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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20457027 No.20457027 [Reply] [Original]

I finally discovered the secret to cooking tasty meat, and I’m ashamed

>> No.20457029


>> No.20457035

The tastiest meat is raw with a bit of salt and vinegar. OP took too long to figure out that cooking is a meme, and feels ashamed.

>> No.20457037

No, that’s not it. Good guess though.

For your sake, I can’t tell you.

>> No.20457150

did you read Albert Fish's cookbook?

>> No.20457159
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what did you do anon

>> No.20457284

>as sweet as a nut
Reminds me of that tragedy.

>> No.20457290

please just report these retarded frog posts

>> No.20457297

what's the report tho

>> No.20457499

I had to dig through blood and bone to try to find the remains of my son

>> No.20457526

>I had to dig through blood and bone to try to find the remains of my son
Ding ding ding, that's the secret to great tasting meat

>> No.20457555

Proper seasoning
Proper cooking surface/fuel
Proper temperature
Proper time

No substitutions. Of course there are more variables that effect the end product (ingredient quality, etc.) but the big 4 are what really count.

>> No.20457584

>I’m ashamed
you should be, frogposters are true cancer

>> No.20457768

Lol no. That’s all the stuff that I used to think was the secret to a good meat. I will admit that they definitely play a part, but they aren’t the big hitter that makes all the difference.

>> No.20457785

OP here. Since I’m not going to live much longer, I’ve decided to reveal the secret to good meat. The secret is baste. You have to baste the meat with half a stick of butter half way through cooking it. There’s no such thing as tasty meat. It’s all butter. Butter makes for juicy, succulent meat. I’m ashamed because it’s incredibly unhealthy, and I’ve refused to use butter in my cooking for so long, thinking it wouldn’t make that much of a difference, but I was wrong. Try it next time if you believe me. Doesn’t even have to be for a steak. Use it on some chicken or something.

>> No.20457788


>> No.20458101

People are a little too paranoid about fat in cooking considering how much flavor it adds. I mean if you add a whole tablespoon of butter to a steak, thats only 100 calories. You can burn that off with like 15 minutes of exercise.

>> No.20458268

Here's my report BITCH: frogposts are based.

>> No.20458964

All this build up to tell us you finally discovered fat is important in cooking? Salt, acid, fat and heat are widely regarded as the keys to good cooking. Have you been dry searing all of your meat up until now or something?
Wake me up when you discover lard, or browned butter. Different fats impart different flavours, experiment with them.

>> No.20458986

I like to poach chicken breast in chicken broth (simmer and then cover for 15mins). nek time I'll throw haffa stikka butta in and see what transpires

>> No.20460648

tell us, fag

>> No.20460656

There is no secret, faggot, only knowledge and skills.
Be ashamed posting crap.

>> No.20460843

You might live longer if you stop drowning your meat in butter