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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 150 KB, 1400x1000, watermelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20514383 No.20514383 [Reply] [Original]

I can't fucking wait

>> No.20514394


>> No.20514415
File: 27 KB, 300x300, fat_albert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20514427

no es negro
es rojo y verde

>> No.20514717


>> No.20514843


>> No.20514844

Watermelon rules so much

>> No.20514847

I love watermelon and fried chicken. Kool aid and grape soda is pretty good too. We really fumbled the ball letting black people claim the best stuff as their culture.

>> No.20515217

All of those things were never "claimed" by black people. When freed slaves started migrating into the northern states they brought with them the cultural and culinary traditions of the south. The yanks saw this and thought, "Huh, must be a nigger thing". The association never really went away.

>> No.20515235

I'm already on my second one. Kroger had them on sale, but HEB and Albertsons are WAY overpriced.
Shut your bitch ass mouth. Watermelon is delicious.

>> No.20515325

Only $4.68 at HEB in Austin, I've been going through them.

>> No.20516275

>Only $4.68
That's outrageous for a watermelon. For any fruit grown domestically for that matter.

>> No.20516338

The jews at acme are charging 9 fucking dollars for a melon

>> No.20517009
File: 43 KB, 801x477, watermelon honeydew cantaloupe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Top 3 fruits: watermelon, honeydew and cantaloupe.

>> No.20517019


>> No.20518747

Close. A fresh picked perfectly ripe peach is better. But on a hot day I would take the cold melons over the peach. Also persimmons are top tier, nothing in nature makes a natural jelly spread like a ripe persimmon. And fresh ripe picked figs are amazing and packed full of sugar. Melons are great though, they are kind of like natures sports drink.

>> No.20518871
File: 267 KB, 1619x1080, Watermelon-Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20519237

No they're not. They're $4 for fuckhugicly enormous ones. Stop lying.
I wanna know where the FUCK the plums are. It's the end of May. We should be well into plum and cherry season. We got cherries last Saturday, $3/lb and in getting more this weekend but haven't seen any plums yet. Do people not eat plums anymore or something?

>> No.20519353

When life gives you thick melon rinds, pickle them. Make sure no red is visible, and remove the outer rind, it's too woody. Cube, wash, then pickle in pickle juice. They'll be savory and crispy AS FUCK.

>> No.20520138

Watermelon is bad. No need to lie.

>> No.20520156
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A lot of the people here need someone to hate and look down on because their own lives are extremely shitty and they want to feel better about themselves in the most superficial, nonsensical way. But I for one also love watermelon, fried chicken, fried fish, kool-aid, grape soda, cornbread, dumplings, mac-n-cheese, shrimp-n grits and lots of other "black people foods"

>> No.20520160
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(three years ago)

>> No.20520181

I was in an induced coma for two weeks once.
When they bought me out it took about 4 days for any form of appetite to return. 1 scoop of peanut butter and I felt completely stuffed full.

>> No.20520184

Got a watermelon at the store yesterday. It was pretty good. Will have some more today.

>> No.20520186
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watermelon is so fucking good. i always make a salad with basil,feta and balsamic.makes me coom

>> No.20520211

I'm from yurp and live in the US. My mother came to visit and went shopping with my ex, who is Black.
While out, she wanted to try American style fried chicken since we don't have it in my home country and the mall they were in had a Popeyes. She got it and loved it but was dismayed that my ex got sushi instead of sharing the chicken with her (cultural thing; we like sharing meals).
Later, when we were all together for dinner, we were trying to explain to my mum that while my ex likes fried chicken, she's not into eating it in public, especially not our local mall which is surprisingly majority white, because she doesn't want to appear like a stereotype. Unfamiliar with the concept of American stereotypes of black people food, we told her that watermelon is also a no-go and some other examples that I can't really recall at the moment.
Her response was that she must the only Alpine negro on earth because everything we listed, especially fried chicken and watermelon, are all delicious, fuck the haters.
It's a really bizarre thing to get bent out of shape over. Like... my dad is half American, half ricer. Any time he cooked anything, we ate it with rice. Doesn't matter what it is. Thanksgiving turkey gift stuffed with rice, for example.
Sometimes, the motherfucker ate pasta or noodles with fucking rice. Even potatoes a few times.
Yeah, it's a stereotype but he dgaf. Rice is good. And at least he's not a shakey, alcoholic, Irishman.

>> No.20520227

This is what gets me through the really hot days at my landscaping job, a big cooler with watermelon and a bunch of other fruits. Fuck Gatorade, get a big hunk of watermelon with a little salt and you've never felt more refreshed.

>> No.20520263
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>> No.20520303

Most of what's considered "black" or "soul" food in America is just shit that's always been popular in the south, same with most of the "ebonics" and "vernacular." Black people went north and to the Midwest because of Jim Crow shit in the south, and now all of the liberal whites from up north buy the line that it's "black culture."
If you go to church anywhere in the deep south, you are eating fried chicken, corn bread, and watermelon at the potlucks. My white parents often fed me and my white siblings collard greens, hog knuckles, chitlins, all of the "soul food" shit because it's just what poor southerners eat, that and mountain dew.