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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20424057 No.20424057 [Reply] [Original]

There’s nothing better than a good spitroasting. Slow and steady let’s you savour the meat from both ends.

>> No.20424070 [DELETED] 

Literally the best cooking method
not primitive and inefficient like cooking atop a flame
not cucked like using a feminine oven or electric stove

>> No.20424072

>be me
>host a Halloween party/pig roast
>everyone was saying oh yeah wow so excited for this pig roast
>spend $450 roasting a whole ass pig for 30 people
>everybody was too squeemish to actually eat the damn thing

A little more light left me that day

>> No.20424076

>whole pig
>for 30 people
are you feeding midgets lmao that’s not enough

>> No.20424081

I fed myself and my dog

>> No.20424083

Grim story, anon. I empathize.
Next time take off the head.

>> No.20424096


EVERYBODY? Really? I know a lot of people these days are disconnected from the process of how meat gets to them, but really every one of those 30 people were put off by seeing the whole animal?

>> No.20424104

Literally everybody
In fact I'd say serving it ruined the party, everyone was having a fun time until I served it and then people were visibly disgusted with the idea of eating it
It made me feel really uncomfortable

>> No.20424111

you're not supposed to serve the same pig you put lipstick on

>> No.20424112

thought the plot twist was that you were dressed as a pig getting spitroasted
shit story and shittier partygoers

>> No.20424136

Sounds like a bunch of twats. Is it one of those snarky "frenemy" social groups (usually inhabited by at least one gay with a nasally voice)?

>> No.20424187

It's about 5 pounds of meat for each person.

>> No.20424218

i feel sorry that you have to hang around people like that
a friend of mine put on a pig roast once and it was pretty gud

>> No.20424365

thats not enough

>> No.20424367

>degen OP is completely ignored
shine on /ck/

>> No.20424370

With drinks and sides ? Nigga how much do you weight ?

>> No.20424372

How are you so accurately quoting your mother?
Where you listening at the door last night?

>> No.20424403

That is what happened with my family, except people pitched in like $20 each. The pig that we got looked like it died in fear, you could still see the terror in the little desiccated eyes, the tong was gray and outstretched and the gums barely clinging to the teeth. Nobody wanted to eat it, it was just sad looking.

>> No.20424406

I had to check the image to see if it was wrapped in bacon.

>> No.20424535

>let’s you savour the meat
>let us you savour the meat
Retard. I'm glad nobody responded to your homoerotic prompt.

>> No.20424539

It's not your fault that the people were shocked that meat doesn't spawn out of nowhere in cute little packages wrapped in plastic

>> No.20424540

Fat ass nigga

>> No.20424657

Sounds like you need better friends.

>> No.20424664

Was the head still on? I've been to parties with a whole-goat but the head was removed and people ate it.

>> No.20424669

What thirdie country do you come from that animals aren't tazed before killing?

>> No.20424676

Should've just started cutting it and bringing people food. Make the cunts eat it.

>> No.20424709

>let’s her savour the meat from both ends

>> No.20424714

sounds like you roasted it terribly and everybody didn't want trichinosis.

>> No.20424742

What thirdie country do you come from that farm animals have parasites?

>> No.20424757

>he doesn't know about pork
what thirdie country do you come from where you don't have health class?

>> No.20424768
File: 50 KB, 414x474, LaughsinGermanII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can eat raw pork in developed countries. Like I said, it is legally required that no farm animals and produce have parasites.
Thirdies cannot fathom lmao (USA is thirdie then, if you can't there).


>> No.20424806

>it is legally required that no farm animals and produce have parasites
So when a few animals invariably get parasites anyway, they politely inform the parasites of the law, and the parasites just vacate the animal in an orderly fashion? What a time to be alive, in the era of law-abiding tapeworms!

>> No.20424827
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>Thirdies cannot fathom
I called it: you literally cannot fathom how it works lmao.
Damn thirdies, always amaze me how stupid they get.

'while nowadays travelers habitually observe how prone the savage is to forgetfulness, how his mind, after the least exertion of memory, begins to wander and lose itself until finally he utters falsehood and nonsense from sheer exhaustion'.

>> No.20424842

Sorry, not even that anon, no argument here... I was just tickled by the mental image of a line of tapeworms calmly exiting a pig's anus in little bowler hats, then getting on the parasite refugee ship to transport them to Sweden.

>> No.20424912

hunter-gathering tribe ass nigga whose village hasent eaten a kill in a week.

>> No.20425067

It's sad, parasite free meat raised and slaughtered under hygienic conditions is such an unfathomable luxury the thought of it drove him to insanity.

>> No.20425454

I live sucking cock while being railed.
Oh not that type of splitrdaroasting? my bad..

>> No.20425524

I'm not saying that it wasn't possibly killed that way, just the presentation of it was fucked up.

>> No.20425533

This picture just made me an ovo-lacto vegetarian. The only thing I'll be spitroasting from now on is cabbage and hot vegan milfs. Good say, sir.

>> No.20425559

Pigs are pretty smart. They figure out something's wrong long before it's their turn. They often start their panicked squealing a few kills before being led up to where they get stunned. Cow and sheep kills are much quieter affairs. They tend to just wait oblivously in line.

>> No.20425906

It'll be a nice day when people finally figure out that the more intelligent an animal is, the better it tastes.

>> No.20425916

Then you'd definitely taste awful.

>> No.20425921

This sounds like a you-bait post. it has all of the stereotypes, you could have gone for the daily double and said a jewish friend got offended

>> No.20425933

I know. :(

>> No.20425961

>eating a thoroughly spooked pigger

>> No.20426092
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>> No.20426105

You are going to die one day. Tick tock, tick tock.

>> No.20426148

??? im not a woman wtf

>> No.20426286
File: 51 KB, 500x431, kitchen-Bristol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every hog roast I went to had a massive queue to stuff their faces. Everyone loves a bit of crackling. Everyone wants to bring the leftovers home. Sounds like you know a massive bunch of cunts.

My period houses kitchen had it's cast iron range torn out for a shitty gas faux log burner. I'm putting a log grate and spit jack in just for roasts. It's the best way to cook meat.

>> No.20427727

tiktok on the clock

>> No.20428565

this shiny tortured cannibalized prize animal once while alive had the same intelligence and mental capacity as a dog or a 3 year old kid

>> No.20428577

loli haet spitroast

>> No.20428584

I would eat Dog or 3 year old kid if it was available. Ever seen a roasted dog? It looks delectable

>> No.20428592

She's probably 18 by now.

>> No.20428866

Is that really the normal price? I buy these giant slabs of shoulder that cost $20, I don't see how the whole thing would add up to $450 (especially given that they have to put less labor into it when it's whole).

>> No.20428946

Had whole roasted hog on a few occasions. Most were celebrating Saint Michael's feast day at my parish that had a sizable Tongan community who would handle the pig. The other time was when I was in Thailand during my 28th birthday so I paid a bar 5000 baht (166 usd at the time) to throw a party and it featured a 20kg pig (spit roasted butterflied), Thai buffet, a cake, a bottle of shitty tequila and a bar fine. The pig was great.

>> No.20429066

Do Americans really eat 5 lbs of meat on Halloween?

>> No.20429122

You need to change it up between savory and sweet, it allows you to eat more candy

>> No.20429289

i went to a filipino gathering and everyone digged the fuck in. why are westerners such faggots.

>> No.20429398

This made me hard

>> No.20429407

Everyone i know would have run train on that hog
Sorry your friends are lame