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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20502736 No.20502736 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly, how can anyone find this appealing? Just sitting in a pool of its own blood, its disgusting.

>> No.20502737

they actually drain the blood from the animals during the butchering process

>> No.20502738

Autists often have trouble understanding why others would have opinions which differ from their own.

>> No.20502747


>> No.20502760

Yeah, there should be some potatoes on that plate to soak up those juices.

>> No.20502764

maybe they're dieting with carnivore
you can just lick up the juices afterwards

>> No.20502804

All of you are wrong and retarded. Add A1 sauce to the juice and lap it up like teen pussy.

>> No.20502814


>> No.20502820

its not blood, retard

>> No.20502832

i know it's not. but it's not that different either.

>> No.20502834

Myoglobin is muscle, not blood

>> No.20502869

It’s a lot different if you look at the macros, fag.

>> No.20502878

there's a whole fucking verb missing from your pseudomeme post and nobody seems to notice

>> No.20502880

>I'm convinced that people who fuck their steak like this, eat people

>> No.20502881

You don't your steak like that?

>> No.20502945

I sure hope not, wouldn't want them to lose all their hair from ketosis and die from kidney failure.

>> No.20502949

How do I make my steak stop being so leaky?

>> No.20502958

brine it

>> No.20502965
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It contains a FUCKTON of the 9 essential amino acids. The reason we specifically call them "essential" and not optional is because your body will literally rip them out of your skeletal muscles/brain if you don't get them from your diet.

SURE to be 100℅ fair you COULD in theory get them from peanut butter/tofu/soy or whatever but you have to eat a lot of it since the plant protein is very poor quality (ie defficient in 1 or more of the essential amino acids).

Also let's be fucking real, a properly seared steak with a caramelized crust is one of the most delicious things in life.

>> No.20502995

Rest it at least 15 minutes after cooking.
The steak will reabsorb the juices.

>> No.20503030

mid rare only became a thing in the 90's

>> No.20503044

As opposed to rare, you mean?

>> No.20503076
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Put it on a napkin. Duh nigguh.

>> No.20503079

No, everyone ate their meat mid+.

>> No.20503084

No, my dad owned a restaurant in the 80s. he even had a local TV show
It was rare
And this was in Kansas

>> No.20503121

No, the steak should be rested before cutting so the juices stay in the meat.

>> No.20503287

why do niggers eat well done beef but also eat undercooked eggs?

>> No.20503312

I don't care if it's blood, it's like the whole it's not blood argument seems to be a cope to pretend you're not actually enjoying a seemingly bloody steak.
I literally eat pigs blood and duck blood, who cares if I like my steaks bloody looking, lmao.

>> No.20503315

And so do normies who insist on rare to medium well. I like it well done, the flavor is better

>> No.20503319

higher heat

beef needs high heat

>> No.20503326
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Still overcooked, but I'd still eat it and drink all the juice. Only retards think that's 'blood'. LOL

>> No.20503328
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>> No.20503332
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It's not 'mid', it's med, as in medium. Medium rare = med rare. You misunderstood when you overheard it spoken.

>> No.20503344


>> No.20503355

Rest your steaks. That juice is flavor.

>> No.20503385

This is what happens when you don't let your steaks rest.

>> No.20503407

>its disgusting
wait until you see where the steak comes from

>> No.20503421

You're mid

>> No.20503451

That's fine, as long as you don't insist that your preference is objectively correct and anyone who prefers their meat cooked differently is wrong.
That is faggotry, whether you like it rare or well done.

>> No.20503453

Ironically I find that when I order a steak out and I get it rare, it's usually rested longer than the medium rare or higher steaks.
Of course this is just because they put them on at the same time, but I find that when you order steak at a steakhouse a rare steak will maintain its juices better, as it has been rested longer.
A high quality steakhouse will rest all of their steaks, of course.

>> No.20503455

They have been programmed that you are a real man if you eat your steak rare. Oh look at me ik such a real man, right?

>> No.20503456



>> No.20503462



>> No.20503485

imagine being so insecure you make up some bullshit to cope with fear of a more tender meat

>> No.20503493

The Jew fears the rare steak.

>> No.20503497

Tenderness is subjective.

>> No.20503499

>Honestly, how can anyone find this appealing?

It's a part of steak purism. They want to taste only the cut of beef seasoned with nothing other than kosher salt and coarse ground black pepper with some permissions for chopped garlic. A common pasttime for steak purists is scoffing at normies who eat it well done and use steak sauce.

>> No.20503565

youre just provably wrong

>> No.20503949

Well done means you've destroyed the vitamin C in the meat since it's sensitive to heat/light/oxygen. That's why scurvy happens, people are eating burnt or ultra processed meat. Lemons aren't really a necessary part of a healthy diet if you don't eat burned meat.

>> No.20503979

I don't understand this retarded cognitive dissonance of being okay with eating the flesh of a formerly living creature but being grossed out by having some of its blood on the plate
stick to lettuce and beans you stupid nigger

>> No.20504354
File: 235 KB, 640x358, stop my penis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just sitting in a pool of its own blood

>> No.20504430

How do I keep it warm though?

>> No.20504439

no it won't

>> No.20504456

what's so wrong about eating people?

>> No.20504616

There is no cognitive difference, eating the flesh of an animal is no different than eating the flesh of a human. Its murder plain and simple and anyone partaking in it should be convicted for murder.

>> No.20504731
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Nice troll thread.

>> No.20504742

Have you ever peeled and eaten a lemon like an orange? Its gross but I always think it is gonna be good.

>> No.20504765


>> No.20504772

>what's so wrong about eating people?
They are typically more diseased than cows, chickens, horses, and pigs.

>> No.20504910

even the animals?

>> No.20504915

OP accidentally a word.

>> No.20505304

>Its murder
I didn't know there were any witnesses...

Stay where you are.

>> No.20505309

I would pour that in to a ramekin and drink it.

>> No.20505485

Did that person's mother cut up some bite sized chunks of the steak before setting the knife down and walking away
Who eats like that?

>> No.20505490

already debunked OP

>> No.20505492

I don't understand why fags insist on incorrectly using the word murder when slaughter sounds more extreme anyway

>> No.20505513

That's not blood, if it were blood it would literally taste like rust.

>> No.20506617

I must be the only person on the planet who genuinely doesn't give a shit how their steak is cooked (as long as it isn't blue).
As long as you're paying for the steak, I'll eat whatever you're eating

>> No.20506642

globin is just a term for round proteins

>> No.20506779

>How do I keep it warm though?
Microwave the plate that you want to serve it on for 90 seconds right before you pull the steak out of the pan. Then cover with foil.

>> No.20507257

You can microwave more than one plate.
That's why the plates at restaurants are always hot when they serve you.

>> No.20507302

Who cares if somebody goes to check out some balloons? WTF?

>> No.20507314

>Eating the flesh is perfectly fine but I dry the line at juices
What did he mean by this?

>> No.20507428

You can't microwave a plate, you can only microwave things with water

>> No.20507440

If there was a way to do it without attracting the attention of the criminal justice system, I fucking well would.

>> No.20507475

They meant to say "draw" the line. They don't like juices. It's where all the flavor is.

>> No.20507535

Yes you can.
Adam Ragusea did a whole video on it.

>> No.20507717

Do you just believe everything you read without trying it? If you microwave a plate it gets hot. Retard.

>> No.20507933

put a coffee cup with some water on top

>> No.20508021
File: 345 KB, 1870x1079, Screenshot_2024-05-19-15-48-41-83_f9ee0578fe1cc94de7482bd41accb329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like eating blood, especially coagulated into cubes, put in a sausage, or used for thickening a stew/soup. But that there ain't no blood, doofus, it's just juices from the meat, yer gonna have to slurp em up offa that plate when yer done or imma call you a yellowbelly nidget ain't worth a hogcloth, y'hear?

>> No.20508029

Its not blood and if it was would it even matter?
>WOAH! Waiter! Theres some blood in this flesh. I dunno man... doesnt seem natural to me

>> No.20508053

typical carnist copes and broscience, so tiring...

>> No.20508104

I was sick for a couple of years and the docs all told me to eat mostly vegan with some dairy like skim milk and an exception for chicken breast
They told me to eat like a horse and gain weight
It was all bullshit about a year into it I gave up and started eating normally and I felt better with some occasional bad days
Then I switched over to eating mostly collagenous red meats, liver, heavy cream, potatoes, coconut cream, shit like that
I still need to gain weight but I haven't had a flare-up since last year
Carnist isn't an insult

>> No.20508121
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>> No.20508138
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>> No.20508518

Steak is overrated honestly

>> No.20508529

Nice bait
Also I eat pussy so yeah, I like my steak like that and I eat people

>> No.20508702

I haven’t eaten any one but I think it’s important to eat how our ancestors would have every now and again. If I’m having steak at home by myself and the wife isn’t home I’ll sometimes leave it real bloody and barely even cooked then turn off all the lights in my house, make a pentagram on the ground with some candles and make the most barbaric noises while eating and fucking all the slabs of meat

>> No.20508743
File: 430 KB, 1344x2992, Screenshot_20240519-210750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This video specifically recommends AGAINST microwaving a plate, for that very reason. If you're too lazy to watch it, you could at least read the description!
I don't "try things" that have a high likelihood of damaging my possessions, if I fully understand the mechanism by which such damage may occur. Especially if there is basically nothing to gain by trying it.

>> No.20508775

Get some flat iron steak and it will still be pink and full of juices at 165F.

>> No.20508926

>Who cares if somebody goes to check out some balloons? WTF?
Nice reading comprehension.
>5 year old
>wander off
>across the street

>> No.20509221

>This video specifically recommends AGAINST microwaving a plate, for that very reason. If you're too lazy to watch it, you could at least read the description!
she said bowl of water on top is good

>> No.20509229

It's extremely different
Why don't you transfuse to switch your blood to myoglobin and see how long you last?

>> No.20509264

Smother some meat in actual blood and let us know how not different it tastes then, retard.

>> No.20509288

>t. dumb enough to think any red fluid is blood.

>> No.20509336

I think the implication is they just walk away from you in the middle of a conversation because they've decided you're not wrong for having a different opinion, just retarded.

>> No.20509444

>You can't microwave a plate, you can only microwave things with water
>Adam Ragusea says you can microwave a plate if you include a bowl of water
Ok, you thought you ate?

>> No.20510220

>get into an accident
>dying from blood loss
>doctors give you a myoglobin transfusion because lmao same shit

>> No.20511014

Even if your only criteria is visual it's still obviously a completely different substance. Not liking it is fine, I don't like a whole pool of it myself, but if you're willing to say it's basically the same as blood, you might as well say tomato juice is too.

>> No.20511018

It's not cope, they just have senses that function normally.

>> No.20511023


>> No.20512820

just tell us you dont know how to cook

>> No.20512952
File: 5 KB, 461x343, 1644757612182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Autists often have trouble understanding why others would have opinions which differ from their own.
no i understand perfectly fine, what i don't understand is why we treat opinions as equal where everything is subjective but clearly my opinion is simply inherently superior subjectively and objectively because its MY opinion in the end.