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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20434236 No.20434236[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>amerisharts put coagulated cum on a stale scone and eat it for breakfast

>> No.20434239
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>> No.20434246

Why does the restaurant allow him to bring his mum's leftovers? Is she the boss?

>> No.20434249

based retard

>> No.20434250

That is vile

>> No.20434256
File: 173 KB, 765x1020, 2021-07-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and it's delicious.

>> No.20434258

Go ahead, explain

>> No.20434260

That looks like melted cake icing

>> No.20434265

Americans are so fit. Little eurocucks twinks can't fathom.

>> No.20434275

>inbrits discover bechamel for the first time
>can only think of cum and cake frosting
Yeah, that checks out.

>> No.20434281

I'm not a bong, also bechamel ≠ gravy

>> No.20434283

his mom ordered chicken and waffles, didn't finish them, and gave them to her big fat british son

>> No.20434290

A gravy is any thickened sauce made from meat drippings. Sausage gravy is made with the drippings from fried breakfast sausage.

>> No.20434294

if you've never had real biscuits and gravy then i feel nothing for you but pity

>> No.20434310
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Biscuits and gravy is the best late-night-closed-the-bar food. When I was young, we'd hit the local Rams Horn restaurant after getting fucked up at the bar and I'd always get biscuits and gravy and usually, there would be a fist fight between some... minorities and the cops would be called. Good times.

>> No.20434317
File: 2.85 MB, 2112x2733, Matt_Walsh_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is béchamel?

>> No.20434320

If his mom his with him, why yon't we see her?

>> No.20434321

Look, we already know that you're ashamed of wherever you're from, you don't have to tell us because we don't actually care.

>> No.20434328


>> No.20434336

Can you please be nice this is a blue board

>> No.20434340

Yes, "we".
As in the group you plurally addressed.

>> No.20434342

How come you don't see the cameraman in movies?

>> No.20434349

>getting confused by sausage gravy
England really is a dead country.

>> No.20434350

Because he's filming.

>> No.20434351

I remember watching walking with dinosaurs as a kid and wondering how the cameraman managed to travel back in time to film them

>> No.20434352

Speak for yourself woman.

>> No.20434360

And that's why you don't see his mom in the video.

>> No.20434365

You speak for yourself.
If you wanna play "Guess my nationality :O" be my guest. But you'll be playing alone

>> No.20434370

Nobody cares.

>> No.20434374


>> No.20434383

But his mom isn't a cameraman

>> No.20434387

Correct. She's the camerawoman.

>> No.20434388

She is cameramama

>> No.20434389
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damn that looks good.
here take this.

>> No.20434391
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Hey ur mother sent me a pic of you right now haha

>> No.20434394


>> No.20434395

What is the cope here? I am observing and recording data in the wild like the anthropologist I am

>> No.20434400

an anthropologist who doesn't know the definition of gravy lmao

>> No.20434403

Say that 2 my face IDIOT

>> No.20434405


>> No.20434406

describing things in a way that attempts to make them unpalatable is cope.

obviously it's good. and there are tons of videos of brits trying it and liking it.

so (You) are having to COPE with it.

>> No.20434407

But why is she allowed to bring her leftovers to the restaurant? That has to be against the rules even if she isn't the one eating them.

>> No.20434409

I always tear my biscuits up into little pieces before pouring on the gravy. Just pouring the gravy on half biscuits is the wrong way to do it.

>> No.20434412

I am taking the epistemological viewpoint of cultural relativism, my truth is gravy is not white sauce

>> No.20434416

gravy is whatever I want to call it. I don't care what you think.

>> No.20434420

Why don't you put your white sauce in some bitches instead of arguing semantics?

>> No.20434423

I squeezed my gravy into your dad's cornhole last night

>> No.20434426

If it's a thickened sauce made from meat drippings, then it's gravy. Sausage gravy is a thickened sauce made with sausage drippings.

>> No.20434428

>ANOTHER yuropoors seething about Americans thread

>> No.20434438

You can just use butter if you don't have any sausage. Just plain gravy isn't bad. 2cups milk, 4tbsp flour and 4tbsp of butter. Salt and pepper.

>> No.20434441

Eh, it's a gray area. Sawmill gravy is a bechamel flavored with meat or meat fond, white pepper and sometimes sage. So you could safely say it's a sauce. What's the essentially difference between a sauce and a gravy anyway? I suggest there really isn't one.

>> No.20434444
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>yuropoor makes a shitpost thread
>amerisharts squeal like stuck pigs in rage

Many such cases!

>> No.20434448

Okay, THAT'S just béchamel.
I already explained the difference: meat drippings. Veloute is gravy. Tomato sauce can be gravy. Bechemel can be gravy.

>> No.20434618

my dad is a bag of ground up bones in a chest at the top of the stairs in my house. but you be you.

>> No.20434622

And it tastes fucking delicious.

>> No.20434624

Have you ever tried it OP?

>> No.20434635

OP came to America tried it. came and then started crying that he would never be able to have it again.

>> No.20434647


>> No.20434660

I've seen some creeps do that, I worked with a guy who owned some joint and a friiend tried to sneak in some pizza slices. I didn't rat out on anyone but the faggot was obvious and it looked bad on me, I got a better job after that debacle and will never trust friends again, expect some decorum and it'll never happen.

>> No.20434661

It confuses the brownies.

>> No.20434662

Proper lad, bet he plays rugby.

>> No.20434665

are you idiots stupid? he's eating the food his mom didn't eat while AT the restaurant with him.

>> No.20434668

>against the rules
what fucking rules?

>> No.20434670

stop lying his mom is not there retard

>> No.20434677

prove it. moron.

>> No.20434681

you made the claim, show me the mom cretin

>> No.20434684

Unwritten. nobody really brings food or drinks maybe both into somebody else's restaurant unless you want to come across as a savage. Worse people you're with.
Some folk might be PhDs and medical docs yet are truly dumber than a box of rocks.

>> No.20434690

fat mommas boy.

also If he's a brit why is he wearing a New york yankies hat and chicago shirt? eating chicken and waffles. is that a british thing? I know it is in the southern US.

and eurotards say Americans are fat pigs. jesus.

>> No.20434697

It's likely eurotrash trying to look like us and failing miserably.

>> No.20434698

you show me not the mom. his mom is filming.

I bring to restaurants:
salt and pepper (special grind).
a spoon because some restaurants don't give you one.
my own homemade salsa because some mexican restaurants have shit salsa.
and I should bring my own butter because some places serve margarine.

>> No.20434705
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>and eurotards say Americans are fat pigs. jesus.
truer words were never spoken

>> No.20434708

Russell fuck off and fuck your shitty teapot too

>> No.20434709

Who? what?

>> No.20434710
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Sometimes I bring a little mini bottle of tabasco sauce because most restaurants suck ass.

>> No.20434715

Takes some doing.
Those amerishart-carts have a low centre of gravity.

>> No.20434716
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>most restaurants suck ass
>yet i still go to them

>> No.20434718

If you're bringing all that stuff then why are you going to a restaurant in the first place?

>> No.20434721

You said still going to them
You're making an assumption like a moron.

>> No.20434723
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>a spoon because some restaurants don't give you one.
what's it like living in gypsylandia?

>> No.20434726

because I have money. while I like to cook, I don't like to cook all the time.

I forgot to mention some places don't have salt on the tables. I don't always put salt on my food but I want it when I want it.

I don't bring it with me ALL the time. the salsa is only when I go to some place that only has mild salsa. I don't actually bring butter, but it has crossed my mind to do it.

the salt, pepper, and plastic spoons fit in a sandwich bag in my wifes purse.

I like super fine ground pepper not giant cracked or coarse ground pepper.

>> No.20434730

for some odd reason mexican restaurants don't give you a spoon.

>> No.20434731
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>I forgot to mention some places don't have salt on the tables.
it keeps getting better

>> No.20434739
File: 66 KB, 622x916, copeextrastrength.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high end restaurants seem to think they salt their food perfectly and you don't need any more. they are wrong.

>> No.20434747

You make a lot of excuses for being a card carrying homosexual.

>> No.20434749
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every accusation is a confession.

>> No.20434751
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>high end restaurants

>> No.20434752

poor detected