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20461061 No.20461061 [Reply] [Original]

You must find a lemonade stand that sells weaker lemonade.

>> No.20461074

I drink 4 import monsters a day. This is babby liquid

>> No.20461077

Panera absolutely deserved the lawsuits. No one anywhere in the history of energy drinks ever had sold them like this before.

>> No.20461085

Lemonmaster please… I am going into battle, and I need only your strongest beverage

>> No.20461091

Theres more caffeine in a can of monster than a 30oz charged lemonade

>> No.20461096

I really don't see the issue, the caffeine content is clearly labeled right there on the front of the container. If you're a weak little bitch that can't handle caffeine then just don't drink it.

>> No.20461098

A can, which is sold as one serving and with warnings on the side and an exact amount of caffeine per serving. They were putting out these dispensers without telling people about the caffeine level and letting people get refills multiple times

>> No.20461104

You don't know what you ask, traveler. My strongest lemonade can kill a dragon, let alone a man!

>> No.20461107

so a large drink is just over 2 cans of Monster? Wtf were they thinking putting this unlabeled. This is 3-4 times the concentration of any tea blend I've ever seen.

A can of monster is 160mg anon

I hate frivilous lawsuit but without a caffiene warning on these, on a hot day with free refils, I would drink enough for me to have a really shitty time (even if it didn't put me in hospital). Caffiene ODs where you go past just being twitchy and can feel every inconsistent heart beat are really crappy.

>> No.20461112

>I'm going to try all the fl-

>> No.20461113
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see the way the lemonade is settling in the bottom of those tanks since it's not being stirred / blended and they probably don't sell a lot since 3 different flavors? The caffeine is concentrating there, too. That's what kills people.

>> No.20461114

No there isn't. Monster has 160mg of caffeine. This lemonade has almost 400mg in 30 oz. 400mg is the recommended limit by the way and Panera was giving free refills.

>> No.20461144

People also only ever look at the fatal overdose amounts, not the clinical overdose amounts.

800mg won't kill you unless you have underlying issues but it will make you feel like you're about to die.

>> No.20461147

is panera owned by non-jews or something, ive never seen a restraunt chain get trashed by the media so hard before.

>but people are dying

and how does that effect you personally?

>> No.20461216

They weren't human anyways

>> No.20461248

How does them getting trashed effect you personally?

>> No.20461762


>> No.20461783

i want

>> No.20461801

>and how does that effect you personally?
I think maybe companies putting drugs into food and people dying could cause concerns about general food safety.

>> No.20461985

Yuzo gay

>> No.20462035

Panera is just a shitty company in general. I ordered a chicken fettuccine alfredo there once, and there was literally one sliver of chicken the size of my pinky placed on top. I asked them if there was a mistake, and they said thats how much chicken they're supposed to put on. Never been back since.

>> No.20462048
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Who expects _lemonade_ to have caffeine, let alone fucktons of caffeine? And even if it says "X mg of caffeine" how the fuck would I know how much that constitutes in relation to known caffeinated drinks, like of can of Coke?

>> No.20462438

I just wish they'd get rid of the caffeine (or at least tone it down) so I could get one being FUBAR for the rest of the day. The yuzu mango is so good, but not even ambien could get me to sleep before sunrise afterwards...

>> No.20462533
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It isn't the caffeine killing you.

>> No.20462556

Coke lists how much caffeine is in it on the bottle as clear as this. What a shitty argument. When they didn't prominently show how much caffeine was in it, that was one thing, but if you don't know 389 caffeine is a fuckton of caffeine, that's like not knowing 1600 calories for a milk drink is maybe a bit much. That's a basic consumer education thing and if you can't be assed, that's on you.

>> No.20462669

>Coke lists how much caffeine is in it on the bottle as clear as this.

Who bothers reading that and who would remember if they did?

I hope Pantara Bread gets its ass sued off for murdering innocent customers.

>> No.20462891

Diet coke got more that why it soo good

>> No.20463389

I feel sorry for your kidneys

>> No.20463462

Caffiene "over"-dosing (i.e. not even clinical overdose) is also really one of the most uncomfortable overdoses there is and surprisingly easy to do 400mg is enough to be pretty nasty even if it does you no actual harm

>> No.20463966

Works for soda and energy drink corporations

>> No.20464267

Hmm, energy drink lemonade with caffeine content displayed front and center in large bold text? Sounds delightful, I'll chug three quarters of of a gallon as fast as I can.

>> No.20464269

>is panera owned by non-jews or something
Panera bought back all their stock in 2017 when they went from public back to private and it pissed off a bunch of hedge funds. The media blitz is a psyop to force them into a vulnerable financial position so private equity can buy them out and take them public again.

>> No.20464286

The OP image shows they were literally displaying how much caffeine it had right on the dispenser in big text. Do you want them to make you sign a waiver before they let you buy it?

>> No.20464300

Damn I was just there yesterday and the printed caffeine content of those drinks is lower now, did they already reduce its amount?

>> No.20464314

Most people probably aren't going to understand how much that amount of caffeine really is. If you put that a cup of tea is between 25-50 and a cup of coffee is around 100 then people would probably be wary of something that has 250-400mg.

The daily recommended limit of caffeine in a single drink that comes with free refills is crazy no matter how you try to spin it. I'm pretty sure that recommendation also comes from the idea that your consumption will be spread throughout the day and not in a single drink.

>> No.20464321
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>company puts drugs in food and people die

>> No.20464335

>coca cola hasnt been sold in mcdonalds your entire life, we must do something goyim!

whats your ethnicity again?

>> No.20464342

>Most people probably aren't going to understand how much that amount of caffeine really is.
That sounds like their problem. Soda, energy drinks, and prepared coffee all list their caffeine content in milligrams. I know Americans are too stupid to use metric but listing it in arbitrary variable units like "cups of coffee" sounds more dangerous. How big is a cup? What kind of coffee? Use football fields per gun if you want but stick to an objective unit of measurement
>The daily recommended limit of caffeine in a single drink that comes with free refills is crazy no matter how you try to spin it
I thought free refills were standard in burger land? People drink coke by the gallon but spicy lemonade is an issue?.

>> No.20464350

I want MORE drugs in food. Fuck the retards who can't read a label and OD on their goyslurp. This nation will not be truly free until Coke puts the fucking cocaine back in Coca Cola.

>> No.20464381
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>spicy lemonade

>> No.20464412

Did it upset you that I used a meme phrase?

>> No.20464413

yeah :(

>> No.20464425

That's okay, I get upset about stuff people post on the internet sometimes too, Anon.

>> No.20464429
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>> No.20464435

Do these get free refills?

>> No.20465015

>Be healthy adult human
>Drink Panera lemonade
>Fucking die

>> No.20465075

Makes sense

>> No.20465152
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lemonade seller.. i'm dying of thirst and am in need of your strongest quencher

>> No.20465178
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who decided we needed lemonade with an absolute shit ton of caffiene in it anyway

>> No.20465189

This world is populated by retards and any reasonable person will act accordingly.

>> No.20465194

If the average person consistently does the wrong thing, why deliberately offer up something that can kill them unless you're secretly some natural selection edgelord who fell into a management position?
You might as well install knives jutting out of the walls

>> No.20465210

Yeah that's what I'm saying. The average person should not be expected to know the meaning of caffeine mg content.

>> No.20465215

Here is a brilliant idea. Just don't drink it LOL
What the hell happened to self control?

>> No.20465574

Most people cannot and should not be expected to know how much those numbers really mean

>> No.20465580

A lot of people just aren't aware of the very high caffeine content.

>> No.20465622

No healthy adult died from this. One girl (who knew she had a heart condition) drank a ton and died, just like her doctor told her she would if she didn't avoid caffeine

>> No.20465630
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>> No.20465647

Food safety laws are typically in place to protect vulnerable people. Like how food can't be in the "danger zone" of temperature for more than two hours. Longer is no problem for healthy adults but it's set that way to protect people with vulnerable health conditions.

There probably needs to be a lower limit of caffeine in drinks or stricter labeling. Calling it "lemonade" when it has more caffeine than most energy drinks is going to mislead people and lead to problems.

>> No.20465656

It was called "charged lemonade" with the caffine clearly labeled, which anyone who was specifically told to avoid caffine so their mutated heart doesn't explode would take note of

>> No.20465671

If I heard "charged lemonade" I don't think I'd assume it was extremely high in caffeine.

People died. The girl knew she had a heart problem and was managing it up to that point. If something could've been done to prevent that death then it should be done, with as little impact as possible otherwise.

>> No.20465694

>a defective girl
>a literal downie
nothing of genetic value was lost

>> No.20465949

OP also told the traveler that his lemonade is too strong for him and that he should find a lemonade stand that sells weaker lemonade.

>> No.20466010

You're a rascal.

>> No.20466111

Why was the text in that meme changed to ESL grammar

>> No.20466119
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This is why I always leave a bit of tea in my cup and reuse it to make more tea, I'm like on round five after 2 days and a few gulps is all I need
Literally everyone who died from the lemonade deserved it for being gluttonous fucks (I wonder where all of those health conditions came from?)

>> No.20466151
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We come from the future! oooOOooOOooO

>> No.20466153

I heard someone burned to death in my city last week. We must ban fire immediately and burn the guy who invented fire at the stake.

>> No.20466158

wow anon that's like a totally great comparison to putting drugs in food, it's really truly amazing and you're gay and i'm gay too

>> No.20466167

>yeah don't think about any drug you shove in your gullet, just consoom and sue when someone dies

>> No.20466196

>amount of drugs in food has exact figure at eye height when in front of machine
>still die
What degree of babysitting retarded people should we be forced into, anon? If your cat explodes in your microwave you should be sued for animal abuse, not winning a settlement from the microwave seller.

>> No.20466198

I've been drinking them every day for over five years now, and no stones. Do you retards not drink water as well?

>> No.20466200

>530 calories for a drink

>> No.20466205

>and no stones
ok how u know though

>> No.20466206

I'm actively drinking water all day and don't feel pain with pissing.

>> No.20466208

So u don't know and just speculating?

>> No.20466209

I'm not sure. When looking up information on the stories it seemed like the girl was aware of her health problem and was managing it up until that point. But I read a lot of people saying they tried the lemonade and were surprised at how bad they felt after because they didn't understand how much caffeine was really in it.

It doesn't do much good to say your drink has 400mg of caffeine if nobody knows how much that really is. Maybe a reasonable thing to do would be to make people aware that the lemonade has about the same caffeine content as coffee.

People are probably likely to drink more lemonade than they would coffee, so that ends up causing people to consume more caffeine than they would normally find acceptable. People would probably think consuming a quart of coffee is a lot, without realizing that the quart of lemonade has the same amount of caffeine. The lemonade also kind of forces you to consume more caffeine too, as the largest sized coffee Panera sells is 20 oz, while the smallest lemonade is 20 oz. Panera doesn't even sell coffee in 30 oz cups like they do with the lemonade.

It seems like Panera thought it was a problem anyway as they reduced the amount of caffeine in it.

>> No.20466212

So in the end, who is to be held responsible for ingesting the caffeine? The person selling or the person drinking?

>> No.20466222

I dunno. Both I guess. If you're selling a product then it seems reasonable to try and ensure people understand what they're consuming, and it seems like a lot of people weren't aware of just how much caffeine was in it. And I suppose you do have a responsibility to learn how to read labels and understand what you're consuming, but that seems unfortunate that you have to do so to not end up feeling sick or dying from drugs put into food.

>> No.20466235

over 2000 locations in the US
>1 girl with a known heart condition that knew she really shouldn't be having any caffeine at all
>1 literal retard with a heart condition that drank like half a gallon of it

>> No.20466236
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>> No.20466244
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Also in case you want to stick to your "companies putting drugs in food" argument pic related. Last time I checked 3>2 so we should ban water too I guess

>> No.20466256

Thats way too much caffine for a fucking refreshment drink.
Calories too. 360 calories for 20oz? What the fuck?

>> No.20466262

The signs got added after the first death, originally it just listed the name, no caffeine quantity.

>> No.20466281

>Also in case you want to stick to your "companies putting drugs in food" argument
you mean staying on topic? yeah that'd be nice.

>> No.20466306

18mg/oz. That's about the same as an energy drink, if not slightly lower. Just because it comes in a 64oz big gulp cup doesn't mean you're supposed to chug the whole thing in thirty seconds.

>> No.20466308

Then why did they offer free refills?

Basically encourages you to finish your drink before you leave so you can refill for the road.

>> No.20466314

Morgan Spurlock pls go, even pigs eventually walk away from the trough

>> No.20466318

You think taking refills of regular soda isn't going to balloon your diabetes filled belly over a couple of years? How long should it take you to die from something before it's illegal to offer a refill?

>> No.20466344

You feel you're about to have a heart attack. For about 8 hours. It's really freaky how much it fucks up with your heartbeat.

>> No.20466401

When a single cup is already the maximum daily recommended, why the fuck are ANY refills offered? It was literally a selling point of the drink, they were telling people to get refills stove it was free, when 2 cups is double the daily recommended caffeine intake and well within the lethal range for someone with preexisting conditions.

>> No.20466407

free country you communist faggot

>> No.20466419

And I'm free to sue your shitty company for criminal negligence.

What's worse is they replaced the regular non-caffeinated lemonade dispensers with these charged lemonade ones and moved the regular non-caffine lemonade next to the tea/coffee station when it should've been the opposite. They should've introduced the charged lemonade by presenting it next to the coffee, not by replacing the existing normal lemonade dispensers next to the soda.

Even the employees didn't realize how much caffeine was in there considering they were offering it to children.

>> No.20466462

>Catmella, could you please close the door?

>> No.20466506

I don't want suing I want criminal prosecution, civil law was a mistake

>> No.20466510

If you want to defend liberty maybe you should be more concerned about your government abusing the legal system to bury political opponents than people being held to account for poisoning others

>> No.20467114

Americans can go buy a gun in a walmart but are worried about lemonade with too much caffeine lmao you're country is a fucking joke.

>> No.20467190
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>"you're" a joke because you can buy things in America

>> No.20467202

can't buy niggers no more

>> No.20467207
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Do you have Kinder Surprise?

>> No.20467211

More politicians deserve prosecution, not fewer.

>> No.20467370

You should be worried you can't buy gun at lidl.