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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20526528 No.20526528 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to the fifth amendment?
Grocery stores jacked up prices as much as they could during COVID, this caused people to steal more, so now they are adding entry and exit gates to supermarkets, banning backpacks, checking receipts to open a gate to exit or even manually checking your receipt against your bags, or even outright searching your bags. Grocery shopping never used to be this stressful.
To add, I have a medical condition and basically constantly drink water, and the easiest way to do that is with a Camelbak type situation of bringing a water bag in a backpack and sipping out of a straw. When I'm asked to check my bag, it prevents me from having water.

>> No.20526530

You have no rights on private property

>> No.20526533

nothing should be absolute

>> No.20526535

Time to start growing a garden OP

>> No.20526539

I live in an apartment. Nothing pisses me off more than places trying to take away or search my backpack. FUCK OFF.

>> No.20526541

>To add, I have a medical condition and basically constantly drink water, and the easiest way to do that is with a Camelbak type situation of bringing a water bag in a backpack and sipping out of a straw. When I'm asked to check my bag, it prevents me from having water.
Bring a bottle you can carry for the duration of the shopping trip, genius.

>> No.20526542

sounds like you are an inferior mutant that should have been allowed to die
OR you are just a thief looking for an excuse why you need a backpack

>> No.20526543

Vertical garden in your apartment or on your balcony. No excuses nerd.

>> No.20526561

There are jackets with water storage.
Get one of those since whining on 4chan won’t fix shit.

>> No.20526566
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Only grocers deal in absolutes

>> No.20526571

What fifth amendment are on about?

"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be ..."

>> No.20526602

>What fifth amendment are on about?
The one that says we can commit crimes until we are proven guilty in a court of law. I noticed that you omitted something from the amendment in your post.

>> No.20526610

None of these things have happened in my area. Try living somewhere better.

>> No.20526615

What does the
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Apply to you. You can't go grocery shopping because of a medical condition? Maybe you're a total faggot and should off yourself ?
You CALIFORNIA fags are really getting more stupid than you were already.

>> No.20526623

Here's the rest of it...
Also >>20526615

>> No.20526629

I'm >>20526610
I always shop with my gym bag and don't use shopping bags. It was never a problem except last year or so when I was accused of theft multiple times, each time, they were utterly fucking wrong. After making a scene the last time, I haven't been bothered since.
Weird thing is, I'm white. My wife is black. They never accuse her of stealing with her GIGANTIC fucking purse thing (it's basically a beach bag, it's so goddamn huge) and never when I'm with her or with my kid, only when I've gone alone. But now, they just leave me be.

>> No.20526630

Use galvanized square steel and eco friendly wood veneers

>> No.20526649
File: 985 KB, 1920x1080, Dodge-Gunsmoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah surew

>> No.20526662

just pay for groceries lmao

>> No.20526668

it's the summer

sorry, fourth
unreasonable search or seizure

>> No.20526670

they can't check your bag. you don't have to show them a receipt for shit. except costco, it's in their membership terms. tell the rest of them to fuck off and go about you day

>> No.20526673

What part of "inalienable" do you not understand?

>> No.20526678

they apparently ARE checking people's bags, they DO make you scan a receipt to exit now, and some are banning backpacks altogether unless they are clear, you have to check it at the door and hope nobody steals it and the employee holding it doesn't wander off for a 20 minute break.

>> No.20526683

>He doesn't shop at a cheap, local market
don't get hassled, my friend works there, and there's cute cashiers
take the localpill

>> No.20526687

How hard is it to just not be a nigger? Genuine question

>> No.20526691

where the fuck do you live? i'm in chicago and have never been hassled like this or dealt with crazy security measures. i usually just have to tell walmart wagies to go to hell when asking for my receipt

>> No.20526708

Those at the top don't follow the rules, why should I?

>> No.20526713

big east coast us city

>> No.20526717

oooooo, mr mysterious
gtfo nyc manhattan and broome county here home of dark vault of public domain

>> No.20526720

So when time should I come over to your house?

>> No.20526721

Which city is this?

>> No.20526724

See >>20526717
Chicago sucks, condolences.

>> No.20526728

The city of that posters mind, he's making shit up like a drama queen.

>> No.20526743

Maybe some asian shithole trying to pretend like their hot topix in a mall from like 20 years ago or stuff from 8th street in manhattan from geezer zone.

>> No.20526746

>when time

>> No.20526748

Stop living in diverse areas if you want to be treated like a human instead of cattle

>> No.20526753

>banning backpacks
This is the one that gets me, since it discriminates against customers on foot, bicycles, scooter, and motorcycles, all of whom are more likely to have bags.

>> No.20526759

You know what happened, we all know exactly who can't behave themselves and who is making the vast majority of this country lose privacy and rights.

>> No.20526767

i live in the bay area so i hear about all the shit that goes on around here with crime, like op's photo is from the bay area fox station. however i am an autistic shut in so i am pretty separated from experiencing any of it. although i do ride the subway every day, and i am subjected to seeing the shit that im usually shielded from

>> No.20526770

Where exactly? Because they don't do this at any supermarket where I live.

>> No.20526772

Blame Commies and Democrats

>> No.20526774

>When I'm asked to check my bag
you respond with, "fuck off with your Goddamned nonsense." and just walk by.
if they get uppity just proclaim, "i'm here to buy food. if you get in my way of doing that it will turn this shopping experience into a hunt. fuck around and find out, i suggest you don't. fuck your modern security bullshit. i literally don't care about your shrink issues, they are not my problem."

>> No.20526779

everything you posted is irrelevant to reality.
carry a gun, tell them to eat shit, walk past them, when they try and stop you, make the world smaller.
simple as.

>> No.20526780

In the spanish speaking world, the 5th is "thou should not kill"

You are thinking on the seventh "thou should not steal"

>> No.20526782

>muh whataboutism

>> No.20526790

>What happened to the fifth amendment?

The constitution protects you from the government. Being able to leave whenever you want protects you from CVS's business practices.

>> No.20526794

Some of your Spanish documents went into ours, thanks.

>> No.20526842

>This causes people to steal more
Answered your own question. Shops can do whatever they want, they only allow you to enter their property to buy something. Maybe ditch the gorilla nigger gene and pay for your goods.

>> No.20526873

I remember he made a thread about getting harassed at the supermarket and /ck/ said if he wasnt whistling the pink panther song, no one would think he was stealing.

>> No.20526884

A couple things:
If a doctor says you need water on you at all times for a medical condition, they have to let you have your water.

They can't force you to show your receipt. I never show my receipt because I know I didn't steal anything.

>> No.20526889

its not jacking up prices that caused people to steal. its self check out. stores want to remove their paid staff for automated shit, well when you give people the opportunity to be good people or to steal, some people will steal.

its just like public transportation. most people pay. but if you're going to let people hop fare and not punish them for it, then some people will do that

>> No.20526899

>don't be a nigger
>just give your money to corporations that worship niggers while the government takes a cut to give to niggers

>> No.20526907

After you have your purchase you are under no obligation to listen to anything they say. If they stop you from leaving they are guilty of kidnapping; it's very unlikely you will get someone stupid enough to do this.

>> No.20526914

>They can't force you to show your receipt. I never show my receipt because I know I didn't steal anything.
This plus if the wagie tries to stop you from leaving it's the best case scenario because you can sue.

>> No.20526924

>nor be deprived of property, without due process of law
They are taking his bag. In a better time he'd be free to kill them for it.

>> No.20526933

>can't bring in bags
Stores here don't even have bags due to the fake environmental jewery.

>> No.20526935
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I don't know of any medical conditions where the afflicted person will die or become seriously ill unless he drinks water nonstop throughout the day.
What condition is that exactly?

>> No.20526943

Killing is fine, encouraged even.

>> No.20526947

Even the fifth amendment has the multipass.

>> No.20526955

You are not very smart.

>> No.20526966

they've started doing this recently in some stores in DC. i was dreading it because i wear my backpack everywhere, turns out they dont give a shit about that rule. still have to present a receipt to some bozo when i leave but they never ask me to open my backpack, they just take a glance inside the canvas bag i also carry and then that's it
i have seen them hassle black people pretty often though which is funny (the security people are black too)

>> No.20527001

>it's fine they only fondle my balls a little
>I don't even use them

>> No.20527005

Yes, as soon as you become time, you should come over.

>> No.20527022
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I'm all for these bullshit store policies if it keeps insane combative antisocial retards like OP from frequenting the same stores as me.

>> No.20527029

didnt say i like it, but the other option is to not have food.

>> No.20527034

>almost nothing should be absolute

>> No.20527047

Reminder that its morally not wrong to steal food or con landlords. God intended for everybody to have shelter and nourishment.

>> No.20527063

>Weird thing is, I'm white. My wife is black. They never accuse her of stealing with her GIGANTIC fucking purse thing (it's basically a beach bag, it's so goddamn huge) and never when I'm with her or with my kid, only when I've gone alone. But now, they just leave me be.
There's nothing weird about that. Most businesses would rather eat inventory loss than be accused of racism.

>> No.20527072

>they apparently ARE checking people's bags
you are free to decline and not enter their establishment. just take your business elsewhere.
>they DO make you scan a receipt to exit now
remind them that this is false imprisonment, with sentencing guidelines identical to kidnapping, and as with kidnapping you are legally justified in shooting them in the face until they stop attempting to imprison you
>some are banning backpacks altogether unless they are clear
you are free to not enter their establishment. just take your business elsewhere.
>you have to check it at the door and hope nobody steals it and the employee holding it doesn't wander off for a 20 minute break.
you don't have to do shit. you are free to not enter their establishment. just take your business elsewhere.

also, it sounds like you're in california, in which case you did this to yourself, faggot.

>> No.20527079

Do you even know what the 5th amendment is

>> No.20527081

cool it with the racism, cletus.

>> No.20527083 [DELETED] 

blacks deserve to eat mud

>> No.20527100

5th amendment has nothing to do with race tyrone. Get over yourself for once, if possible.

>> No.20527125

you can walk straight through those gates. They are on hinges. It's illegal for a private corporation to detain you.

>> No.20527126

>What happened to the fifth amendment?
protects criminal defendants from having to testify if they may incriminate themselves through the testimony

are you a criminal defendant? no then stop being retarded.

also NO ONE needs to drink constantly.

also go to a different store, there is nothing like that where I live. Even costco half assess checking receipts.

>> No.20527143
File: 1.53 MB, 1134x1058, stop breaking laws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My wife is black

>> No.20527146

Your precious George Floyd was a false god junkie

>> No.20527154

What's a gerogie floyd, some kind of cult type raping little girls? As if nobody in any nation has seen that shit before.

>> No.20527162

>don't commit crimes
>outraged by this statement
Wow, so criminality is in blacks DNA? Wo, you don't say?

>> No.20527236
File: 31 KB, 500x331, batskeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like hinged gates to a graveyard, they're cool and creepy especially with spikes on top. It's not even Halloweenie yet? BEWARE THE BATS!

>> No.20527248

You just leave your backpack at the customer service/return counter

>> No.20527275

Sorry, if the employees don't trust me, then I'm not going to trust them with my pack's valuable contents, not unless they give me a check ticket with an insurance policy for any lost or damaged items.

>> No.20527277

There is no God and rent is due.

>> No.20527352

>its not jacking up prices that caused people to steal.
yes it is, when things cost double what they did 5 years ago, theft becomes much more appealing

>> No.20527535


>> No.20527543

oh, so if I step into a Walshart they can immediately enslave me and force me to work scrubbing the toilets? they can shoot me with a dart and surgically remove my organs in the produce prep station? they can chop my head off with a saw from the camping department? stupid faggot.

>> No.20527668

it's not that they don't trust YOU, it's that they have to act the same for everyone if they dont want nigs crying about being targeted because of racism if they're alone being asked to leave their bag at the front. they'd rather ask you to leave your bag than get discrimination lawsuits

>> No.20527706

Anyone know the fire hazard implications? My local grocery store barricaded one of the 4 exits after the city gave criminals cart blanche deviance. I don't think I'd go there if they installed these on top of limited exit points. Can these doors be forced open easily? Or is it an obstacle one needs to jump over in the event of a fire or even a shooting? What about wheelchair people? Guess they die.

>> No.20527707

In most courts of law, a jury would not be on your side if you shot someone over a disagreement of whether or not a store policy had been accepted or not upon you entering their premises. This is horrible legal advice, don't listen to this anon, anons.

>> No.20527721

>I have a medical condition and basically constantly drink water
Lol diabetes

>> No.20527724

>There is no God
For you

>> No.20527728

The second part of the receipt is true, unless they have clearly posted signs about you accepting their policies upon entry.

The first part is blatantly false. Some things will be forever impossible for certain chunks of the population to participate in. You can't force a skydiving school to allow you to skydive with your CPAP just because you're narcoleptic and 670llbs, nor can you force a fireworks store to allow you in with your woodfire-powered pacemaker. You don't need to allow someone's emotional support dog or guide dog in a place where you treat people who are hyper allergic to dogs. A grocery store does not have to let you bring your water in their store — being a customer at "we love pegging and groceries" is not a right. In fact, they have the right to refuse service to anyone, for any reason (with fewer than a handful of exceptions, and neither of them include people's emotional support water bottles). Neither private people nor businesses need to cater to everyone's needs.

>> No.20527741

No reasonable jury would reasonably be on your side if you shot a safeway employee over them not opening the doors for you when you refuse to follow their store policy (whether a legal policy or not) as you would, very clearly, not be in any danger — use a fire escape and flip them off, that would be fine, instead.

>> No.20527770

>white supremacy
So she's claiming that whites are superior?

>> No.20527771

>No reasonable jury
Incorrect, you can shoot a safeway employee while a basketball american, especially if that employee is white. You will even get an award from President Biden for fighting white supremacy. No DA will charge you and even if you get it to trial the activist judge will let them off and the democrat jury will say he dindu nuffin and let him off.

>> No.20527814 [DELETED] 

I hope a nigger cuts your throat

>> No.20527819

Why is this becoming the default insult for people like you? Most of the time it doesn't even fit the context in which it's being used.

>> No.20527826

Those gates are popping up all over 5 eyes countries

>> No.20527913

That was like four years ago and it was about girl scouts harrassing me to buy cookies which I did buy and enjoy. Maybe you folk took it far too serious. and perhaps I shouldn't have used the term "harass" it was funny at the time and still is.

>> No.20527933

Haranged might have been a better term, I was haranged into buying girl scout cookies, oh nooo!
They were good cookies, I'm nobody to complain.

>> No.20527948

>Just let yourself be kidnapped bro
No. Pull that shit on me and guns be blazin'.

>> No.20527983

I think some reasonable people would reasonably commit you two to therapy in a padded room, maybe even including some nice relaxing shock therapy treatments.

>> No.20527990

I wouldn't mind being kidnapped by girl scouts, it would be different that's for sure.

>> No.20528000

Nah, I live in Texas. They'd give me a medal.

>> No.20528042

Oh noes, I dun be captuerd by girl scouts. What's next, I have to eat thin mints without beers until the cows come home...

>> No.20528058

Doomsday Machine, Star Trek on MeTv at 11 est, thats in about 15 mins.

>> No.20528077

lol are those videos trending on every board?

>> No.20528120

I hate this only for the fact that I park left or right of the store, depending on which side i like, what I'll get, w.e. nothing good is in the middle. Self checkouts are on the left or right. The ONE or two human manned check outs are always packed. I check out, have to go backwards, up, then funnel down the middle and leave thru that exit. The left and right are one way in, only. I hate going thru a maze, like a cow to slaughter, just to fucking leave with the goods I scanned and packed myself. I'm just gonna start taking the large cart and playing dumb, smashing into them, as they're newly implemented. I'll call it confusion. Break at least a few. I'll get my grandmother to do it as well, when I drive her to get her groceries.

Why were the beeping theft alarms and such not effective enough? Was producing, placing, using, having security, w.e too costly? Fuck everything.

>> No.20528126

>prison didn't exist before the 13th amendment

>> No.20528660

If you can leave without harmong anyone but you still choose to shoot someone, you are going to prison. If you are too chromosmally challenged or too much of a brooding forever a cone edgelord to understand that, then best of luck to you.

? Take your meds.

>> No.20528707

i just straight up avoid shops that have this

>> No.20528718

So if a guy has a medical condition where his doc tells him to enter your property and fuck your wife while you watch. You have to let him?

>> No.20528723

Maybe you should fix your government so that it doesn't generate niggers out of blacks with its shitty policies in the first place

>> No.20528754

this never happened you spastic

>> No.20528773

Lolololol what a joke

>> No.20528776

>forever a cone
I'm a rod and occasional a dodecahedron.

>> No.20528778

You are not very smart.

>> No.20528780

Literally nine of this had ever, ever happened, ma'am. Only women make up realities to live in because they can't win arguments otherwise so congrats on your transition, Tracy.

>> No.20528781

t. IRL Navy Seal

>> No.20528788

What if I keep my colostomy bag hidden in my backpack. : )
Would they really prefer someone to walk around food with a literal sack of shit visible over letter them keep their bookbag on?

>> No.20528814

Apply that rule to your statement

>> No.20529079

>you are going to prison
Unlikely, FAFO is a legal principle in Texas, they still believe that some people just need shooting.

>> No.20529093

>it's the summer
I’m giving you solutions and you’re giving me excuses like a woman
Just carry the water in some kind of container with ice and take it out when you’re in the grocery store’s parking lot.
Problem solved

>> No.20529096

He doesn't want solutions, he wants recognition and gibs for his victimhood.

>> No.20529168

I haven't paid for groceries since 2019. I just bring a bag, stock it up and walk out each time. The boomers who work there are too clueless and the zoomers are too stoned to give a fuck lmao

No I'm not black

>> No.20529188

Blocking doors for the holocough was absolutely against fire code.
Report it to fire department or ask for the fire marshal or whoever is in charge.

>> No.20529194

You don’t need to be black to be a nigger, you nigger.

>> No.20529197

Bring bag of watery shit with holes poked in top.
Let them hold onto it.

>> No.20529199

Alex, I'll take "things that never happened for $100."

>> No.20529200

I can't even whistle! They also said that I was brown because I "posted hand" and I was tanned because it was summer and I take my kid to the park and kick ball with him outside and, therefore, catch some sunlight lmao
Not it fucking wasn't. It was last year and it was a supermarket employee. I have no idea who or what you're talking about but it wasn't me.
I've never purchased any. I'm not huge into sweets. If they made crackers and their reputation for cookies carries over into their hypothetical cracker-making business, I'd be all over that like a stink on shit. I fucking love crackers.
Anyway, I'm off to Sunday services and, between the meeting's potluck picnic today and the holiday tomorrow, likely won't be back here until Tuesday. I made vinaigrette pasta salad for today.

>> No.20529355

Retarded b8. For retards. That are retarded.
Needs more