879

>this cope again

>> No.20538881

post your nutrition data sheet, coward. you won't.

>> No.20538901

The thing is that with the European system producers can't round down everything to 0.

>> No.20538911

>Who the fuck's idea was it to make SALT the number one ingredient in my LEMON AND PEPPER seasoning?
Someone who understands what people find tasty. It's really to trick consumers into associating better flavors (saltiness) with that brand of seasoning. If someone had a salt-free one before and buys a salty one, they'll find the food tastes better and stick to that brand.
People's tastebuds are completely fried by all the added salt they consume daily, it takes extreme amounts of salt before the average person considers the dish too salty. So there is no risk of over salting by adding salt to the seasoning.

It's the same reason restaurant food is salted as fuck, it makes simple cheap ingredients taste good. You can dump salt a plain boiled head of cabbage and it will suddenly become edible.

>> No.20538914

It's the exact same shit listed per 100g instead of per a completely useless "serving" "size" where everything important is rounded to zero.

>> No.20538921

that would be useless to me because I don't know how big a gram is. I prefer my measurements in more relatable units, like teaspoons or cups, because I know exactly how big those are.

>> No.20538928

I also hate thinking for myself.

>> No.20538929
File: 264 KB, 841x928, seasoning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well here's an example of a seasoning package. Turns out you get both 100g listed and a sensible unit size. Also note the salt is 5% of it by weight instead of 50%.

>> No.20538932

the point is that I want to think for myself, not have some meaningless unit saying that it's good and healthy. numbnuts

not bad, but what's on the actual containers? do they have the same sheet on the back, or something different?

>> No.20538949

>I don't know how big a gram is
lol wtf?
Take the entire net weight and estimate the fraction you're eating as grams. If you're eating half a 500g package then it's 250g, just multiply the 100g information by 2.5.
More useful than "one serving" because those are always some weird number like 5.74 oz.

>> No.20538951

But I know how big an ounce is. However, a gram can take many forms depending on whatever it's comprised of. I don't trust grams unless I'm doing chemistry.

>> No.20538958

>I know how big an ounce is.
>a gram can take many forms depending on whatever it's comprised of.
They are both units of mass whose volume depends on density, am I being b8ed?

>> No.20538960

Most ounces are about the same size, since it's a larger unit than a gram, so the differences in mass/density are negligible, it always balances out in the end. A gram is tiny and useless so you never know what's going on there.

>> No.20538962

I had a look but I don't have any of those mixed seasonings in my cupboard, I'm pretty sure physical labels have to have both. The little bottle of worcestershire I have does. The whole spices just say whatever the spice is and don't include nutritional information.

>> No.20539157

water boils at 100c and freezes at 0c
oil smokepoint is typically around 200c, deep fry happens at 175c
human body temperature is 37c
danger zone for bacteria is 15-60c, sterilization temperature for bacteria spores is 120c which tells you they survive boiling water
1 liter of water is 1000g and a 10cm3
a teaspoon is 5ml so its 5g of water, table spoon is 15g
a dl is 100g of water
cup is 2.4dl
1dl of salt weighs 130g, 1tsp is 6.5g, tbsp is 19.5g
1dl of oil weighs 90g
1dl of flour weighs 65g
1ld of milk weights 100g
1tsp/5ml of dry herbs weighs 2g
preferable salt % for meat is 1.7, if you wanted to brine chicken or whatever you can take 1kg of chicken meat, 2liters of water, divide 3000g with 100=30g multiply with 1.7. Add 51g salt to the water and mix it in and you wont get overly salty meat after brining it.
A gram of carbs/protein has 4 calories, oil has 9. So 1dl of oil = 90 x 9 = 810 calories. Chicken has 27% protein and 14% fat so 100g of chicken has 108 cal from proteins and 126 cal from fats.

Hope that helps your difficult cooking adventures in grams.

>> No.20539160

water boils at 212F (unless you're at a high altitude, the boiling point is lower, eurofags don't understand this because they all live in lowlands)

same with oil

typical human body temp is 72F

bacteria is gay

1 liter of water is less than 1 gallon, and I drink 2 gallons of water every day

>dl dl dl dl
who cares about deciliters

salt percent? until it tastes right.

>> No.20539183

>I drink 2 gallons of water every day
That's a whole ass bucket, brother, you must piss like a racehorse.

>> No.20539185

yeah I take big pisses. I was also born with a literally mutant liver, a strange mutation, it's about 1.5 times the size of a normal liver. I have to take more drugs, and drink more alcohol, than normal people to feel the same effects.

>> No.20539195


>> No.20539206

made me smile and giggle a bit. thanks anon.

>> No.20539215

I still put my fingernail clippings in salt shakers at restaurants. People think its rice lmfao

>> No.20539237

>warheads, used to make my tongue bleed
Can confirm. My grandparents ran a coffee shop and convenience store and one year in the early 90s they sent me a big ass container full of the black cherry warheads for my birthday.

>> No.20539247

I agree with this anon that most people would genuinely be this stupid when cooking

>> No.20539284

I've cooked regularly with 5 different persons in my life and all 5 of them failed to follow a simple recipe despite me fully reading it out first. It baffled me every time. They weren't minor mistakes either and they apparently have no common sense about food.
worst ones I remember
>yes a cup of salt in a meal for 2 sounds right
>added apple juice "for the taste" in a savory pie filling AND heavy cream "for the texture". It was a minced meat pie.
>chopped up 1 teaspoon of bell pepper instead of using black pepper

>> No.20540875

tard wrangler

>> No.20540998

Sour skittles used to be the same, now it's just mostly sweet.

>> No.20541564

One of the dumbest posts I have ever read on /ck/
Because people crave salt. If you add salt to your seasoning and people use it, it makes what they use it on even more better, which makes them more likely to buy it again. The only people it'll dissuade is people explicitly monitoring salt intake, and the rare people who dont like salty stuff I suppose

>> No.20541629

>>dl dl dl dl
>who cares about deciliters
The French for some reason.

>> No.20541712

I get my spices locally at Penzeys.
They give free full size samples every time I go.

>> No.20541815

>typical human body temp is 72F