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20525756 No.20525756 [Reply] [Original]

Hows your hangover anon?

What sustenance are you preparing to cure your ailment?

>Glass of kefir when i woke up
>shit for like an hour
>green tea

>> No.20525766

another glass of cider will fix me up

>> No.20525781

>Bread (either a sandwich or just with butter)
>Another beer
That combo only fails if I went WAY too hard or I'm sick with something else

>> No.20525784

For a hangover I try to just sleep it off with an antihistame pill and a ibuprofen or two and a hair of the dog so to speak.

>> No.20525795

Might be the coffee, that seems to be a killer but nobody wants to admit it, there's too much of mutiple industries and countries that would be effected/affected by how much it's fucked up. That would be like removing oil / petroleum from us and replacing it something better.

>> No.20525798


>> No.20525804

based recipe for premature kidney failure (as well as stomach rupture)

>> No.20525805

Clash, please enjoy

>> No.20525807

I stomach ruptured your mom with my mega hard cock!

>> No.20525809

seriously though, don't take ibuprofen if you've had alcohol in the last 24 hours. They work like a team to literally dissolve your guts.
antihistamines are fine I guess, but they are hard on your kidneys, and so are alcohol/NSAIDs.
it's fine if it's something you only do a few times a year though

>> No.20525811

They have to say that for legal purposes, but it doesn't really matter. It's like expiration dates, it doesn't truly matter.

>> No.20525813

Police. Sync I

>> No.20525815

I don't think all three of those substances are being filtered by your kidneys for legal purposes.

>> No.20525816

youre thinking of acetaminophen

>> No.20525818

acetaminophen works in conjunct with alcohol to damage your liver.
With ibuprofen it's your stomach and kidneys

>> No.20525819


>> No.20525821

Once again, Tylenol is processed by the liver and doesn't much damage your stomach lining. Ibuprofen is processed by the kidneys is hard on the stomach lining.
I've researched this pretty heavily since I'm a bit of an alcoholic

>> No.20525827

The real problem with stomach is stress, that seems to hit most people on their stomach and other parts like their kidneys and livers. Medical stuff seems to be full of shit, any of us including me could drop dead anytime and some faggot MDs would go freaking out, but then what would it matter?
Bring on the night

>> No.20525835

>The real problem with stomach is stress
>Medical stuff seems to be full of shit
I definitely agree with this, but at the same time, if your doctor prescribes you tried and true medicines (such as hydralazine for high blood pressure, aspirin for heart function, and metformin for T2 diabetes), you're going to live a lot longer by adhering to those prescriptions.
Sure, the diarrhea from metformin sucks ass, but it will keep your A1C low enough that your heart doesn't explode.

>> No.20525840
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hangover defeated

>> No.20525842

wigger breakfast™

>> No.20525874
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It's a
>Woke up on a friend's couch at 6am after going to sleep at 2
Kind of day
I had the rest of my beer, the rest of the bowl, and I'm on my third coffee - brewing up a MEAN shit for my friends toilet

>> No.20525891

every single person has a friend with that exact tv stand I think. GameCube and everything

>> No.20525901

I'm in recovery and 50 days sober now so I don't have to worry about things like this anymore. :)

>> No.20525910

congratulations anon stay strong

but also shut up nerd

>> No.20525983

Hot dogs
Vitamin B supplement

>> No.20526071

thats good anon. go plug up his toilet for me

>> No.20526073
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>What sustenance are you preparing to cure your ailment?

round 2

>> No.20526077

for me it's a bit of weed, ordering a Napoli style pizza and 7 beers.

>> No.20526078

lol gay

>> No.20526088

you do realize you must be 18+ to post here don't you?

>> No.20526294
File: 193 KB, 960x540, hangover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hows your hangover anon?
no hangover because i haven't been drinking because i have no money... actually i have money but can't afford the gas fees to get my money out so its trapped which fucking sucks.

anyway picrel if you have a real hangover, do NOT eat a big greasy meal unless you want to throw up.
gatorade=/=gatorlyte, pedialyte. buy the right shit it makes a huge difference
Also take two multi B a day (its water soluble so you'll just piss out what you don't need)

if you're in a pinch you can use 1/8th tsp cream of tartar for potassium and 1/2tsp Epsom salts for magnesium + some table salt and a little sugar for a makeshift sports drink/ electrolyte re-hydrating drink

and for the love of god someone wire me $2.42 0x706937505aeD694CaD1F0D9C50e35FF8aebE94C5

>> No.20526298
File: 247 KB, 354x566, Screenshot 2024-05-25 at 12-26-44 flintstone vitamins - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both are shit and you'd get more relief from a flintstones vitamin, only take aspirin.

>> No.20526316

alcohol is a depressant, coffee is a stimulant
some of the negative effects of a hangover are from your brain readjusting to normal from a depressed state, adding a stimulant swings you hard in the other direction and makes those symptoms worse.
tl;dr coffee actually makes hangovers worse

>> No.20526332

as a degenerate, I don't get hangovers.
about four years ago, dunno what went wrong, i woke up with a headache, took 300mg ibuprofen and it wasn't working. my drinkin' buddy gave me some "BC POWDER", drank it with a little water, relief was instantaneous.
meals for hangovers are an old wives tale, for old fat wives.

>> No.20526340

yea thats a million times better then ibuprofen. and it also actually help with pain unlike ibuprofen which might as well be a placebo

>> No.20526355

got a gf now so i cant find the time to drink. RIP

>> No.20526456

Don't worry, I'll make sure she's disposed. Now go drink. also where are you

>> No.20526468

im feelin dandy
i dont drink anymore unless its a special occasion
i spent something like half of my twenties hungover and i literally never want to experience it again if i can avoid it
i drink a shitload of water when i do drink and i still get sick so its w/e
i prefer pot anyway

>> No.20526595

more alcohol

>> No.20526620

I don't get hangovers. It's a curse. Tanked a bottle of whisky and half a dozen pints of snakebite last night, I got up pretty much golden

>> No.20526645

i was like that until i hit 30

>> No.20526655

Yeah... I'm 43. Suppose I'm a high functioning alcoholic. Decent job etc. don't get messy. Health checks are decent. I just drink a lot of water and eat well. I'm guessing that makes a difference.

>> No.20526697
File: 64 KB, 1160x729, chad eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cures your hangover in you're path

>> No.20526703

you'll be fine, but when i backed down to once or twice a week then the hangover became apparent.
fuck what doctors say, you're only really a alcoholic if you stay drunk, if you sober up in between sessions your body doesn't become psychically dependent

>> No.20526704

>smell sulfur
>puke instantly
nah i'm good

>> No.20526712

boiled eggs are essentially giant fart pills

>captcha PRRR

>> No.20526723

>its water soluble so you'll just piss out what you don't need
Some B vitamins have been proven to cause damage if taken in high amounts. Some forms cause more problems than others too. Saying it's completely safe because you pee it out is outdated.

>> No.20526735

sorry i assumed you're not completely retarded like those morons that think "if one is good 10 will be better"
as for B in the context of drink excessive amounts of alcohol two B vitamins 12 hours apart is not going to overload your system especially since alcohol rapidly depletes it worse then anything else, B1 gets used up the most

>> No.20527142

It's not that hard to find supplements that have borderline toxic amounts in a single pill and you're recommending two. I'm just saying, do a bare minimum of research to make sure you're taking something safe. And that it's not safe to take super high amounts of them all because you don't just always pee out the extra so you shouldn't keep repeating that.

>> No.20527181
File: 130 KB, 460x565, Screenshot 2024-05-25 at 17-50-20 b vitamins and alcohol - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do a bare minimum of research to make sure you're taking something safe.
well i fully agree with that but all B vitamins are water soluble so you do just pee them out, vitamins like like A are oil soluble and will build up in your system and cause problems.
It was actually my doctor that told me to take two B vitamins(in the context of alcoholism) because alcohol inhibits your bodies ability to absorb B vitamins while depleting them at a accelerated rate

>> No.20527197
File: 716 KB, 1774x889, veg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chronic alcoholics need vitamin b
Now you understand the Australian obsession with picrel

>> No.20527215

>but all B vitamins are water soluble so you do just pee them out
Yes but that doesn't mean they can't cause damage before you pee them out. Salt is water soluble and you pee it out but it will still kill you if you consume too much at once.

B6 is toxic in high amounts despite it being water soluble and they're putting lower and lower limits on it because people have been permanently damaged by it. It's pretty easy to find supplements that still have too much B6.

>> No.20527221

this but unironically

>> No.20527240

as an alc, I appreciate the insight ITT
I try to ease off on sundays and then it is time for overloading with vitamins, minerals and metals, stress-relief botanical extracts, lavender tea and the inevitable shakes and sweating, followed by watery shits the next morning

>> No.20527255

so again we're in a hangover thread which implies alcohol abuse...which almost always means vitamin B deficiencies from malabsorption.
furthermore you need to take it every 8 hours so two a day ain't even enough

>> No.20527260
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Ending up getting way more drunk last night than I thought I would.

Walked 10k steps this morning now comfy eating chilli with corn chips.

>> No.20527270

>Hows [sic.] your hangover anon?
>cure your ailment
The best "cure" to being sick from a known chemical poison is to not ingest a known chemical poison.
>>Another beer
That's great: a plant that evolved a toxin to stop animals from consuming it, the seed of another dried and turned into a tisane, and a little bit of what got you sick in the first place.

>> No.20527279

>The best "cure" to being sick from a known chemical poison is to not ingest a known chemical poison.

You could've just said "I don't drink" instead of being an attention seeking faggot.

>> No.20527299

plants also evolved to make animals like them so the animal spreads the seeds
its called a symbiotic relationship, in fact the human brain has cannabinoid receptors meaning we co evolved with the plant

>> No.20527339

>attention seeking
Your motives are not my own.
>the human brain has cannabinoid receptors meaning we co evolved with the plant
No, we evolved neurotransmitters that cannabinoids mimic when ingested, the same way cocaine mimics dopamine. In either case, I doubt the plants evolved those chemicals for our amusement.

>> No.20527362

>the same way cocaine mimics dopamine.
cannabinoid receptors are just that, receptors that that receipt cannabinoid and only cannabinoid which is only found in weed.
sorry bro but this is a outlier in our biology

>> No.20527369

>coffee makes hangovers worse
Listen here mr science man, my body don't say so

>> No.20527370

>which is only found in weed
Are you familiar with what are called "endocannabinoids"? I wish we discovered them before we discovered cannabis so we could give them a better name, but they exist.

>> No.20527379

I have a coffee, eggs & hashbrowns, and a dexamphetamine and I'm golden

>> No.20527391

you get the benefits of caffeine which help you get up and moving but adding stims to a already overstimulated brain will increase the negative feeling as well

>> No.20527396

see proof the human body requires weed to function correctly
just look at how off you're acting without it.

>> No.20527420

>proof the human body requires weed to function correctly
Do you know what "endo-" means in "endocannabinoids"? Hint: it doesn't mean that it comes from an external source.

>> No.20527487

10k steps is good. i try go get that every day total. most of it's at work, but 3 miles a day ain't bad
(i'm fat from drinkin, not eatin')

>> No.20527614
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your body can also synthesize carbs from protein but its not exactly healthy

don't stress your body out trying to make its own cannabinoids when you can just sit back and pack a bowl and chill the fuck out man

>> No.20527621

>your body can also synthesize carbs from protein but its not exactly healthy
>don't stress your body out trying to make its own cannabinoids when you can just sit back and pack a bowl and chill the fuck out man
You're right, I should just do meth for all of my brain's dopamine needs.

>> No.20527666
File: 673 KB, 761x437, Screenshot 2024-05-25 at 20-16-38 madame web cringe - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use=/=abuse + you're milking that tit regardless
who's to say meth is worse for you then binging Marvel movies, in fact it's probably less harmful to your psychological well being to do meth. After all doctors do prescribe meth to 3.3 million children in America

>> No.20527676

Are you using a psychoactive substance under the advice and supervision of a doctor, or because it's "fun"?
>doctors do prescribe meth to 3.3 million children in America
Leave it to a stoner to not know the difference...

>> No.20527677

>if you sober up in between sessions your body doesn't become psychically dependent
this is true
also true. i started cutting back in 2021 after ten years of going hard and now i need 3 days to recover after drinking on the weekend. not that im sick for 3 days but just dont feel like myself, sort of an anxious hangover

>> No.20527685

It's gotten to the point where I think something is wrong if I'm awake and I don't have a hangover.

>> No.20527692
File: 175 KB, 750x733, then i freaked it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bar burger and a few bears

>> No.20527713
File: 102 KB, 750x507, 1667836744057911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you lock stepping morons are truly unfathomable.
Do you need a doctor to tell you its okay to put a band aid on a scrape? you think you can manage that on your own without the express approval of Dr.daddy?

you actually believe there is a difference between just doing it and a doctor saying its now okay to do it? are you fucking dense?

>> No.20527745

you're counting days from ur last fix boozehead

>> No.20527748

I'm not hungover. I have diverticulitis and I will never be able to eat a bacon sandwich ever again. Doctors say perhaps I'll never goon again.

>> No.20527862

Applying a gauze is not the same thing as altering brain chemistry, unless you get a kick out of wearing bandages when they're not needed.

>> No.20527880
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I had a horrible hangover after a few beers and a bottle of wine on Thursday, I haven't drank anything since

>> No.20527883

a customer dropped their 15 year sobriety coin and i pocketed it. that counts.

>> No.20528084

lmao. did this become a pseudo al/ck/ thread? i wish the mods let us have them

>> No.20528101

I never drink excessively. Usually no more than 3-4 drinks worth of liquor a night. So long as I hydrate well while drinking, and if I finish with an upper, I'm usually fine in the morning.
My favorite upper-cocktail is coffee+Irish Cream+coffee liquor

>> No.20529712


>> No.20530093

Ramen is probably the best. Its filling, and that shit will wake you up right away with the sodium. After that just drink a shitload of water.

>> No.20530241

A hangover is temporary, but if you're some bootlicking queer everyone hates, that's for life