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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20441337 No.20441337[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>wanted to surprise my Italian American family today
>decided to cook one of my favorite dishes Chicken Tikki Masala
>never cooked it so followed basic YouTube instructions
>95% of the way through I thought it was gonna be a disaster,but once the sauce thickened at the end it came out looking alright
>taste test and it came out just as good as Indian restaurant
>present it at dinner table with family
>I made my favorite dish it’s Indian food and delicious
>dad look of disgust
>dad keeps saying Indians use cow shit in food
>mom says she skeeves Indian food
>they keep saying they are dirty people
>they try a little and say it’s disgusting
>they cook pasta instead

Feels bad man

>> No.20441340

>>wanted to surprise my Italian American family today
>>decided to cook Chicken Tikki Masala

>> No.20441357


>> No.20441361

Nobody likes British food, retard.

>> No.20441363


>> No.20441373

>italians mocking their heritage
Kek if you’re family only knew

>> No.20441376

I'm sorry to hear that, Anon. Sounds very Irish, honestly.

>> No.20441377

I love tikki masala, but why would that be the first dish you cook to impress your wop family

>> No.20441504

my dago dad also hates Indian food in spite of liking literally every other cuisine. can't quite wrap my head around it.

>> No.20441522

I used to and still do kind of hate indian food in principle even though it's alright to good every time I try it. It's like if monkeys could cook and were good cooks, you'd still prboably not want to eat anything.
Not saying indians are monkeys but there is this weird uncanny valley about people driving toyotas wearing shirts but also shitting on their own doorstep

>> No.20441526

You are a self hating indian

>> No.20441550

your parents are assholes, you did nothing wrong,
my dad jokes about other cultures as well, but when I cook something exotic he always loves it

>> No.20441565

Yeah your fathers a big meanie, you worked very hard on it.

>> No.20441567

>mom says she skeeves Indian food
based, skeevosa

>> No.20441591

It's okay anon, there's no way my WASP family would eat Indian food either.

>> No.20441596

Sounds like an awful pasta dish you served up, you are a disappointment to your heritage.

>> No.20441697

He said surprise, not impress. It makes perfect sense as a choice if your goal is to surprise them.

>> No.20441707

Why are you such a god damn disappointment?

>> No.20441723

>dad keeps saying Indians use cow shit in food
If you didn't confront him, asking him why the fuck he's bringing up shit at the dinner table like a fucking disgusting ignoramus calling the kettle black, then that's where you missed up. Man up and tell your Dad he's a fucktard.

>> No.20441946

Damn, I bet your dad would have hecka respected you if he stuck around.

>> No.20441960

There is no reason at all not to. He said he chose it because it's his favourite dish.

>> No.20442197

so.... let me get this straight.

you didn't know your family doesn't like, or would refuse to try indian food?

>> No.20442323

>There is no reason at all not to
apparently there is

>> No.20442351

you should disown them they sound like pricks

>> No.20442369


It's okay anon. Not your fault. I don't think this is true, but if it was you tried to be nice and they are just dicks. You lost the ethnic lottery by being Italian-American, the worst of the Americuck'd euros

>> No.20442408

OP's story sounds made up. Nobody is that clueless about their family.
If you wanted to make a "dinner" that is weird, but one that most people will tolerate, you could've just made them cheese and ham omelets, with hash browns, bacon, and breakfast sausage on the side, with buttered toast.
Dunno why you would make Indian food for Italians, and I dunno why you would be surprised that they wouldn't like it. I mean, you probably could've picked up some Little Caesars and they would've been okay with that.

>> No.20442421

the downfall due to your hubris is well deserved.

>> No.20442432

These are always fake, you responded to it
Now I responded to it
I'm failing to learn a lesson in hopes that you learn it in my stead

>> No.20442462

>Chicken Tikki Masala
go back.

>> No.20442464

>just as good as Indian restaurant
how do you know?

>> No.20442466

OP's story would be a lot funnier if he was German and had made pork schnitzel for his Jewish parents.

>> No.20442467

>I'm failing to learn a lesson
the lesson you learned is that you must kill yourself; but are you brave enough to apply what you learned?

you are at a cross roads, anon. you can continue to live your life a coward, or with your epiphany you can experience an apotheosis and an hero

>> No.20442474

>you are at a cross roads, anon. you can continue to live your life a coward, or with your epiphany you can experience an apotheosis and an hero
That's based.
See, I can use words that I don't understand too.

>> No.20442479

thank you for noticing, I only put 3 seconds of thought into that response

>> No.20442483

I've taught you everything you know, but I haven't taught you everything I know

>> No.20442492
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No way of ever knowing , he was a good man but got run off by an angry feminist

>> No.20442511

>your parents are assholes, you did nothing wrong,
>my dad jokes about other cultures as well, but when I cook something exotic he always loves it
When did /ck/ become r/cooking?

>> No.20442517

God it's so painfully obvious when faggot tourists come here because they heard 4chan is the edgy place where the twisted psychos and hackers hang out.

>> No.20442529



Yep, sorry, I don't often give out YTAs but sometimes I just gotta put my foot down. This is one of those times.

I suggest apologizing to anon the first chance you get. Calling someone a tourist is heckin' rude and not what we want around here; we're trying to build a much more civilized environment than that.

>> No.20442532

>Italian American family
Stopped reading there. On par with “Irish” Americans

>> No.20442545

you don't know jack shit

>> No.20442547

If you're indian and say this I will end your life

>> No.20442598


>> No.20442664

never happened

>> No.20442733

What the fuck is this niggerbabble?
Why are ameripoors like this

>> No.20442748

You got what you deserved for betraying your proud Italian heritage for some street shitter diareah

>> No.20442770

Wrong board Anon.
Your greentext belongs to /pol/