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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 285 KB, 1239x850, F7F77043-6428-4DEA-AC08-3EAFBF82425C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20439093 No.20439093 [Reply] [Original]

What do you eat at the ren faire?

>> No.20439102

>here's your $75 undercooked turkey leg bro

>> No.20439112

I need a ren faire gf bros
>they dont look like that though theyre fat nerds!!!
I know

>> No.20439113

Renfaire/fest sucks now, there used to be some pretext of immersion, now it's fat girls with pink hair larping as whatever series they just watched on Netflix. OK sure there were fantasy RPG elements before, but there's a difference between classic LOTR style fantasy and your stupid anime or diversity porn.

>> No.20439119

This. Nerd shit was invaded by *them* and generally made lame.

>> No.20439122

They’re pre cooked from the factory then smoked for like 2 days retard

>> No.20439123

The one on the right, stage right, not photo right

>> No.20439125

i don't eat. there are so many fat people it makes me lose my appetite. like bitch i know your tits aren't that big you're just fat and had to lubricate your way into the corset. your tits are veiny and disgusting.

>> No.20439128

>muh factory
t. amerimutt

>> No.20439131

A lot of words to essentially call them fat sluts

>> No.20439132


>> No.20439138

honestly quite clever

>> No.20439144

Delicious concentrated cringe

>> No.20439150 [DELETED] 

Prostitutes in medieval times were actually quite modest compared to today's tattoo'd & pierced bodycount whores.

>> No.20439154

truly we live in the most wicked of times

>> No.20439156

what was it?

>> No.20439162
File: 98 KB, 711x507, farthingslot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Ye Olde Coinslotte.

>> No.20439164

I wouldn't ever go to one, but I do eat smoked turkey drums a few times a week because they cost $6-$8 for a pack of 2-3

>> No.20439167

indian jeet sex AI.

>> No.20439170

this is art

>> No.20439171

the modesty of whores from past ages

>> No.20439185


>> No.20439190


>> No.20439214

I've gotten turkey legs for free because I stayed around until vendors started packing up and they just started handing them out

>> No.20439226

Old nerdslop good. New nerdslop bad
I love them. I've been busting nuts thinking about a fat bitch who had her ass hanging out of her Santa elf costume since august

>> No.20439349

I suck the sweet, sweet nectar out of the girl on the left's pussy.

>> No.20439396

chinese people lol

>> No.20439501
File: 14 KB, 369x454, pete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I suck the sweet, sweet nectar out of the girl on the left's pussy

>> No.20439524

Based peteposter

>> No.20439580

The working man's wife

>> No.20440524

Is there ever any actual good food at these things? Or is it all gimmicks that you regret the second you buy them?

>> No.20440572

I usually show up and get a beer, then fill it up with my own alcohol from a flask for the day to keep drinking cheap. I also always have to get a turkey leg with extra bbq sauce or the pulled pork nachos
Untrue, ny ren faire is actually full of women like that. But they're there to cosplay for social media and get attention from fat nerds. I for one like to go and mame extended eye contact with women's cleavage and tip the beer maidens so they shake their tits

>> No.20440615
File: 2.09 MB, 5100x3300, texrenfestcom_173969325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it does get kinda old seeing people dressed as comic book characters and shit
i remember 10-15 years ago seeing some fat nerds dressed as homestuck at the ren fest
some of em, yeah
depends on the fair and how big it is
obviously everything is at least a bit overpriced, but what event/festival isn't

>> No.20440617

i'm assuming these are streamers from austin so they're most likely at the sherwood forest faire here in TX. you can camp out there and there are huge...and i mean huge orgies that happen.

>> No.20440620

My renfest only has Greek and Thai food it's so weird

>> No.20440652

How long has it been since you’ve seen another woman naked?

>> No.20440665

Was her ass hanging out since August or you've been busting nuts since August to a girl who shouldn't have been wearing an elf costume in August to begin with?

>> No.20440705

last time i went was 2015 and there were 5-10 full on fursuiters
i don't even want to know how bad it is nowadays

>> No.20440792

>Old nerdslop good. New nerdslop bad
Being a nerd is trendy, now. It has adulterated esoteric hobbies with people who are generally attention-seekers or bad actors with no interest in the thing going on, only in the social aspect of it.

>> No.20440806

Tabletop E-girl pussy.

>> No.20440828

Last time I went mine was 7 or 8 dollars

>> No.20440850

I hate these because as always attention seeking faggots ruin everything.
Faggots ruined it. Its a renaissance fair not a fucking cosplay convention. Now apparently to get proper accuracy you have to go to some retarded re-enactment battles or something like that which is not at all interesting. I just want to go to a faire where people are actually historically accurately dressed. Is that so much to ask for?

>> No.20440860

this man is based, he is your friend

>> No.20440882
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It's all so tiresome. Again (samefag), a certain fantasy element was always allowable, but not EVERYONE can be a purple-haired green-skinned wolf-headed Level 25 demoness mage in ill-fitting spandex with a 4ft long foam anime sword. Ya know, looking at millennials/zoomers, it's enough to wonder if the boomers were right about us along along.

>> No.20440885


>> No.20440888

>historically accurately dressed
It doesn't even have to be all that accurate, it can be "Generic Hollywood Peasant/Nobleman", just as long as it's not Nexflix Witcher, Harry Potter, weird Star Wars Jedi crossovers, or endless variations on Tumblr Slut In A Dress.

>> No.20440900
File: 83 KB, 1000x750, MV5BMjE3MDYyMzEwM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODMxOTc3MjE@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's not fun. This is how Renfest used to be:


>> No.20440929

Exposed freakshitter

>> No.20440933

Based Home Movies appreciator.

>> No.20440954

Yes. You are a subhuman and should be instantly banned.

>> No.20440962

I usually just fast really hard, see if I can be hallucinating so when I see the weird ventriloquist act it feels more real.

>> No.20441031

>But they're there to cosplay for social media and get attention from fat nerds
thats what I'm saying, I want the ones who would be my gf

>> No.20441035

based texas fren

>> No.20441058

Stfu beta me and just worship my ass you have nothing better to do with your pathetic life anyway

>> No.20441220

Stasia and Fandy! I'd recognize those beauties anywhere

>> No.20441238

nerds seething over their hobbies becoming more popular will never not be funny

>> No.20441538

The fact that you denigrate people who like things as "nerds" is why you're unwelcome. Why would people want you in a space when you openly hate them? All I can say is, I hope it happens to you

>> No.20441545

I like to sexually harass the pretty girls by pretending to be an orc

>> No.20441607

Frankly I imagine her ass hangs out at every opportunity she can contrive for it, but I meant I've been busting since august

>> No.20441625

I'm goin' down,

>> No.20441628

Not all some are normal sized but still nerdy and plain jane-mid never really encountered a stacey

>> No.20441636

I saw homestuck cosplayers at them years ago

>> No.20441647

The one in Maryland has good oysters and crab cakes, I usually go for those, the turkey leg is too greasy. Steak on a stick is bretty gud too.

>> No.20441693

I don't mind when it's thematically justifiable, like I think it'd be fun to get a Stargate SG team group together and anybody who's ever seen the show would get why it makes sense, but people just using it as a place to wear random cosplay definitely bugs me too.

>> No.20441695

i hope you get shot

>> No.20441698

i unironically pity you and thank god i’m not you

>> No.20441729

Man I would not trust the fucking shellfish at that location. In high school I had some friends who worked there and they said that shit was basically rotten by noon. It's also incredibly overpriced...I can't imagine how pissed I would be if I got poisoned by some overpriced renfest oysters mishandled by fucking carnies. Then again, I'm not dumb enough to order them.
That being said, I have to say that the turkey leg is vastly overrated. They are usually overcooked, tough, and wayyyy too salty. The 'meats on sticks' are actually pretty solid--steak or pork.

>> No.20441758

Have sex

>> No.20441767

I got drunk at the renn faire with a guy I just met that did a perfect cosplay of Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow. 10/10 memory.

>> No.20441777
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>OK sure there were fantasy RPG elements before, but there's a difference between classic LOTR style fantasy and your stupid anime or diversity porn.

>> No.20441786

Came here for pics of fat white girls

>> No.20441793

>dress as the king
>declare a hunt

>> No.20441801

And yet there are none. Sad but true.

>> No.20441804

get shot faggot loser

>> No.20441816
File: 27 KB, 640x356, latchet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By what? A crossbow?

>> No.20441825

A pickle.

>> No.20441834
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>> No.20441842

Good choice, anon.

>> No.20441867


>Ameripures have superior infrastructure

we know you third world mutt

>> No.20442111

I hate how the turkey leg always looks delicious in photos but when you get it at the faire it tastes like shit.

>> No.20442420

Once at the rennfaire I had a bread pocket with a chicken veg and cheese filling? Does anyone know what it is or had it before? I've only seen this food at the rennfaire

>> No.20442428

>push-up bra and Norwood 5
Wife material, surely.

>> No.20442429

same with cosplaying, I went to dreamhack Melbourne the other day and it was full of neon-hair fat bitches. Not a single good looking girl there, man.
I feel sad saying this, but it ain't the 2000s anymore. The good days are over.

>> No.20442431

are you high? it was always uggos

>> No.20442439

There used to be some really cute chicks at conventions man

>> No.20442447

The bar was low, but it was hilarious to see dudes with 2-pixel 1998 cameraphones abandon their girlfriends to take photos of the girl with massive exposed cleavage because they "appreciated the cosplay".

>> No.20442534

>dreamhack Melbourne
glad I dodged that bullet you double nigger

>> No.20442624

Nah the uggos increased as the obesity rate went up

>> No.20442667

normal people
>like it when something they like that gets more popular
>have more fun with more people, find people to get laid with
incel nerds
>cry that more than 3 people like something they like
>cry that their sausage fest now has some tits that aren't mantits
>cry that people don't care about their rote ancient memes and shit inside jokes
>cry about new people who become better than them

>> No.20442672

Think it's because they inject them with too much fluid to plump them up which waters down the taste and makes it fall apart.

>> No.20442677

cosplay was always done by normie roasties pretending to like anime now its done by the average normie roastie since anime is mainstream

>> No.20442684
File: 443 KB, 2404x1260, Normie Invasion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20442732

> this gross loser keeps hanging around the store and it’s freaking me out. he looks disgusting
> well i want to pack up and go home. let’s give him a free turkey leg and see if he leaves us alone

>> No.20442742

>the hobby is unrecoverable
>billions must die

>> No.20442756

>beta me
lol told on yourself

>> No.20442778

>veiny tits are bad
ngmi and possibly homosex

>> No.20442780
File: 1.70 MB, 1425x486, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NGL, I could go for a Scotch egg right about now.

>> No.20442783
File: 1.66 MB, 1080x2400, 1000005722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread made me curious about ren fest's near me, and apparently one opened up today near me. Going with the family tomorrow. Thanks op, here's a pic of my dog

>> No.20442853

My ren fair used to be a bunch of nerdy fuckers and their families immersing themselves in Renaissance life. Now it's fat IG hoors walking around half naked with a camera man making the event non family friendly and handing out business cards with their OF on it.

>> No.20442989

This really should be banned

>> No.20442992

Take your meds my goy

>> No.20443063

im actually lying, i never went, but i did see some fat bitch on snapchat story post pics of it. everyone was fat.

>> No.20443076

No one will ever care about you as much as you care about Americans. So stop being a little faggot about it online or fuck off back to a flag board where everyone can see what shithole country you're from.

>> No.20443090

Same vibe with Star Trek cosplay, in context it's still funny since some episodes take place on medieval era planets.
Random people doing Homestuck cosplay just doesn't make sense, it's some 2000's nostalgiacore randomness, it doesn't fit the theme in the least bit.

>> No.20443141

I was nowhere near the stall they were walking around with a big cooler full of them and asking everyone it they wanted one

>> No.20443145

>hold water recipient with 2 hands
...so now the trad values have wholly adopted the most retarded behaviors bc one orange pig did it once??!


>> No.20443148

I love women with big teeth so fucking much it's unreal......

>> No.20443225

what in the ever loving fuck are you talking about

>> No.20443256

Sounds like you should join the SCA. They expect you to make an attempt at accuracy, but you can choose whether you want to go all out or just do the bare minimum.

>> No.20443278
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you cup the balls and pull

>> No.20443281
File: 57 KB, 1022x547, [RAUGHS].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, "monkey pluck peach"
very time-honored tradition

>> No.20443375


>> No.20443491


>> No.20443616

does he gel his hair?

>> No.20443617

texas bro? they're probably from new york or something

>> No.20443634

OP's pic is from Texas

>> No.20443636

yeah well i wasn't talking about op i was talking about the FUCKING COMMENT THAT THE GUY I REPLIED TO WAS REPLYING TO YOU STUPID FUCK

>> No.20443644

calm down kiddo. why don't you have a Snickers™, i think you need one

>> No.20443750

nah it was just raining that day

>> No.20443853

Except I was seeing weebs there cosplaying in kimonos back in the 2000s

>> No.20443877

What no sex does to a janitor

>> No.20444054
File: 3.58 MB, 3072x4080, 1000005812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently at one. meet cool samurai guy

>> No.20444065

>go to local ren faire 10 years ago
>half the people have elaborate costumes, the other half are wearing t-shirts and jeans
>go to ren faire last year
>people either wearing normal clothes or have some weird cringe elf ears glued to their face(exclusively fat chicks), with 1% of people wearing outfits

Also turkey legs were like $10 what the fuck, you cant even go there to eat anymore

>> No.20444089

This appeals to me absolutely zero
But so do most things

>> No.20444141
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>> No.20444308

I only swipe fat bitches on tinder but I cannot find one who wears elf ears. Why. What does it take.

>> No.20444342

If I were you I would join all the millenial d&d facebook groups in your city and go to all the venues that offer it and ingratiate yourself in the community and spend dozens of hours trying to find a fat smelly bitch. She might have four orbiters but you can mog them easily because you're more normal.

>> No.20444467

Go to furry cons, trust me. Tons of fat chicks are furries

>> No.20444590
File: 826 KB, 2404x1260, Degradation_hobby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happens to literally any semi-interesting hobby/subculture eventually, picrel

>> No.20444596

That hat rules

>> No.20444625

Ren fair in St Louis went from being legit 10 years ago to being an outdoor cosplay event combined with overpriced farmer's market crafty shit. And the place they host it at is falling apart and infested with poison ivy.

>> No.20444655

am I tripping or did someone post this earlier and it's gone

>> No.20444660

You're only half tripping because it was posted earlier >>20442684 but is still here. Interesting that the dup detector didn't catch it.

>> No.20444674

weird I must have scrolled too fast

the dupe detector just takes a file hash, those images are vastly different in size. but it's also easy to trick just by changing one pixel

>> No.20444694

Yep, and it's only getting worse. These events use to be an escape for whites but now we are becoming an minority in our own events.

>> No.20444768

give dog turkey (ensure to remove small bones first though)

>> No.20444775

sounds like the larp section of the ren fest I went to. those """people""" are banshees

>> No.20444805

hell yeah just got back and ofc I brought my buddy a turkey leg

>> No.20444821

I heard there were a few furries at texrenfest. I hope thats not true.

>> No.20445572

The chilled pickles, roasted cinnamon and sugar almonds, and home made rootbeer. Most of the other stuff has gotten so expensive it's not even worth it. I got a "Gyro" last year that was mostly shredded lettuce and the Turkey legs are never good so I'm pretty much done outside those aforementioned snacks.

>> No.20445834

mainly hairy pussy.

>> No.20445854

Are you trippin'?
Well, someone did post it earlier, but it's not gone.

same image

>> No.20445866

name 5 (five) hobbies

>> No.20445872


>> No.20445877

not a hobby
not a hobby
>the other shit
is old women shit anyway

>> No.20445990

>not a hobby
eating is not a hobby, cooking definitely is

>> No.20446009

None of those things were ever just contained to one friend group.

>> No.20446071
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>home made rootbeer
I've heard tell of such a thing but never had it

>> No.20447100

root beer is alcoholic??

>> No.20447130

I think it's possible to get fizz from yeast without the booze but not sure

>> No.20447152

I get the yummy orange frozen drink everytime I go. Usually meat on a stick or a pretzel or something too.

>> No.20447194

I've never been to one. I want to but I don't want to go by myself and I don't have any friends who would want to go with me.

>> No.20447749

one near me in socal has mead. and over a dozen food stalls. the women are pretty hot too. i'd say around 30% hot vs 70% fat/ugly/avg.

>> No.20447770

fuck theyre awful. no flavour whatsoever and full of disgusting tendons. give me a nice piece of chicken instead

>> No.20447940

I kinda want to larp as a Teutonic knight called "sir Tijuana" cuz i look Mexican with short hair and a mustache (I'm a half black mutt)

>> No.20447948

>one near me in socal has mead
Ours was lowkey one of the only ways to get decent local mead for a long time.... the boomer mead autist even had distro at area stores and I hope he delivered it in a Robin Hood costume.

>> No.20447963

This lil nigga looks like he can sing some mean r&b.

>> No.20447971
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The tears of nerds.

>> No.20448083
File: 2.77 MB, 1920x1200, Oscars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meat Pies, it's criminal that they aren't a staple of American cuisine nationwide.

>> No.20448085
File: 68 KB, 1024x576, sg teams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even more faithful if its in the Pacific Northwest

>> No.20448092

I've seen them at mine so it wouldn't surprise me if they were at TX ren too

>> No.20448311
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, 1695077849322253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh we have those, plus we evolved them to peak cozy

>> No.20448327

a turkey leg and nothing else. food at the ren faire is not worth losing gains over. like why the fuck would i waste calories on a pickle that's been siting in a barrel in the hot sun for 4 hours or baked potato made by some fat sweaty virgin?

>> No.20448387

Pickles and potatoes you can get anywhere. The meat pies are unique and worth it

>> No.20448394

>calories on a pickle
Pickles are like 5 calories.

>> No.20448790

Why not just dress up as a slave?

>> No.20449009

why do americans have a renaissance festival when they didn't have a renaissance

>> No.20449014

one can only have this mentality when their enjoyment is purely based on whatever is popular at the time
you've never discovered a hobby by yourself
you've never built anything with your own two hands
you just rely on trends to determine your personality of the month and I feel nothing but genuine pity for you, anonymous man on the internet

>> No.20449020
File: 491 KB, 555x555, 1476347254225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The videogame industry is in shambles because "women make up 70% of gaming" (when playing My Dress Up Doll on your phone on the way to work is considered gaming)
>Coding has been in flames in the last few years because female programmers are demanding to be involved in everything
>Gunpla is being infected by titty streamers and the mentally ill (not the good type)
>Warhammer is being actively retconned to be more inclusive to the "female audience" and when Cavill's show comes out it's going to be insane
>Cooking, though a woman's job, is a man's hobby although TikTokification of everything is making truly, truly horrendous shit

>> No.20449047

>you rely on trends, billions must die

>> No.20449053

broccoli cheese bread bowl

>> No.20449061

A pandemic wiping out boomers and neurotic zoomers with pathetic health issues would unironically cure society

>> No.20449433

Sounds decent on it's own, but I wonder if they might have some bacon bits to mix in.
Any idea what kind of bread?

>> No.20449440

>Why do places without oceans have aquariums?

>> No.20449926

I'd give them both a turkey leg

>> No.20449947

I graduated in 09, there were like 20 obese people in my whole school of 4k. Now wherever I go it's 85% fatasses in leggings or shorts eating them. They are straight up obvious how gross they look.

>> No.20449968

A chicken/beef kabob kinda makes sense

>> No.20449974

Fucking based.

>> No.20450066

So they can pretend to go surfing too. Any more dumb questions?
The only correct answer is several fists full of salt, sugar, herbs and spices.

>> No.20450078

Lol Denver has an aquarium with fucking tigers in it

>> No.20450222
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Do they sell Beef stew and Dumplings at these places ? Nothing beats it for immersion and taste quality

>> No.20450344

A fellow man of culture i see

>> No.20450616
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>> No.20450864

Kids got to learn about reproductive biology somewhere.
A cow and a man walking into a Renaissance festival...

>> No.20451239

You have an eating disorder

>> No.20451295

your dog is a nigger (in a good way)