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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20459774 No.20459774 [Reply] [Original]

/cooks/...our response?

>> No.20459778

Gay bhttsex with niggers

>> No.20459781
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>> No.20459900

Did this stupid gay nigger get extradited for human trafficking yet?

>> No.20459912

Is he worthy of a response? Is a man who wears women's off the rack suits and pretends to be an alpha to retards worth anything?

>> No.20459916
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>> No.20459918

He is a nigger therefore whatever he said is wrong, I did not read the tweet itself

>> No.20460038

>excited by war
This octoroon hasn't been near a war, ever. He only ever fought if a referee was present.
just because a chimpanzee doesn't understand something doesn't mean it isn't good
he probably doesn't understand the pleasure humans get from poetry, escape rooms, or writing mathematical proofs either.
his only redeeming quality is his closet homosexuality

>> No.20460051

This faglord is the perfect example of why the current internet and social media is a mistake,

>> No.20460058

>Chefs are worms
He probably seethes if his fillet mignon is overcooked and makes the orgasm face unironically while eating. Fuck off.

>> No.20460087

He retweets this or some version of it every two weeks because he doesn't have any new material.

>> No.20460092
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>Not being excited by war or conquest
IDGAF about current thing global conflicts
>Getting adrenaline from making an omelet
Um your body anticipating a high protein meal after fasting (breakfast) is cringe??
>Fucking nerd
Yes, I lay pipe in my femboy gamer sex slave
>Chefs are worms
Not wrong
>Overdone meat
Based well-done steak enjoyer

>> No.20460102

>getting bummed because of actual cheese pizza

>> No.20460128
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Maybe it's just my opinion but I think my perfectly done steak is more rewarding than dying in the trenches

>> No.20460131

His pathetic struggle to remain relevant is amusing to watch at least. The pivot to the 90 IQ muslim target audience was a pretty smart move from a marketing POV, I'll give him that

>> No.20460138

The only trench that guy is dying in, is another dude's asscrack.

>> No.20460143

Is there anything more gay and degenerate then influencer worship?
Just look at this tweet. It's reads like this guy's wet fart, you're smelling it like there's no tomorrow.
Quite honestly, it's embarrassing. Go be cringe somewhere else, kid.

>> No.20460151
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>/cooks/...our response?

At least I have both my chin and my hair.

>> No.20460153

how much do you get paid to make this thread every day?

>> No.20460163

Thousands of "men" think they can become manly by listening to this little faggot.
A generation of men so docile and non rebellious, they have no qualms about listening to an authority figure to shape something as personal and important as their own masculinity. I don't think any other generation has this much conformism in them.
The zoomers deserve the downfall they are going to experience.

>> No.20460168
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>> No.20460183

andy taint is a huge faggot

>> No.20460217

None of my omelettes ever got their asses raped in a Romanian prison.

>> No.20460221

...said the pedophile
Also, I will never tire of the guy who's never been to war but thinks war is super rad
Keep livin bro
L i v i n

>> No.20460252

Does he still consider cooking the lowest possible ROI or did getting passed around like a cumrag in a Romanian prison claim that spot now?

>> No.20460269

He's a sex trafficker and a mongoloid. If anything I want to second guess myself if I ever find I agree with him.

>> No.20460278

Andrew Tate is gay his brother is way more chill

>> No.20460517

1v1 me faggot

>> No.20460535

>Getting excited by war
You have a bee like hive mind if you get excited by war. You are throwing your life away and being used as cannon fodder so a "democratically elected" tyrant can bomb the children of goat herders and create terrorists because he hopes it'll appease foreign lobbyists enough to not run a smear campaign against him.

>> No.20460691

imagine being a twitter poster

>> No.20460699
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Is he a veteran?
What has he conquered?
What does he do to get an adrenaline rush?
Why is he zesty?

You know what's really neat? The herb Sage. It has a lot of uses, in fact everyone here should use Sage.

>> No.20460704

Guess he makes his women slaves to cook for him. it takes IQ to cook, believe it or not.

>> No.20460746

im not an adrenaline junky.
i quit cooking in a kitchen forever ago.

>> No.20460819

Who are this guys' fans? They must exist since he's making millions of dollars off them, but I can't imagine anyone reading this without cringing.

>> No.20460826

imagine being a full-grown man and posting on social media

>> No.20460841

>Show him the photos of me lying in a hospital bed with tubes down my throat and up my nose, covered in bandages and dried blood
>Say "That's me after the APC I was in hit an IED, during my second tour of Afghanistan"
>Show him a photo of 4 coffins, draped in flags
>"That's my best friend and 3 other squad mates who were in the same APC."
>"Unlike you, I've actually been to war. So shut the fuck up, you pathetic little cowardly retard."

>> No.20460847
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>Andrew "Having sex with women is gay" Tate coming back with another BASED take
Based, Andrew is a McDonald's man, fast food for life.
Ok liberal, what color is your McDonald's happy meal toy?

>> No.20460854

Narcissist believes his own lies so much it becomes real to them.
This guy would literally shit himself after few rounds of indirect fire.

>> No.20460872

fatherless zoomer incels glued to their phones

>> No.20460877

Andrew Tate
Is he someone I should hate?
I don't even know him
What should I show him?

My benis :DDDDD

>> No.20460892

His mindset is very small. People can be excited by and good at more than one thing. Someone can be great at cooking and warfare and whatever else he sets his mind to.

>> No.20460901

andrew tate is literally a dick sucker that larps as an alpha/sigma male. he is a nepobaby with industry connections and was artifically promoted by the algorithium for being nonwhite and a fag. What he thinks about anything does not matter, because he doesn't think at all. He just repeats black pilled garbage to gatekeep young men from being successful while trying to grift them into buying his 'you didnt have a dad, let me teach you some basic stuff' courses.

The one time he went off script ended up with him being arrested and thrown into a slavic prison, where he was forced to convert to islam after beign ass raped over and over.

Learning how to cook is an important life skill. And cooking a good meal is no different from achieving minor success in any of life's challenges. Tate's handlers want a society of consumers, not independent self sufficent people, and being unable to cook forces you into their system of consumption. Your entire life is now controlled by outside forces, and you have no choice but to trust strangers with your own well being.

>> No.20461000

why would I go to war for a nation that doesn't even know I exist?
Preparing food for my family gives me a better experience and good memories

>> No.20461002

Why should I care about (twitter fag)?
Why do you?
Are you gay for this dude?