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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20517046 No.20517046 [Reply] [Original]

What's the fattest thing you've done?

>> No.20517049

I ate out a girl with a 30+ BMI

>> No.20517054

When I was 12, I ate a whole bag of Cool Ranch Doritos and a whole 2 liter of Mr Dew. Felt like a boss.

>> No.20517056

Used to get drunk and make burgers with two red baron mini deep dish microwave pizzas as buns

>> No.20517059

These threads are gainer fetish bait ignore them

>> No.20517063

damn, how did her braphoolio smell?

For me, it's binge eating around 5-6000 calories in a matter of hours and vomiting it back up from a lack of guilt ;)
Only happened twice, mind you, don't want to make it a habit heheehe

>> No.20517070
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I'm 5'2 so a single potato chip makes me feel fat.

>> No.20517076

Ur mom

>> No.20517083

Kinda like hot vegetable soup

>> No.20517090

Probably gorged myself during a cannabis induced eating frenzy. Must've eaten bags of ribbled chips, chocolate, icecream...Perhaps home baked cookies as well. Man that shit makes me hungry af. Fattened me up too back then, i'm glad i lost a fair amount due to fasting and moderation.

>> No.20517144

I went to Chicago for the resturaunt convention and gained ten pounds in a weekend.

>> No.20517156

ice cream for breakfast
ice cream for lunch
haven't settled on dinner yet

>> No.20517170

>wake up
>make coffee
>start snacking on jerky
>order my morning pizza
>snack on pizza and jerky then get ready to make breakfast
>6 eggs, 6 hash browns, 3 scoops of ice cream and a pack of bacon for breakfast
>wash it down with iced tea and continue snacking on jerky (pizza's finished)
>order more pizza to snack on while l browse the net for lunch ideas
>contempIate mcdonalds for brunch but order chinese instead
>kill delivery man when he arrives
>eat him and the food
>eat the money too
>get in his car and go to mcdonalds for lunch
>start eating the kids in the ball pit and then eat the parents who have a problem with it
>everyone leaves so I start eating all of mcdonalds' food
>interrupted by police and swat teams
>they shoot tear gas into the mcdonalds and storm the place
>start eating the cops and order a pizza to snack on
>go to the chinese man's car and go back home
>eat the car
>go inside and start eating the house
>remember the rest of the jerky and eat it while contemplating dinner
>eat the contemplations and order a pizza to snack on
>pull out Iaptop and start posting on ck
>eat every single anon who replies to this post

>> No.20517174

Ate kebab and pizza for 8 years straight, hoping to gain weight. Didn't gain a single gram.

>> No.20517190

People who say shit like this simply aren't eating as much as they think they are.
Next time work some beer into your bloatmaxxx diet

>> No.20517207

Getting drunk and then drunk driving to the pizza store for a large loaded thin crust pizza. Then I eat the entire thing in my car with no napkins and not even water. Then I drive home and smoke weed and goon.

>> No.20517209

drank vanilla pudding mix and half and half in a container designed for protein shakes

>> No.20517216

Nine plates of steamed flounder from a Chinese buffet. Nobody else was eating any and it was fucking DELICIOUS.

>> No.20517236

Ate 2 pounds of cheese for dinner

>> No.20517241

made a bacon weave
i didn't eat it though

>> No.20517264

>wypipo don't eat dey weaves

>> No.20517414

I made a new variation of a mcgangbang with five guys and a popeyes chicken sandwich

>> No.20517417

Ate 11 donuts in one sitting (one was already missing from the dozen). Marijuana was involved.

>> No.20517423

Man I miss Chinese buffets, the one I used to go to closed down after it got a 36 on the health inspection.

>> No.20517445

I'd make spaghetti with a full box of pasta, jar of sauce, and package of sausage, eat half for dinner and the other half two hours later before bed, then wake up an hour after going to sleep regurgitating bile which burnt the shit out of my throat and would sometimes cause more vomiting due to the fucked up feeling in the throat

Another thing that would cause that is a whole frozen pizza with half a family-size bag of chips

>> No.20517450

Made a sandwich with peanut butter as the spread and chocolate biscuits as the filling

>> No.20517485

i ate a whole pan of fried eggs and cheese and then vomited

>> No.20517530

>didn't eat the tear gas
fake and gay

>> No.20517534

how big was the pan?

>> No.20517545

as a much thinner girl I thank you for your service

>> No.20517653


If any of those people are able to clone themselves a clone that also can self-replicate, you'd have infinite calories.

Only then would you be crowned the fattest among the fats.

>> No.20517662

Kebab's are a good form of protein but if you don't exercise to bulk up muscle, you won't gain any useful weight.

>> No.20517665

update: burger

>> No.20517697

There's a real ghetto "Asian fusion" place in a strip mall near me, they have a pad thai that is basically 4lbs of rice noodles with chicken and grease. I love it. One order is probably 3000 calories, easy. I starved myself for 3 days while lifting and demolished an order in like 15 minutes. My brain released enough chemicals that it basically felt like I was nutting when I was eating it.

>> No.20517702

Eat four sleeves of Oreos back-to-back in one sitting.

>> No.20517894

This sounds good, I'll try it with heavy cream tho

>> No.20518241

Same. It's really the reason that I rarely smoked. I would've died of cholesterol poisoning. A couple of us got to Pat's in Philly at 1am. Bombed out of our minds. I got my steak sandwich and when I got to the table it was gone - I'd eaten the whole fucking thing during the walk to the table, ten feet away...

>> No.20518281

wouldn't recommend

>> No.20518321
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Ate about 45 shrimp at Red Lobster unlimited. I rode my motorcycle there and honestly thought I was going to crash on the way home. I felt like I was drunk and hallucinating lmao

>> No.20518339

Bought a foot long and a 6 inch from subway and ate them all in one sitting

>> No.20518409

I'm kekking IRL, HYB
When I was learning to make hams I was eating so much ham I had the pork sweats
Goin' for a walk smelled like a Sunday dinner, it was coming out everywhere
Like kids these days amirite?

>> No.20518417

Ate the stale bread my grandma saved for her bunny
There was bunny food in the same bag
Probably bunny poop too

>> No.20518458

Ate a Jack in the Box munchie meal and 2 western bacon cheeseburgers. In hindsight it was a horrible decision, but I was getting hunger pains and felt hypoglycemic. It was even worse that I did it at 10PM.

>> No.20518532

I would do that, but the pasta lasts 2 days for 2 or 3 people.

>> No.20518547

McDonalds had this superbowl weekend thing where they were selling 50 nuggets for 10 bucks (back in like 2003 or 2004), so I got 100 nuggets on a Friday, slept over at my friend's house playing video games. Ate all 100 of them in one day, and the next day his dad was like, you boys want anything from McDonald's? and I got another 100 nuggets and ate them the very next day.

I ate 7 plates at a Chinese Buffet back when I was in high school (2000-2004)

I ordered a jalepeno sausage biscuit from whataburger, had them add cheese, bacon, and asked for a side of ranch, and strawberry jam. I spread the jam on the cheesy sausage biscuit and still dipped it in ranch.

I always do this with sausage biscuits. I get cheese, spread strawberry jam on it, and then dip it in ranch.

I'm sure there's more, but yeah. I'm actuall a healthy eater most of the time, but I let myself have decadent days like this, because fuck it, you know

>> No.20518571

Takes one to know one, architectbro

>> No.20518577

I unironically did that every day after school in Junior High. Somehow when you're younger, your body just takes anything you throw at it.

>> No.20518582

sometimes I go to the movies and buy a fucking bucket of popcorn and eat it all and then get it refilled and eat some more

>> No.20518587

Said 'thousand island stare' by mistake instead of 'thousand yard stare'

>> No.20518589
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god damn

>> No.20518605

You didn’t even try you fucking faggot. Gaining weight is the easiest thing to do in the world. Just eat. You’re skinny because you’re too lazy to even eat.

>> No.20518609

>that looks delicious

>> No.20518626
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Im skinnyfat and always just ate what i felt like and didnt get fat. But i wanted to have a better body so I started dieting this year. Since then I also started binge eating. On separate occasions ive eaten multiple cartons of ice cream, a half jar of peanut butter, and entire pans of brownies and cookies. The lack of self-control is shameful, and i reset all the progress i made dieting.

>> No.20518629
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>>eat the contemplations

>> No.20518644

My mom bought me some cinnamon rolls to share with my coworkers, but I ate them all myself.

>> No.20518652

>McDonalds had this superbowl weekend thing where they were selling 50 nuggets for 10 bucks (back in like 2003 or 2004), so I got 100 nuggets on a Friday, slept over at my friend's house playing video games. Ate all 100 of them in one day, and the next day his dad was like, you boys want anything from McDonald's? and I got another 100 nuggets and ate them the very next day.
Ngl that sounds pretty comfy anon. Were you doing console stuff, PC/online, or a combo?

>> No.20518700

it was when melee came out or that year so i was playing melee on a tv in one side of my friend's room and he was playing PSO or soemthing

>> No.20520691

I got high while on a diet, had skipped dinner and didn’t keep snacks around for obvious reasons. Though I did have a 12 pack box of quest protein bars. The bars are very high in fiber, I ate 8 of them over a few hours. Never made that mistake again.

>> No.20520693
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>read about stomach relaxing when you eat something different(dessert)
>keep ice cream near me whenever I'm eating something I really like
>eat until I feel full
>eat ice cream to feel less full
>eat again

>> No.20520696

I thought Lovecraft had died?

>> No.20520740

A cupcake and a candy bar

>> No.20520758

once as a kid I eat a full 500g pack of pasta in one sitting

>> No.20520787

get stoned + drunk. eat way beyond normal limit. weed stops working, now notice the food is almost in my esophagus when laying down. hate it. also forced vomiting to feel better some times.

>> No.20520885

None of you faggots will get on my level.
I ordered 7 XL meat lovers pizzas and breadsticks and 10 2L bottles of an assortment of Pepsi Mtn Dew Crush Orange Dr.Pepper etc
And I weigh nearly 800 pounds.
I am an american and shit myself daily.

>> No.20521290


>> No.20521316
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>> No.20521348
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I ate this

>> No.20521349
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and this

>> No.20521350

I don't believe you

>> No.20521356
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and this

>> No.20521360
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yes but it is true though. because I also ate this.

>> No.20521367

Like...in one sitting?

>> No.20521381
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yea. they were each a meal.

>> No.20521434


>> No.20521510

if any of you are familiar with voodoo donuts in pdx they have deal for a 10 or 5 dollar bucket of day old donuts.
i bought a bucket home and kept it in my room.
but i needed to keep it cool but the bucket was too big for the fridge so i just kept them outside my window.
i ate nothing but these donuts for a week
ended up with food poisoning.
so many of the mango madness donuts.
it was like that one simpsons episode where homer has that sandwhich, but with donuts.

>> No.20521519

eat on the toilet

>> No.20521660

woke up at 4am and ate a fully mayonnaise'd slice of bread

>> No.20521674

>What's the fattest thing you've done?
Your mom

>> No.20521743

I grilled a 12 pack of burgers and ate them for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day until I ran out.

Also, I spent $40 (approximately) on taco bell one night, but that was more me being shithoused drunk rather than fat. I ordered 4 helpings of every item I liked.

>> No.20521746

I bought 6 mcchickens, 3 for me 3 for my wife. I ate mine on the way home. When I got home, my wife was sleeping, so I ate the 3 I bought for her.

>> No.20521761

Knowing how this feels, you have my sympathies. No amount of food feels like enough at that point and the stress response is a bastard.

>> No.20521771

eggs don't have as many calories as people think they do. an adult man can eat 28 eggs a day and not gain weight.

>> No.20521774

i can't tell if this is chinese, mexican, or just a handful of pure slop.

>> No.20521779

i used to eat a party pack of cheetos and a party pack of lollies every single day

>> No.20521877

her name was elly

>> No.20521895

Gone 0 days without eating

>> No.20521910

>I'd make spaghetti with a full box of pasta, jar of sauce, and package of sausage, eat half for dinner and the other half two hours later before bed, then wake up an hour after going to sleep regurgitating bile which burnt the shit out of my throat and would sometimes cause more vomiting due to the fucked up feeling in the throat
I've done this same thing multiple times minus the sausage

>> No.20521918

There was a time where I wanted to maintain my weight with as little food as possible so I'd use a ton of ketchup and mayo on most things I ate and drank off brand Coca Cola for extra calories.

>> No.20521944

thats disgusting.

>> No.20521961

I got called into the principal's office because my son told him I wasn't feeding the little snitch, and that I was keeping all of the food for myself.
It was all true, but I still had to give the little brat a beating, because nobody likes it when a bitch ass calls you out on your shit.

>> No.20521993


>> No.20521995


>> No.20522057
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>> No.20522059

I would feed my bunny crunchy peanut butter off of my finger, then lick my finger clean when he was done. One time I was like "oh wow how did you miss this one peanut" but when it stuck my finger in my mouth it became immediately evident that it wasn't a peanut but was a piece of rabbit poop

>> No.20522061

>Not white gravy
Kill yourself

>> No.20522064

If you learn to count calories you can lose weight without ever being hungry. But you will never do that, because you're stupid. And that's why you're fat. Because you're stupid.

>> No.20522069
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At the height of the coof I found out you could order snacks from Amazon so I bought and consumed all of this by myself over an 8 month period.

I reached a point where I could physically feel myself dying.

>> No.20522082

How does someone that fat afford that much food? I can't imagine you could hold a high paying job with that lack of self control.

>> No.20522085
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took my mom to a chinese buffet for her first time and she liked it and wanted to go a second day
i had a nightmare about eating food that night.
i ate 75% of a mcdonald's dinner box one night as well and could feel my arms vibrating from the sodium. 3 medium fries, 4 double cheeseburgers, and a soda.
i've eaten more too since then probably but it's all a blur

>> No.20522168

I ate so much roast beef ( slow cooked for 8 hours, very tasty ) that I had to go to the hospital because my gut was about to burst and they had to pump my stomach. Worst pain in my life. Would do it again.

>> No.20522178

>be 18
>smoke with a few friends
>keep eating and eating till you puke and start again

>> No.20522203

I walked 2 miles through mid-shin deep snow far into the northern Vermont winter to buy a 6 pack and a bag of Tyson Buffalo Wyngz that I microwaved and ate in one hour.

>> No.20522344
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>Drink 6L of alcohol in one night
>Order a 1 kg of kebab meat & chips the morning after and consume that all day

>> No.20522400

Damn i'm fat as shit but you guys have done some seriously vile shit, ive eaten alot to the point of my stomach hurting and nearly burping up what i just ate but nothing like some of you, id say my points go towards making bad food concoctions while fiending for food, nothing really comes to mind but a couple messy sandwiches stacked high with lunchmeat and cheese and then a sauce just oozing out the bun uooohohhh yummayyy

>> No.20522938

sounds awesome

>> No.20523143
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in a week i ate 1kg of peanut m&ms
and 1kg of peanut butter m&ms

>> No.20523160
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how long did it take you to eat all that?

post pic of hand for proof
i wanna see if you really 800lbs

>> No.20523174
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I ate a loaded footlong from Subway and a quart of Cold stone ice cream

>> No.20523184
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Right here

>> No.20523189
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Followed up with a pint

>> No.20523269

The real crime here is just eating that shit on your fucking bed. WTF, subhuman, then again the MBP explained all I needed

>> No.20523306


>> No.20523309

ate 2 platefuls of a stranger's abandoned chicken tendies + waffle fries at cedar point. they have a meal deal thing so i guess people get their free food and leave it, and i didn't want it to go to waste. you >>20517046
don't pass up free tendies.

>> No.20523315

>A grown man weighs at least 200lbs
average rippetoe fan

>> No.20523342

Ate an entire Digiorno pizza in one sitting and then immediately went to a bar and ordered a a double bacon cheeseburger with fries and ate it all

>> No.20523348

Seething poorfag

>> No.20523358

I can afford a table, which you could have if you didnt buy overpriced trash from apple

>> No.20523514


>> No.20523550
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The only unbelievable part of that story was that the delivery driver was Chinese as well. No Chinese restaurant has their own delivery guy; the outsource it to uber eats and doordash, so your delivery guy was probably Indian/some kind of mix breed muttmerican/"""white""" . The only companies that can afford to have their own delivery service is franchise pizza places.

>> No.20523584

Well yeah, dieting and restriction doesn't work. Try eating an animal-based diet. Plenty of fat and meat first, maybe some fruit and veg if you want, then once a week reward yourself with something, instead of trying to cut it out completely.

>> No.20523796

I have absolutely pulled food out of the trash and eaten it after throwing it away in disgust of how much I just ate beforehand.

>> No.20523895

i eat much healthier these days but in school i use to melt butter in the pan and then take cubes of cheddar cheese and dip them in the butter. also use to drink 40s and gorge on taco bell enchiritos and one time i ate 2 of those 12 packs of their tacos

>> No.20524125

>3 triple baconators
>3 large fries
>2 large cokes, no ice
>5 wendys cookies

back when i was at my biggest, 240 lbs. Now im 159 lbs

>> No.20524169

the 3 closest chinese restaurants to me all have their own delivery drivers

>> No.20524800

Are that quadruple burger at Braum’s followed by an entire banana split

>> No.20525128

When I was vacationing in Europe, a waitress thought I was American based on the amount of food I ate. I'm not American.

>> No.20525132

I think I gave myself bulimia. I can’t really narrow down one specific time, but more than once I’ve binged and thrown up only to do it again later in the day

>> No.20525151
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I just had a spiralled potato stretched to the length of my forearm two days ago
Decided to get one from the food truck outside my lecture hall because I've never had it before
Instant regret, never again. Slept the whole fucking afternoon away and still felt fucking awful up to midnight. That was too much oil.

>> No.20525174

>I’ve binged and thrown up
I would throw up too if I used such a shitty search engine.

>> No.20525184

It’s one potato man

>> No.20525194

One potato and twice as much batter and a shit load of oil
Felt like eating a whole block of butter to me

>> No.20525195

Other factors to consider:
>the type of oil
>the quality of oil (in terms of cleanliness)
>the cooking time of the potato (how long it stayed in the oil)
>potato quality (did they go bad)
>the seasoning (mostly a shit-ton of salt and artificial flavorings)
>staff hygiene
A lot can surprisingly go wrong. If people can die from papercuts, anon can get sick from a shitty potato.

>> No.20525560


>> No.20525576

that reminds me of when the CPS visited my family because my sister said that we didn't eat dinner, when in reality we were just allowed to make food for ourselves instead of having organized family meals

>> No.20525646

Had 2 drive thru sammiches and icecream.

>> No.20525653

Hero Post from a Hero Anon

>> No.20525655
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ate like 15 of these niggas in 1 day earlier this year while on vacation

>> No.20525666

Now this is some fatass shit right here

>> No.20525833

shut the fuck up fatass

>> No.20526576

With a great quality assortment of peanut butter, jam, and bread, I prefer to eat pbj's as loaded up double stacks. So it's an extra full pbj with another bread in the middle. Might microwave it if I'm feeling like having myself a fancy hot dessert

>> No.20526591

Whole frozen pizza a day nearly all summer in like 2004.

>> No.20527000

went through the drive through at 3 different restaurants for 1 meal.

>> No.20527039

Still warranted.

>> No.20527056
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ate so much beans i threw up

>> No.20527144

I ate 80% of the biggest pizza hut pizza by myself in one sitting one day while reading spiderman comics
that was my only meal for the day
I weigh 57 kilograms

>> No.20527156

one time i was really high and i ate a big bag of candy. i ate it so fast i barely took a whole breath. my teeth, jaw and gut did not feel great for a while lol

>> No.20527159

I ate McDonalds for breakfast and lunch then ordered pizza for dinner.

>> No.20527171

how do you eat these things
I got one as a kid and just didn't know how to eat that shit

>> No.20527536

Ate 2 boxes of pizza on my own in one sitting. The echo of my body's indigestion waking me up in the middle of the night was a new experience for me.

>> No.20527671

your mom

>> No.20527829

I ate a large 2 topping pizza from dominoes over the course of a day. Thats about as fat as I've ever done.

>> No.20528218

Double decker peanut butter and jelly sandwich dipped in pancake butter and fried in a whole stick of butter. The pancake batter pretty much absorbed the butter like a sponge, it's was my most delicious abomination.

>> No.20528233

I'm skinny and ate almost a whole supreme before getting out of my car.

>> No.20528326

Shit man in college I used to go to little caesars and get two pizzas with as many garlic cups as I could, and eat that in a day with a nice sugary liter of red wine. Actually it was really bad