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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20488922 No.20488922 [Reply] [Original]

Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.20488925

Years ago I got out the scales and figured out that eight ounces of pasta is just right for dinner for two. Which is convenient because pasta is sold by the pound, so you get two meals out of a box.

>> No.20488967
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Im in the same boat. Always got to try to remember Pasta expands big time like x2 the amount of the box

>> No.20488971

for speghet you have to learn the diameter you want, for everything else i do two slack hands per person

>> No.20488979

> 8 oz per person
that's literally nearly a thousand calories in empty carbs (and ~200 g of carbs)

>> No.20488980
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wait i misread
> 4 oz per person
i dumb
i concede

>> No.20488983
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>Every. Fucking. Time.
If you make the same mistake over and over that's on you my dude, normal people learn from the first experience and grow as people

>> No.20488989

cooked and dry pasta have a reason of almost 2:1 in weight, so it's trivial to know how much you will get

>> No.20488992

>t. lil queer
I eat two meals a day @ 1500 calories each because I lead an active lifestyle


>> No.20488993

No prob, anon. We cool. You would have been right to call out a pound of pasta for two people.

>> No.20489001

And then this fatass comes into the thread gloating about walking to and from the kitchen

>> No.20489035

I CONCEDED (>>20488980)
also but i weigh 100 kg at 181 cm and can squat 260 kg :c
>I eat two meals a day @ 1500 calories each
based, i also only eat two meals
but i do minimal carbs
otherwise i get fatty mode
and i dont wanna be fatty mode

>> No.20489036
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>I lead an active lifestyle

>> No.20489501

Leftover pasta is always shit. By the time it's cold it should be thrown out, there's no salvaging it. Make enough for one small serving per person. If seconds are wanted make more. It's all of 15 seconds of work at most but is 20x more enjoyable.

>> No.20489564

wrong and incel pilled

>> No.20489583
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maybe one of these works

>> No.20489609

>american units of measurement
I would like one tyrannosaurus of pasta please

>> No.20489619

yes in the sense that imperial units are also based on common sense and reality as opposed to the more logical but utterly imaginary metric

both have their place

>> No.20489626

if you eat it as it is, sure. but you can add it to chili, you can make a frittata or a pasta cake.

>> No.20489637
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Get the kind that comes in nests. Each is usually 45g or so.
>1 - a small snack or side
>2 - a healthy size meal
>3 - im really hungry

>> No.20489643

90g is 2much4me
75g is my limit. Much more than that and I'd feel sluggish

>> No.20489660

you get out of here wit dat heresy, microwaved leftover pasta is probably one of the greatest thing this earth has to offer, better than seggs that's for sho.

>> No.20489693

I've conceded that I can't eyeball that shit and just weigh it now.

>> No.20489704
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If you cooked pasta more often, you'd get a gauge for it and this wouldn't be a problem.
In a way, you don't make enough pasta which is why you make too much pasta.

>> No.20489727

I can't eyeball it so I weigh it out before putting it in.

>> No.20489731
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This but unironically.
t. lift and run 20 miles per week

>> No.20489736


>> No.20489756

what do you guys think about frozen raw noodles?

I got yakisoba in 1/3 lb pouches and it was convenient to make

>> No.20489778

So if you ate 76g you'd be sluggish?

>> No.20489854

I throw the extra noodles to my doggies. I do this often as well. They like a noodle party. Plain spaghetti flying all over the kitchen.

>> No.20489859

Is that Bert Kreisher's wife?

>> No.20489895

You donkey. Use the left over pasta for fried noodles.

>> No.20489904

>Pasta package doesn't include directions
>It includes a shitty recipe nobody follows instead

>> No.20489905

>much more than that

>> No.20489912

>amerifat seething thinking it's about metric vs imperial
lmao pretty sure anon was referring to the way americans like to measure using arbitrary metrics like the classic "size of x football fields". way to perpetuate the butthurt stereotype tho

>> No.20489959

get a kitchen scale and weigh out one serving

>> No.20489976

tuck your pointer finger into the little notch of your thumb knuckle, spaghetti should have a bit of comfort room around that. hasn't steered me wrong. Leaves me enough for the leftover sauce usually. If just for yourself and one serving, your thumb into the first knuckle joint of your pointer.

>> No.20489978

have you heard about that magic thing they just invented? I think it's called a 'microwave'...

>> No.20489991

Is your picture an example of the girl on the right learning from her mother's mistake of being in the sun too much and making her skin look like absolute garbage when she's older?
I will never understand Americans and their need for their skin to be some tone of orange to be considered "normal". White people don't belong in the sun. Trump is a good example of this.

>> No.20490006

just buy a scale.
125 gr is the fatass portion (a 500 gr pack divided by 4)
100 gr is the normal portion (5 portions per pack)
80 gr is the weight conscious portion (6 portions per pack)
60 gr is the fancy restaurant portion (8 portions per pack)

>> No.20490060

How many shits per day?

>> No.20490084

>2300 calories per day sedentary lifestyle
this website is so full of shit

>> No.20490128


>> No.20490144

I digest pasta too fast. i’ll eat a whole plate and get hungry in 2hrs again…

>> No.20490145

just cook the whole packet and eat it over a couple of hours

>> No.20490675

the asteroid headed towards earth is approximately the size of 4 washing machines

he was carrying a briefcase full of cash amounting to about the size of a small pumpkin

>> No.20490704 [DELETED] 


>> No.20490712

used to do this to the pieces that fell on the counter or sink, but one time I mis-timed my throw and it landed on the TV remote
damn dog ran around the house with it as a game, but I really really didn't want her teeth breaking the buttons

>> No.20490777

when I eat pasta alone without any sides or anything, I use 120g of dry pasta and 223g of sauce (1/3 of a 24oz jar)

>> No.20491108

>take scale
>measure out the same amount of pasta everytime
Is this how people get fat? Because they can't figure out how to do basic measurements?

>> No.20491115

What's the problem?

>> No.20491748

The picture is from some seminar or whatever and they're not related. I did however get a sweet blowjob from the hag on the left, on the same week I bagged the hottie on the right (they're friends) and I keep this image as a trophy over this my great achievement

>> No.20491756

120 grams of pasta is the perfect amount for a one person portion. a box of pasta should give you 4 meals

>> No.20491787

Here comes the Great Pasta Philosopher. My salutation.

>> No.20492060

So I'm supposed to bring out a scale and fucking weigh the pasta? Isn't that a bit try hard? I feel like there's gotta be a more elegant solution.

>> No.20492072
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>> No.20492080

if a box gives you 4 portions just try to measure quarter of the box or bag. at least that gives you an estimate to go by instead of going in blind

>> No.20492130

do you people not have scales?

>> No.20492223

Where I'm from, we use cold pasta in various ways ( :

>> No.20492291

No, you just keep the scale on the counter, literally takes less time than eyeballing the correct amount if you get it wrong

>> No.20492295

>he fucking weighs his pasta

>> No.20492333

I weigh almost everything. Gotta log and track my calories/macros/micros :^)

>> No.20492341


>> No.20492429

cover it in olive oil before storing. did that at my old work