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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20480327 No.20480327 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes you’re just lazy and there’s nothing wrong with buying stuff like this if you can afford it.

>> No.20480362

I agree.

>> No.20480371

>if you can afford it
Might as well go a step further and not even leave your residence, just order in a $15 meal for $30, because after all, you're lazy and you can afford it, and there is nothing wrong with that...
...y-you aren't poor, are you??

>> No.20480390


>> No.20480394

AKA non-push poopies for the lazy.

>> No.20480398


>> No.20480410
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>13 fucking dollars for cold spaghetti

>> No.20480416
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Yeah but if you're lazy and it's like 3-4am in the morning then it's too late, then it's time for a tombstone.
This stuff has full on flavor, it's even written on the package.

>> No.20480433

dry pasta takes 10 minutes to cook, get a sauce in a jar. it would be cheaper than this prepacked shit. you are too lazy to put water and pasta into a pan and wait 10 minutes?

>> No.20480456

>sometimes you're just lazy

>> No.20480462

those pasta bowls look alright, but i dont trust them. rather not eat weird preservatives that might cause cancer, namsayin?

>> No.20480535

you're the one that's wrong.

>> No.20481454

You are simply too stupid to comprehend his post, i'm sorry to be the one to inform you.

>> No.20481632

fucking nasty slop. it's pasta just make your own delicious take for less lazy asshole

>> No.20481660

thats way too expensive for premade slop, only acceptable at $6 and below

>> No.20481667

Too expensive. For that price, I’d just get the ingredients and whip something up real quick. It’s just pasta.
>b-but lazy
Then I’d stop by a drive through of Little Caesars and get more food for the price.

>> No.20481853

That shit typically arrives frozen, prepackaged, and stacked on pallets.

>> No.20481897
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anon…nothing is that price anymore

>> No.20481999

Correction, cold flavorless spaghetti

>> No.20482038

This food occupies no niche. That pasta is probably no better than a top tier frozen meal, more expensive, and has a short shelf life.

If I wanted to maximize taste I'd cook at home. If I wanted to maximize economy I'd cook at home. If I wanted to maximize convenience I'd order delivery.

If you are lazy enough to buy one of these, it'll only be when you are grocery shopping anyways, so why not just get your groceries delivered and then heat a frozen meal or order delivery?

The only people who buy this are so lazy they can't even optimize being lazy properly.

>> No.20482073

anon is suggesting that OP should use meal delivery or grocery delivery to order a meal instead and also implying that OP can't afford to do so because they believe grocery store meals are luxe.

>> No.20482112

Or maybe the post is too stupid to comprehend

>> No.20482846

I don’t trust delivery services to pick out the right items. And I also don’t like waiting for delivery when it’s short notice. We have a finite amount of time on this earth

>> No.20482950

Could be worth if they slap that Manager's Special discount on the ones that expire the same day. $5.99 for 16oz of premade pasta is a solid meal.

The ingredient list seems pretty clean on the ones I can read.

>> No.20482987
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>Penne Pasta ala Vodka

>> No.20483054

The Whole Foods food bar is actually good.

>> No.20483067
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>nothing is that price anymore

>> No.20483066

>depression slop

>> No.20483076

Yes. I'm not even going to heat the pre-made. Grabbing a fork and cracking open a box of wine is all the effort I'm putting in.

>> No.20483087
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>> No.20483127
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literally just put 2 kraft singles and some pickled jalapeño slices in a flour tortilla, fold in half, heat each side for 4 minutes in a pan
perfect depresso-indolence food

>> No.20483287

When peasant food becomes expensive, where do you go from there?

>> No.20483379
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>8 tomb dollars have been added to your account for this post!

>> No.20483887

>so why not just get your groceries delivered
>trusting instacart mules to do it right

>> No.20483908

I find it hard to believe anyone would spend $12.99 + tax on that bowl of spaghetti and meatballs

>> No.20483912

if you're rich enough you simply do not care. that's how it works

>> No.20484406
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Sometimes I should get your head in a vice for getting scammed $13 for a dish you can make home in 15mins for $3.

>> No.20484824

I'm guilty of grabbing stuff like potato salad and pre-made salads from the grocery like this. But that shit is like $5 for the salad and $3-4 for the potato stuff (depending on the size). Shit is helpful to add as a side to mains I cook at home. Saves me the trouble of trying to make sides while doing the main.

But I sure as fuck ain't paying full price for a pasta meal like that. It would have to actually be tasty for me to do that, and I only really trust one place to do that (and it isn't walmart or anything local). At that fucking price I might as well order factor or some other meal delivery service shit.

>> No.20484983
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That shit all looks nasty. A $9 plastic bowl of cut up fruit however...

>> No.20484992

THAT is 9 dollars? Holy fuck, that should be under a dollar. The fuck did y'all do with your economy

>> No.20485069

The brain should be saying "bullet please"

>> No.20485150

Seeing some of the sad posts on here makes me wonder why they haven't invented dog food but for people.
Literally just kibbles type shit you can pour into a bowl and eat and it will give you all the necessary nutrients you need to sustain yourself.
Seems like a lot of people would buy that shit rather than eat some of the depressing low effort shit I see on here.

>> No.20485189

NO OP, but goddamn I will not eat discounted slop that is probably also rancid. This is probably a me thing but leftovers get one day, maybe two in the fridge and if I don't eat them they are gone.

When I'm picking meat, especially chicken or pork I always go to the back and grab the ones dated packed today. I will buy one packed day before if it's only one available and I'm cooking that night.

Probably stupid. I get it. But I grew up with my dad only buying super discounted meat which was obviously shit and my meals were leftovers of that for days.

>> No.20485193

>Penne Pasta ala Vodka
Alcohol supposedly cooks off in process. Don't understand it myself cuz vodka taste like either nothing or shit.

>> No.20485223

I'll never understand how people don't simply cook. Something as simple as a salad takes minutes (less time than driving somewhere and then back), tastes better than any of the slop you normally buy, and is insanely cheap.

>Put pan on heat
>Dice chicken thigh and season
>Grab preshredded lettuce if you're too lazy to dice some
>Put in bowl, toss with preferred dressing
>Toss chicken in pan
>Spend 15 seconds wiping down knife and cutting board
>Optional - Dice additional salad ingredients
>Add additional stuff to salad such as cheese
>Put chicken in salad when cooked
>Wipe pan down while hot, cleans itself
>Done and eating by the time you could drive somewhere

Bonus points - Toss that shit in a tortilla as a wrap. You can use any variety of veg and any variety of sauces for near infinite variety. Greek, mexican, Chinese, Thai, Korean, Indian, etc.

>> No.20485228

>Sometimes you’re just lazy
maybe you're just lazy

>> No.20485249

you know it doesn't just turn into poison a couple days after right

>> No.20485253

alcohol is a solvent. flavors that aren't water soluable but are alcohol soluable from the tomatoes and herbs will be extracted from the vegetable matter using vodka.

>> No.20485300
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Oh, the thing that I already noted in my post? Yeah I'm aware.

>> No.20485305

Innerestin'. Thanks I had no idea.

>> No.20485334

Uh oh, poorfag detected

>> No.20485338

this. someone please fix it

>> No.20485358

you're mistaking rich with middle class that think they're rich, and end up staying middle class because they buy shit like this. I gaurentee to rich person would buy this for any reason, only retarded middle class

>> No.20485359

And you never got sick from it, and it wasn't that bad, and you still grew up to be a sissy about food.

>> No.20485367

Cheaper to make pasta yourself OP. Speaking of pasta, I love rotini despite taking longer to make than normal thin noodles.

>> No.20485395

It's insane, for a "family size" fruit tray they were 22.95 for grapes, cantaloupe, watermelon and 5 strawberries last summer

>> No.20485397

Well, they have health bars and drinks with all your vegetables so not far off

>> No.20485400

That's pretty much what they're trying to do with all those silicon-valley food companies like kachava or soylent or huel

>> No.20485402

Bro greentexted making a salad and washing his dishes

>> No.20485471

If you're too lazy to cook, you're not hungry enough to eat.

>> No.20485531

Better be good for that price

>> No.20485626

To the kings house, with a rope

>> No.20485866

Sorry, missed context - it was bad enough to get sick from and it smelled obviously off. So that is probably why I am a sissy about food.

>> No.20485934

you insulate yourself from the risk of buying this shit if you choose to go to the supermarket after eating a meal instead of before. this is basically "saving money on groceries 101"

>> No.20485979


>> No.20486590

fruit salad is labor intensive and has a very short shelf life. If you don't want to pay a premium make it yourself.

>> No.20487035


>> No.20487047

If you are lazy enough to pay for that slop at the grocery store, then your standards are too low to complain about delivery getting a few items wrong.

>> No.20487054

At that point, walk to the asian grocer and buy the hot food for the exact same price. It'll taste better and be more filling.

>> No.20487057

In a thread specifically about NOT doing that, no less.

>> No.20487078

women & children may agree
an adult mature man will not agree
man up, bitch
u don't need it

>> No.20487119

...and this is how the poor remain poor forever. Bad money decisions.

>> No.20487132
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>> No.20487149

>MSG free
but MSG tastes good, why would you not want it on your chicken?

>> No.20488104


>> No.20488120

Better luck next time, numbnuts.

>> No.20488127

I actually happen to be a woman btw. It's nice to know you support my lifestyle. Oh and please try minding your pronouns the next time you speak, you little shitbag.

>> No.20488137

He's a poor retard seething that people can afford things he can't, and he's attempting to ironically post about it. Because he's a retard, he is doing a poor job of it. His retardation is probably why his life turned out in such a way that he needs to seethe at the most basic conveniences like this. It's very common on /ck/.

>> No.20488152

Only poor people think wasting money is what rich people do. It's cheaper to buy a bag of apples and chop them up then throw em in your own tupperware, than being a retard and spending more for not only less apples, but just because your a fatass that wants to be lazy.

>> No.20488156

Only a poor imbecile fails to understand that time is more valuable than an extra $2. Not something you'd understand of course. Carry on with your standard bitching and preprogrammed replies.

>> No.20488160

My dude it takes 30 seconds, I know your lazy ass has never cut up an apple before but that shit isn't taking more then 3 minutes to cut up a whole bag.

>> No.20488161

that makes me not want to eat pizza for a month

>> No.20488172

Notice how the retard shifts the conversation away from reasonable convenience like prepared meals or delivery, and begins arguing against a figment of his imagination about cutting up an apple. On some level he knows he's a retard without a point beyond poverty and rage at experiencing poverty, but he still wants to feel like he "won" here, so he starts this nonsense. Yes anon, there is a host of people who have bags of apples in their homes, and they're paying doordash drivers to enter their home and cut the apple for them, that's a real thing. Ugh, the scandal!