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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 655 KB, 2052x1128, Indians vs Zulu man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20457623 No.20457623 [Reply] [Original]

If it was a roti wrap it would make sense as that's basically a sandwich, but curry and rice is sauce and little grains, in addition to the mess it would just take so much time.

>> No.20457629

They haven’t invented utensils yet.

>> No.20457646

They use iPhones which they didn't invent and they are wearing western clothes, while eating at a table and sitting on chairs -- is there a weird cow religion reason they aren't using spoons (how I eat curry) or is the restaurant scared the customer will steal silverware?

>> No.20457647

Joking aside, do Hindoos really eat with their hands like that? I know it's just food and fingers but I find it deeply repulsive.

>> No.20457653

>another indian hate thread made by a retarded beaner

>> No.20457660

I had an Indian lady friend, she ate with utensils, I've never seen her eat with her hands, but well, she has a white boyfriend.

>> No.20457666

Okay, are you Indian, could you please explain?

>> No.20457689

Just once, in the privacy of your own home if you must, try it. It’s pig disgusting to do, but it’s actually not as inefficient as you’d think. Our hand are evolutionationarily designed to be good as picking things up after all.
>t. Not Indian, but does not always have enough spoons.

>> No.20457715

I have eaten with my hands at home, it's the only way to finish off pork ribs, and I have tried picking up the rice I panfried with the pork and it's sloooooow, I ended up scooping it with the spoon with my other hand, plus, eating wet food, the skin on your hands get wrinkly...and spicy food, if you forget and touch your eyes afterwards...

>> No.20457719
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Let me guess: your hands look like this, don’t they?

>> No.20457798
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>> No.20457805

Or worse, go have a pee.

>> No.20457806

You can't scoop small grains up with sticks like chopsticks or fingers the way you could with a spoon. That's why when East Asians eat rice with chopsticks and bowl we have a small bowl we have to lift up to our faces -- and a lot of asians just use spoon now even though it used to be considered rude or baby to do so -- so I wonder if it's considered rude to not eat with hands in India?

>> No.20457811

Like I know in Sikh temple, where anyone can come in for a free meal if they follow the rules: take off shoes, cover head, and sit on floor -- the sit on floor rule was because of equality, that people would sit on the floor to eat together regardless of caste. The westenized indians I grew up with used utensils cause you have to when you are at a computer or reading during lunch, a bit shocked to see the FOB Indians eat with their hands. I mean Africans living in mudhut in the bushes use utensils too.

>> No.20457883
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Why not just use a spoon? You can literally make one out of a stick.

>> No.20458027

I've been to India for work and they tell me it's because they don't like the utensils flavor to mix with the food. I don't know if that's true or they were just putting me on.

>> No.20458039

>the spoons gonna ruin the flavor
>now excuse me while I get armpit deep in this pot of cow shit stew

>> No.20458042



WHAT THE FUCK.. it must soak into everything

>> No.20458121

They say he crafted it himself. From a better spoon.

>> No.20458130

True but really hard to do this without a spoon knife

>> No.20458145
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It is easier to eat with your hands anon

>> No.20458156

Their rice is stickier than the western one. Also lifting the little rice bowl to eat is more satisfying, not necessary, the idea that lifting your bowl to your mouth is bad manners maybe exists in part because soup bowls in the west were too big and not as well adapted for it as the little eastern ones.

>> No.20458161

Even in India, the left would be considered uncouth. You're supposed to pinch with your fingertips. Food residue past the first knuckle is like clinking cutlery against your teeth. People do it, but it's bad manners.

They claim you can't mix the rice and sauce in perfect proportions if you don't use fingers, but it's a retarded claim.

>> No.20458162

Dude Basmati rice is not sticky is fucking shit and you eat cow shit poo in it Ramdeep

>> No.20458164

You're conversing with a canadian.

>> No.20458166

Indians are subhuman and should be banned from entering foreign countries disgusting shitjeet

>> No.20458174

the e.coli of the hands cooks the rice

>> No.20458177

so you are an Indian?

>> No.20458181

So do they just not eat hot food? I like my food scalding hot for the most part..I'd burn my fingers..

>> No.20458183

I would kill myself if I was indian

>> No.20458186

I disagree. A good number of Indian women dislike their husbands and are easy coaxed into infidelity when they discover how much more freedom they have in the west. They're a lot of fun.

>> No.20458187
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>Captcha krap'd

>> No.20458193

Brown women are the ugliest and least self aware peoples I have ever met, it’s no wonder their men chase literally every other race on the planet even niggers have more sentience than them

>> No.20458273
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The real reason is that Indians have a massive inferiority complex stemming from being a British colony and now do everything they can to reject what they see as British influence, even if it's at great detriment to themselves. Using a fork and knife is to them a western thing so they must reject it and eat like cavemen to be proud Indians.
It's the same reason they have this affinity for doing the thing where they film themselves walking by a moving train, trains are a remnant of colonization and they are trying to "defy" them (until they get hit by it lol). It's also why they have no moral problems using their English skills to scam elderly English speakers. You'll see this a lot in their garbled English social media posts where they rant about the "Britisher" between asking to see bobs and vagene.

>> No.20458287

>zulu man
>sausage toast and beans
Do libs really fall for this stuff

>> No.20458294

The Zulu are pretty based, though
>diet largely meat and dairy
>coming of age ritual is to kill a lion by hand
>lions become endangered
>coming of age ritual is to kill a poacher by hand

>> No.20458295

From my experience with Indians in the USA and Indians in Canada. Americanized Indians all appear to use utensils (at least in public). The ones in Canada more often than not don't use utensils

>> No.20458298

Well that answers my question. Grim.

>> No.20458318

I'm not a liberal

>> No.20458361

I'm east asian, I'm not saying lifting rice bowl up to mouth is bad manners -- that's the norm when we eat with chopsticks because you can't use chopsticks to scoop rice! What's bad manners when I was growing up is using spoons unless you are a small child. Things started to change after SARS in Hong Kong, when in addition to personal chopsticks, there was now communal chopsticks for dropping stuff into the bowl. I think part of the reason personal spoon was frowned upon was that there was no way to eat with spoon without putting it in your mouth, and if you then dip that into the communal dish it's ill -- but really, even though you weren't supposed to put the tip of your chopstick in mouth, that happened at anyways, so I'm glad we use communal chopsticks now and that we use electrical candles instead of real incense. A few years ago there was a tragedy in Hong Kong where some Indians in Hong Kong burnt themselves to death during their Festival of Lights - you just can't burn stuff anymore when you are in a highrise and not a ground floor village house where the door is often open.. I just googled and some Indians say eating with hands put them in touch with food, well that's how I like to eat apples and pork ribs, but eh, curry and rice in a restaurant is messy and gross. It's way harder to clean hands then utensil since hands have grooves, so if dirty stuff gets into the curry and then you take it home, the bacteria will just grow in the slurry like it did the bacon maple syrup during the CNE cronout burger incident -- it's not like bread or roti.

>> No.20458372

...there is stainless steel and there is bone china spoons. It is a different experience eating with hands, but I would only do it at home after I got to wash hands at kitchen sink. Like, at a restaurant, you wash your hands in the bathroom, but then you touch the door handle... and then the people eating in bed >>20457798
there is no way they could get off the bunk again without getting food on the bed, even if they didn't spill it during...and getting up to the bed they would have touched the railing first before touching the food -- how often is that railing washed? What if someone had wanked off earlier... I think they do have room to open a LIfebrand folding table and eat sitting on the bottom bunk, if the food was in a deep bowl instead of spread out on a plastic sheet it wouldn't take up so much room, watching that made me imagine all the cockroaches and rats that are going to show up...

>> No.20458479

...although here's the thing -- the container of the food affects the flavour of the food as well, maybe they got some crappy lead spoons in the past, but they could just get ceramic spoons, same material as the bowl.

>> No.20458768

Ok serious question, what the fuck is that thing?

>> No.20458792

Garloid pate

>> No.20458821


>> No.20458826

Soul vs soulless

>> No.20458829

that pic reeks of cope lmao

>> No.20458833

just because it's unsophisticated doesn't mean it automatically has sovel

>> No.20459071


>> No.20459185

...so maybe they mostly ate with their hands in India because they have a low-trust society and they don't trust diners not to steal silverware or stab each other with it. French Bread, Baguette was designed to be easily breakable as the wagie who was eating the prior bread that require cutting would sometimes get into knife fights:

//Other stories credit baguettes as being an invention to stop French metro workers from having to carry knives that they used to cut their bread. The workers often fought, so the management did not want them to carry knives and requested that bread be easily ripped apart, ending the need for knives. The skinny, easily rippable shape of a baguette would have been the response to this.[17][18][19]//

"History of the Baguette: Legends, Laws, and Lengthy Loaves". Bonjour Paris. 26 January 2015. Retrieved 30 July 2020.
"Breaking bread: the story of the baguette". Booking.com (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Retrieved 30 July 2020.
Fuller-love, Heidi (22 October 2019). "All about the French baguette: a cultural icon". Complete France. Retrieved 30 July 2020.

>> No.20459202
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>> No.20459537

>>sausage toast and beans
This is delicious, don't knock it till you tried it, you need to actually panfry the beans in lard as opposed to eating it straight out of the can, or fry in the fat of the fatty sausage, even better if you have fresh tomato slices.

>> No.20459589
File: 9 KB, 106x101, 1708460541062495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this

>> No.20459633

>only beaners clown on indians
lmao tf is this cope?

>> No.20459652

I thought this was from a movie at first

>> No.20459707

India says it invented curry, is there anything else similar?

>> No.20459756

I like that Mr. Zulu seems to be enjoying an English breakfast, too. It's funny how everyone complains about Africa being colonized by the Brits but there are undoubtedly a bunch of Africans themselves who probably see it as a net positive

>> No.20459769

they are doing it wrong you are supposed to use three fingers at most not the whole fucking hand. Anyway its tradition on the country side you can quite clean so eating with hands is normal but these habits stuck with them in the city and the city has problem like the fat fuck in the back...

>> No.20459775

Im not above scooping up curry with bits of flatbread by hand. But yeah, rice makes no sense. Especially since indian rice doesnt usually clump together, making it even harder.

>> No.20459945

...now I'm craving curry and naan. Someone needs to make an Indian Swarma/Souvlaki (Greek sandwich with fries within the wrap and bbq pork). Use roti to wrap up a mix of rice, meat, and curry sauce. Hmmm, samosa or dumpling with roti skin

>> No.20459990

They're actually very sexy. Like beings of pure sex. Even making heated eye contact with one is nearly enough to make me cream my pants.

>> No.20460041

>dude indian cows' milk is a miracle cure
Then why do indians have one of the highest hear disease rates in the world?

>> No.20460060

>why do Indians have so many health problems
Here ya go, feel free to scroll down as much as you like

>> No.20460500

fucking lmao this doesn't even seem possible

>> No.20460654

Basmati rice and lentil goop are probably two of the most difficult foods to eat with hands. You don’t even have to be rich, just carve a spoon from a stick or use a piece of skull from all the dead bodies lying around.

>> No.20460677

You're telling me a flavor of steel/plastic is going to take away the flavor of their turmeric sloppa? Most of their food is a cup of some kind of veggie mixed in with ten pounds of spices boiled until it looks like something that came out of you after a night of binge drinking.

>> No.20460820


man this java conference looking dope as fuck

>> No.20461198
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>> No.20461222
File: 3.89 MB, 640x360, indian vegetable scam 466689863#p466707591.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably the silicone spray and industrial green paint on their vegetables, like holy shit, a few years ago I avoided buying any vegetables from China due to fake-everything, but I thought India was safe since they are British Commonwealth, and I thought they were a spiritual Eat Pray Love kinda place before I started seeing the webms this year. I actually went out of my way to find Indian food made in India (butter chicken sauce, ghee) cause authentic, now I wonder if that's part of what made me sick back then.

>> No.20461231

>or use a piece of skull from all the dead bodies lying around.
lel, yikes. There is a South Asian place called Nanthur Caters I used to love eating at when I worked nearby, I've been craving it until all the weird Indian stuff I saw recently, but I think they are actually Tamil? Whatever it is they are, they've been there for over 10 years, I never got a weird feeling from the men over there, I guess I'll just squint and take a closer look at their kitchen, but I never gotten sick. I went to an Indian Buffet with my boomer mom ran by one of the newer Indians in Markham last year and I got a tummy ache afterwards -- there was flies at the fruit bar -- so I didn't eat any of that, but the other stuff must have been yikes as well. Can't remember the name but it had purple walls.

>> No.20461235

I was thinking, just wrap the basmati rince and lentil goop in a boiled cabbage skin like a spring roll.

>> No.20461249

Just checked, and "Since 2007, Nantha Caters and Bakery has been serving up delicious Sri Lankan, South Indian, and Tamil dishes in Toronto" so a) they're not FOBS, and b) they are from SOUTH India, and the flood of FOBS we got later are almost entirely from Punjab in Northwestern India. I used to get a bag of fresh hot roti 3 for 5 bucks, it's probably higher now, it was panfried in ghee. Cheap samosas, mutton rolls -- they didn't have any Chinese there but because it was a Chinese area, they sold spring rolls that was pretty good too!

>> No.20461260

I just got out of the train rekt thread on /gif/ and had no idea why so many Indians were getting killed walking dramatically on camera. Fucking retards holy shit, thanks for enlightening me.

>> No.20461287

fork vs chopstick vs hand is basically just a cultural phenomenon

>> No.20461331

Not quite, I all three plus spoon, depending on the circumstances. If you eat panfried dumplings you can't stab it with a fork because you'll lose the juice, it's better to pick it up with chopsticks, nipple a corner and suck out the juices, then eat the rest -- though you could use a spoon to lift it to your face as well, but more clumsy. If you are good at using chopsticks you can use chopsticks to break apart some food like chicken wings as well.

>> No.20461847

Was there a Bollywood film where some walked alongside the train tracks as the train come up from behind him and then sped past him? It might be the Indian version of Guy Walking Away from Explosion Without Looking Back, an American movie meme that was also used by Psy in Gangnan Style.

>> No.20462288

I had a friend who worked at an Indian restaurant in the US and she said they were so disgusting that she called the health inspector on them.
>no hand washing
>no gloves
>she was only one who wore gloves
>put their filthy hands on everything
>toss salads with their hands
>no hair net
>touching hair/face before touching food and coughing on shit

I absolutely can not eat at indian restaurants anymore

>> No.20462296
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yes. i didnt know that until i got a job at an indian restaurant and they taught me how to do it when i was 15. they also have plastic tea kettles in the bathroom for douching your butthole.

>> No.20462298

Your immune system, bro? It needs excercise too.

>> No.20462300

Gloves are atypical in any type of restaurant.

>> No.20462305

The heat of the spices clenses the hand

>> No.20462318

I used to work in one and you're full of shit

>> No.20462325

Try harder, I hate both

>> No.20462342
File: 3.62 MB, 264x480, indian cuisin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20462353

Let me guess, cow poop?

>> No.20462369

I watch Gordon Ramsay, frequent handwashing is preferred over wearing gloves as gloves can tear, the problem is people who neither wear gloves nor wash their hands. This is why I don't eat at Tim Hortons anymore.

>> No.20462377

>I watch Gordon Ramsay
Look out, we got an expert over here

>> No.20462381

Say what you will but Gordon Ramsay is an expert, he even washed his hands of the entire pretense of being a TV chef.

>> No.20462400

Say what you will but I watch TV you fucking casual

>> No.20462421

A large ball of cooked finger millet dough

>> No.20462461

lol yes im sure these guys are walking around with syringes every night injecting "chemicals" (unspecified) into every single vegetable cmon man

>> No.20462464

have you seen videos out of India?
They might actually be that retarded

>> No.20462469

lol just watched that episode

>> No.20462471

I’ve seen many normal Indians in Canada. They adapt everything but their fucking manners, all of them were extremely blunt and rude

>> No.20462488

>server ladles soup into their dishes
>all of them instantly start putting their hands in it
this has to be some sort of mental disease

>> No.20462511

Eating the clay ball thing with hands makes sense, as long as hands are clean..but then there's the wet soupy thing...wouldn't it make sense to have those things in separate bowls so you can hand dip the clay ball thing in the sauce?

>> No.20462520

You worked in an atypical one.

>> No.20462561

Wow that's bland

>> No.20462602

it would not be fitting for a race explicitly and selectively breed to be chattel peasants to get accustomed to eat with utensils. That would distemper them from their natural station.

>> No.20462604

Jesus...Imagine falling in...

>> No.20462631


>> No.20462707

That's why they dip their hands in the soup, so it has flavor when you eat the dough.

>> No.20462746

>ragi mudde
god why is this fucking language so retarded

>> No.20462754

...why not use the soup instead of water when making the dough then? I've used green tea instead of water in pancake mix and the result is nice.

>> No.20462789

>one guy with a spoon
well la tee fuckin da

>> No.20462795

>well la tee fuckin da
Look at his hand. It's only because he hurt his thumb

>> No.20462803

do you think he has to carry his own spoon around cause nobody else has any?

>> No.20462804

Lower intelligence races often developed languages that are easily pronounced with severe mouth infections, imagine your mouth and tongue are covered in sores and observe how easy it is to pronounce any Australian place name compared to any European language.

>> No.20462820

>douching your butthole
>with a tea kettle
wh...what? Can you explain a little more?

>> No.20462822

Water is used to clean things, in theory it's better than wiping but as usual Indians mimick without understanding.

>> No.20462824

No, I get that. But we have these things called bidets. Nice ones are from Japan. They're pretty cool.

>> No.20462826

I hate getting food on my hands when I eat stuff like burgers. Fucking retards haven't even thought of using a pointy stick instead?

>> No.20462832

Are you a colonizer? You sound like one.

>> No.20462844

lol wut?

....but back to /ck/, cooking rice or pasta with broth is a game changer. I save the liquid from canned peas and carrots to cook pasta too.

Hmmm...hot pocket with naan skin and curry filling?

>> No.20463083

um, what is happening?

>> No.20463096
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They’re really not very good at all.

>> No.20463363
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christ no one cares

>> No.20463493

I'm the kinda person who buys chicken tenders from Pizza Pizza and freeze it for a midnight snack, as long as there are no metals or e coli in it I will give it a try. I mean pizza pockets, once you tried real pizza, is a war crime against Italy, but it's convenient!

>> No.20463524

Now that I think about it, I prefer Japanese, Korean curry over Indian curry, because in Indian curry the curry spices are so strong, I can't tell what kind of meat I'm eating. I do like green chutney though. Korean curry pork cutlets is best.

>> No.20463548

imagine the smell

>> No.20463566

The weight of the shit feeds the eel.

>> No.20463631

I was eating when I read that :(

>> No.20463704

i can see indians doing something that stupid and time consuming

>> No.20463781

wrong. they eat basmati and its not sticky in the fucking slightest

>> No.20464046

gloves are actually more unhygienic. basically it makes people think their hands are now immune to germs so theyre more likely to do dirty things (such as change the bin bags in a bin) and go back to handling food
also people with gloves on almost never, ever wash their hands, opposed to gloveless people who sometimes do

>> No.20464174

I recommend everyone watch this wonderfully racist documentary about India. You will not believe your eyes.


>> No.20465023

I didn't want to believe the fake egg stories from China at first, surely it's not worth it? But there are places where labour is cheaper than dirt, and the economy of scale scamming means their cost of tools to scam is is probably less. I didn't want to believe it of India, even after I read about how some poor school kids died of pesticide in rice, I reasoned, well surely that was an ignorant local farmer, and continued to buy basmati rice and ghee from India, now I won't. The immense advantage India had over China is free press, from the behavior of the expats I won't say this is the sole reason why there are worse stories about India then China out there, but there are good Indians who report on all the mess in India because the first step to fixing the problem is identifying it, yet instead of fixing the problem Modi has been increasingly silencing the press, and shutting down the internet. This might be why there's been such an increase flood of young Indians aboard the past several years, who are willing to cram 15 into a basement -- because hey, they still have the internet here. Poor people vote for Modi because he gives them gibs, enough to stay alive, and with western wells and vaccine programs, makes lots of children -- but there is no way out of the poverty and the many children they have make the poverty worse. The local police are inept, the victim of the bus gang rape and her boyfriend, who was also badly beaten, collapsed in front of the police who just stood there for a while instead of administering prompt first aid that might have saved her life. For those of us who remembered the 90s, maybe even the 80s, 70s, 60s, India used to have a wonderful reputation in the west, Hippies loved the idea of a "Spiritual Land' like India. They could have greatly improved their economy with tourism as Thailand did if only they'll clean up.

>> No.20465900

I thought drinking cow piss was just some crazy people, but their MSM is advocating it, wtf.

>> No.20465936

ok pajeet

>> No.20465961

Remember that show fight quest? Jimmy Smith was explaining to the producers when you go practice martial arts somewhere the culture is you do whatever the master says, so he's not going to be able to refuse anything he's told to do. So if there's a situation that's unsafe the producers need to be the one to step in and say he's not allowed to do that activity.

When they were filming in India the master came with a big pot of rice and all the Indians were reaching in with their hands and eating right out of it, and they told him to eat some and he had no choice because he's a guest there

He said afterwards he was furious and yelled at the producer that's exactly the kind of shit you're supposed to not let me do!

>> No.20465978

LIKE EW, that didn't sound like a situation where the people reaching in with their hands would have properly washed it first.

I actually do lick my plates at home and enjoy eating with my hands the stuff that makes sense to eat with my hands, like chicken wings and pork ribs, but there are just so many setting where that's inappropriate. I remember at school we actually talked about ettiquette in class, like job interview dinner or date dinner, don't order stuff that's difficult to eat without hands or would splatter. I'm just so shocked with all the stuff I'm learning about India this year because the Indians i grew up with around Y2K was not like this at all. The guy I knew from Drama class was fashion plate popular with girls and never stared at them in a creepy way, wtf happened?

>> No.20465983
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>> No.20465995


As the great visionary Silvio Berlusconi said about immigration (paraphrasing here): "they all have to go back, except the beautiful women. They can stay."

>> No.20466051
File: 124 KB, 500x500, VH Coconut Red Curry Simmering Sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody remember VH Coconut Red Curry Simmering Sauce? I used to be able to get these at all the supermarkets that sells VH sauce, Sobeys, Metro, Loblaws, No Frills -- but they seem to have disappeared from Canadian shelves over the covid lockdown -- this sauce was delicious with white rice, I kept it on hand for when I was too lazy to cook. The other thing that disappeared during covid lockdown was Newman's Own Corn and Black Beans Salsa -- that was a whole meal wit El Paso Soft Tortillas, these were shelf-stable food that I kept on hand for when the electricity gets knocked out by a storm. For a while, VH's Butter Chicken sauce disappeared too but now it's back.

>> No.20466086

Yea I'm about to eat some fries here
>dips my hand in ketchup

>> No.20466261

...yeah, if I was eating that with no tools, I would break apart the bread and dip that in the soup, it's like they went out of their way to find the most time consuming and messy way to do it. Really craving ketchup chips right now, but I can't find any chips that wasn't fried in canola oil.

>> No.20466267
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zulu are like an ARM chip, low IQ but somehow very efficient use of it, less stupid than other nigger, understand cause and effect. despite that, worse iq than bantu and most nogs. living proof of the bell curve dilemma.

>> No.20466269

misunderstanding, india doesnt pasturize milk

>> No.20466273


>> No.20466277

fuck off ranjeesh this is a white mans board

>> No.20466278

>tfw the last thing you do on earth is punch your gf in the vagene

>> No.20466280

>"what bait thread should I make on /k/ today?"

>> No.20466304

There are different types of smarts, east asians in general are smarter than whites when it comes to taking things apart, while whites are creative so they invented more stuff. The smart blacks tend to be the intuitive type of smart, the if its good i do it. I really think if The Walking Dead zombies situation ever happen, most of the survivors would be black. There was a youtube prankster who went around filming himself surprising people, jumping up RIGHT IN THEIR FACE -- the black guy reflectively punched him.

>> No.20466402

I was traveling through South/ South Eastern Asia last year and out of all the countries I visited Indian restaurants and street food stalls looked the most disgusting by a landslide.
I didn't see anyone eat curry and rice with their hands, but I saw quite a few guys stirring pots with their appendages and just generally vile behavior like a dude compacting waste in a bin with their hands and then going right back to touching the food they were about to sell and licking his own fingers to taste test.
The plan was to try a whole bunch of local cuisine and just in general come out with as little "modern western convenience" as possible, but I just couldn't. The majority of my Indian meals were ready made meals and quick stuff that I prepared myself.

Also FYI Indonesia had the best food, definitely recommend visiting some time.

>> No.20466425

>Indonesia had the best food,
What did you eat? Better than Vietnam and Thailand?

>> No.20466450

I think my favorite street food was this sort of fermented tofu that was breaded, fried, and then served in a kind of sugary soup with tons of onions and chillis. I have no idea how it was called, but it was amazing. I was on a backpacking moped trip through the region and went back 15km just to get it again the next day.

>> No.20466459

Hn, I wonder Where In Toronto I could find Indonesia food, I wouldn't even know where Little Indonesia is. I know several Thai places, they tend to be near the sushi places because hippies like them, though mostly I'm a pleb that just like Mama's Shrimp Noodle. For Vietnamese, where I am, so many god Vienamese places, from pho with noodles and beef strips, bean sprouts and fresh thai basil, to their dried noodles with springrolls, sausages and vinegar. South Indian places around Finch and Warden. I actually prefer Korean and Japanese Curry to Indian Curry which tasted overcooked, but I like the green breakfast thing whose name I suddenly forgot, eaten with this doughy white thing. For fermented tofu I've eaten the Taiwan version

>> No.20466464
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tahu gejrot?

>> No.20466838
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They say you can't really judge cultural differences because Theres no tangible objective way to do so without relying subconsciously on your own culture as a reference, but this is just objectively disgusting behavior.

>> No.20466927

And who says India isn't #1 at anything?

>> No.20466963

It must be some culture thing. My indian grocery's bagger dips his hand in a tiny cup of what looks like soup between each customer

>> No.20466983

>do Hindoos really eat with their hands like that?
I think it's more of a regional or lower caste thing but it's definitely not a meme. Plenty of people say the food tastes better when you eat it with your hands and I can agree with that somewhat but yes it'll get messy. I wasn't raised asian but I think chopsticks are superior to a fork, eating food is more enjoyable.

>> No.20467117
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Actual subhuman behavior.
How can you look at these animals and compare them to a cultured white person who can use 14 different types of forks, spoons and knives and come to the conclusion that they're "one race, the human race"?

>> No.20467134

NTA but even indians that come to the west take their bullshit diet with them and end up having high blood pressure at like 30, I once worked with a pajeet girl who was diagnosed pre-diabetic at just 28 man

>> No.20467162

this is evaporating my racism towards blacks

>> No.20467310

I'm asian and I prefer spoon to chopsticks, easier to eat in front of computer.

The low carbs carnivore diet is healthier than being vegan, Indians eat too much grains, and I suspect that to reduce cost, a lot of their naan is now fried in vegetable oil instead of ghee. Canola have historically been used for animal feed only in moderation because it weakens heart muscles.

>> No.20467778

I didnt ask

>> No.20468545

I think I've seen something like this as at a Hong Kong Chinese restaurant, there is some migration between Hong Kong and Indonesia, specifically the Hakka Chinese.

>> No.20468687

>south Indians eat primarily rice with their hands and use banana leaves as plates
>are pretty civilized, polite and mostly study STEM

>North Indians eat primarily wheat, corn and various millets and use large metal dishes as plates and eat with hands but also use spoons for more liquid items
>are dumb, less literate, short tempered and usually subsist off their agricultural income or as rich landlords

>> No.20468701

I’ll take the rat soup
At least it’s not stirred with bare hands and its not poop or poop covered in maggots

>> No.20468711

No, no you wont. Eating rats like that carries a huge risk of getting prion disease, which is one of the worst ways to die.

>> No.20468721

>might get brain rot in 50 years
>eat poop right now
yeah I’m sticking with the rat soup but thank you

>> No.20468767

The cold of the ground cools the food.

>> No.20468806

They’re in par with Turks as the most disgusting, dishonest and generally deplorable country in the world. Indians are honestly the only people I actively won’t hire. I’ll waste their time forever, but they make Jews seem palatable.

>> No.20468821

>People posting videos of Belt and Road funded Africans mocking Indian food
Every time

>> No.20468835

This is 4chan, we mock everyone here. I'm in Canada and we have a flood of new jeets with questionable hygenie, I won't eat food handled by them, HOWEVER, I knew Indians who have been here for decades and since their restaurant haven't killed me yet, I'll keep going. On another note, I trust American made vitamins more than Canadian ones, or American brand, because Canada doesn't regulate ours as well.

>> No.20469085

go back poo nigger

>> No.20469087

brian Griffin in early season eat stewie diaper poop because he think it to be indian foodd. yet many sessions later when they've stuck in the bank vault he once again eats stewie poopy diaper drippings

>> No.20469309
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you guys are all the same.
>Eating rats like that carries a huge risk of getting prion disease

>> No.20469317

You really failed to catch the gist of that post.

>> No.20469401
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Take part in the "Indian Pin Drop Challenge" which is where you zoom out on Google Maps to see all of India and then drop the Street View on a random spot to see how shitty it is there. First try I get pic related with an advertisement for an immigration service specializing in moving Indians to Canada. After I post this, other anons report seeing similar ads on their random street views all over India. A billion street shitters all wanting to move to Canada. It's going to be quite the life in the years ahead.

>> No.20469402

For me, the risk in eating rats from who knows where is that the rats could have been poisoned, and it looks like the entire rat was thrown into the pot whole instead of having guts taken out and cleaned. Mountain rat is actually a delicacy in some parts of China, but it clearly doesn't look like the street rats India have hear, and it's been gutted and cleaned USUALLY. Since social media there are sick fucks who make vids where they cook animals alive -- that's cruel and unhygenic because the distressed animal will poop!

>> No.20469409
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I like the version where you choose random locations in India until you hit somewhere that doesn't have trash or feces visible
(in mandarin) suffering adds flavor.

>> No.20470431
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>> No.20470955

For humane reasons, he should immediately be shipped back to the home of his culture.

>> No.20471008


>importing more Indians to Canada

Please don't

>> No.20471106

We need to ask Iceland bros if we can borrow their volcano.

>> No.20471435

Who gave you permission to film inside the UofT dorm?

>> No.20471651

...OMG has it gotten this bad? I know they got Seneca.

>> No.20472167

>>coming of age ritual is to kill a poacher by hand
We need to spread the rumours that magically, powdered poacher is the real thing that would make peepee stay hard.

>> No.20472571
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i understand that a spoon and fork are too complex for an indian to invent, but why not use two sticks like in japan?

>> No.20472600

Why cant Americans hold a knife and fork in the correct hands? Why do they chop stuff up with a fork with their right hand?

>> No.20472819

this webm really disturb the hell out of me once i understood that these aren't worms that was born like that but stick insects that have had their limbs torn off, and then they were probably fried alive, they probably can't feel pain...like we do, but it's so callous.

>> No.20472844

Who does that? Maybe southpaws but everyone I know cuts with the right hand, then puts the knife down and forks with the right. If it's a steak they might just fork with the left.