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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 40 KB, 768x512, BYYYY-Alaa-Mattar-768x512-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20467396 No.20467396 [Reply] [Original]

I can tell when someone is drinking an 'energy'drink even whithout seeing it. That medical smell polutes my air. Another thing we need to get rid of.

>> No.20467404
File: 77 KB, 342x241, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the duality of man

>> No.20467413

>we need to get rid of
Take it from me. Try and stop me from doing what I want, you collectivist dweeb.

>> No.20467451

It's just a fad. Basically just a bunch of people that are too scared to drink coffee but wont admit it

>> No.20467456

Try smoking next to me, it would be the last puff in your life.

>> No.20467463

Yeah, a 20+ year fad. It'll die off any day now.

>> No.20467725

>take can from refrigerator and open it
>pour water into coffee maker, scoop out proper amount of beans, grind beans, brew coffee, wait forever it to cool down (both the drink and the maker), throw away used grounds, clean basket, clean carafe

>> No.20467759

It seems to me that anyone that truly enjoys drinking red bull also enjoys drinking cherry cough syrup. That's a red flag, that's the red bull of faggotry.

>> No.20467771
File: 471 KB, 1200x628, Oh_the_humanity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh the humanity!

>> No.20467775

Most women will never go back to drinking coffee after the whole covfefe thing

>> No.20467848

I tried every sip flavor out there before reaching enlightenment: an ice cold original red bull is the only sip worth sipping.

>> No.20467892

Reaching enlightenment to what, total faggotry?

>> No.20467894

This thread made me go buy a red redbull. Thanks OP

>> No.20467902

You're on the list of total fags that like drinking cough syrup.

>> No.20467914

another meaningless 4chan bot post

>> No.20467922

As opposed to what, some freaky ass reddit or aol shit?

>> No.20467956

its pretty good for gaming. you try grinding for xp for 6 hours without caffeine. and yeah you can drink coffee for that but a cold sweet candy flavored drink just works better. its a whole ritual

>> No.20467991
File: 68 KB, 1024x816, 1708277356613906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink black coffee and I also drink energy drinks, I love them both, I just love caffeine. I like to enjoy coffee in the morning. But in the afternoon or night I will slam a monster and go clubbing or pull an all-nighter for work

ultra zero will always be the GOAT

>> No.20468001

is there a stigma that trannies drink monster. i don't want to feel like im being a tranny so gross

>> No.20468008

Been there done that, pissed off a great girl that I should be married too right now and I have nobody else to blame but myself. :-(
I'm pretty sure that'll never happen again.
~Asheron's Call

>> No.20468014
File: 37 KB, 634x352, Angry_Goat-Voldemort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the goat can ascend the goat tower.

>> No.20468021
File: 3.49 MB, 2736x1824, ZIma-faggotry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe stick to Zima

>> No.20468025

id rather drink zima than be a tranny

>> No.20468054

I drink coffee in the morning. One cup with my breakfast then another after. I'll have an energy drink before going to the gym, as they're intended. Energy drinks are supposed to be for high-intensity workouts, not sitting at your desk doing nothing.

>> No.20468068

>I drink black coffee and I also drink energy drinks,
This. I remember every drinks being around when I was in grade 6, I'll be 40 this year.

>> No.20468202

Keep being addicted like the biden / camela types want, keep protesting as well, they want that as well. Why? Dependent voters.

>> No.20469076


>> No.20469083

You brain needs to be removed from your body and attached to a computer running The Sims so you can live out your authoritarian control fantasies without bothering anyone else.

>> No.20469104

Its weird that people take pride in and base their identity on unhealthy habits.. you don't even need caffeine. You're lying to yourself.

>> No.20469297

When you say original Red Bull, do you mean Krating Daeng? I agree that is streets ahead of the alternatives, but there are some others worth sipping on occasion. Especially in the Monster range.

>> No.20469298

it's not a need
it's a rush

>> No.20469340
File: 328 KB, 1680x1050, 1690280576180948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not a need
>it's a rush

>> No.20469381

I used to work with a guy who drank 4x250ml cans of redbull every day at work. He told me that he drank 4 more when he got home after work. After a while he started to complain about pain in his heart, but refused to believe that the redbull was the cause.

>> No.20469404

If you want something to blame, blame industrialization and the mechanization of life. You create a playing field in which only a set percentage of individuals can function within in accordance with natural brain variation and then wonder why they turn to psychoactive substances to cope.

Or do you tell yourself we were all built to follow exact schedules the moment we arose in the savanna?