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20450754 No.20450754 [Reply] [Original]

It’s Greek night.

>> No.20450757
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Pay debts. Also, make your own hummus lazybones

>> No.20450766

>turkish food but without the flavourful spices and heat
no thanks malaka

>> No.20450772

oh you mean the Turks stole Greek food and added some Oriental spices?

>> No.20450791

Other way around. Otherwise, Turks would be using Greek words for things rather than Greeks using Turkish and Arabic words.
Ntolmas is from Turkish.
Hummus is from Arabic.
Saganaki is also from Arabic.
Even moussaka is from Arabic.
Tzatziki is from Persian.
How many Turkish food words have Greek origins, I wonder? I've no idea since I don't speak Turkish (I do speak Greek, tho) but I'd be surprised if there were many

>> No.20450794

if that's what the ottomans did when they conquered greece then they were absolutely based

>> No.20450800

>(I do speak Greek, tho)
Are you greek? Why do Greek people hate spicy food?

source: going to greece, eating cuisine, and speaking to greeks

>> No.20450987

Spices and seasnins are for colored people

>> No.20451097

Wrong. The turks ruled Greece for 400 years. Of course they imposed their language on their captive population. All of those dishes are Greek in origin. How many of the ingredients for those dishes are native to the desert wastelands the Arabs came from?

>> No.20451177

Turks do use Greek words for things sometimes.

fasulye (bean), from Greek
biber (pepper), from Greek
domates, came from Greek although originally a native american word
Turkish word for oven (fırın) comes from Greek, as in the dish fırında makarna, which is also Greek

Cultural exchange is never one way although yes I know you're right as well that many many Greek foods are Turkish in origin or go by Turkish names.

>> No.20451289

>no dolma ;_;
Still looks tasty, I hope you enjoyed it.

Aren’t the real Turks originally from the Mongolia area? I don’t see hummus coming from them.

>> No.20451750

>Are you greek?
Sort of. Greek minority of a different country. We speak an antiquated dialect of Greek interspersed with romance vocabulary. For example, we say fenestra for window instead of parathyro. And we pronounce phi in some words the old way (soft P sound) rather than the modern way (an F). If a syllable starts with phi, it's an F but if it's at the end of a syllable, it's a soft P. Standard Greek has completely lost this distinction as well as most to all of its soft sounds.
We also retain tonality to some degree in the form of pitch accent, something standard Greek has mostly abandoned.
>How many of the ingredients for those dishes are native to the desert wastelands the Arabs came from?
Quite literally all of them. If Arab lands were nothing but desert, there would have been no wine, fruit, farming etc mentioned in the Bible.
Kinda funny you pick bean specifically. Our word for bean is the old Greek word, fasylos. Fasulye is an arabised/turkic corruption of that and entered koine Greek with the conquests, supplanting the old word. We were never conquered by Turks so we retain the old form.
>Aren’t the real Turks originally from the Mongolia area?
Eurasian steppes. Not quite Mongolia.
>I don’t see hummus coming from them.
Hummus is just the Arabic word for chickpea. The dish originated in the Levant, which was under Ottoman control for a good long while, and is called hummus bil tahina in levantine Arabic. It entered Turkish from there, getting simplified to just hummus and entered Greek thereafter.

>> No.20451764

You can use the leftovers tomorrow for Roman night.

>> No.20451784

all ya need is a giant fucking thing of lemon potatoes

>> No.20451787

are you perhaps aromanian?

>> No.20451825

Weird, last event I went to, all I could taste in your boil was SALT
You can tell when someone is cooking from anger instead of heart

>> No.20451855

do greeks even have food of their own? all their food literally derived from the turks lmao

>> No.20451860

Anon turkey isn't a desert wasteland.

Authentic Greek food was most likely exactly like all Mediterranean food before 1492. Beans, fennel, eggplants, zucchinis of sorts, pork, lamb, goat, seafood and spices from Eurasia.

>> No.20452433

>zucchinis of sorts
I don't know the standard Greek word for it but we call old zucchine kukkuzza. We basically never eat it anymore but some people make it into candy. You slice it thin, cook it in sugar syrup or something, often flavoured with lemon and mint (because of course it is).
It's pretty good but sounds weird to foreigners. The idea of candied courgettes turns people off.
Almost literally the opposite. Aromanians are people who speak a romance language and live in Greece. We speak a Greek language and live in a romance country.

>> No.20453648

greek food is just worse sour Italian food

>> No.20453679

The mid east is a desert wasteland though which is why they spread far and wide and conquered everything they could including Turkey.

>> No.20453725

>too lazy to wash up
>declare that it’s Greek night
>smash all the plates after dinner

>> No.20453830

>don't wash anything ever
>declare it's Turkish night
>rape white women and children after dinner

>> No.20453832

Is the feeling right?

>> No.20455204

>It’s Greek night
You toppin'? Use lube.

>> No.20455244

Are you an Italiot?

>> No.20455254

>imagine being Greek and saying that arabs and turk roaches are responsible for your culture and foods
You are Turkish not Greek, race traitor.

>> No.20455288

He can't be a traitor to the Greek race unless he's Greek, dumbcunt. Good job contradicting your own point in the very sentence you thought would stress it. Truly, you're the queen of the retards.

>> No.20455299

>esl struggles with reading comprehension
Sad, many such cases.

>> No.20455303
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If you were Greek you'd know that "pitta" (bread) is the origin of the word pizza. You'd also know pizza/pitta was an export product to all Greek colonies in Spain, Southern France, Southern Italy, Turkey, Libya, Egypt, as well as along the coasts of the entire Black Sea.

>> No.20455356

>further retardation
Go for the hattrick, mongoloid.

>> No.20455599

>calls others a mongoloid when not using real words

>> No.20455738


>> No.20455799

>esl still struggling with reading comprehension
It's perfectly clear and understandable, maybe you should work on your reading abilities.

>> No.20455825

Madam, this is a Wendy's.

>> No.20455997

Its ma'am!!