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20470776 No.20470776 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm inheriting my dad's pizzeria in a couple weeks. What am I in for?
I have no experience with restauranteering so I was hoping for some /ck/ advice/tips

What are things people like from independent pizza shops?

>> No.20470784

Hire someone with experience to run the place or you will run it into the ground

>> No.20470785

I'm guessing this is larp but I'll answer: If it makes money you better not change a single fucking thing because you have no idea what you're doing. Hopefully your dad has made sure the operation can run itself without him being there constantly. The bad news is you have to learn really fast because even such operation will fail fast if you can't keep it together.

>> No.20470821

This, but don't be afraid to make changes if your customers are asking for them
Also learn how to do every single job that every employee does, from working the register to mopping the floors
Learn how to do all of it by yourself and then ask yourself if, IF, anything needs to be improved, removed, changed, or added

>> No.20470822

>I have no experience with restauranteering so I was hoping for some /ck/ advice/tips
2 things you can do:
go get an MBA
sell it and never look back.

>> No.20470828

>go get an MBA
Fuck that, just go to a community college and take some restaurant/hotel management classes, you don't need a college degree to run a business

>> No.20470830

Your dad left you with a restaurant but didn't teach you how to run it? He set you up to fail hard. Just sell it.

>> No.20470840

>If it makes money you better not change a single fucking thing
From what I've seen it makes like $10k profit a year. That's low, right?

My dad has done about 50 hour work weeks since he's opened the shop (around 20 years). I really don't want to do that but apparently the quality has always taken a massive dive whenever he's tried to replace himself

>> No.20470881 [DELETED] 

changes you should make
>maid cafe theme
>big sign on the door: NO NIGGERS
>replace all non-maid employees with cool robots
I will now eat your pizza

>> No.20470884

It seems like you should sell it right away. With you being clueless and the business not being able to run without your dad there's no chance this will work. You won't be able to hire the right guy to be the leader either (99% likely).

>> No.20470892

Why are those wagies slacking off? They should be fired

>> No.20470898

>passing your business down to your son so he has a purpose
>not training your son whatsofucking ever or making it seem desirable in anyway
what is wrong with you
>its a fucking restauraunt
why the fuck
>its a fucking pizza place
are you actually mentally retarded

OP I hate you for being kind of ungrateful to something so cool but also your dads a fucking retard

>> No.20470899

The restaurant has a decent sized menu (pizza, wings, pasta, salads, appetizers) so I don't want to expand since it's already a lot to keep track of. It has pretty good customer retention from what I've seen. I just don't know where to go from there. Seems like a grind

Isn't there like a handful of youtube videos I can watch instead? Can't sell it while my pops is alive otherwise I get no inheritance

Health issues

>> No.20470905

pizzeria? more like diarrhea lol

>> No.20470917

Look up online business classes, then, YouTube isn't going to help you, something like MasterClass or SkillShare
One YT channel that will help you is Charlie Anderson

>> No.20470930

Obviously you have to go through the books. Then check out the stock, receipts, purchase orders. See if there are items you can trim off the menu as they're unpopular. If it's a big enough hit, you don't want to reduce the quality. But you may be able to get discounts if you can identify regularly ordered items that won't perish within the time frame of the purchases. I'd identify the employee who seems either the one who is the most diligent or the one with the most brains. Give them more responsibility and more money. That should help you buy some time until you find your feet.

>> No.20470950

watch kitchen nightmares so you know what NOT to do

>> No.20470977

Is he dying or something? I'd say, if the restaurant is doing well, then just corner him, find out every little thing that he did, and just keep doing it. Ofc if he's dead, might be tough...

>> No.20470999

>$10k profit a year
Unless this restaurant is brand fucking new, sell it off immediately to the first sucker you can find. You are not going to be able to improve it to the point where it actually makes money

>> No.20471012

great idea to get stolen from.


restaurant businesses is one of worst businesses you can go into. if it's doing fairly well I'd recommend selling it while the numbers are good.

>> No.20471017

Well the profit doesn't really say much unless we also know how much his dad takes in salary. To find "real profit" we'd need to calculate profit + dads salary - normal salary for a hired boss in the position.

>> No.20471020

Keep it simple, stupid.

>> No.20471022

10k a year, even with the owner's salary, is borderline bankruptcy

>> No.20471041

No it isn't. If everyone's paid, and the owner is paid, that's good. Any PROFIT is good. 10k REVENUE would be horrendous. That's literally 10k that can go back into the business or into the owner's pocket.

I highly doubt his dad would own a business to only take in 10k for his own family.

>> No.20471053

Right, it all depends on what the business actually makes in whole. People are acting like it's the total income of a large chain restaurant with multiple locations, when it's probably just a neighborhood pizza joint.

>> No.20471056

I don't think you quite understand that businesses are intended to make money. 10k profit in a year is less than a grand a month. That's seriously fucking low. Breaking even isn't the bar to be aiming for.

>> No.20471070

If the dad takes 50k more in salary that it would cost him to hire someone to fill his position, the profit is really 60k. Which isn't that bad for a small neighborhood joint.

>> No.20471100

Anon pls

You're hired for the operations manager position. If I'm gonna fail, might as well fail in style

My dad has always had a 'sink or swim' kinda parenting style. Unsure if it has worked thus far but I'm definitely gonna do the same with my kids

This is the kind of stuff I came here for. Good shit anon!

My dad takes in about 60k salary and has been able to buy a pay off a house, multiple cars, and a couple lawsuits. He also has around 500k to retire with so it seems like it's worth it

And yes, it's a small neighborhood restaurant

>> No.20471110

Go cash only and don't pay taxes

>> No.20471114

> Any PROFIT is good.
If I am getting a salary and after all of my expenses I save $1 at the end of the month, every financial expert worth their salt would say that is a shit scenario.
You need enough profit to deal with random expenditure costs. Your industrial oven just broke? That's easily your $10K right there. What if your building floods that same year? Now you're going into the negatives and you just wiped out a year of savings.
Your profit needs to be proportional to your expenditures and invested assets.

>> No.20471120

>My dad has always had a 'sink or swim' kinda parenting style. Unsure if it has worked thus far but I'm definitely gonna do the same with my kids
There is a reason you are too frail to run a successful business handed to you on a silver planter, and instead are a shitposter on 4chan.

If he was a good father, he would have slowly brought you into the company teaching you how its done.

Instead he has a failed son, and he will soon watch the business he made fail.
Interesting that you think thats a good way to raise a child.

>> No.20471123

500K to retire is nothing

>> No.20471127

in my cunt the 'IRS' started counting the number of pizza boxes bought by pizzerias instead of the stated sold amount of pizzas, get rekt pizzafags kek

>> No.20471130

If it's been open for 20 years he's definitely been doing something right. Don't fuck with the recipes, especially the sauce. In the two weeks he's still working there, try and learn everything. You probably won't, but I'm assuming he's got some employees who know what they're doing so learn from them too. You'll be surprised how quickly you can adapt to new responsibilities when you're basically dropped in the deep end.

>> No.20471155

You sound like a real shithead or a larper.
Hard to believe you didn't grow up working in the business. You clearly don't care about cooking pizzas or running the business. Sell the equipment and real estate if there is anything. You didn't care about it in the past and you won't care anything about it in the future.

>> No.20471163

>60k salary for 50 hours a week
Wtf that averages to like $23/hour. I make that much as a security guard and I don't have to do shit except walk around lmao

>> No.20471186

Will you own the real estate?

>> No.20471199

Do yourself a favour and sell it. You're asking for advice on 4chan. It's already over.

>> No.20471202

you 4channers are totally fucking clueless man and you are your own torturer

>> No.20471207

50+ hour work weeks are the reason single location, mom and pop style restaurants survive. It's because someone is there holding the place together. If you expect it to function long term without putting in the time you're in for some disappointment.

>> No.20471228

Ok, dude. $500k in savings and retiring at, let's say 65, will get you ~$750/mo income. Now let's say his dad put that money in a 401k so he doesnt get ass raped on the taxes, that is still very little money to go off of each month considering that medical expenditures are going to sky rocket when his body starts failing him. Also good luck leaving a dime for your children to inherit.

>> No.20471240

even decent franchise stores are like this now. you see a handful of retarded employees + the franchise owner trying to push things along by giving someone free fries when tyrone can't take an order

>> No.20471242

you need at least a million to retire today. in the future, it'll be much more.

>> No.20471244

This is a larp you stupid fuckstains
My god you’re goddamn ignorant you will believe fucking anything

>> No.20471246

Jokes on you I plan on dying. Fuck wasting away like my brain damaged boomer parents. That's no way to live

>> No.20471251

You're right the best way to live is to work 100% of your adult life and then die

>> No.20471264

I only work like 40 percent of my life. I average about 30 hours a week and work 8 months out of the year. I'm enjoying life now and will just OD or something when I get too old

>> No.20471278

lol wut
if you are saying your dad is making 10k a year running the place or if thats on top of his wages?
either way that seems abyssmal.
did your dad not prepare you to inherit it?

>> No.20471280

it's absolutely a grind.

>> No.20471284

all those classes are available online for free you only need the paper if you want someone ELSE to hire you.

>> No.20471285

if you are salary at 60k with 10k income and paying the employees wages yeah its worth it. especially since you can set the rules of your work, throw on some audio books or whatever. the ultimate concern is getting to know your workers and not hiring on some barely unhinged meth head.

>> No.20471291

>Isn't there like a handful of youtube videos I can watch instead?
holy shit you fucking zoomers are something else

>> No.20471292

retard you need to learn acounting, you dont NEED to go to school but you do need to learn and theres no do it quick way.

>> No.20471369 [DELETED] 

laughs in suburban mom MLMs

>> No.20471371 [DELETED] 

fentynal pilled

>> No.20471425

>my pops is alive
Get him to teach you the business before he dies? Sounds like he's just retiring.

>> No.20471469

First thing. Structure the business as an LLC or Corp or S-Corp (consult with a lawyer), this way if SHTF and the restaurant gets sued or goes tits up, you aren’t on the hook.

>> No.20471509

close it to the public and rent it out as a ghost kitchen

>> No.20471892

>So I'm inheriting my dad's pizzeria in a couple weeks
fake and gay
if you were in a position to inherit it, then you would've been working there for at least a few years already

>> No.20471933

Profit is after wages

>> No.20471968


>> No.20472056

tell the employees to handle complains until the customer insists on talking to the general manager (you), then give the customer freebies based on their history of complaints.

>> No.20472060

>~$900 a month
>is this low???????
Sell it.

>> No.20472084

So are you going to have to do most or all of the cooking? If so and you’re not confident about it you need to get some instruction quick, maybe reach out to someone a few towns away that makes good stuff and ask if you can pay for training.

Also I’d be curious what personal expenses your dad ran through the business, and if cash sales were being fully reported/recorded.

>> No.20472585
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and a couple lawsuits

>> No.20472760

this some retard kid who inherited their parents restaurant just ran one of the best bakeries in town into the ground. If your dad wasn't already training you he's retarded, and you'd be retarded to try to keep it going.

>> No.20472764

BWHAHAH WHAT THE FUCK your dad is a retard.

>> No.20472766

your retarded ass doesn't know how to read financial statements huh, you better have a bookie.

>> No.20472775

>From what I've seen it makes like $10k profit a year. That's low, right
That's unsustainable, sell ASAP

>> No.20472956

This this this

Watch the shows and religiously RELIGIOUSLY don't do the retarded shit the owners do on that show.

>> No.20472984

>simplify menu
>ensure recipes are written down step by step with accurate measurements & times, and follow them religiously
>use local produce
>get rid of underperforming staff
that's 99% of advice on any kitchen/restaurant renovation show.

>> No.20473001

Why the fuck aren’t they wearing hairnets disgusting this place should be shut down

>> No.20473272

Your dad set you up for failure by not start having you in the kitchen and doing the finances long ago. Your pizzeria is doomed.

>> No.20474684

Why are young people so pathetic these days? I worked 12 to 14 hours straight everyday at a busy pizza place, cleaned the whole kitchen and did all the dishes by myself at age 18 and didn't complain or get "exhausted". Sometimes they couldn't get anybody to relieve me so I would work 7 days in a row.

>> No.20474743

>Isn't there like a handful of youtube videos
you're not making arts and crafts. A business is a serious thing that requires that you kind of actually care about running it.

>> No.20474744

Because people like you are massive faggots who sold their everything for nothing, and now no one has shit because of retards like you.

>> No.20474751

because the salary you got was livable salary

>> No.20474752

I hope you were compensated well for your hard work and possibly got a nice raise, but I suspect you were treated like every other disposable employee they had. Tell me I'm wrong.

>> No.20474788

simplicity is the answer OP, i would say take the menu and condense it, pizza places always try way too hard to have a huge menu. like 3 apps, 4/5 pizzas and some sandwiches (dont try and make anything fancy like pasta) and get some desserts from a local bakery. Also use the freshest local ingredients possible and you will make truckloads of cash.

>> No.20474801

>Be at least as competent as Dominos (most "indie" shops miss this part, assuming that the "eat local" propaganda signs are enough)
>Cute high school girls at the register
>Don't install a card payment system that tries to guilt carryout orders to leave tips
>Don't waste money on those ads that come in local business ad junk mail, it just seems desperate
>If you can, get some dancing Youtube Jew monkey to visit and eat a slice, you'll have to grease his palm with silver, but apparently it gets the zoomers going

>> No.20474813

Pasta, slightly more watered down sauce they're using on the pizza, and cheese they already use on the pizza. Stick it in a disposable pan, warm it up in the oven, wa la.

>> No.20474817

and THIS.
Then this.

If your dad doesn't have the place plastered all over social media, it's free advertising. Learn how to market and maybe offer a slight discount to people that post about your place (you can do this easily, have people post a hashtag and you just DM them a coupon code). This takes literal minutes and you'll know in a month or two going over the books if it's working or not.

Pizza and pasta are dirt cheap to make if you do it all in house, don't buy anything premade. Use all fresh produce, etc.

>> No.20474830

did you miss the part where I said to use good ingredients dipshit? this isnt an italian restaurant its a pizza shop. make good pizza and hell make money.

>> No.20474841

It's a piss easy thing to make with barely any ingredients to buy. Probably excellent margins too. Easier than adding sandwiches to the menu, especially if it's already selling decently.

>> No.20474863

eh mabye your right i just think its not needed, and im certain hes got a meat slicer already so sandwiches would be easy.

>> No.20474944

>My dad takes in about 60k salary

Who owns a small biz and pays themselves a salary? Are you in the US, because if so this is le bad
Like with payroll taxes and withholdings and everything?
And uses their salary to buy a car?
Don't hire yourself and pay yourself a wage unless you are certain this is a short term deal and want the social security credit
Keep your money in the business and use it as a checking account for everything you can
Want a new car? Buy it in biz name and just use it as personal vehicle
Want some food? Add it to the biz groceries (sketchy, but you can get away with it)
Want a nicer apartment or to buy a house? Rent yourself office space in it and use that untaxed income to pay your rent/mortgage
Don't pay yourself 1 cent more than you absolutely have to, because the second it converts from cash in the biz account to income you get taxed

>> No.20474960

Based Jew.

>> No.20474977

What stupid faggots. Oh no, you had to work. Welcome to being an adult.

>> No.20474998

Actually in my experience, employers will LOVE you if you just do your job and what you are asked without causing problems. People are so privileged, they don't realize they could be working in a sweatshop in China but instead are in a comfy Western country with more luxuries than they know what to do with. They complain instead of doing the job they are payed to do. This doesn't mean we shouldn't ask for better conditions however. Anyway I'm rambling.

>> No.20475223
File: 81 KB, 666x375, Frozen Pidzer Miami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, this is the best post ITT.

RIP in Pepperoni, Pepperoni.

>> No.20475387

There's a difference between doing what you were hired to do and constant 12+ hour shifts because your employer can't be bothered to get more people.

>> No.20475398

nigger you get like 2k a month from social security too

>> No.20475520

Careful. Sometimes a supposedly underperforming staff member is boosting the entire workforce's morale by being entertaining or pretty.

>> No.20475590

No offence, but your dad sounds sort of retarded. Did you two never discuss this, and did you literally never take part in running it even though you're probably in your mid 20s and the oldest/only child? I mean at least he's alive so you should probably bug him to explain every single thing down to the smallest detail to you. I mean fuck, do you have ANY experience of running/managing things?

>> No.20475603

binge watch every ep of kitchen nightmares and dont be like any of the owners on that show

>> No.20475612

Congratulations for being taken advantage of
Did you get any overtime pay at all? Or were you paid in "experience"?

>> No.20475613

This guy files

>> No.20475623

They were hit by a smooth criminal

>> No.20475626

unless you have sentimental attachment to it i'd recommend to sell it desu

>> No.20475661

Turn it into a wing place. People love wings.

>> No.20476558

>90% closure rate after gordon
why do you hate op so much?

>> No.20476708

>$10k profit a year
Sell that shit and dont look back

>> No.20476714

good goy
work your fingers to the bone for a pittance so that Mr. Noseberg can make a fat profit

>> No.20476741
File: 73 KB, 500x661, 1629757365565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be smart to watch a few old pizzahut training vids on youtube
Could help with the basics

For the business side of things, go to the US Small Business Administration

Read up on their articles and videos. They will be happy to help you and give quality advice for free. They give out free zoom classes for beginners, I would heavily advise signing up for a few of them. Local universities typically host seminars and classes too, usually for free. Check them out.
The SBA will also help you get in contact with local accountants that can help you keep the books going. Try and find out what tax system your father used, like Quickbooks, and take some classes/virtual tutorials for them. Also look up what Point of Sale/Business programs he uses.

My advice is to focus on keeping the business running smoothly for a year using the same methods as your father, avoid menu and decor changes. Even if you do them for the best it might spook longtime customers. Don't be afraid to ask your father for advice.

I wish you all the best, Anon.

>> No.20476764

500k is unironically poor for a retiree

>> No.20476774

Not to defend the overrated fuck, but all those restaurants are deep in the red with hundreds of thousands, sometimes millions, in debt.
By the time Gordon gets there it's already too late for most of them, his show is more of a bailout so they can hopefully clear their debt by selling after the makeover.