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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 85 KB, 512x640, lasagnajak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20520918 No.20520918 [Reply] [Original]

how would one cook this correctly to ensure that all layers were properly baked? Low and slow?

>> No.20520921

/ck/ will lose their mind that someone in a picture has their mouth open

>> No.20520958

Well, he looks like a faggot.

>> No.20520961


>> No.20520964

being gay doesn't make you disgusting
it's ok to be gay

>> No.20520970

being a faggot and being gay is not the same thing

>> No.20520971

Being gay is fine, no one gives a shit
Looking and acting like a fsggot is not

>> No.20520978

Inb4 some schizo starts ranting shit about the food industry or a /pol nigger comes along

>> No.20520984

Depends on what style it is, northern or southern. Northern is bechamel and Bolognese. Southern is the ricotta and egg thing. Northern would be easier since everything is pretty much cooked already.

>> No.20520987

It's ok to be gay but it's still gross

>> No.20521017

have you ever made your own lasagna before

>> No.20521028

Indeed I have

>> No.20521038

No. There are no catch-all "Northern" or "Southern" variants beyond a preference for egg pasta (the North) vs dry (the South), just myriad local variants.
I'm from the south and my part of the country doesn't add eggs (and my family don't use ricotta). The traditional meat is pulled brisket, braised in tomato sauce, and tiny fried meatballs. It's meat overload because it's meant for Carnevale.
Areas nearby add eggs (also salame) but we don't.
Other variants
>in Sicily, they supposedly add peas, boiled eggs, besciamella, boiled ham and /hard cheese/ rather than mozzarella; I've never had it with ham, besciamella and hard cheese, but deffo peas and eggs
>in Marche, the pasta Is made with wine in the dough and the sauce is made with chicken giblets
There's even a variant in the North where they use a blood custard rather than tomato sauce, blood custards being similar to egg custard, only the coagulating nature of fresh blood takes the place of the egg.

>> No.20521050

It's the two dominant varieties. Seriously doubting they stray from those.

>> No.20521092

That's entirely wrong, kiddo. The other side of the country (I'm from one Coast, I'm talking about the opposite one) don't add eggs at all and they're also southern. The only ones to add eggs in the South that I'm aware of are Southern Campania, parts of Calabria and, stereotypically, Sicily. I don't know what they do in Bari/Puglia, but I doubt they add eggs. Lemme look it up:
Okay so they use fresh semolina dough, which is already fucking weird, veal (but no beef, super weird), bologna (extremely weird), and, surprisingly, boiled eggs (but the eggs go only in a single layer in the middle). The veal is made into tiny meatballs, like in my area, and they also don't use ricotta (like my family) nor besciamella.
And with a region as large as Sicily, with a literal desert in the middle, I'd be surprised if someone from, say, Palermo, makes lasagne the same way as someone from Siracusa on the opposite end of the Island.

>> No.20521098

>Seriously doubting they stray from those.
>blood custard lasagna
Pick one.

>> No.20521107

Literally don't care about the dozens of neighborhood styles you can think of. Judging from that tiny pic, and my intuition, it's a bechamel variety. They have 30 layers to play with, I doubt it's just one type of sauce also. This is Australia, not Italy, so your local variety means very little at all.

>> No.20521108

>it's real

>> No.20521118

My family settled in France after the war in a mining town that was about 30/30/30/10 French/Polish/Italian/colonial French
And I got agree with north/southAnon, it seems to me that it was fresh pasta versus dried pasta for the most part
The fillings were usually
>what you have
>what you like
>what your family style is
>what you're celebrating
I remember having one with ham slices and shredded chicken in it
You tell a "real" Italian (American) that's a lasagna and they lose their shit, but it do be like that

>> No.20521119

That's nice, kiddo, but none of that was the original claim, now was it? The original claim was
>Depends on what style it is, northern or southern
which was corrected by pointing out that there are no catch-all northern or southern styles, them the additional claim was made that sure, maybe there are regional styles, but they're still based on these imaginary, non-existent "Northern" and "Southern" styles you dreamt up, which was debunked in that very post it replied to as well as the follow up.
You were just wrong, and that's okay. ; )
Learn from this.

>> No.20521122


>> No.20521125


>> No.20521128

I learned that no one outside of your local neighborhood cares about how you make your regional dish.

>> No.20521129


>> No.20521212

FUCK Melbourne fucking DOG CUNTS

>> No.20521283

u mad

>> No.20521400
File: 12 KB, 265x190, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean melbourne is full of them
its the san fransisco of australia

>> No.20521883

it was ok until you started bringing it out of the bedroom and pushing it on the children and you and your ilk know it.
sick freaks

>> No.20521892


>> No.20521902

Looks like a great way to lose money in this economy.

>> No.20521911 [DELETED] 

pretty funny how the average 4chan user is mindbroken like a pavlovian mutt over trivial bullshit like innocuous facial expressions. you "people" are as trained as the redditors are just the opposite flavor. not a critical thought in any of your heads

>> No.20522486

fuck off, bruce

>> No.20522491

Judging by his expression they've substituted the beef with plant based soy meat

>> No.20522493


>> No.20522501

No, it's not. Being a faggot is really disgusting. Enjoy your aids, monkey pox, and other shit that goes along with being fucked in the ass and sucking dick.

>> No.20522537

Melbournian here, it seems our superiority has caused some controversy...

>> No.20522551

You missed the main point that they have no interest in the future of humanity and therefor cannot be trusted.

>> No.20522764

Are you thr guy in the pic

>> No.20522833

This isn’t part of a bottom friendly diet :/

>> No.20523021

>the hair
>the glasses
>the facial hair
>the soijaws expression
every time. he looks like he uses reddit too.

>> No.20523080

>being gay doesn't make you disgusting
He called him a faggot, not gay

>> No.20523126

>rooting in other people's asses like an animal doesn't make you disgusting
almost as disgusting as that lasagna, in fact

>> No.20523158

I'm confused as to whether you're Aussie or American.
Either way, yer mum got a proper rooting a dingo, m8

>> No.20523398
File: 303 KB, 1164x1612, 1708094750657870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn how much cheese is in that?