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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20484113 No.20484113 [Reply] [Original]

>what to have scrambled eggs
>no bread

>> No.20484115

contrary to popular belief among autistic anime-watching incels, you don't need to put bread in your scrambled eggs.

>> No.20484120 [DELETED] 


>> No.20484133
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Any carb on the side. Rice even. As chef John might say, "you are after all the...." He'd say a clever egg pun but not smart enough to figure it out

>> No.20484172

Make a basic flour, salt and baking soda flatbread then reuse the pan for eggs?

>> No.20484176

it's a pedophile anime gimp, the faggot probably doesn't know how to tie his own shoelaces

>> No.20484181
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you're that guy who's big into oysters right

>> No.20484183

I'm going to post more anime just to piss off the incels

>> No.20484188
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No that's me

>> No.20484196
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sorry but actually, it's me.

>> No.20484201

How is bread a requirement for scrambled eggs? Are you an alien?
You know, I like anime. And I don't want to hate anime posters. But damn. Why are you so helpless

>> No.20484217

Cheese and bacon are the classic egg side. Maybe hash browns if looking for carbohydrates. Or grits if you like bad gross things.

>> No.20484228
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How did you know that?

>> No.20484231

you can combine whatever shoddily cooked carb slop to go with your broken yolk over easy that you like
after all, you know what they say on /ic/, you are the beg, of your egg

>> No.20484234

I make actual scrambled eggs. Not the over cooked crap you losers call it scrambled eggs. It's runny and delicious but goes best on some toast. Look up french scrambled eggs to enlighten yourself a touch

>> No.20484237

I make those too. Man you're embarrassing yourself. Doubly so when you're trying to brag about making scrambled eggs but can't make your own bread

>> No.20484257
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i can smell it

>> No.20484264

You can drink it like a soup.

>> No.20484374 [DELETED] 


>> No.20484398

Ramsey is a trolling faggot. You're eating undercooked eggs.

>> No.20484417
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>> No.20484586
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>> No.20484697
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I like scrambled eggs in pan-fried ramen.

>> No.20484745

Fuck you

>> No.20484905
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One of the best food in the world is a scrambled egg sandwich on roasted rye bread

>> No.20484958


>> No.20484993
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>> No.20485000
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>want to have scrambled eggs
>no ketchup

>> No.20485179


>> No.20485182

You have autism. SEVERE autism, life-threatening autism.
Forever shut the absolute fuck up.

>> No.20485203

Can you make bikkies?

>scrambled eggs in pan-fried ramen.
I should try this sometime considering I don’t have any issues with scrambled eggs in fried rice.

>> No.20485635
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Guys, please don’t eat eggs, they have a lot of saturated fat

>> No.20485642


>> No.20485647

Enjoy your cancer and hypertension

>> No.20485682
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>look up a baking recipe
>have everything except heavy cream
It's always heavy cream. I don't bake often enough to keep heavy cream as a pantry staple, but frequently enough to have this problem.

>> No.20485689

>fr*nch "food"
>undercooked slop
Every time

>> No.20485738

it can be frozen and defrosted for most baking purposes, you just have to be gentle defrosting it.

>> No.20485779


>> No.20485788

>buy only heavy cream
>water it down when you need half and half, light cream, or milk
Wa la

>> No.20485794

i am vomit

>> No.20485858

You don’t take a swig of heavy cream when you open the fridge as a little treat?

>> No.20485874
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American moment

>> No.20485897
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That one was insanely hard:
>You are the Clark Gregg, of your scrambled eggs.

>> No.20485900
File: 1.24 MB, 1595x1360, ...The FUCK....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20485908

Scrambled eggs are for children. I haven't eaten a scrambled egg in twenty years, and I know you need to be over eighteen to post here.
I like how some of the audience reaction shot show visible shock and disgust.

>> No.20486011

ive never had strambled eggs on toast in my entire life.

>> No.20486013

i hate this fake shit. oh gordon said thing? better shake your head to make the audience believe its real smart

bro is making eggs.

>> No.20486018

Probably because you're a little baby bitch boy ass motherfucker

>> No.20486020

You can't miss what you've never had.
but a slice of lightly toasted homemade bread, with eggs from your own chickens, scrambled with butter, cheese and salt and pepper, is enough to entice even non-breakfast eaters into NOM-Mode.

>> No.20486032

They sell milkshake straws that are wider than regular straws, for sucking up thick stuff. Or a boba straw might work, even bigger. You can serve them in an old McDonald’s cup.

>> No.20486034
File: 2.97 MB, 960x540, You must eat ALL THE EGGS!.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro is making eggs.
Poorly too. The results were probably okay for the style, but all that "showmanship" for the most basic bitch recipe.
In Japan, a 70 year old master folds the eggs over 9000 times, and then humbly retires to clean his implements.

>> No.20486035

>with eggs from your own chickens
I've never had chickens so I don't know how they compare, but we buy Vital Farms pasture eggs and they're AMAZING. Worth the extra money easily.

>> No.20486074

Why can I never get audio from blue boards?
> un-mute webm audio is checked in settings
> silence mode is turned off on my phone
> volume turned up
> webms from /gif/ play audio
What the fuck is going on?
> t. iPhone fag

>> No.20486080
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>but we buy Vital Farms pasture eggs and they're AMAZING
Probably just like the ones from your own chickens would be.
There really is a big difference from the styrofoam coffin-ed, factory farmed, dull yellow yolked eggs and the ones that the chickens have foraged and eaten ze bugs.

You have a lidded dutch oven? Some parchment paper? try some no knead bread. You have to wait for 8 hours, and since it's high hydration, you'll want a bench scraper,(dollar stores have them in the kitchen section,) but the results are amazing, not full of chemical garbage, and only 4 ingredients.
>~2 cups water
>3½Cups fluffed flour(no gramweight necessary)
>1tsp. dried yeast
>1tsp. fine salt--any you like
Mix all the dry together then add the water(cold) until it pulls together into a wet shaggy ball. Cover with plastic wrap or a lid of some sort, then do NOTHING for 8 hours(overnight is good, but so is Around noon mixing and baking at 8pm)
I like to flour around the inside perimeter of the bowl and use a rubber spatula to free it from the sides, then dump it onto a clean lightly floured surface, and with the bench scraper pull opposite ends of the dough over itself--about 6-8 passes.
then with floured hands, pinch the open edges together to form a ball,9it you have made rolls before you can easily use the gently cupped hands moved in a circular motion to get the ball. Place in the center of a parchment sheet
Pre heat the dutch oven IN the Oven at 450°F for 30 minutes, then slice the top of the ball with a sharp blade, and put it in the Dutch oven by holding the corners of the parchment.
Put the lid on and bake for 30 minutes(doesn't matter if the parchment sticks out, just that the lid is on good,) then take the lid off and finish for another 15 minutes.
Cool on a rack.

>> No.20486089

>the trans community needs carbs to enjoy eggs
Interesting. More reasons not to eat bread.

>> No.20486336
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That's Blini-Kot...You aren't fooling any1.

>> No.20486595

Cry harder, pussy

>> No.20486599

For you

>> No.20487577
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>> No.20487751

my granny always pan fried some bacon and then 'scrambled' the eggs in the bacon fat. I doubt it was healthy but it was ridiculously good.

>> No.20487874

I got a sausage between my legs if you want any

>> No.20489464

That doesn't look all that bad desu.

>> No.20489472

Eggs by themselves are very bland. Fat and salt makes everything better.

>> No.20489477

I eat 8 scrambled eggy weggied with 70 ml of rice every day for breakfast. I hate eggs. Anyway my point is you can use rice instead of bread.

>> No.20489482

It all crams the same.

>> No.20489483

Have you ever asked her about her secret sourdough starter?

>> No.20489509

I make 12 scrambled eggs every morning, fried in crisco. I like to add a splash of soy sauce to the scrambled eggs before cooking them, and when it's all done, I cover it in ketchup.
So much yummy salt, sugar, protein, fat, and umami. It's like eating junk food but it's actually healthy and good for you because I'm not eating anything made from dead animals.

>> No.20489686
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>> No.20489726


>> No.20489743

where do you think chickens come from

>> No.20489766

>where do you think chickens come from
Fertilized eggs?
Do you think people cook fertilized eggs for breakfast, for real for real?

>> No.20490015

I have them fresh out the chicken's ass and still warm. You ever seen a chicken before? The eggs are always fertilized unless you don't have any roosters for some reason.

>> No.20490026

go away pls

>> No.20490234

holy newfag

>> No.20490250

he cute

>> No.20490257

so basically a plate of vomit from a dog who ate an entire stick of butter, gotcha.

>> No.20490344
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>> No.20490537


>> No.20490575

enjoy your lack of flavor and depressing meal

>> No.20490709
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thats not true i have straight eggs all the time
i liek w hot sauce though (crystal) mayb u can invent an opinion abt insteaed @w@

>> No.20491298

yfw someone mentions bacon