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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20450507 No.20450507 [Reply] [Original]

Who does it best?

>> No.20450510

India > Malaysia > Thailand >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Japan

>> No.20450514


>> No.20450519

The Hindoos.

>> No.20450520

Your sister, the nasty cheap whore.

>who does it second best?
Your mother, the washed up natural old stinky whore

>> No.20450531

The bloody benchods. They do be making good curry but people don't be thinking it is but it do.

>> No.20450536

thai and it's not even close
jap curry is gross slop
indian is decent

>> No.20450539

Indian curry with rice.

>> No.20450540
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Indonesian but you have to do it yourself unless close to an Indonesian consulate or embassy and can call them and ask for their recommendation otherwise these spice packets are well respectable.

>> No.20450546

Japanese curry, at least the gookslop you make from those Golden Curry packets, is absolutely disgusting compared to a real curry. It's curry with all the flavour taken out; something a hospital would serve to your dying grandmother. Japanese curry is so bad that it would cure a weeb with functioning taste buds of his japanophilia.

>> No.20450547

How did Indonesia get colonized by musselmen? It's very odd and makes no sense.

>> No.20450548

OP didn't ask for the worst, OP asked for the best.

>> No.20450550

Honestly, I love them all. I make jap and indian curry pretty regularly at home but I've been learning thai recently and it's also nice.

>> No.20450560

norf india

>> No.20450564

Can someone detail the differences in OPs three curry dishes? What makes them all curries and then why are they so wildly different?

>> No.20450568
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I'm a fan of french curries meself.

>> No.20450577

their curry is just chopped up conch with lime.

>> No.20450578

Usually uses spice powders, has larger cut vegetables and meat served over a bed of rice. Usually thicker.
Made usually with dry spices, will be served with rice or bread. The OG.
Paste made from various ingredients, usually a base of chili. Comes in three colors.
All are curry due to either being the original or based on it with a similar idea of production.

>> No.20450585

curry is just a usually more viscous soup, often with assorted spices. Japs thicken theirs with a roux, all use different spices, and Indian curries are more diverse since it originates there and India is big and old af.

>> No.20450606

wish I could learn to make this photogenic gravy instead of the slop I manage to

>> No.20450622

So can anything be a curry then? Is all Ethiopian soupy food curry? Is Mexican mole curry? There's gotta be a unifying factor that defines OPs three culturally distinct curries as curry.

>> No.20450636

I prefer the curry I make myself: lentils, broccoli, cauliflower, mushroom, sweet potato, squash, peas, and carrots.

Way more nutritious than that fucking generic ethnic garbage.

>> No.20450660

curry is a thick soup that has lots of spices in it

>> No.20450662

curry is just the hindi word for stew. to an indian dude irish stew, carbonnade flamande, chilli con carne etc are all curries and wypipo can call curry indian stew

the unifying factor in what wypipo call curries is the use of spices and ingredients that you would commonly find in an indian curry (e.g. the ground coriander, cumin, turmeric, ginger, cloves, chilli powder that you would normally find in curry powder)

>> No.20450768

The Thais and Japanese and Indonesians and Caribbean people etc. who have dishes they call curry aren't wypipo. What unifies all those very distinct versions of curry? They don't use the same mixtures of spices or cooking techniques for their different curries.

>> No.20450777

I like all curries, but there is a time and place for each.

>> No.20450784

>The Thais and Japanese and Indonesians and Caribbean people etc. who have dishes they call curry aren't wypipo.
Indians have been fucking around in Indonesia for many centures, clue's in the name. Japan and Caribbean countries got curry and the necessary spices to cook it from the Brits, who obviously got it from India.

>They don't use the same mixtures of spices or cooking techniques for their different curries.
broadly speaking the basic spice mixture is very similar

>> No.20450793

skim the foam off the top while simmering

>> No.20450835

Massaman Curry is the pinnacle of curry.

>> No.20450899
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alright pajeet you can stop your whining. no one wants to eat your "authentic" curry

>> No.20450918
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>> No.20450925
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Massaman is good, but it's just an approximation of the original.
The King of all curries.

>> No.20450932
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t. ken-sama

>> No.20450942

>Caribbean countries got curry and the necessary spices to cook it from the Brits, who obviously got it from India
You're right about Japan but curry actually came to the Caribbean directly from India. The Brits replaced the African slaves in their Caribbean sugar plantations with Indian indentured servants after the abolition of slavery, so there's still a pretty significant Indian population in many ex-British colonies in the Caribbean.

>> No.20450972

if the indians were british servants then it wasn't quite directly from india innit

>> No.20451120

thai is best
indian is second and its close
japanese is worst

>> No.20451125

Ok smart guy, then what is the basic spice mixture for this universal multinational Jap/jeet/coconut nig/SEAmonkey curry that you're talking about?

>> No.20451209

apples aint got no business in a curry let alone a meat dish to begin wtih
jap curry is a joke

>> No.20451251

japan clears all of them its not even close

jamaica #1 though

>> No.20451252

tried thai curry (panang iirc) recently and i have to say its better than indian imo
thai > indian > japan

>> No.20451268

already answered that

>> No.20451313

I'd go with Thai. Indian is good but it's so heavy.

>> No.20451329

I'd eat all of it, to be honest.

>> No.20451353

For me. Japanese curry is more a comfort food, and Indian curry is more a cuisine.
I've never had Thai curry.

>> No.20451511


japanese curry actually sucks. golden curry is super bad. why do you guys like this? i like all curry besides japanese curry.

>> No.20451558

I have only had jap curry as jap curry cubes are widely available. Anon-sama, please tell me how to make thai or indo curry easily at home.

>> No.20451659

>I've never had Thai curry.
You're missing out.

>> No.20451780

ive seen this brand many times at my local asian grocery store but usually buy asian home gourmet pastes. is bamboe good?

>> No.20451810

Japanese curry is just bad beef stew and I am tired of pretending otherwise.

>> No.20452334

Reminder Japanese curry is literally british naval slop.

>> No.20452341

Indians living in the UK who are forced to abide by stringent health and safety regulations, no question.

>> No.20452364

i've really liked thai curry the few times i've bad it desu
I like jao curry but only because of the pork cutlet it comes with, it's basically like getting a shitty cheap jaegerschnitzel with rice and no mushrooms

>> No.20452495

Curry is baby food.

>> No.20452498

India > SE asia > Japan

sorry, weebs, jap curry is shit

>> No.20452560

curry is just bad stew

>> No.20452749

SEAmonkey curry isn't even curry

>> No.20452797

I have to say India.
I mean everything about pajeets is just fucked but if their food is actually clean it's amazingly good IMO.

>> No.20452820

Unironically British Curry.
It even inspired Japanese Curry.

>> No.20452824

I think it's because of the fresh parsley and it doesn't look gloopy.

>> No.20452825

Thai is the worst for sure.

>> No.20453022
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nta but pick this brand up in your local asian grocery story. you just need coconut milk, fish/soy sauce, broth, and your vegetables and protein

the most crucial thing is to get maesri paste, no other brand matches it. if u go to a thai restaurant they will likely be using it anyway

>> No.20453038


>> No.20453073
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>> No.20453092

I make indian curry but serve it japanese style (bite-sized meat and veggies, served over basmati rice).

>> No.20453154
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The creole one

>> No.20453177

WHICH Creole? "Creole" just means peasant-tier mixed culture. We talking Louisiana Creole? Indo-chinese Creole? Antillean Creole?

>> No.20453190

Objectively Thai, but I like Japanese curry the most because I have Angle tastes.

>> No.20453230

You're telling me that every curry around the world uses the same spices? Then why do they taste so different and why is there even a need to distinguish between a Japanese curry and a Thai curry?

>> No.20453239

English curry

>> No.20453848

Love me some Thai curry. Evil jungle prince is my favorite. Love me some Indian curries too. And Japanese curries. All kinds of curry are very good, I don’t know why we need to fight about it. I do think Thai has the most variety of any of them though

>> No.20453855

Honestly, pakis do it best.

>> No.20453859

Louisiana "creole" is city slicker food. Cajun is the peasant food (and better anyway).

>> No.20453861

>bite-sized meat and veggies, served over basmati rice
This is specifically Japanese style? I’ve only had food at Indian restaurants cut like this so that’s how I cook it. So authentic Indian cooks do it like the rural Chinese, just chopping up chunks of animal bones included and throwing them in a pot?

>> No.20453891

I don't know. According to some posters ITT all curry is essentially the same. Your geographic distinctions mean nothing because all curries worldwide use the same spices or something you stupid chud. Enjoy prison.

>> No.20453932

I'm the second responder (the first guy beat me by like 5 seconds). The other guys' responses are a lot better than what I would've said, and I definitely learned something from their answers, and I know the other guy indeed already gave an answer.

You seem like an asshole, and a little dumb. I could answer the last question since I make them all the time, but you don't seem like you deserve an answer, especially from the other guys who were talking to you.

>> No.20453942
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I know my choice.

>> No.20453952

It's the same as thai's putting sugar in theirs. Just a sugar source. You can use honey instead of apple too

>> No.20454022

Only westerners make foolish comparison like this.
Each is its own class.
However, Bharat curry in fact has a million of different varieties, each of them is a completely different stuff from each other.

>> No.20454038

mole absolutely is mexican curry

>> No.20454067

Two paragraphs and you can't even provide a basic explanation of what makes a Thai curry different from a Japanese curry.
>I could answer the last question since I make them all the time
Do you? Do you use the same curry spice mix for both?

>> No.20454075

Thai. All the other ones are just diarrhea

>> No.20454209

Speaking of curries, I was at the weed store the other day and get asked by the cute girl at the counter what my plans were that night. I say “nothing” as usual since I assume that the only reason a woman would talk to me was to feign interest and make small talk while I was checking out. But she instead presses me, and I finally say I’m making Thai curry. She perks up and grills me on how I make my Thai curries since it’s the only thing she gets for takeout and can’t cook herself. This lasted a solid 5min while there were people queuing up in line behind me. As I leave, she asks me my name and I asked her hers, said nice to meet you and left. Did I have my ‘tism blinders on? Or was she just angling for a tip or something.

>> No.20454252

>hong kong/macau curry
>north vietnamese curry
>south vietnamese curry
Real curry anons will say it's like trying to pick your favorite child, but I seem to crave thai curry the least, though it may be just a result of the quality of the thai food around me.

>> No.20454267

I like all of them.
Why does everything here need to be some weird absolute hierarchy?

>> No.20454289
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>> No.20454300
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>> No.20454303
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>> No.20454371

England but nobody wants to admit it

>> No.20454402

Correct. So much of this retarded thinking, the kind that causes people to say the west "doesn't have a culture" and then go out and attempt to roll their Rs when they order "arroz con pollo" from a Mexican chain restaurant, is just due to the language we've chosen to use about these things. We could have just described Indian staple dishes as "stew" (like he have here, and everywhere) but we very strangely decided to refer to them by their main spice, so it sounds like some uniquely foreign miracle that we would have had no chance of discovering on our own.

>> No.20454410
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Japanese curry

>> No.20454414

>You're right about Japan but curry actually came to the Caribbean directly from India. The Brits replaced the African slaves in their Caribbean sugar plantations with Indian indentured servants after the abolition of slavery,
Look I'll give you one point for an interesting fun fact, it explains this Indian/Jamaican guy I met back in college, never really knew what his deal was. But I think you can see how this just comes off as "it's appropriation when wypipo countries in the western hemisphere (who have no culture and don't season they food) use indian ingredients, and a proud and interesting cuisine when a black majority country in the western hemisphere uses indian ingredients"
>but curry actually came to the Caribbean directly from India.
It came "directly" to Britain too. Both by virtue of shipping and by virtue of immigration, same as Jamaica. You know that the UK is filled with Indians, I'm sure.

>> No.20454419
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>> No.20454718

japanese or this >>20454371

>> No.20454760

Indian curry with naan. Otherwise, Thai curry.

Japanese curry isn't curry, it's gravy.

>> No.20454779
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The British. Any other questions?

>> No.20454795

>tosses lemon rinds into his salad

>> No.20454828

Genuinely what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you mentally handicapped?
Nobody is saying that all curries are the same, they have certain fundamental seasonings that are the same. The specifics are different but the basic elements of curry seasoning are present in different cuisines.
Please learn how to read.

>> No.20454835

>Japanese curry isn't curry, it's gravy.
It's funny that you say this because Indians actually call their curry sauce gravy.

>> No.20454948

gdamn that looks neat. whats in in?

>> No.20454965

I hate that this is normally served with egg noodles. It's so much better served with mashed potatoes.

>> No.20454967
File: 149 KB, 1500x1125, 236091-slow-cooker-3-bean-chili-ddfsm-4X3-5857-c41e63e5073a46959289e7b14d8f8d3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Texas curry (with beans)

>> No.20454973

Rice is gay. I eat it but it's gay. I think we all know that.

>> No.20454991

wow thats so awesome, im glad us based aryan warriors invented eating vegetables, indians couldnt even imagine eating lentils

>> No.20454996
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Bro you gotta go back and get a number please dont fuck this up

>> No.20455003

It’s good, but king of curries is quite a stretch. Just about any Indian curry utilizing lamb shits hard on it.

>> No.20455064

The Japanese

>> No.20455116

Definitive Curry Ranking, all other rankings are objectively gay.

1. French
2. English
3. Indian
4. Malaysian
5. Thai
6. Japanese

>> No.20455128

I meant as a direct comparison to OP's pic.

>> No.20455159

>egg noodles
is this an american thing? never heard of bourguignon with noodles being common

>> No.20455206

That's how my father prefers it. Me I like it without accompaniment personally. But it is good with mashed potatoes, but rarely that good with rice.

>> No.20455241


>> No.20456790

>isn't curry, it's gravy.
That's literally what curry is...

>> No.20456961

What are the "specifics" that differentiate the many dishes called curry and what are the "basic elements of curry seasoning"? You didn't answer anything other than saying all curry uses the same seasoning. If that's true then why do we need to specify which culture a curry comes from? There must be a major difference that makes a Japanese curry different from a Thai curry and a Thai cury different from an Indian curry and an Indian curry different from a British curry and so on or there would be no need to name curries by the race of people that makes them.

>> No.20456969

British curry, aka mild Indian curry with hygiene standards.

>> No.20457107

India is a continent, there's a thousand different "curries".
I've had more kind of curry than most Indians, because I travelled the whole of India which virtually no Indian person actually does.

Indian base sauce is on a whole nother level, ground nuts are used extensively, ground greens, smoked vegetables, it's pretty common to smoke the whole curry with ghee.

Aromatics you've never even heard of, 6 different types of fenugreek, 4 kinds of mustard, galangal, ginger, garlic, a wide range of bitter products.

Virtually every spice that exists on earth, the Indians use. Europe got pepper from SEA well so did India. Anything we have India also has. Indian spices are sold fresh ours languish for YEARS in transit and on dusty supermarket shelves.

>> No.20457518

Mole is a sauce not a curry or stew. Birria is closer to an equivalent

>> No.20457576

Indian (If prepared by non indians) > Thai > Malay
Japanese curry is literally stew with curry powder

>> No.20457678

I guess so. I wish it wasn't.

>> No.20459162

As nasty as pajeets are, they have the best food. Gives you diarrhea, but that's a sign of bomb food like Mexican one. If pajeets were only known for their food, they would have a way higher reputation.

>> No.20459200

>India is a continent
Since when?

>> No.20459352

dunno but Nippon curry shamefur

>> No.20459363
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Judging by tectonic plates, it always has been.

>> No.20459366
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For me, it's American curry

>> No.20459374

nta, lets say, subcontinent

>> No.20459747

In terms of flavor india does it best
In terms of how filling it is Japan does it best
In terms of being an abomination that should invoke a holocaust that would be all thai food.

>> No.20459852

Indian, followed by Malaysian, then Japanese and Thai.

>> No.20459875

that's called small talk anon. That aside, she probably wasn't expecting a lame answer anyway, but COOKING is ALWAYS a sure as hell way to peak a girls interest. you already fucked up by not poking her with a date and you can't justifiably go back to a weed store just to talk. you fucked up and now you learn.

>> No.20461340

youre wrong. the japs do it right. the rest is a recipe for giardia