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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20516197 No.20516197 [Reply] [Original]

Lads, I have an innovation. Once every couple weeks, fry a pot full of onions in whatever grease you use. You get two things: crispy onions to top food, but most importantly you get onion seasoned oil.
It's an instant way to add the delicious taste of well fried onions to any dish. Cook a burger in it, toss a spoon of it in your ramen, grilled cheese is improved immeasurably. You'll wonder why you ever used plain oil again.

>> No.20516199

Just thinly slice a few onions, heat the oil to a low fry, enough to have them just bubble gently, then poke them around for fifteen to twenty minutes. It takes a little while, you'll know they're done when they're browned and firm enough that the mass of onion strands can stand proud of the oil surface. Drain them on a paper towel and add some salt, let the oil cool and store it in a clean jar.

>> No.20516205
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>> No.20516227
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oil made from aromatics is nothing new. you can even buy the stuff.

>> No.20516237

Chinese use scallion oil, same concept

>> No.20516245

Once again the Malays know what's up when it comes to food.
>Companion of indulgence
Delightfully decadent.

>> No.20516262

The grilled cheese idea sounds great.
How do you make the onions crispy without battering them? Don't they just soften in the oil?

>> No.20516269

As long as you don't overcrowd the pot and keep the oil hot, so they don't just turn into caramelised onions, they eventually crisp up on their own. It seems like nothing is happening for ages, then in the last couple of minutes the colour and texture changes, you have to pay attention to catch them before they burn. I avoid adding salt until they're done because it seems to make them less crisp.

>> No.20516271

Do you understand how water works?

>> No.20516347

Me use dry onion.

>> No.20516380

Scallion oil is absolutely based, I made it for the first time last week (scallions and shallots), and it's absolutely delicious

>> No.20516686

I know how to add the delicious taste of well fried onions to any dish. It's called FRIED ONIONS

>> No.20516738

fuckin comfy fren
what kind of base oil are you using

>> No.20516742

holy fuck Marie has returned

>> No.20516744

Remember, it's the Oil that gives it the taste

>> No.20516751
File: 240 KB, 1080x592, marie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss her every day bros

>> No.20517371

Just vegetable oil like rapeseed usually. If I have lard or tallow that works too, but I find it's a little more convenient to store and use oil that's liquid at room temperature.

>> No.20518937

I refuse to use any vegetable oil so would this work with olive? This is really intriguing and sounds like something I wouldn't mind bulking and jarring

>> No.20518949

>onion oil, it’s magic, you know
>never believe it’s not so

>> No.20519293
File: 257 KB, 1600x1600, e2cc0bbdb2ffd30a470c369ec30ef893[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer shallot oil.

>> No.20519341

I got botulism from this

>> No.20519472
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>the flavor is in the oil
Mary pls go

>> No.20519587

I think that would be fine, you don't need to get it too hot.