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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 239 KB, 1200x800, Armadillo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20491435 No.20491435 [Reply] [Original]

tastes like pork and chicken at the same time
any weird animals from your country that you eat?

>> No.20491441

You know they carry leprosy, right? RIGHT??
Hope you were meticulous in cleaning and clean-up.

>> No.20491442

>they carry leprosy
where did this meme came from? really.
You get leprosy for being with hookers or doing some sodomite shit that causes that skin issue. But I really want to know why people think armadillos carry leprosy

>> No.20491448

>armadillos carry leprosy
Gee, IDK...

>> No.20491452

another day, another psyop

>> No.20491453

they are nice creatures, fuck you, go back to the favela

>> No.20491459
File: 1.41 MB, 1999x1499, IMG_9396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah probably..
To be fair, the chances that your particular lil' guy was carrying the bacillus is LOW.
How did it taste? What was your method?
I'm not a shunner of wild game, really.
>pic related

>> No.20491460

I know they are good creatures since they eat snakes, ticks and roaches. I was given to eat that since I'm a community teacher over in la sierra of Veracruz. They thought I would puke or not sure, but it was actually pretty good. I would never try to eat one again because they look so cute and I felt bad for myself or the people who eat them.

>> No.20491465

Ah, so it was prepared FOR you..
Comparable meat flavor?
>Not chicken,not chicken,not chicken

>> No.20491470
File: 2.99 MB, 480x264, armadillo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well vid related
The method was stewed and then deep fried on a tomatoe sauce. Was given hand made corn tortillas and black refried beans. I really thought i was eating pork or chicken... didn't really think about it until they told me it was armadillo.

>> No.20491476
File: 92 KB, 768x512, Iguanas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mom says like it tastes like 7 meats and it could be true... She used to say that it even probably tastes like human meat as well. Is pretty common for this community to hunt down armadillos and eat them. Also Iguanas. I'm thinking on going vegeterian tho while I finish my community service here in the sierra

>> No.20491479

Huh...Shell-on, Peel and eat Desert rabbit.
Thanks for the vid.
>That butter knife removal tho-
>She used to say that it even probably tastes like human meat as well
> I'm thinking on going vegeterian
That's a relief.

>> No.20491481

You cage and kill animals ? Don't you feel shitty about it or do you lack any sort of empathy ?

>> No.20491486

Yeah, it was prepared just for me.
Now that I think about it, seems to be like an inside joke from the community. But meat here is really scarce. I ate lots of beans and eggs that I kind of get tired. All the community has bean plants and lots of chickens.
>"Just give me some fucking chicken!!!"
>"I'm sorry anon, they lay eggs"
such is life

>> No.20491493
File: 547 KB, 842x728, Hungry-SOY™.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy in particular was a request from a neighbor. Little fucker was DESTROYING the guys foundations.
He didn't get killed, just driven 15 miles away and released, but NEXT TIME...
I wouldn't wantonly kill for killing's sake, and if I had quickly dispatched him, I was prepared to clean, cook and eat him, probably saving his pelt.
>Don't you feel shitty about it or do you lack any sort of empathy ?
NO. I am a realist as well, not an overly coddled modern "Human" who can't into the overt destruction that your brightly lit, Brightly colored, pre-packaged "Organic-Vegan-Meatless-Dickless" Store bought garbage wreaks on the environment.
Don't you feel disconnected from hundreds of thousands of years of humanity?

>> No.20491497
File: 77 KB, 1024x1005, 1587523266500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh..It sho do be doh.
thanks for sharing real food On these boards.
I was just riffin' with the Leprosy bit.
hey, 'member when they were trying to blame Gorrona on the pangolin?

>> No.20491563

Honestly a more noble death than all the ones I see smashed on the road every week, hope it was tasty

>> No.20493040

post pics

>> No.20493052

just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean it's a psyop, anon

>> No.20493769

all the lovely beautiful amazing universes that couldve existed. the one we get is the most evil horrifying hell that could possibly happen

>> No.20493797

I'm not eating any wild mammal. Birds and fish fine, but not mammals. We're susceptible to their diseases

>> No.20493856

shut the fuck up vegan trash
i'm eating you next

>> No.20493870

>massive cockroach

>> No.20493875

it's a joke, dumb nigger

>> No.20493901

What's wrong? He's just peeling the carapace off, its not like he's mangling the meat or anything.
Unless you're a vegan, in which case, good luck surviving anywhere outside of civilization. Your ancestors are ashamed of you, and you'll answer to your faggotry to them in the otherworld.

>> No.20493992

looks kinda cruncy

>> No.20494055

interesting. These things terrify me because on the road they're like a fucking grenade when you hit them, whereas deer typically just bounce off the car.
I've ate:
pregnate viper
mantis prawn
tiet canh
all kinds of weird fruits and localized menus from Western fast food joints (shawarma pizza from Pizza Hut in Dubai is the fucking bomb).
I'm sure some other stuff, I've lived in over two dozen countries around the world.

>> No.20494379

Given the level of defensiveness, eating meat is religion for atheists

>> No.20494429

that's a cat covered in modelling chocolate

>> No.20494436

you think fucking stupid humans would get that if it takes that much effort to get something off maybe you aren't meant to fucking eat it

>> No.20494438

>meat is religion for atheists
their evolution fallacy and open lust for flesh replaces the symbolic blood sacrifice

>> No.20494452
File: 13 KB, 280x180, 1584611204492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any weird animals from your country that you eat?
Those cunts are tasty.
So are camel, roo, and emu.

I'm real happy that camel went absolutely wild in Australia. Those motherfuckers are delicious.

>> No.20494501

>skin issue
It's a bacteria. Good news is biblical plague is now curable with a course of strong antibiotics, bad news is you're retarded.

>> No.20494527

>tastes like pork and chicken at the same time
Sounds like rabbit or maybe even gator. Ostrich on the other hand is somehow a lot like beef.

>> No.20494539

>whereas deer typically just bounce off the car
a deer can go right through your windshield and kill you.

>> No.20494808

does the lion concern himself with morality of eating the gazelle? if you are not eating meat you are a life denying nihilist

>> No.20495181

Did you know you can get brain eating bacterias from lakes, ponds, and even your own shower water? Be mindful not to get it in your nostrils or eyes. Only consume distilled water in jugs.

>> No.20496603


>> No.20496610

I'm Slovenian and I've had ostrich on pizza because there's an ostrich farm in the country. It was just a giant bone-dry, rock-hard slab of meat on top of a pizza and one of the worst culinary experiences of my life.

>> No.20496847

Unfortunate. They make great burgers, it's like beef except more beef-like.

There is literally nothing wrong with being eaten. There is nothing in the world more natural than eating other critters and being eaten by other critters in turn.

>> No.20496875

I've had kangaroo and crocodile there both pretty good they've started selling kangaroo at the local supermarkets.

>> No.20496891

>Birds and fish fine
You do know that the massive culling going on right now is from Bird flu, right?

>> No.20496894
File: 968 KB, 450x253, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaa!!!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20497653

holly fuck youre stupid