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20440595 No.20440595 [Reply] [Original]

I sneeze when I eat dark chocolate.
Anyone else has any weird food quirks like this?

>> No.20440631

teeth hurt when i eat dried figs
you'd think it was the sugar content but i don't have that problem when eating sweeter stuff. or other dried fruit like prunes or apricots

>> No.20440634

I sneeze when my teeth hurt

>> No.20440653

When I eat nuts or seeds, I must make sure each nut is crushed before I swallow, to get the nutrients inside. Even sesame or poppy or mustard seeds.

>> No.20440664

Do you also activate your almonds?

>> No.20440683

My teeth hurt when I eat baklava. Like you, I don't think it's the sugar. It's something to do with the texture of the layered dough or something, I dunno. It sucks though.

>> No.20440710

what is this sketch called? i feel like i watched this long ago but i can't remember it. is that andy samberg? trying to find it on youtube but their search is dogshit and this doesn't look like a sketch that the official SNL channel would have

>> No.20440848

but i've tried sweeter things than dried figs and that's how i know it's not the sugar
you can't try anything sweeter than baklava because it's the sweetest thing there is

>> No.20440910

What is your vaccination history?

>> No.20441020

I get heart palpitations any time i eat ginger or drink ginger ale. ever since i was a child. its a shame because i love ginger

>> No.20441023

I used to get heart palpitations all the time. They really freaked me out. I started seeing a cardiologist who put me on a low dose beta blocker and poof, palpitations are gone.

>> No.20441274

Katrina really was a bitch.

>> No.20441277

as far as i know they are harmless, annoying if anything. ill deal with them if i really want some ginger because it is so damn good

>> No.20441287

I was vaxxed 4 times during covid.

>> No.20441451

I get explosive diarrhea after eating fastfood. I must be the only one with this food quirck

>> No.20441479

2 more weeks

>> No.20441516

Headache when eating a handful or so of peanuts.

>> No.20441518

Except for lollipops which are basically a hardened and flavoured sugar paste.

>> No.20441547

I have that issue with orange juice and some other things. I have histamine intolerance, but was also deficient in vitamin A. Taking a vitamin A supplement stopped the sneezing but I still get a little stuffy and runny.

>> No.20442843

>what is this sketch called?
cultural enrichment (and why it's good for you)

>> No.20443002

Whenever I drink something that's fizzy and cold I get a hiccup. Just one, while I'm drinking. It doesn't last. It also doesn't happen if it's just fizzy and not cold or if it's just cold and not fizzy. Only fizzy AND cold. I can avoid it if I drink slowly, but it pretty much happens every time
Dunno why
Always been like this
The only fizzy thing I usually drink is mineral water anyways and I already have an aversion to very cold water, so it happens rarely enough but it's still a bit annoying