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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 284 KB, 1300x864, charcoal-grill-at-a-local-city-park-ready-for-the-next-group-2CEDHH4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20524443 No.20524443 [Reply] [Original]

>go to city park
>Mexican guy grilling an entire farm of chickens on these things

Every time

>> No.20524450

>loud trumpet circus music playing

>> No.20524451 [DELETED] 

Immigration is out of control but the Republicans won't even vote on the border bill that would fix it.

>> No.20524454 [DELETED] 
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Don't even dare with this bait

>> No.20524464

mexican music is so funny to me. It's so big and excessively positive it's almost goofy, it's like a caricature of itself but it's legitimately what mexican people actually listen to in their cars and shit. It's makes me smile, and immediately hungry for tacos because I've built a pavlovian association from going to too many mexican sit-down joints

>> No.20524468

based mexican guy

>> No.20524473

Every single one of them listens to it nonstop

>> No.20524479


>> No.20524482

you should stop by and say what up. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to share food and beer, latinas like white boys too

>> No.20524485

Make sure to check that grill because prior "people" might be using using metal brushes to clean those public park grills and they can leave metal things that people can eat and folks have eaten and get caught in various places. Just beware, nobody wants someone to die needlessly beacause of some metal fragment in some public park.

>> No.20524505

Yea, but he's a family man, works a job and his food tastes good. Also, he has a loving wife and is getting way more and way better sex than you.

>> No.20524506

Not to mention the amount of squirrel piss that accumulates on those bars.

>> No.20524562

It’s also all based on European folk music. The Messicans just took it and added a goofy kind of primitive people theatricality to it.

>> No.20524578

At least someone was cooking. Shame the one who wasn't chooses to post here.

>> No.20524609 [DELETED] 

i honestly don't dislike mexicans nearly as much as other immigrant groups.

>> No.20524644 [DELETED] 

You are clearly poor white trash

>> No.20524647 [DELETED] 

They seem like cool guys. It's just funny how they're always in the park grilling chickens.

>> No.20524693

Better than hearing MUP DA DOO DA DIDDA PO MO GUB BIDDA BE DAT TUM MUFUGEN BIX NOOD *gunshots in the music* whenever you go outside.

>> No.20524701

Thankfully the jannies are deleting all the offtopic posts. Let's keep this thread about Mexicans using the bum toilet grills on topic.

>> No.20524742

Listen to traditional Austrian music, its the exact same shit

>> No.20524841

I don't trust public grills because there's nothing to stop birds and squirrels from shitting on them when they're not being used.

>> No.20524852

>be me
>live in san antonio, tx
>live in ghetto-ass neighborhood
>wake up early (4 am) to go across the street to the laundromat on saturday
>tv in laundromat is on a cable music choice channel that plays nothing but tejano 24/7
it's fucking 4 am and there's mexicans in here washing their landscaping clothes, listening to this loud and crazy fucking stuff.
there's literally no time they don't have it going.

>> No.20524911

Wouldn't you clean it out first, get that bitch so hot nothing would survive, and still use foil?

>> No.20524935

>still use foil
Whats the point in grilling then? May as well just use an oven at that point.

>> No.20524943

Money wasted on foil could be spent on beer.

>> No.20524954

My park doesn't have an oven

Valid point. We let the kids grill their own hot dogs on skewers (or sticks) and later marshmellows for s'mores

>> No.20524958


>> No.20524960
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I hate it

>> No.20524973

Sure, I can clean it, I can even sanitize the shit beyond recognition. But I'll still know that there was shit on it.

If I took a shit on your grill, you wouldn't clean it out and call it a day. You would throw it out, beat the shit out of me, and make me pay for a new grill.

>> No.20524981

Bring your own grill then. Also petition your city to remove any of these grills so your tax money doesn't go to into maintaining or replacing them.

>> No.20524988

It's funny because that's how carnivores treat vegans.
>There's half a pepperoni touching your slice? Just pick it off, it's fine.

>> No.20524996

>Bring your own grill then.
That's the idea. I don't trust my food with public property.

>Also petition your city to remove any of these grills so your tax money doesn't go to into maintaining or replacing them.
There are many other things I would sooner petition my city about, but a good idea nonetheless.

>> No.20525010

What a lot of non-Spanish speakers don't know is that the lyrics to that music are often gangsta rap-like - very violent and glorifying of crime.
It's hilarious when you realize it and its contrast to how jolly and goofy it sounds.

>> No.20525015

Even when it's not violent, it can still be not-family friendly.
>the iconic Macarena song from the 90s is about a woman who cheats on her boyfriend with two of his friends while he's deployed overseas

>> No.20525019
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Are you coming to the cookout?

>> No.20525024

Never thought I'd be seeing Pool's Closed nigra in 2024.

>> No.20525032

Those tiny 4channel masks always crack me up

>> No.20525034

the dude's a legend

>> No.20525158

I've been saying the same shit for fucking years

>> No.20525177

I’m also in San Antonio and I love this shit. I blast it out of my truck when I drive around even though I’m white.

>> No.20525202

Is someone going to bring cum brownies again

>> No.20525259
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What city park even has those anymore? I feel like there's no more public amenities like this because someone will steal it, shit/piss on it, or otherwise fuck it up. We can't even have normal benches anymore because junkie bums sleep/shit on them

>> No.20525296

>steal it
They're cemented into the ground.

>> No.20525305

With leaving them in place is that purps gather around them so you not only know where to bust them but to where there going to, and then on higher. Think further.

>> No.20525309

Dollars to donuts the city/county/whatever is making more money by busting people chilling around those than it would cost to pull them up them they'll scatter.

>> No.20525318

I've never seen cops in the city parks at all. You got pitbulls running unleashed through the children's playground and no one stops them.

>> No.20525323

I have plenty of times in NYC parks, especially in Manhattan. The cops in Manhattan are pretty cool folk, they're after weirdos, rapists, and murderers not some guy smoking a joint in a park. Especially not now, when it's not illegal here anymore, the last thing Cuomo did was a good thing.

>> No.20525341

Thieves travel with packs full of equipment like angle grinders now so they can steal bikes and valuable scrap metal objects. It didn't used to be this way, and I don't think this a big problem (yet) in smaller inland cities. But anything like that in a large city is just not gonna last more than a week. At least I feel that way, living in a pretty big but not huge city on the coast.
And if the cops catch the thief, he'll be released by a weak DA or a faggot activist judge the same day so he can do it again tomorrow. I fucking hate what's happening, why can't I live in the same nice world that existed merely 20 years ago?

>> No.20525342
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>I blast it out of my truck when I drive around even though I’m white.
Honorary paisa

>> No.20525345

Are you from eurotard zone where all you think of the USA is pittbulls going after niggers? Get out of hollywood you stupid freak.

>> No.20525359

That's from the 1980's+, one would see a bike tied up to something, go into some place and come out and there was nothing left of that bike.
All in less than a NY minute. So the song goes.

>> No.20525382

It's based on what I see going to my local parks.

>> No.20525420

No shit, Manhattan is the urban financial mecca of America, the undesirables are beaten out of its limits.

>> No.20525440

It's just German music without the yodel.

>> No.20525443


>> No.20525469
File: 1.00 MB, 1170x1473, 011CDEB3-8F06-40C7-B867-71EA1DECF1CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yodeling was used in most of the central alps including southern Germany

>> No.20527112

Page 10 save rave

>> No.20527200

Fun fact, Mexican music was inspired by German/Austrian music

>> No.20527203

Mexicans are honorary Germans

>> No.20527419
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I miss him bros

>> No.20527423
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>> No.20527429

>thread theme

>> No.20527457

Btw I'm trans if that matters

>> No.20527499

I'd come if I could lose enough weight, gain enough muscle mass, grow enough hair to cover my receding hairline, and get a bit of a tan on time. But I can't. I need the rest of the year for that. sigh.

>> No.20527517

Just show up bro, nobody cares about that stuff but you.

>> No.20527524

Here in Australia it’s well know that people piss on the public grills at night. Never use them.

>> No.20527528


>> No.20527559 [DELETED] 

>hating on sharing food
you are trash

>> No.20527586

nope. wrong. people judge you and make up their mind about you in a split second. attractive or ugly? flaws? all of those things are noticed in a split second. and then they use those things to determine how they interact with you. if they determine that youre ugly, theyll avoid you.

>> No.20527596

my friend made some bomb ass potatoes and asparagus by grilling it in foil

>> No.20527600

That’s a bit much fren. Most want to get to know you too. Only toxic assholes care about that stuff. Come to the cookout.

>> No.20527603

i actually don't trust good looking people the way i do less attractive people

>> No.20527639

I’ve learned that ugly people are the ones that you should be nice to.

>> No.20527714

>leaves trash and refuse everywhere

>> No.20527911

Urine is sterile, and the heat from the fire would further sterilize the metal. So in a way, the park grills are the cleanest grills you could use.

>> No.20527932

What the hell did he just say?
He said "steal it". Quit making excuses and take that fucker home.

>> No.20528299

What's more, the ammonia in urine acts as a degreaser too. Win win.

>> No.20528318

I'm on a council of my local beach association and have banned music completely from our beach just so that im not forced to listen to mexican slop music.

>> No.20528328


>> No.20528342

Good on them, and their positivity, family values and awesome food & music. You should have them eliminate & replace afro-Americans and USA would be perfect.

>> No.20528347

Most of it is about sex and cheating, unfortunately. The mainstream one at least, up north it adds violence on top.

>> No.20528358

>Good on them, and their positivity, family values and awesome food & music
does that include the ms-13 beheadings that have started showing up in my state: https://www.justice.gov/usao-md/pr/ms-13-member-sentenced-30-years-federal-prison-violent-racketeering-crimes-including-two ? or no?

>> No.20528518

We must build a wall around our grills to protect them.

>> No.20528521

>go to place with grill
>see people grilling
>become enraged

>> No.20528534

OP is a butthurt cooklet who doesn't know how to use a simple grill to cook a shit ton of meat. Go home and stick to your microwave tendies.

>> No.20528710

My mom (Mexican) had this CD of old polka music she listened to whenever she cleaners. You could really hear the German influence on Mexican music once you compared it to polka.

>> No.20528762

The problem with it is the weird haze over the place that's noticed when returning from upstate from a few years, That haze doesn't look quite right.

>> No.20528775

That's harsh, one of the local public access stations got some stuff mixed up and started playing polka stuff 24/7, not just the music but the video, dancing and everything. It was stuff out of bizarroworld.

>> No.20528815

MS 13 isn't Mexican

>> No.20528887

Marasalvatrucha is from honduras or something but no if the cartels come you crush them, are you a police state or not

>> No.20530191
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So wholesome too!

>> No.20530195

Some muslims at the park.gave me the most delicious bbq pita thing yesterday

>> No.20530229

>Urine is sterile
no it isnt

>> No.20530307

>be me in late teens early 20s
>born and raised around SeaTac, was living in Des Moines at the time
>downstairs apartment neighbors were Mexican, there were almost a dozen of them in that 2 bedroom apartment
>blast mariachi literally 24/7, kids bouncing balls off cars in the parking lot
>seethe like a bitch about it for a couple years
>finally get fed up one night and decide to confront them but this time more calmly than my mom did
>bring peace offering of 2 six-packs of Modelo negro
>knock on door ask if I can party with them
>guy is immediately all smiles and invites me in, introduces me to everyone, half of them don't speak English
>get sat down at table so Abuela can feed me
>nice old brown lady keeps bringing me more and more food, guy the greeted me keeps bringing me drinks
>Abuela doesn't speak English and translator guy eventually gets too drunk
>She keeps trying to stuff food down my throat, fucking delicious but over ate
>end up having a great time anyway
>politely ask him if he can turn the music down at night so we could sleep
>mention the kids around my mom's car too
>never had a problem with them since
>end up going back upstairs with a few paper plates full of food
Mexibros are actually pretty damn friendly when you get to know them. That family were good neighbors after I was nice to them, a shame they first had to deal with my pissed off mom bitching at them.

>> No.20530439

Sounds like a good time

>> No.20530441 [DELETED] 

I hate being hispanic and having to hear about how cool and awesome hispanics are from retarded whites.
The music is awful
The food is mostly awful
The women are awful

>> No.20530442 [DELETED] 

Don't worry, I'm white and I want to genocide your disgusting subhuman ass.

>> No.20530443

Please do

>> No.20530445 [DELETED] 

Can your abuela not cook? The food is legit good.

>> No.20530458

>10 dollars worth of scrap metal at the most

>> No.20530463

yeah people tend to treat people they like better than people who bitch and moan

>> No.20530496

Nah hispanic food sucks

>> No.20530518 [DELETED] 

White people don't really like your music it's just your food. It's good cheap slop food.

>> No.20530732

I make chicken tacos. It's probably not the authentic way but they're pretty good.

>> No.20530759
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Fuck it, Mexibros in this thread, hit me with your best Tejano albums

>> No.20530764

the backyard-appliancezjew fears the public-park-grill

>> No.20530785 [DELETED] 


>> No.20530800

Makes me wonder just how much Aztec is in it.

>> No.20530806

>currently getting my roof and siding redone
>everyday is a mariachi concert

>> No.20530807

That video is so depressing watch now

>> No.20530810

You need to listen to Selena, she's the queen of Tejano music

>> No.20530827

Probably not much, that "empire" was only like 1/4 of modern Mexico and Spain REALLY did a number on them, with the help of neighboring tribes that absolutely fucking hated them. Hard to believe that much of their culture has survived in any way

>> No.20530835

one time i was sitting in the park and there was this lone single middle aged dude grilling a ton of stuff

i assumed he was just cooking like his whole weeks meals, but then some dudes came up who seemed to know him, and he sold them a rack of ribs and some roasted chickens

i assume he was advertising his makeshift restaurant on ig or fb marketplace or something kek

>> No.20530898

I prefer Flemenco from Spain.

>> No.20530905

That's not Spanish that's colonizer Spanish

>> No.20530916
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>> No.20530917

More like Seville, southern Spain.

>> No.20530932

That's good for Mexican gangster music...

>> No.20530951
File: 270 KB, 1000x1031, mvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mexican gangster music
Most Tejano music is heavily influenced by gang/cartel culture. If you want authentic Mexican music then you need to go further south.
Jalisco master-race!

>> No.20530959
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>live in San Antonio
>schedule Uber ride
>chevy Colorado pulls up
>get in
>el sonidito playing loudly


>> No.20531275

What happened?

>> No.20531281

In my area theres a sizeable population of mexicans who speak straight up nahuatl. I be on the public transit and hear someone go “synsnshthlahfhlurhehmachekloc” and turn around. And there’s like 3 native mexican guys whispering in their pyramid language. It still exist

>> No.20531286

I respect el sonidito for it's boldness and minimalism. it's pretty genius when you really break it down


>> No.20531490

>beheaded 2 rival gang members
It sounds like they are doing good work.

>> No.20531774 [DELETED] 

pinche pocho

>> No.20531820 [DELETED] 

I'm a Hispanic and you're a little bitch. Remember: you will never, ever be white. No matter how much you performatively hate on yourself, the racists will never accept you as one of their own.

>> No.20531890
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There is decent amount of Mexicans in my area, every park I've gone to no one is using it. They always have shit like Pic related with charcoal, making enough food for like 20 ppl.

>> No.20531926

I developed better taste.

>> No.20531952

We need to repeal and replace the mexicans. Except the guy who mows my lawn he's good.

>> No.20531956

Santos is not Mexican, he's Peruvian.

>> No.20532167 [DELETED] 

You’re Latinx now and you can’t do anything about it.

>> No.20532358

Thread’s up: >>20532353

>> No.20532548

$10 buys a hit of fent. Absolutely worth it to a junkie POS

>> No.20532732

neighbors have a party
they are playing mexican music loudly into the night
dont give a shit because it sounds goofy and isn't wubs

>> No.20534050

The rain washes it away.

>> No.20534058
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>*mock crying*
>ear shredding violin starts playing

>> No.20534061

Will it be enough to become a media martyr and put a couple of police officers in prison?

>> No.20534104

You're supposed to drop potatoes wrapped in foil directly under the ashes.

>> No.20534661

Not always. Corridos, yeah. Corridos means stories, so obviously interesting ones get more popular.

>> No.20534670

A lot of them are love songs.

>> No.20534715

I could never trust using one of these without aluminum foil, but at that point it is hardly grilling.

>> No.20534789

You're missing the point that they were so fucking clueless and rude you had to say something. And trust, it don't go like that no more.

>> No.20534796 [DELETED] 

Forget not the hygiene, or lack of. I've never seen one wash, but seen them do 100s of disgusting things in kitchens and everywhere else.

>> No.20534985

None bro it’s polka music straight up

>> No.20535181

>go to city park
>someone actually uses the grills
>this is a thing worth talking about somehow
Who cares? Are you retarded or something? There's a hot fire burning right beneath it. That shit gets sanitized real quick. Tothing stops anyone from slapping some tin foil on top and poking a few holes for the grease to drip out.

>> No.20535185

If you've farted near your grill or in your kitchen, there are microscopic fart and shit particles on all of that equipment. Have fun buying a new oven, microwave, and suite of silverware and plates every time you fart I guess.

>> No.20535267

If you're bare ass naked I guess. Otherwise the underwear and pants catches the particles.

>> No.20535288

so i guess i gotta buy a new nose every time i far huh

>> No.20536808
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>mexican music is so funny to me. It's so big and excessively positive it's almost goofy, it's like a caricature of itself
I see no issue with this. If most people actually bothered to listen to the lyrics, they would realize most cumbias have laughably comical lyrics. Complaining about a nagging woman, or how work sucks, can't recall any because they all blend together. But hey its catchy so nobody bats an eye.
>it's legitimately what mexican people actually listen to in their cars and shit
Maybe some. Normally its reserved for parties and picrel type of events.

>> No.20536814

No wonder it sounded so similar. That just cleared up a lot of things for me

>> No.20536828

>the lyrics to that music are often gangsta rap-like - very violent and glorifying of crime
Its been starting to shift that way with "narco corridos". Honestly not as big as a genre as its made out to be. Most still jive with the classics.

>> No.20536880

>why can't I live in the same nice world that existed merely 20 years ago?
>>well, you only have rose tinted glass-ACK!
Crazy how big of a fall we've had in less than a quarter century.

>> No.20536894

Huh, kind of sounds the same with just different instruments.

>> No.20536904

Mexican culture is devoid of Karen culture. This has its ups and downsides. I can divulge if anyone cares.

>> No.20536909 [DELETED] 

Self hating bugman.

>> No.20536914

Tax free. And good business if they don't get food poisoning.

>> No.20536919

What country?

>> No.20537023 [DELETED] 

I'm not 'proud' of being hispanic like many are, I'm an American 1st and foremost. But you are a funny 2nd-3rd generation self hating faggot. You don't belong anywhere.

>> No.20537025

you don't have "karen culture" because it's ingrained in you to never complain or risk getting kicked out of the country

>> No.20537029

if you were smart you'd hate yourself too, everyone else already hates you.

>> No.20537031

That's the first time for me seeing MV, cheers.

>> No.20537043

That might not be authentic if it doesn't have pump up tires and huge speakers.

>> No.20537168

>more self loathing + topped with projection of ones lackluster ability

>> No.20537178

funny thing is that the lyrics are a bunch of depressing shit like a guy crying because he got dumped or how the narcos killed his son or stuff like that.

but we dont all listen to that, my dad listened to pink floyd, the beeatles, creedence and stuff like that.

>> No.20537182

is that a good thing or a bad thing?

>> No.20537187

>immigrant utilizing government grills for free to cook his weeks food
>Trying to dunk on him even a little
You're just mad because you Didnt think of it. What are you, using a grill you BOUGHT? Bet you dont even grow your own chickens. Lol.

>> No.20537205

and its way better than nu-country
i had a mexican friend translate a song for me, apparently some of it is cartel shit
it's really grown on me desu, i like the guitars and the horns

>> No.20537241

i'm gonna start blasting burzum outside of your house

>> No.20537357 [DELETED] 

Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing a retarded turd. Don't hate him for being self aware, shitskin

>> No.20537363 [DELETED] 

poor little shitskin, if he complains it's le heckin genocide

>> No.20537522 [DELETED] 

Why would anyone accept some dumb immigrant shit skin as their own. Shit skins are so weird

>> No.20539171

cool thread

>> No.20540560

Mexico made a big push for European immigrants in the 2nd half of the 19th century, for obvious reason. It didn't work great, also for obvious reasons, but they got enough German immigrants to northern Mexico to kickstart their beer industry and add that polka influence to their music.

>> No.20540568

*calls ICE*
Free chicken when Pedro gets deported

>> No.20540748

>Im not like the other beaners. I listen to white people music.

>> No.20540753

If its from some deported guy named pedro then it's not likely the kind of stuff that you want to eat.

>> No.20542058

no. if you can smell it then you're inhaling particles of it

>> No.20543004

New thread up: >>20543000

>> No.20544725

My rural town in flyover country still has them.