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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 36 KB, 556x505, Celery-stalks-and-leaves-7860193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20486490 No.20486490 [Reply] [Original]

Objectively the worst vegetable.

>> No.20486492

but enough about eggplant

>> No.20486497

nah, it's pretty good, seethe more, incel fuck

>> No.20486502

It forms one third of a few triumvirates. Your opinion, therefore, doesn't count.

>> No.20486503

it's a backbone, you'll miss it in mirepoix and soups if it's gone

>> No.20486514
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might be a little highbrow for the doordashers, anon... Still, I like your Moxie.

>> No.20486613

they are a vehicle for dressings and condiments
i pity the fool who didn't eat "ants on a log" as a kid
lots of people are on all sorts of drugs that cause constipation but if you add some celery you WILL be taking perfect shits right on time

>> No.20486627
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Let's not forget it's potential in a Bloody Mary.

>> No.20486696
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one of the best vegetables for shoving up a bird's ass before throwing it in the oven

>> No.20486731

Vulgar, But I've done that more than once.

>> No.20486751

What is a turnip and why does it belong in this thread?

>> No.20486960

no fucking way, celery is goated. the little msg kick it has improves almost any savory dish. it's not that great on its own, but absolutely essential to a mirepoix.

also celery salt is underrated, its one of my go to seasonings

>> No.20486968

peanut butter

>> No.20486993

Plays an excellent second fiddle.

>> No.20487009

That's not bell pepper thoughever. Celery goes great together with onions and carrots in a stew

>> No.20487060

Fuck off, Sonny

>> No.20487062

It has it's place...
>Chicken salad
>Pea salad
The trick Is to mince it so there aren't any massive chunks

>> No.20487095
File: 1.83 MB, 720x1080, MASSIVE COCK.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chicken salad
I just did that 4 days ago.
Plumped raisins too, althoughbeit Craisins(dried cranberry for the non Burgers,) is also excellent.

>> No.20487097

Eggplants are a fruit, dumbass.

>> No.20487127

OP is the objectively fagiest OP.

>> No.20487159

Protip: ALL vegetables are bad for you. Your body can't digest them. That's why you lay dowb cast iron pipe after eating them and become a walking gas chamber.

>> No.20487251
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Cool beans, bro. I only buy celery if I'm cookin' that really needs it.

>> No.20487384

Yeah..Mine usually sits in the crisper drawer until it's fully desiccated.
I really should make more stews--God knows I have enough bread for trenchers for it.
Strange, I just realized I've never heard of pickled celery--Not even celeriac root.
I might have to try that.
I'll bet there's a reason...It prolly SUX.
ah well...ricewine vinegar, a lil sea salt, MAYBE some demerara and some kind of herb(s)
At the very least, i can see if it stuffs into a bird well enough.

>> No.20487400

>also celery salt is underrated, its one of my go to seasonings
Try seasoning your hot dogs with this after grilling/cooking them in a cast iron. It's a world class game changer

>> No.20487560

Worst veggie is sweet potato.

>> No.20487575
File: 1.03 MB, 498x402, Slimey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh...I dunno. there does exist OKRa.
Sweet potato makes great tempura, and is a great Russet alternative.
Yeah.. I'm going with OL' slimey as the worst.

>> No.20487633

You definitely don't cook.

>> No.20487691

You fucked up bad

>> No.20487696
File: 1.01 MB, 1777x1333, TACO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Tell.
This isn't gonna be like the Bloody Maria debacle is it??

>> No.20487706

how else would you make a mirror paw

>> No.20487721

What don't you like about it? I like the flavor, but the texture isn't great. The outer stalks are too fibrous and you need to peel the outer layer to get rid of the strings. The smaller inner stalks that are more tender are really good though, even the leaves.

I used to love eggplant but recently had it for the first time in years and it was kind of fishy? Wasn't horrible but I didn't like it as much as I remembered.

Green bell peppers aren't great except with beef. Never had yellow. Orange and red are good though. Bell peppers are fruits and most fruits aren't good when underripe.

You don't completely digest the fiber but you still digest some things from vegetables. The fiber also feeds beneficial gut bacteria and they can turn some of it into things your body will absorb though. And if you eat them regularly you stop getting as much gas.

I like sweet potato but even without additional sweetener it's basically dessert tier and not good as a side dish IMO.

Fried okra and okra curry are good. The sliminess isn't bad contrasted with the crispy fried okra or to thicken the curry sauce.

>> No.20487728

>Fried okra and okra curry are good.
Fried is the only way other than gumbo, where it seems to fit, that I'll eat Okra.
I don't drink aloe juice either.

>> No.20487731

>I don't drink aloe juice either.
That never sounded appealing to me either.

>> No.20487733
File: 398 KB, 2000x1333, newspress-collage-4pbvmp2cj-1691504866808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no dietary requirement for vegetables. If you don't eat them nothing bad will happen to you.

HOWEVER if you stop eating meat and don't eat enough tubs of peanut butter... you die.

>> No.20487752

Not requiring something doesn't mean it has no benefit. Some plant foods even aid in the digestion of meat.

Plenty of people survive without meat and peanut butter. Although meat seems necessary for optimal health. Vegetarians with dairy and eggs do alright.

>> No.20487781

I'm sure some people love it...
I have a different phenotype I guess.
I'm a supertaster too who can taste bitter in things like broccoli and the soapy in Cumin, good thing I like some bitter flavors. Like both of those.
Thanks for reading my blog.
*to unsubscribe text REKT to 01313

I just...Can't even... the slimy.

>> No.20489091

God, I really tried liking these... This is a lost cause unless drenched with your sauce of choice.

>> No.20489128

It's technically a fruit

>> No.20489254

'Vegetable' is a culinary term that includes some fruits and non-fruits. It is not a scientific, botanical term.
So yes, egg plants are generally considered to be vegetables.

>> No.20489431

Peanut butter sticks? They're alright. You can use them for cream cheese too.

>> No.20489629

Petioles aren't fruits.

>> No.20489994

I've read that eating enough celery will make you shoot ropes like Peter North. Can't confirm this personally. Anyone have experience with this?
Sure would be a lot cheaper than the "cum holy grail" or whatever.

>> No.20490042

It's for actual cooking. But also nice as is in salads, kung pao stir fry, and is critical in sticks with ranch or blue cheese when eating very spicy wings. I also like it when eating spicy other things in general. Nice palette cleanser and helps with digestion.

>> No.20490078

I put peanut butter and raisins on mine.

>> No.20490258

Lots of water, celery, and zinc can get you a lot of the way there. Iron is what some dudes say. I have a regiment of four different pills I was taking with my last gf, way cheaper than the 'holy grail' pills getting sold too. Stopped once we broke up since having all of it made me need to release pressure too often.

>> No.20490880

Dunno about that. Not a big fan of grape leaf except in dolmas. And artichoke is way too much work.

>> No.20491228

jap detected

>> No.20491232
File: 75 KB, 650x775, caesar-drink-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dissolves your opinion

>> No.20491233


>> No.20491239


>> No.20491799

goddamn that's a beautiful chicken. hope they kept it's line going.

>> No.20491812
File: 43 KB, 320x320, 1715555495065170.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

american wigger having an albino-chimp-out.....go to /pol/

>> No.20491827

damn you actually outdid OP in shittiest takes

>> No.20492290


zoomer opinion discarded

>> No.20492832

The best? Cabbage. Bought two massive cunts earlier today, started a big batch of sauerkraut with just one of them.

>> No.20493055


>> No.20493141


>> No.20494368

damn you actually outdid OP in shittiest opinions