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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 181 KB, 760x1098, 6kYe9HB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20531311 No.20531311 [Reply] [Original]

>During the film, Naughton went on an all-fast-food diet, mainly eating food from McDonald's. He kept his calories to around 2,000 and his carbohydrates to around 100 grams per day, but did not restrict fat at all. He also decided to walk six nights a week, instead of his usual three. After a month, he lost 12 pounds and his total cholesterol went down, without lowering his HDL, also known as good cholesterol.

>In a second experiment, Naughton ignored any caloric limit, but cut out most sugars and starches from his diet for a month. Eating foods such as cheeseburgers without buns, eggs fired in butter, bacon, steaks, sausage, fruits in heavy cream, green vegetables with slabs of butter, and fried shredded cheese as a snack. At the end of the month, his overall cholesterol dropped from 222 to 209, with his LDL having dropped from 156 to 130 and his HDL having increased from 49 to 64.

>> No.20531326

do you have a question, stupid incel gimp fuck?

>> No.20531332
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>> No.20531438

Literally all professional dietary advice is tailored to make you sick and sell you the cure.

>> No.20531480
File: 34 KB, 458x720, 339987594_244107051330333_3924138638123303961_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pre-1980s people ate steak, eggs, bacon and washed it down with full fat milk and looked like pic related. Then low calorie, low fat, high carb diets took over and obesity exploded while everyone got short, fat, and ugly

>> No.20531481

good for him, too bad watching the documentary nowadays is hard because it feels dated

>> No.20531484

You can do a low fat high carb diet and still not gain a lot of weight as long as you're mostly avoiding processed food. You'll have a hard time gaining weight from fruit and beans and vegetables. Some people seem to do better with more fat and others with more carbs but as long as you generally avoid highly processed food you'll be alright.

>> No.20531497


>> No.20531502
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>> No.20531521

What's the point? Spurlock (even if he was an alco) also ensured that every time he was asked to upsize he'd say yes, so there was no calorie limit.

>> No.20531527

if you watched the documentary he answers this question

>> No.20531534

>everyone got short

>> No.20531545

Try doing that your whole life, like the shit food industry needs a bunch of people to do so they stay in business. See how good you feel then.

>> No.20531586
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>be chad Tom Naughton
>eating nothing but steak and bacon swimming in butter every day
>slamming your smoking hot Jewish wife every night
>peak physical condition

>be Morgan Cucklock
>be dead

>> No.20531660

>not drinking a handle or more of liquor each night and walking is healthier than drinking a handle or more of liquor each night and not ever moving


>> No.20531782

>portion control is all that actually matters
was it really necessary to make a whole documentary for this? everyone but the extremely obese and delusional already understands this. just like people didn't really need "Supersize Me" to understand that eating like a pig makes you fat and unhealthy. why does this genre of "documentary" even exist? it's literally this:

>> No.20531784

he was asked 9/30 times. even supersized for all 3 meals for the day it still never reached his supposed 5000 calorie intake. he never released his food logs. he was an alcoholic. he was a liar

>> No.20531816

Spurlock also claimed a double quarter pounder with cheese large meal was so much food he vomited, half way through, and his doctors said eating McDonalds for a week was literally killing him.

McDonalds isn't health food, but Spurlock was full of shit.

>> No.20531819

if you watched the documentary you'd realize there is more to it than that

>> No.20531824


>> No.20531895

Would join a Synagogue if I got to tap that honestly

>> No.20531896

This is the totality of western medicine in a nutshell

>> No.20531900

Trevor knew too much

>> No.20531920
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>Then low calorie, low fat, high carb diets took over
>low calorie

>> No.20531931

They reduce fat and call it low calorie

>> No.20531957

remember when the american pork lobby turned bacon, which was considered an unhealthy garbage cut of meat in the 80s, into an expensive meme meat

>> No.20531986

big whiskey killed him for building a still in his garage.

>> No.20531994

Bacon has never been considered garbage. I hate trendy foods as much, if not more, than anyone. But bacon has been a staple of many a breakfast table for a very, very long time.

>> No.20532037

>everyone got short, fat, and ugly
that's what happens when squatemalans are let in en masse

>> No.20532063
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>> No.20532064


>> No.20532070

>why does this genre of "documentary" even exist?
Spurlock did it because he's a faggot and just wanted fame. Honestly I don't really understand why his documentary really blew up anyways.
Naughton's doc is primarily deboonking Spurlock, while also just sharing general health tips and facts about the american population's health.

>> No.20532085


>> No.20532092

Portion control isn't all that really matters, you malnourished retard.

>> No.20532107

Pre-1980's the majority of Americans were overweight. Those of us that were alive then know that things weren't like they are in your head.

>> No.20532113

Yes it is

>> No.20532127

Based. He probably posted this while slamming his hot Jewish wife and eating slabs of hot bacon off her ass

>> No.20532248

Noh, its sugar, starch and wheat.

>> No.20532252

This isn't the question and answer board retard

>> No.20532259

>This isn't the question and answer board retard
This anon is correct. Portion control has no effect on weight loss, but not eating sugar, starch, or wheat WILL cause you to lose weight. Anyone who thinks you can lose weight by simply eating less is tarded.

>> No.20532268

Oh it's another ketoschizo

>> No.20532295

They also are one small steak and washed it down with one glass of milk. Portion control is the problem and Naughton's experiment is as unscientific as Spurlock's.

>> No.20532300

My doctor's last advice to me was "eat more vegetables"

>> No.20532313

Sugar, starch and wheat were not present in the human diet for the vast majority of our existence as a species. So for 300,000+ years (more if you count our humanoid species before homo sapiens), we did not have access to these foods in high quantity.

Our metabolism is not adapted towards these foods, hence why consuming high amounts of them lead to easy fat gain, plus all the other myriad of issues our modern diet causes.

>> No.20532317

>I will debunk this one wildly unscientific documentary with another full of variables
To make an actual takedown of Spurlock that actually eliminated all variables you would need to do the following:
>Eat three meals a day from McDonald's, nothing else. Can eat anything from their menu but must be in the form they served it to you (no "no salad" rule like Spurlock, no ketoschizo stuff like Naughton)
>No alcohol or caffeine consumption
>No increase or decrease of physical activity, if any
And that's it. I'm pretty sure this exact scenario has been done by other people who don't just want to be famous, but the point is that neither documentary is good.

>> No.20532329

Hunter-gatherers ate wild grains, tubers, and honey. It probably depends on where they lived and the time of the year but carbs could've made up a large portion of the diet at times. Some hunter-gatherers have been seen eating 1000 calories just from honey alone in a single day.

Since we began farming 10,000 years ago there have been genetic changes in us. We began producing more enzymes in our saliva to digest starchy food. People developed lactase persistence to digest carbs from milk.

The issue mostly is just ultraprocessed food. A cake made with refined flour, refined sugar, and refined oil is going to make it easier to gain weight. You'll have a much harder time gaining weight with less processed foods no matter what the macronutrients are like.

>> No.20532819

And you said so because........? Profit?

>> No.20532820

And then your body will get sick by not eating meat, also i bet he is a socialist nu-scientist hipster, you know one of those faggy influencer types who pretend to be LE REAL DOCTORS ON Yt

>> No.20532821

You can't tell the ketarded that food processing has undergone drastic refinement in the last dozen decades. Or even the last half dozen.
None of those fucks can explain why people were much slimmer in the 70's despite eating carbs.

We're talking about people in the 2020's who want to eat 2020's portions with 2020's processing, and will make any justification for it.
Because despite evolving from a majoritively frugivorous family of species, we're apparently obligate carnivores.
Chimpanzees will eat fruits, will eat nuts, and will dig for tubers.

And if some pisscunt ketolard wants to go HURR I NO MONKEY I BELIEVE CHRIST, please explain the importance of breads in Christianity then.

>> No.20532825

>Some hunter-gatherers have been seen eating 1000 calories just from honey alone in a single day.

Yeah and they lead to generations of folks dying at 40 from a common cold.

>> No.20532827

Did you know that the reason is wheat is so bad for you today its because of the mutant dwarf wheat plant they shoved in everywhere?

>> No.20532835
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>Anyone who thinks you can lose weight by simply eating less is tarded.

>> No.20532843

The average life expectancy in Europe was 60.
The majority of people who died died from shit working conditions, being killed by an animal, or being killed because they ran their mouths or their dicks and got honour-killed for it.
This doesn't include kids dying from disease which ran rampant because people didn't know what bacteria was. It took till the fucking Crimean War for someone, Florence Nightingale, to tell doctors to wash their fucking equipment.

Cunts like you act like life was exactly as hard back then as it is now and think that the only thing that changed is people started experimenting with nutrient intake.

>> No.20532844

>Our metabolism is not adapted towards these foods, hence why consuming high amounts of them lead to easy fat gain
You say that because of all the fatties around you, but the truth is those fatties go overboard with the calorie intake with sodas and snacking throughout the day and being sedentary. Keto just helps you stay fuller longer and keeps you away from the calorically dense foods like bread, rice, pasta, and sweets. I've done keto before multiple times. It's calories.

>> No.20532847

Why is there no mention of how much his weight changed over the second experiment?

>> No.20532849

Did you know you can reduce its prevalence by making your own food?
Make your own cake mix you stupid cunt.

Keto is the celebration of laziness and gluttony.

>> No.20532882

>It took till the fucking Crimean War for someone, Florence Nightingale, to tell doctors to wash their fucking equipment.
That's tarded. Doctors should be sterilizing, not washing, their equipment.

>> No.20532891

They weren't doing either.
You'd be operated on with a scalpel still covered in the hepatitis riddled blood of a prostitute.

>> No.20532960

He lost an additional six pounds. It's mentioned at the end of the director's cut of Fat Head.

>> No.20533168
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Happy birthday, anon

>> No.20533183
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>> No.20533322

What a nasty person

>> No.20533331
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>> No.20533338

Thats a shill

>> No.20533467
File: 169 KB, 1600x900, TuEHzXHTJuhoZEX-1600x900-noPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a shill, baby

>> No.20533754

yes let me trust this one fat guy with his completely anecdotal evidence to tell me how to lose weight. oh wait i don't need to lose weight because it's not hard to just not stuff yourself like a fatass

>> No.20533761
File: 102 KB, 800x800, Guest-graphics-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling this ugly bald cunt a nasty fuck who has to talk about the dead to stay relevant means im a shill
you honestly should kill yourself

>> No.20533765

About halfway though he has an expert who says Spurlock's documentary was racist because it contains footage of nogs who are really excited about McDonald's.

Noughton then says nogs and spics are just fatter on average so anti fat sentiment is really anxiety about immigration displacement.

Noughton claims halfway though he's not Jewish. Coulda fuckin' fooled me.

>> No.20533766


>> No.20533781
File: 18 KB, 275x304, don-gorske.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're reading into things

>> No.20533787

I can see you are a fucking retard.
Also all these shills who eat mcdonalds are all ugly fucks. I wonder why.

>> No.20533805

Yeah nobody ate pasta, bread or potatoes, Everyone was eating keto. Totally.

>> No.20533807

>None of those fucks can explain why people were much slimmer in the 70's despite eating carbs.
Good question. Its because seed oils.

The rest of your post is gay ass nigger shit, and you should kill yourself.

>> No.20533809

>so there was no calorie limit.
If you do the math he gained a pound a day. When you add up the calories from.what he ate you can see how much he was drinking. The whole thing was a fraud. You won't gain a POUND a day even if you ate out every meal, that's 6000 calories a DAY for an inactive male his age, conservatively

>> No.20533825
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Get a grip, Holden

>> No.20533836

Why do you have so many pictures of this thing? You whack off to it or something?

>> No.20533841
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>but not eating sugar, starch, or wheat WILL cause you to lose weight.

>> No.20533843

Are you on keto? That would explain why youre so angry. Not to mention being a namefag.

>> No.20533850
File: 93 KB, 660x1089, ghows-IR-ef0a1d17-33b3-4126-86a2-502c0b29b79a-169ee3bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have them to show my barber

>> No.20533874

Mcdonalds not gonna pay you just because you have the same haircut, jew.

>> No.20533878
File: 135 KB, 1200x675, attachment-Donald-Gorske-Big-Mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get my haircut like his. My barber just really likes Big Macs.

>> No.20533879

>our food is more calorically dense and engineered to be as addicting as possible
>people are complaining about seed oils and other bullshit

Christ you seed oil weirdos are retarded

>> No.20533887

Its the shill haircut to cover up the norwood 5 hairline so you might as well get it.

>> No.20534084

There was clearly no question stated or inferred, mongoloid. If you could read better you’d know that.

>> No.20534094

I’ve definitely vomited from eating less McDonald’s than that. The reason why being that at the time I was a hardcore alcoholic and had nasty stomach problems because of it. So yeah, it checks out and Spurlock (rest in patron) is still a disingenuous liar for the whole spectacle he created from tainted “research.”

>> No.20534096

Yeah we’ve all seen it. Why else do you think this thread exists at this point in time?

>> No.20534101

Clinton level glowies knocked him off his balcony

>> No.20534105

I’ve read through each of your responses to this anon who is very obviously just giving you a hard time and I’ve come to the conclusion that you are extremely triggered. Don’t worry, things can only get better from here

>> No.20534119

he dont need you to fight his battle for him faggot. do you wipe his ass and suck his dick too?

>> No.20534121

what is water weight?

>> No.20534125

>300lbs of water weight
>What is increased diuresis on low carb

>> No.20534134

There is no battle being fought, just a lot of tardation flying from all directions. I’m not arguing on anyone’s behalf, just feeling a bit of secondhand embarrassment for what has been going on in this thread. All the best to the two of you.

>> No.20534159

That can explain a few pounds. I think that's why they usually recommend you weigh yourself in the morning after peeing. But keto/carnivore dieters like to say you can eat whatever you want and never gain weight but it's not true. Refined carbs make it easy but it's not impossible without them. Bears still get fat on salmon.

>> No.20534174

How are you this brainrot

>> No.20534188

Low life expectancy was due to high infant mortality rates not the average age of death by natural causes being any substantially lower.

>rage rage rage posting
You people sound more unhinged than even the most outlandish ketoposters.

>> No.20534194

you should feel first hand embarrassed since you are a faggot. get the fuck out the thread and dont come back.

>> No.20534209

That's not how those statistics works. That would be low average lifespan, not life expectancy. Life expectancy is predicated on survival, as in, if they survived childhood, they would/should lIve to X age. You are incorrect in your reasoning.

>> No.20534218

Show me anyone who lived to 90 eating a low carb diet

>> No.20534221


>> No.20534229

You are wrong in your interpretation of these words.

>> No.20534234

I'm not, perhaps you phrased what you meant incorrectly though.

>> No.20534241

How disappointing. Hope your mood takes an upward turn in the near future.

>> No.20534251

You can live to 65 as an obese diabetic with heart disease thanks to modern medicine. It doesn't mean you're healthy.

>> No.20534257
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No, you are just adding your own interpretation onto predefined diction and thinking it overrides everything for some reason. Like you can change reality with """reasoning""" (finagling definitions).

>> No.20534267

No, that's literally not what the words you used mean. I'm in agreement with you that humans ate honey etc. I'm not a low card advocate. I'm telling you the words you are using are either incorrect or your reasoning is flawed. Its one of the two.

>> No.20534328

I never said anything about honey. Life expectancy is an averaged-out metric and any misconception about "dying at 40" is due to idiots misinterpreting the number when infant deaths were factored into the average. That is the fact at hand.
You are an idiot. You will not convince the world to change terms to what YOU think they SHOULD be. Get over yourself.

>> No.20534346

Oh boy he mad

>> No.20534359
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nice retort, retart

>> No.20534369
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You too homie

>> No.20534375

blah blah blah. you retards all think you've got it all figured out

>> No.20534680

I was alive back then and there were much less fat people. it wasn't until HFCS showed up in the 70's that lots of people got fat.

>> No.20534704

In my quest to lose weight over the last 30 years I have cut out the following from my diet:
candy bars
ice cream
sugary drinks of any kind
all snack foods
almost all fast food

I only started losing weight since 2020 when I started doing portion control. It takes me 4 meals to eat a typical steak. I lost 65 pounds since 2020. I try my best to keep to 2000 calories a day and exercise 45 minutes per day.

I'm 6'2" and I have stalled at 295. my weight loss has reduced to a crawl. barely 1 pound per week. somehow I'm still eating more than 2000 calories. I suspect that the calorie information on foods is not very accurate.

The only way I can probably lose anymore weight faster is by going vegan. but fuck that.

>> No.20534713

ah my first redpill. that segment about those vegan lobbyists making fast food chains switch from frying with beef tallow to vegetable oil still enrages me.

>> No.20534714

>Hunter-gatherers ate wild grains, tubers, and honey. It probably depends on where they lived and the time of the year but carbs could've made up a large portion of the diet at times.
this is wrong.

analysis of paleolithic tooth plague, and coprolites reveal that paleo people ate a ton of very fibrous plants, bugs, and some small game. They had very little fruits, and big game meat. all fruits and vegetables that we eat now did not exist back then. basically they ate anything that didn't poison them. honey does not show up in these samples but it would have been very rare and dangerous to acquire. however their teeth show little signs of cavities from too much sugar.

>> No.20534718

>the reason is wheat is so bad for you today
it's not.

>> No.20534724

>Our metabolism is not adapted towards these foods
oh no, on the contrary, we evolved to gain as much weight as we could from these foods so we had a better chance of surviving when food was scarce.

The problem comes in that these foods are now too plentiful and our primitive monkey brains want them more than anything else.

this showed up in indians after the trail of tears. all the skinny indians starved and died, the ones that survived could gain weight quickly. now you have tons of fat indians with health problems because of it.

getting fat easily is only a problem when it's too easy to get fat.

>> No.20534726

Why are those buildings partially submerged in the ocean

>> No.20534727

I have a cook book from the 1950's that says having lots of fat in your diet is important for energy. the amount of calories it recommends for men women and children is ridiculous by todays standards.

>> No.20534730

Whats the recommended calories?

>> No.20534731

>you won't gain a POUND a day even if you ate out every meal,
you will from the weight of the food in your gut alone.

2 eggs on toast and a bottled water = 1.8 pounds.

a hamburger and a coke for lunch, 2 pounds.

steak dinner 2 pounds

congratulations you weight 5 pounds more than yesterday.

take a crap. lose one pound.

>> No.20534734

200lb man is 140lb water.

>> No.20534739

show me anyone who lives to be 90 and correlate that to their diet. you can't.

>> No.20534744

great now I have to try and find it again.

>> No.20534761
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This is from a either a better homes and gardens, or betty crocker recipe book from before 1960, the page with copyright is missing.

>> No.20534762
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>> No.20534764
File: 1.78 MB, 2250x4000, diet3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so the calories were not as high as I remember.

>> No.20534774

read this carefully it says if you want to weight 200 pounds you should eat 3000 calories a day.

>> No.20534775

2400 calories for a sedentary man is crazy high.

>> No.20534776

Thanks. Are there any nice recipe you can post?

>> No.20534778

sorry I'm not scanning and posting recipes, you can get these books for cheap from ebay or thrift stores.

>> No.20534793


>> No.20534794

2400 is my sedentary TDEE, twink.

>> No.20534795

Bacon is not Kosher though.

>> No.20535406

idk seems about right for me

>> No.20535548

Find your daily calorie needs and knock 500 off. Reduce carbs to 100g a day. Increase your exercise routine. Lose weight

Its that simple

>> No.20536777

Fat is high in calories, but won't make you fat or gain much weight, but will give you energy, so long as it's animal fat (the good stuff).

>> No.20536787

Animal fat seems more satiating but it can still cause you to gain weight if you eat too much. I think it's a little harder to do that with tallow or lard or something like that but it seems easy to eat a lot of butter especially when added to carbs.

>> No.20536849
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What the fuck are you even talking about? I was alive then and mo they werent.

>> No.20536865

Humans developed lactose tolerance between 2 to 20,000 years ago with the median being between 4,000 to 6,000 years.

Humans started cultivating grain 11,000 years ago. So given the aforementioned on diary I'm saying the idea that humans, who are omnivores, still don't have the ability to process grain doesn't stand.

The issue is how processed everything is.

>> No.20536882

I'm in the middle of trimming down tk 170 and this largely checks out. My daily caloric goal per my app is 2,555

>> No.20536883

wow, your post text is as real as that AI bullshit "photo" you attached to it

>> No.20537004
File: 89 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_7681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow, your post text is as real as that AI bullshit "photo" you attached to it

>> No.20537208

Youve refuted nothing he said. People did not eat a low carb diet

>> No.20537211

>eating honey is and because it males people die
>you have no evidence
>nutrition means nothing anyway
Concession accepted

>> No.20537215

And a human skeleton is 26 pounds. Its irrelevant. Low carb diets cause you to lose water not retain it. Theres no argument to be made.

>> No.20537300

delightfully mischievous

>> No.20538736

Spurlock won't recover from this

>> No.20538761

he was also a lying raging alcoholic during the filming with a corroded liver

>> No.20540613


>> No.20540646

So what's the verdict?

>> No.20541298

you seem upset

>> No.20541327

Of course im upset. Its my dick he should be sucking not the other guys. You want to take his place you fucking fag?

>> No.20541409

shut up and laugh you pussy ass loser

>> No.20541412

try eating less today fatty lol, fuckin try your hardest you pig lmao

>> No.20541417

he doesnt need to eat less today. his body is a perfect machine so long as he doesnt eat sugar, starch or wheat. his body is so efficient he doesnt even poop

>> No.20541445

Is he your boyfriend? Is that why you need people to laugh at his jokes?

>> No.20541476

That's around what I get for me to maintain weight while sedentary from the Harris-Benedict formula, I don't know if that's what they're using though because I'm 190lbs, but I think it'd match the era that was published since it's a very old formula. If I calculate for heavy activity I get more like 3300 TDEE, which lines up with how much I have to eat to maintain my weight when I am extremely active

>> No.20541701

>Correct number of fingers
>Correct number of toes
>Pinky wrapped around thumb properly without one or the other disappearing

>> No.20541751

ah yes, as compared the the 100% effective eastern medicines of powdered elephant horn, timed bell rings and acupuncture.