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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20427723 No.20427723 [Reply] [Original]

I always see people on this site shit on IPA, what is wrong with it? Why am I a soyboy for drinking it?

>> No.20427724

>posting anime
yea there's no helping you

>> No.20427726

Heil Tanya!

>> No.20427728

both are gay

>> No.20427751

Anime site. Anyways, the fuck is gay about IPA?

>> No.20427763
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Boomer here. What happened was that when "craft beer" started to get big, the industry focused on x-treem sugar bombs, hop bombs, and alcohol bombs, because the highest demand was from people who wanted to make it VERY CLEAR that they weren't drinking "pisswater" (macro lager)

The people who bought those kinds of beers had a certain reputation. Very loud about their supposedly superior taste in beer, and usually this came with other forms of obnoxiousness that come from being a college-aged youngster who knows everything. Those people aged into Wil Wheaton types, pudgy, glasses, prone to having milquetoast opinions on their real name internet accounts (a novelty at the time) and sperging over certain kinds of consumer goods regarded as "manchild" precisely because around that time, being an adult with an "inner child" became something to boast about on twitter (you had to be there).

Nowadays nobody says "craft beer" anymore because that's just "beer", and IPA is like 3/4 of the shelf at any shitty grocery store or gas station. But at the time, it had some baggage. Thank you for reading my blog.

>> No.20427788

>anime site
it's not 2003 anymore lmao. it stopped being an anime site within a few months of its creation when the cool kids found out about /b/

>> No.20427792

It's drunk by soyboys. That's it. Just pattern recognition.

>> No.20427795

This is why people call you a soyboy, you’re a fucking faggot.

>> No.20427798

What single topic has more boards dedicated to it than any other?

>> No.20427801


>> No.20427807

>over 16 boards dedicated to Japan/Weeb culture
>8 video game boards
Can't even count, retard

>> No.20427809

you said anime

>> No.20427810

>tourist words

>> No.20427812

And what do you think people who like Japan are most commonly into and most commonly discuss in tandum with Japan?

>> No.20427817

if changing the question makes you feel better
no go count the anime boards i want to know how close it was

>> No.20427824

Okay? A lazy count still gives me
Still more boards than videogames, point stands

>> No.20427832

Meant for

>> No.20427844

thx bby
with the rate we get new videogame boards it will only be a few years now

>> No.20427851

>3 year gap between /bant/ (not even a videogame board) and the new spinoff boards
>4 years later and no new boards period, let alone videogame boards
>All hints of new boards given have nothing to do with videogames
Whatever you say, newfriend.

>> No.20427852

Anime is still gay regardless of whether or not this is an "anime site".

>> No.20427859

>final stage: Acceptance
You can leave for Reddit or Twitter anytime

>> No.20427866

it was a friendly

>> No.20427939

You have an android phone with an anime girl wallpaper. You only interact with other people at work or you get disability payment for autism and interact with nobody.

>> No.20427945
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Reminder to all tourists

>> No.20427961

>havent watched anime in nearly 10 years
where does the time go

>> No.20428132

>Newfag is also an itoddler
Jokes write themselves

>> No.20428140

You're not a soyboy because you drink it, you drink it because you're a soyboy.

>> No.20428290

IPAs and American beer in general are swill, I don't know what else to tell you. You look at their faggot branding and it's obnoxious as fuck too, only a retard would feel drawn to it

>> No.20428380


>> No.20428469

People think it's a singular thing for starters

>> No.20428889

Oh right I forgot andrew tate tweeted that word so now all the zoomers think it's a special chud word

>> No.20429189

piss off nigger tourists

>> No.20429204
File: 280 KB, 564x553, 1704249470032271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while everything else you said is right I have to take the time to seeth and shit and fart at you right now for saying
>that come from being a college-aged youngster who knows everything.
Every single time some parent, grandparent, uncle, rando, Every single one of these boomer retards who has EVER said this shit has allways ALWAYS said it exactly to throw a fit over someone younger than them besting them in a single subject. It's always come off as the most arrogant jewish crying as it strikes behavior imaginable. I can see it clearly, the kike biting his gold and popping champaign over being the best jew while pajeet number 2 and boomer 1st place look down on him in confusion for thinking he is anywhere near as bad as you when it comes to this cancerous behavior. Take that dogshit and get the fuck out of here, we made this website to escape you retarded normalfags and your "tastes"

>> No.20429217

no one using a computer in 2003 was "cool" retard

>> No.20429232

if you watch anime, a timer has started somewhere that counts down until the moment you transition. sometimes it's months, sometimes it's years. it's ticking down all the same.

>> No.20429254

kill yourself grooming tranny

>> No.20429262

Well, in a sense I am sort of Jewish, so you guessed right there, but also, I've been on this website since before gamerghazi and all the other dumb shit that brought you tourists flooding in, so that makes my neckbeard bigger than yours. Nothin personnel, kid.

>> No.20429275

i love how rightoids will argue until they're red in the face and crying that watching anime has NOTHING TO DO AT ALL with transitioning COMPLETE COINCIDENCE.

the only tranny here is the one you see in the mirror.

>> No.20429286

IPAs are nice to sip on. Don't listen to the faggots, OP.

>> No.20429287

unless you know what the touhou futa meme is lower your power level when talking to me, moshe.

>> No.20429295

We used to meme about that stuff at our lemon parties back in the day. Have you ever been to a lemon party? The Japanese call it a "boku no pico"

>> No.20429301

>avoiding answering the question
you don't know what it is.
thanks for playing moshe.

>> No.20429304

Accepting what?

>> No.20429323

>Well, in a sense I am sort of Jewish, so you guessed right there, but also, I've been on this website since before gamerghazi and all the other dumb shit that brought you tourists flooding in, so that makes my neckbeard bigger than yours. Nothin personnel, kid.
Huh. You would think Jews would be smart enough to be able to tell the difference between personnel and personal, but then again, that's the kind of mistake you make when you're holding a Lag Baomer festival and you kill hundreds of Jews.

>> No.20429327

>incel crying about jews is a newfag
what a surprise!

>> No.20429338

>I hit the goy and he struck back! Someone call the police!

>> No.20429340
File: 79 KB, 680x671, Autism maymay and its consequences.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know
lmao even
Perhaps even rofl

>> No.20429342

>April 12, 2023
>Uncle Ulcer’s Maximum Alert Ghost Pepper Gastrointestinal Genocide, first tasting
>I found the bottle art to be quite clever and humorous, although I could see how one might be shocked by an anthropomorphic chili pepper in a Wehrmacht uniform shoving the nozzle of a flamethrower up a man’s rectum and blasting it with fire - perhaps they could change it to a generic uniform so as not to offend our Semitic friends.
>A local eatery is featuring the sauce on their chicken wing offerings. I took a seat at the bar and ordered a dozen, and a Gutpunch Hopfuck IPA from Motherhumper Brewing (I typically would not get something quite so hoppy to accompany the main course but I was feeling bold this eve). A family with ugh… THREE children was seated in the dining area behind me. I attempted to register my disdain by glaring menacingly over my shoulder at the parents but their attention was focused on their spawn. I politely requested the barmaid reseat me at the end of the bar.
>The plate arrives. A neon orange-reddish sauce glistens on the wings. The scent is rather pungent, it stings the nostrils. I raise my glass and nod to a young lass a few seats away. She rolls her eyes and goes back to staring at her phone. I pick up a drumstick and take a small bite. The taste was… underwhelming. I had expected something more… flavorful from Uncle Ulcer’s, but all I can sense is pure capsaicin. Fire and needles spread throughout my mouth and down my throat, swear begins to bead on my brow. I whip out my pocket square with a flourish and dab my forehead. The woman a few seats down now has her back completely turned to me.
>A few minutes have passed and I have not taken another bite. I have emptied my pint and am halfway through a glass of milk, courtesy of the barmaid. She has politely but firmly rejected my request to exchange the wings for another dozen in a different sauce. I tip my hat and bid her good night.
>Final score: I rank the sauce a 6/10.

>> No.20429344
File: 139 KB, 602x355, main-qimg-cb52fd017f69fd53cd230bc3f2290cd9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I'm not actually jewish I just wanted to watch you guys start screeching at each other like the famed orang-outans of irian jaya

>> No.20429348

ofc he doesn't know, he's 16 and got here last month. he's probably brown and posting from a phone too

>> No.20429364

>likes NIN
>hates Trent Razner

>> No.20429370

Me on the left

>> No.20429384

spoken like a true college-aged youngster who knows everything
I agree that the boomers were chronically incapable of admitting that anyone else was ever better than them at anything, and maybe they used thhat line on you a lot, but I've spent my whole life in a college town and every fall there's a couple thousand new know-it-alls bumping into me at the bar and arguing with cashiers at the grocery store. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.20429394

>IPAs and American beer in general are swill
The criticism used to be "American beers are water" or "they don't even like the taste of beer".
IPAs are a big improvement.

>> No.20429403

i like tool but loathe maynard

>> No.20429413

>people are
>they think they know everything!!!!
you can call someone a tool without insinuating an opinion on any given subject is equivalent to demanding absolute subjugation in all things like boomers.

>> No.20429445

I don't even know what the fuck is an IPA. Why do people have to make up all kinds of random terms for beer?

>> No.20429450

To loosely describe what you're going to get.
Some people don't like hops. They should avoid IPAs.

>> No.20429451

the term has been around for over a hundred years anon. you're the retard in this scenario.

>> No.20429469

I drink beer, you drink social status. We are not the same.

>> No.20429494

Because it's the easiest style of beer to make. Just throw in popular finishing hops of the week and then ferment and you're done. Lagers unironically take more skill to perfect. So many shit breweries push their IPAs without having any idea about how to make a good beer.

>> No.20429503

Yup this pretty much nails it. Had some guy yapping about yeast and beer brewing for 45 minutes straight to me at the bar this past friday and I had to sit there and listen because I hadn't seen him in ages and he bought me an expensive beer. Also I am Belgian.

>> No.20429520

I wish I were Tanya

>> No.20429522

>you drink social status.
what a bizarre projection. you're even more retarded than initially thought. maybe shut the trap so you don't make it worse.

>> No.20429525

Sorry if the truth hurts, drinking for anything other than taste is hyper cringe. Caring about IPA this and whatever that. It's all complaining about popularity and other bullshit. If it tastes good drink it, if not shut the fuck up and stop making excuses for drinking something.

>> No.20429532

Nothing. The problem is only liking it for retarded reasons like some made-up status, like anything. I only drink it if I want a higher abv to get smashed easier, it's simple as that for most ipa enjoyers.

>> No.20429537
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>> No.20429545

you can't be serious

>> No.20429550

This hasn't been an anime site in probably a decade. Its now the Pepe/Wojak/Sneed site. You have your containment board for anime.

>> No.20429579

Really? Then why are there 0 Pepe or Wojack posts on the /ck/ catalog right now???

>> No.20429590

>you know this very common term? you're shallow and only drink it to be hip and fit in!
you need help my little man. i hope you get better. maybe leave momma's basement some more.

>> No.20429598

>I always see people on this site shit on IPA,
It's associated with M*llennials who are über soys

>> No.20429623

Ok sure tranny generation of oversensitive losers.on psychiatric meds. Yes we are the soys. If anything Xers are much more soy than Millennials.

>> No.20429637

gen Xers literally turned into the same glassy-eyed boomers that they seethed so much about in the 90s

>> No.20429639

except me

>> No.20429643

I like anime but I hate this attitude, reminds me of troons kinda

>> No.20429650

Holy shit what a whiny ass bitch you are. Did someone call you out once and now you're triggered? I'm only 29 and yet I've met so many 18 to early 20 year olds who think they're hot shit because they knew something their grandma didn't know even though the thing is new and/or modern knowledge. So many that think they're suddenly smarter than farmers because their in college but their major is English. The best are the ones that have read into so many conspiracy theories online they think they've opened their third eye and everyone else is a sheep.
Go nurse your IPA, kid. It will help calm you down.

>> No.20429654

Man that was the best part. It really was a nerd's, aka loser, paradise on the internet. Now every normalfag is on it and they know about all the funny memes they see on twitter or tiktok.

>> No.20429749

and now i drink macro lager to make it VERY CLEAR i'm not one of those guys. same as it ever was

>> No.20429765

You're a soyboy, for asking such a gay question and posting a cartoon girl. Drink the fucking beer.

>> No.20429770

i never even watched much anime besides a few classics but i respect it. if you bitch about anime on 4chan you may as well be bitching about it being an english language website. retarded

>> No.20429776

close, but that guy would never admit to not being able to handle any sauce ever.

>> No.20429777

I drink milk with my toast, you lack toast AND toleronts.

>> No.20429805
File: 36 KB, 777x202, Fuck off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime Website.

>> No.20429813

Imma gonna skip over this entire shitshow thread and actually answer the question, using Reddit spacing.

Contrarians hate IPAs because they are popular. But there is a deeper issue. Classic IPAs are balanced and relatively mild by modern standards.... but today's American-style IPAs, which coincide with the explosion of Independent Craft Brewing™® ©, are characterized by a deliberately "extreme" hop-forward flavor profile which is not only potentially abrasive (depending on your personal taste), but actually requires much less brewing skill (appropriate for the vacuous tattooed pink haired hipsters who represent the "craft" movement). You know that meme, "only pretending to be retarded?" Yeah, let's just throw ALL THE HOPS in the mash run, and if anyone criticizes us, pretend it was ironic lol XD. (We're much more concerned with the graphic design of the can labels anyway.) The tendency toward "extreme" hoppiness naturally attracts the same people who do hot sauce "challenges" and conflate limited appeal with exclusivity ("dude, I drink the swill that NOBODY else likes"). Somehow, these Jackass-style IPAs became the "flagship" beers of meme brewers, and now there is a reactionary movement against them.

When I was a kid, one time I shat my pants in the middle of math class, and I cried and ran down the hall, leaving a trail of poo dollops behind me, evenly spaced, all the way to the bathroom. As an adult, revisiting the same school as a pest control expert, I knelt on the hallway floor and carefully inspected the tile, looking for any evidence of the past misdeed. The tile had a speckled pattern, and I could never be entirely sure if the janitor had erased all evidence. I think about this often at around 4am on Tuesdays, when the garbage truck wakes up my dogs.

>> No.20429877

If anything people used computers more in 2003 than current year you absolute dimwit.
More people use the internet, yes. But a lot of that is on their phones checking their socials or watching dumb Youtube videos or alternative news or whatever it is.
Back in the old days all the cool people played WC3 Battlefield and F2P MMORPG's. It was mostly porn and videogames. And your average nerd would be playing card games in the local DND store or painting Warhammer 40k figurines or something. And if they used a computer they would be learning to code on a Linux or something.

>> No.20429909

I dont drink more than once a week and I only drink hard liquor not the slop you seethe about in this thread.
Please take your projector with you on your way out.

>> No.20429921

>Back in the old days all the cool people played WC3 Battlefield and F2P MMORPG
I miss 2003 runescape.
Verification not required

>> No.20429931

>I only drink hard liquor
Flavored hard liquor is still a bitch drink, you little whiny know it all bitch. So go nurse your blackberry Crown Royal, kid. Sorry, I meant faggot.
>inb4 n-no I drink barrel strength whiskys like a real man but I still get triggered when people call out young people for know it alls reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.20429942

>little young retard gets mad when he finds out that he's not all that smart because he knows one subject better than someone else, like most people, and someone calls him out on it by calling a know it all
lmao even
oh wait should have I used xir instead lel

>> No.20429947

You people formed your opinions in the 2010s and just stayed there didn't you

>> No.20429953

Yes. I don't take the John Oliver "current year" approach to my beliefs.

>> No.20429967

It really doesn't taste good. Hazy IPA can be decent, I like Four Peaks Hazy a lot I'm quite fond of it, but in general IPAs are shit it's like liquid rust.

>> No.20429971

>one mod saying it's so means it's true
Nah. Back to your containment board.

>> No.20429975

Anime website, no matter how much you cope, seethe and dilate it won't change facts.

>> No.20430020

anime website you tourist reddit spic

>> No.20430100

spics love anime, there's something else wrong with him

>> No.20430167

IPA as a term has become almost meaningless, basically meaning "an ale that has at least enough hops to detected via taste"
Thus people can air out whatever grievances they have with "modern craft beer" by whining about some image of IPA they've created in their head that amalgamates everything they dislike about nu-beer

>> No.20430222

>n-nono you dont no wait I know you like liquer right? that doesn't count!
I said take your projector on the way out. By the way needing your hard liquor cold is for pussys I sip my gin warm and I enjoy it.

>> No.20430229
File: 40 KB, 568x590, 1710239000176926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumb boomer has an iq south of a cold day in alaska, cant read, cant think, and definately has no self awareness.
>expects me to humor him while he has imaginary conversations with himself.

>> No.20430492

i've seen your kind before. clinging to anything trying to plant the trooning seed on impressionable persons
fucking demon hope you die screaming

>> No.20430606

I don't like the taste of hops. I'd be fine to live and let live, except the hop-crazed retardation of IPAs is leaking out and polluting the kinds of beers that I do enjoy.

>> No.20430658

Millenial here, this guy is right. Also IPAs test like shit.

>> No.20430663

Don't call me shirley

>> No.20430830

Pedo art

>> No.20431162
File: 67 KB, 1289x292, REKT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime Website.

>> No.20431172

It SHOULD remind you of nationalists.
'If you don't like Germany, you don't belong in Germany'.

>> No.20431283

Damn nigga you're a little pussy lmao.

>> No.20431287
File: 74 KB, 700x834, appreciate4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the virgin 35 year old weeb vs the chad 30 year old former-/b/tard who used to be a Nazi ironically but now understands the stakes and what must be done to ensure a future for his people

>> No.20431310
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>> No.20431311

The problem with IPAs isn't that they're bad, its that every stupid little brewery thinks they're cool by doing something new or completely overpowering you with some blend of hops from argentinian snowcaves nobody has used before. It's the same issue with stouts: A classic stout from a brewery that's been here a hundred years is pretty good, a chocolate cornflake stout from hopfart industries (circa 2020) is awful. basically this >>20427763

There are nice IPAs, but how do you find one? almost all the ones you see are bad

>> No.20431337

Bait or Retardation

Call it

>> No.20431423

A good rule is the fewer words in the title or the older the brewery, the more likely they are to have a well-made IPA that tastes reasonably good. Samuel Smith's India Ale is probably the closest you can get to a "classic" English one, and the recipe's been the same for over a century. That's a little different from Millennium Falcon Brewing Company's May the 4th Be With You Quintuple Lactic Smoothie Sour DIPA.

>> No.20431839
File: 841 KB, 1403x1446, 1695063544546554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy IPAs

>> No.20431865

How on earth do you post a milquetoast opinion. "Hey, I think we should well whatever you think is right"?

>> No.20432022

Milquetoast means bland. Unassuming, mediocre, noncombative, whatever you want to call it. Expected. Something like 'Roads should be cleaner.'

>> No.20432084
File: 432 KB, 1330x648, 25yearsago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know zoomers who grew up livestreaming their bowel movements will never get it, but posting completely banal comments with your legal name next to it for the whole world to see was CRAZY cutting edge stuff, most of us were taken aback with the "craze" and expected it not to last

>> No.20432459

The funniest is part is just like all know it alls, you actually end up sounding stupid half the time. You're using projection like you think you know what it means. And gin? Couldn't name a more pretentious liquor. Even whiskey snobs aren't as bad. Really just showing how much of a know it all you are.

>> No.20432563

It just tastes like piss, there's no actual flavor. I don't mean to sound like a snob or anything but go try a real beer, NOT budweiser or coors or some shit. Those jsut taste like watered down piss, whereas IPA tastes like straight piss, get something like Elysian Ale or Guiness, I enjoy those two brands.
I like stouts the best desu, it's about balancing hops with other flavors and IPA is just straight hops, it's awful.

>> No.20432577

It tastes like sour fermented cats piss. That's why I don't like it. I enjoy every other beer. Sour beers can suck a fat chode.

>> No.20432581

many moons ago (when the internet was young) I stumbled on an article by some poor schmuck who was lamenting (in a blog post) that he had hops burnout. He had drank so much hoppy bitter beer that he could no longer taste bitterness at all in beers. but I did find these.


>> No.20432618

>spics love anime
explains OP.

>> No.20432661
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