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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.02 MB, 1560x1040, Engless Purging at Red Lobster.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20516120 No.20516120 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think is ultimately bankrupting Red Lobster and causing them to shutter many of their restaurants? Those endless shrimp deals?


>There was also the fact that when parties arrived at Red Lobster looking to pig out on a bargeful of shrimp, they simply wouldn’t leave. Berke’s experience serving a man who put away 16 servings over the course of two hours was actually mild compared with some of the other stories I’ve heard. Josie, 19, who also asked to be anonymous, worked at a (now-shuttered) Kansas City Red Lobster, where she watched a solo diner take down 30 orders of fried shrimp within four hours. According to the nutritional information on Red Lobster’s website, that’s something like 14,000 calories.

>“He was a skinny guy too,” Josie said. “I was like, Where is it all going?”

>But the top thing employees will not miss about Red Lobster are the arguments and confrontations they’d frequently endure when informing customers about the rules that come buoyed to the Endless Shrimp deal.

Do you think some of these customers are essentially cosplaying as ancient Romans, who had the practice of eating and drinking for hours on end while partying and then throwing up to make room for more eating and drinking?

I wonder if some customers go to the bathroom, purge their stomachs of their last two shrimp courses and then return for some more?

Are any of you guilty of this /CK? Have you ever eaten endless shrimp at a Red Lobster or at any buffet, went to the bathroom to purge the contents of your stomach and then returned for more helpings?

>Given banquets were a status symbol and lasted for hours deep into the night, vomiting was a common practice needed to make room in the stomach for more food. The ancient Romans were hedonists, pursuing life's pleasures,” said Jori, who is also an author of several books on Rome's culinary culture.

>> No.20516131

Red Lobster's bankruptcy is hardly influenced by the 20 million oss from endless shrimp that they could have ended at any time. It is caused by the fact the series of companies managing them made the decision to source from 1 particular supplier (to the benefit of Thai Union) and private equity decision to sell all of their owned real estate to then lease it back to themselves for a cash injection that went nowhere. Blaming endless shrimp is another version of blaming the customer when bone headed or greedy CEOs made the fatal decision. Its as redherring as it can get.

To answer OP, I have eaten to the point of throwing up but I was about 6 so it wasn't intentional.

>> No.20516149

They got bought out, the new owners jacked up rent on all the land they own while blaming endless shrimp in the media when in reality their entire goal is to siphon as much money out of the buisness ASAP, so they can declare bankruptcy and move on to the next buisness they can squeeze dry.

>> No.20516154
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It would be funny if a bachelor party dined at Red Lobster and all the attendees dressed up either as roman soldiers or in togas, and they all ordered endless shrimp and copious cocktails, and they kept in 3's or 4's to go to the bathroom and they stayed their for several hours, basically reenacting Ancient Roman days at their local Red Lobster. I wonder if anyone would pick up on what they were doing. I wonder if the employees would guess they were having bathroom orgies or were purposefully regurgitating.

I once went to a Red Lobster as a kid and the bathroom smelled horrendous. Some man had puked his guts all over the floors, the sinks counters and the toilet. The bathroom was unusable. I think it was the first time I ordered something other than seafood at a Red Lobster. The stench of regurgitated seafood was abominable.

>> No.20516160
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Gee I wonder how to solve this issue

>> No.20516165

How is that going to fix their executive board pumping the real estate for every ounce of capital?

The endless shrimp is a $11m loss in a year with $2B in revenue. That wasn't the problem.

>> No.20516172

Would that be illegal?

>> No.20516177

What the fuck is /CK?

>> No.20516234

Uh, the very board that you're on...

>> No.20516297

>they could have ended at any time
They couldn't, actually. Thai Union was on the board.

>> No.20516313
File: 507 KB, 701x375, frying_dutchman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There was also the fact that when parties arrived at Red Lobster looking to pig out on a bargeful of shrimp, they simply wouldn’t leave. Berke’s experience serving a man who put away 16 servings over the course of two hours was actually mild compared with some of the other stories I’ve heard. Josie, 19, who also asked to be anonymous, worked at a (now-shuttered) Kansas City Red Lobster, where she watched a solo diner take down 30 orders of fried shrimp within four hours. According to the nutritional information on Red Lobster’s website, that’s something like 14,000 calories.

MBA boys think running a food maker is the same as doing financial ops on the trading floor like arbitration. It's actually good the company failed, no need to beat a dead horse for 20 years.

>> No.20516337

>Come for the freak, stay for the food

>> No.20516351

it was too cheap and there were too many staff during down times

>> No.20516529

They should make a merger with Long John Silver's and Captain D's thus cornering the Seafood Restaurant market.

They could call it Captain Silver's Lobster Deluge and Bar.

>> No.20516533

Why doesn't a chain restaurant ever call in help from Gordon Ramsay or Jon Taffer. Can you imagine the free advertising and the people who would want to go just because Ramsay and Tapper were there fixing shit?

They should do it at the dingiest Red Lobster they can find, like one found out in the Bronx or downtown Detroit.

>> No.20516580

That article even says it wasn't never ending shrimp that did it.
>Of course, the actual reasons Red Lobster is circling the drain are more complicated than a runaway shrimp promotion.

>downtown Detroit
Downtown Detroit was pretty nice when I went there a couple weeks ago. I also decided to see what the hood was like and drove to a coney island, it's a type of diner restaurant around the Detroit area that's also known for serving Detroit coney style hot dogs, outside of downtown in a bad neighborhood.

>get out of my car and get accosted by a homeless person hanging out in the parking lot
>just walkinto the restaurant because the best strategy is usually just to ignore homeless people
>he follows me in telling me some story about how he needed money
>cashier behind a bulletproof barrier, you have to slide your money under a little opening and your food comes through this revolving thing the cashier can spin around
>Cashier starts bellowing at the homeless guy to get out
>Guy leaves
>Order two Detroit coney hot dogs
>Eat them while watching my car out the window in case the guy tries to break into my car

solid dogs, would probably go there again

>> No.20516919

You're making the mistake of thinking a mistake was made, it's all on purpose to bleed the company dry while they fill their own pockets. The media blaming all you can eat shrimp is just the Jews paying off the media so that they can hide the fact that the Jews are sucking the company dry.
t. /biz/ anon

>> No.20516925

Captain Silver's Long Red D

>> No.20516931

roman purging wasn't real

>> No.20517369

It sure as hell was. Read a book, there's plenty of historians who talked about it's occurrence in the upper class in ancient Rome. They were gluttons. One Roman went so far as to commit suicide after throwing such lavish vomit parties time and time again to the point where he was poverty stricken. He was once one of the upper-class but he blew his money.

>> No.20517375

NAYRT but I find it hard to believe because vomiting is such an unpleasant experience that I don't see how any food could be worth it.

>> No.20517383

toga parties are supposed to bar fatties at the door.

>> No.20517399

Jews make shit up. It's all nonsense.
pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.20517413

And there are other books that say it was mostly an exaggerated criticism of overindulgence. The word vomitorium doesn't even mean a special room to vomit in like a lot of people think.

It's more likely that they were being criticized for overeating and getting drunk and throwing up. People even do that today. But nobody is saying they're purposely throwing up just so they can eat more. Throwing up is unpleasant and never made me want to eat more right after, it burns your esophagus and irritates it and makes swallowing anything unpleasant after that.

>> No.20517588

Ever hear of Bulimia? I literally no some people who want to stay thin and also want to over eat. They'll stuff and gorge, throw up, eat again, and throw up again. Hedonism came out of Rome.

You just like to Romanticize them as if they were this perfect society.

>> No.20517597

Bulimia is mental illness, it's not something people do together for fun.

>> No.20517621

Expensive food for the dining experience of a chilis.

>> No.20517651

Yeah that’s not how corporate governance works

>> No.20517879
File: 91 KB, 657x452, LockhornsSevereZing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.2% of the world population, 90% of the space in your head. While I'm not sure it was a regular thing, there are some Roman references to eating until vomiting: https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.02.0132:life=cl.:chapter=33&highlight=throw%2Cup https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Suet.%20Vit.%2013&lang=original

I didn't find a whole lot else, although I didn't spend a lot of time looking here: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/

As for Red Lobster, it'll take years for this mess to play out in court and find out exactly what happened. We have an enjoyable bankruptcy and will likely have several funny lawsuits.

>> No.20517935

But that's how mob governance works, which is much more relevant to Red Lobster.

>> No.20518049

Bulimics have body image issues most of the time and are afraid of gaining weight. The desire to binge is most likely coming from them being malnourished and essentially starving, not because they enjoy it.

Both of those links say they ate a lot and got drunk then threw up. That's not quite the same as saying someone forces themselves to vomit just so they can keep eating more.

>> No.20518086

>What do you think is ultimately bankrupting Red Lobster and causing them to shutter many of their restaurants? Those endless shrimp deals?
Black people love Red Lobster. Nothing will kill a location or event faster than normalizing black attendance. If the company did this on purpose or not is unclear, but once blacks swooped into the vacuum left by whites having more "sit down" dining options, it was over.

>> No.20518115

venture capital firm bought them and gutted em mafia style. sold the land RL owned and leased it back to them, squeezing every cent they could out of them until they're dead and bankrupt. They do this all the time to all sort of companies and they will do it again and again

>> No.20518167

Mitt Romney boomer republican corporate raider shit meant to tear-down and cash-out "assets" of viable companies under the guise of "efficiency". The same thing was done to Kmart and Sears. Hope everyone working at/with Red Lobster ended up learning to code.

>> No.20518169


>> No.20518878

What they should do is offer Sunday Church lunch/brunch specials then. Black people are big church goers and if you make specials that should drag them in after church worshipping.

>> No.20519498

I'm gonna miss Red Lobster, they're the only decent franchise seafood restaurant. I never understood why they don't serve crab cakes though.

>> No.20519755

mods will ban you for this but you are objectively correct

>> No.20519792
File: 430 KB, 1629x1103, boogaloo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have gone to a boogaloo.

>> No.20519863

Looks comfy

>> No.20520176
File: 143 KB, 1000x750, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anytime the wife and I visit Detroit, we're sure to swing by Chef Greg's place. Very nice people, always ready to help you with your stuff.

>> No.20520791

Not sure what you're getting at. Those ramshackle hole-in-the-wall places are where you find the best food.

>> No.20521334

The shrimp had nothing to do with it. Red Lobster sold their company to a private equity firm called Golden State Capital. These parasites then sold off the land that Red Lobster owned to one of their shell companies.
This shell company then proceeded to charge and hike up the rent on the remaining corpses of the Red Lobster businesses (mostly owned and/or operated by franchisees).

From there they then sold Red Lobster to another business that got left holding the bag.

this, but it wasn't a mistake.

>> No.20522276

Venture capitalism should be illegal, it destroys so many lives and people. Obama wasn't my favorite, but I despised Mitt Romney's soulless career as a venture capitalist.

>> No.20522280


>> No.20522317

Do you idiots even know what venture capital is?

>> No.20522635

No. 6 year olds are allowed to puke.

>> No.20522715
File: 121 KB, 1500x1000, Teddy the venture cultist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, something that is immoral and should be illegal but it is illegal, it's swooping in and pulling the rice paddy from under people's feets and stealing money and jobs by pilfering from the business and ripping it iinto shreds. It's usually a pact made by seedy business "owners" thinking they'll be saved and the vulture capitalist swoops in with promises of saving the business only to make it into compost.

>> No.20522721

it's a myth that romans did that

>> No.20522748

everyone is in love with this idea, and it may occasionally be true, but most places that look like that have greasy shit food completely befitting their appearance

>> No.20522816

You have to understand that most people on this website are 16 year olds who think "venture capital" and "lobbying" are these esoteric evils tantamount to the Original Sin.

>> No.20523517

Toys R Us too, idiots on /toy/ still think they went under because of bad Star Wars toy sales but it's actually because of similar shit, the vultures borrowed $5 billion to buy the TRU and then put the debt on the company and it flipped it into hemorrhaging money.

>> No.20524015

You dopes don't seem to understand the difference between "venture capital," a subset of private equity that makes investments in startup companies (not established companies Red Lobster), and private equity more broadly.

>> No.20524080

whats so funny about the private equity vampirism is that its starting to come full circle and creating opportunity for small upstarts to move in over the picked over corpse of the chain restaurants.

they also own all the commercial real estate and they won't lower rents because all that land is really just for them to borrow against.

>> No.20524088

oy vey these goys really need a lesson

>> No.20524182

sea food was basically free when the USA was the only country trawling the oceans for seafood, which is when all these seafood restraunts got into the game.

then the chinese some how got access to blue ocean technology and have been making everything extinct. Now sea food is extremely expensive and its not a sustainable buisiness model to provide it to lower class consumers.

>> No.20524219
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>> No.20524446

You post like a foreigner

>> No.20524540
File: 128 KB, 717x474, red lobster matters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20525247

>the Jews are sucking the company dry.

>> No.20525408

They're all corrupt and we need to lock them up. They're going to be some gosh darn changes under the helm and realm of Donald J. Trump, in his second Presidency.

>> No.20525422

>Josie, 19, who also asked to be anonymous, worked at a (now-shuttered) Kansas City Red Lobster
Fucking lol, what sheer incompetence.

>> No.20525431

Bulimics primarily purge after eating, not in the middle of eating sessions.