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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 278 KB, 1280x960, 862e382dcd6b6afe34cd79581ca068ad6a684a91746176d806ffc42fc095e905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20533259 No.20533259 [Reply] [Original]

rate my dinner

>> No.20533262

you undercooked your eggs and overcooked your beef

>> No.20533278

>you overcooked supermarket ground beef!11!1

this is your brain on reddit

>> No.20533284

you overcooked your eggs and undercooked your beef.

>> No.20533288

people will just throw eggs on anything
and you're having a black coffee with it?

>> No.20533293

Hey Anon, just a little too much time on the beef, and just a little too little time on the eggs.

>> No.20533302


>> No.20533305

terrible. 0/10. would not even eat drunk and I'm offended I had to look at the picture

>> No.20533309 [DELETED] 
File: 1013 KB, 1878x1045, IMG_1537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coffee at noon?

>> No.20533325

you undercooked your potatoes and somehow also overcooked your potatoes

>> No.20533333

I don't know anybody who's gotten sick from liquid egg yolks. If it happened once in my lofe, which it won't, it would be worth it for the thousands of times that I'd managed to enjoy the creamy runny richness.

>> No.20533343

checked and your snark is a little overcooked

>> No.20533346

based and stan efferding-pilled

>> No.20533348

clean keyboard NOW

>> No.20533504

>black coffee
Only bad choice
All in all 8/10.

>> No.20533518
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If you had made a simple gravy to put on top of your beef and mash instead of eggs, I would have got a boner. As it stands, my cock is floppier than a wet noodle and my balls hurt.

>> No.20533522

add some sour cream, green onions, bacon and spices to your potatoes

>> No.20533607

>tranny keyboard

>> No.20533628

Dude, what?

>> No.20533643

6/10. looks filling and warm. i would have added green onion at a minimum.

>> No.20533646

but i dont see rgb glow though

>> No.20533653

>office keyboard from 2001
>tranny keyboard
pick one

>> No.20533788

Quintessential post

>> No.20533851

Fucking shit

>> No.20533858

Yea. OP has some sort of exceptional mental illness. His ass is definitely an entry and exit.

>> No.20533868

Calorically efficient, some decent protein, no vegetables and minerals, too much fat, but tasty if a bit too bland.

>> No.20533870

It’s a modern mechanical keyboard in retro colors. It goes CLACK CLACK CLACK CLACK and feels good and autistic people love them. Lots of trans folks are autistic and obsessed with mechanical keyboards.

>> No.20533875

my phone threw up after downloading this

>> No.20534007

Looks tasty, I’d normally do this with rice instead of mashed potatoes but would still enjoy.

>> No.20534024


>> No.20534031
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rate mine, assholes

>> No.20534039

looks healthy but really bland

>> No.20534043

Now that's a proper meal.

>> No.20534048

If anything the eggs are slightly overcooked

>> No.20534106

Too many carrots and someone ate most of the bread. You can see rodent like bit marks. 4/10

>> No.20534110

Looks bad, Todd.
Both actually do look fairly unappetizing in all seriousness

>> No.20534163

looks comfy, I'd eat it. needs egg though

>> No.20534175

BASED and realfood-pilled.
Looks like you panfried the eggs in butter, then steam finished them with the lid on and a splash of water.
Nice Keyboard too..
Only thing missing for me is a couple slices of homemade bread toast, and a nice few shakes of medium hotsauce/sriracha.
You microwaved the coffee, didn't you?
WHY does it usually taste like pencil shavings when you do that?

>> No.20534182
File: 29 KB, 294x274, Raepest3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those don't look like assholes..
Carrots are too smol for my tastes, but If you Hadn't told me they were assholes, I'd have eaten that.
Solid LOOKING 8.5/10
(I don't eat assholes)

>> No.20534183

>no numpad memeboard

kill yourself

also, your food looks like bland shit

>> No.20534193

>no numpad memeboard
>kill yourself

No U Retrad
NTA, but, Any F00L can see:
There is a separate numpad cord coming off of the main.
You are a pl*bbit spacing Faggt.

>> No.20534206

>pl*bbit spacing

I see the newfag detector is still working.

>> No.20534214

eggs look good, which is why you tried to hide the rest with them

>> No.20534215 [DELETED] 

kill yourself

>> No.20534216
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1584556268998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a shitty troll who can't even into WHAT Pl*bbit spacing IS.
It's NOT just the first line, Midwit--It's the HABIT of slamming return 2x everytiem you scrawl out another shitty pre-fab opine for mass approval.
I'll bet you don't even Know what a newfag IS either.

>> No.20534219 [DELETED] 

kill yourself

>> No.20534222

What is with you zoomers and randomly capitalising words?

>> No.20534226

Not a zoomie, but this site USED to have formatting for bold and italics. There is no other way to put nuance or tone into text.

>> No.20534244

what is it?

>> No.20534534

eat at a dining table

>> No.20534536

It looks bland, just like your desk and keyboard.

>> No.20534808

my life is dull

>> No.20534844

Who the fuck owns a dining table?
>you MUST have a $20,000 expandable dining table that seats 20 and don't forget the china hutch with $50,000 plates no one's allowed to ever use!

>> No.20534869

Gg for being frugal i guess? No veggies tho

>> No.20534923


>> No.20534957
File: 1.14 MB, 1757x990, 1716914429879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good bro 6.5/10

>> No.20534979

>eggs with the crumbs from the bottom of the oven
>dry overcooked ground beef with rotten brown onions
>the most disgusting looking scrambled eggs
>boiling coffee
>a keyboard from 1995


>> No.20535083 [DELETED] 

those are mashed potatoes

>> No.20535108

not op but it's mashed potatoes, eggs and meat. it's passable at least, especially if you're drunk

>> No.20535272

I recognize that Toast-R-Oven tray.
Looks like perfect brinksmanship with burning to me.
2Fun facts for ya:
1) dollar store aluminum foil sheets fit those PERFECTLY for easy clean-up, and
2) that pan is a great size for making a 4 slice Square pidzer from scratch. I've made hundreds of them. (without the foil liner, but Olive oiled instead)
I never thought of eating right off the pan, but I can see how that could be inspiration to clean it up after you're finished. (pull off foil, I mean.)

>> No.20535281

Proper sloppa. I bet it was lush.

>> No.20535444

Why is your coffee rippling?
Did you leave your dildo running on the desktop again?

>> No.20535517

Kill yourself.

>> No.20535549
File: 3.67 MB, 480x360, GIT REKT2..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20535790

Eat the keyboard it would not only taste better than that slop but be more nutritious.

>> No.20535796

10/10 seriously

>> No.20535809
File: 20 KB, 267x450, Robby_Robot-BEEP-BEEP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's star wars bullshit and not Robbie the Robot.

>> No.20535824
File: 32 KB, 280x344, Lost_In_Space_robot_body_1_2_2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20535859


>> No.20535878

depends on how you seasoned the beef. 5/10 if you seasoned the beef how I would, but I don't know a good way to season it

>> No.20536062
File: 453 KB, 1044x732, Australian Trading Cards 2 43 1-19-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20537669

Checked, based egg enjoyer

>> No.20537709


>> No.20537714

You wanna get buttfucked?

>> No.20537842

Why is your coffee bubbling? Looks like a good dinner though. I like stirring spring greens into my mashed potatoes

>> No.20537847

Is there even any caffeine in that coffee? Looks way over-roasted. Anywho, kill yourself with your little keyboard.

>> No.20538120




>> No.20538554
File: 316 KB, 1214x1706, ap24135553225465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to eat your ass

>> No.20538578
File: 48 KB, 151x166, 1687977827548353.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20538626

try cooking your carrots whole instead of chopping them into tiny pieces like a baby
the flavor is better when whole and they are also more nutritious that way
you can cut them into smaller pieces after cooking if you must

>> No.20538698

Get a load of this anon >>20538554
>it eats dingleberrys

>> No.20538705

Ill go tell my grandma you don't like her cooking, faggot.

>> No.20538707

>flavor is better when whole and they are also more nutritious that way
lol wrong, it's literally the same dumbass. cotton things up smaller doesn't change the way it tastes and neither does it transform/remove any chemicals or minerals that make up the carrot. go back to highschool chemistry you braindead fuck

>> No.20538727

I didn't like the cooking from my grandma on my dad's side, loved her but could never tell her that her cooking sucked. That's one reason, not the only reason that I learned to cook for myself.

>> No.20538728

it's not the same and you wouldn't know because you've never tried it
I have
and the flavor is much nicer when they are cooked whole
studies have also proven that they retain more nutrients when cooked whole
I'm sorry you are so angry and miserable though hope things get better for you

>> No.20538957

studies show you're full of shit sorry

>> No.20539036

describe your dish, chef