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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20423107 No.20423107 [Reply] [Original]

>jacked up prices even higher
>literally everyone complains about skimpy portions and shitty small burritos
>employees act like you're inconveniencing them just by doing their job
yet there is still a line out the fucking door most days at this place.
why are people so obsessed with chipotle?

>> No.20423116 [DELETED] 

moes is better and every way, and they both suck compared to making it at home.

>> No.20423120

>walk in the door
>turn 360 and walk away

>> No.20423121
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The recent price increases at Chipotle have been met with widespread dissatisfaction among customers, who also complain about the skimpy portions and poor quality of the burritos. Despite these complaints, the restaurant chain continues to experience high demand, with long lines forming outside its stores on most days. It is unclear why people remain so loyal to Chipotle despite the negative feedback.

>> No.20423127

made like 5 batches of acp today at home for less than the cost of one at a local place. chipotle is actually dog food though

>> No.20423148

if chipotle is dog food, moe's is food for the underprivileged dogs

>> No.20423156

Did you limit the word count or was it simply unable to generate any more information?

>> No.20423168

moes is just trash man, dogs don't even want it

>> No.20423172

Got into a confrontation at Chipotle once over this.

They skimped me on meat (literally put like 2oz) I stood there and starred the guy while the next employee was asking what else I wanted on the burrito. I ignored her completely and continued to stare him while he was tending to the next customer. The girl kept saying "excuse me sir" but she didn't even exist to me.

This faggot knew I was bertstaring him hard and was getting nervous and shakey and didn't know what to do.

After he helped a few customers he could no longer help any more because the line was jammed up and my eyes were still locked on his.

Finally he muttered "ca...can I help y..you?" and while staring him directly into the eyes I pointed to the steak. He nervously grabbed the spoon and put more steak on and my eyes left his for a fraction of a second to verify it was the correct amount, then I continued to stare him while telling the other employee what else I wanted.

I never took my eyes off his while I was finishing up the burrito, paying, and getting napkins. I even walked backwards out of the store so I could continue to bertstare him. When I got into my truck I drove at a snails pace around the front windows and continued to bertstare him through the windows.

Pretty sure that faggot quit after that, never saw him again.

>> No.20423182


>> No.20423197

We all have bad days

>> No.20423207

Ok, that's called mad dogging and you're lucky you were picking on some kid doing his shitty after school job, you wouldn't have the balls to do this to a man

>> No.20423238
File: 681 KB, 1179x1812, IMG_7144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moe’s is even more ridiculous. Pic related is for basic ground beef. Chicken or anything else is + 3$

>> No.20423246 [DELETED] 

i didn't say it was cheaper. i said it was better. but i don't support either. it's a ll goyslop
make it at home.
food and cooking board. not goyslop and giving money to israeli corporations board

>> No.20423253

man i wish when the mods were ban happy about the slop word

>> No.20423256
File: 815 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_7145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for comparison here is the chipotle half a mile away. Remember the moe’s burrito is 13.29 is you want chicken instead of ground beef

>> No.20423264
File: 47 KB, 1059x929, 1708322505642113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I politely brought to the attention of the staff member that the amount of meat in my burrito was insufficient. While the other employee was asking me about my preferences for the burrito, I maintained eye contact with the staff member who had prepared it. I did not respond to the other employee as I was focused on resolving the issue with the meat.

The staff member appeared to be nervous and unsure of how to handle the situation. Despite the growing line of customers, he was unable to assist them due to my unwavering gaze.

Eventually, he mustered the courage to ask if he could be of assistance. I maintained eye contact and pointed to the steak, indicating that I wanted more. He nervously added more steak to the burrito, and I briefly glanced at it to ensure that the amount was satisfactory. I then continued to stare at him while informing the other employee about my remaining preferences for the burrito.

Throughout the entire interaction, I maintained eye contact with the staff member. I did not break my gaze even as I finished customizing my burrito, made the payment, and collected napkins. I even walked out of the store backwards so that I could continue to stare at him. As I drove away, I circled the front windows of the store at a slow pace, maintaining eye contact with him through the windows.

I believe that this incident may have caused the staff member to feel uncomfortable and consider leaving his job.

>> No.20423266
File: 385 KB, 1179x415, IMG_7146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here’s the lunch specials at the Mexican place on the same road as those two, yet those to places are still packed full of zoomer idiots

>> No.20423270 [DELETED] 

>oh nooooooes i hurd a wurd i dun't like. ban ban ban ban protect me mods
go back to redit you giant faggot

>> No.20423298


Is this photo in florida, or cali? Just go to a real tacqueria.

>> No.20423306

>turn 360 and walk away
I think you meant 180

>> No.20423429

No I turn 360 degrees and walk away from where I was standing towards the counter because I'm not a faggot who gets triggered by other people greeting me

>> No.20423442

It's mexican food for normie white ppl

>> No.20423448

Are you certain they are people?

>> No.20423452

Why do newfags have to try to correct everyone? You're new here, take time to learn about the community in which you are posting. After you've been here a while, then you can start being a pedantic ass like everyone else. Until then, reply less, understand more.

>> No.20423465

>It's mexican food for normie white ppl
Back in my day we called it "Taco Bell."
I wish there were placed where you could buy dirt cheap burritos that filled you up. I wouldn't mind paying $4-5 for a big ass oatmeal and taters burrito. But if they did that, then they wouldn't be able to pay the $15/hr wages, and if the customers actually felt full after eating there, then they wouldn't buy multiple tiny ass burritos for $11 each.
>Why do newfags have to try to correct everyone? You're new here, take time to learn about the community in which you are posting. After you've been here a while, then you can start being a pedantic ass like everyone else. Until then, reply less, understand more.
Why do oldfags refuse to admit that they were wrong? Your entire defense is "UR A FAGGIT"

>> No.20423472

I noticed the other day that Taco Bell got rid of their steak power menu bowl. I assume the chicken one is not long for this world. They have all the ingredients to make cheap, healthy meals but they're too busy asking you to pay $6 per Flamin' Hot Doritos Cool Ranch Quesadildos

>> No.20423479

I'm sorry that you don't understand a meme that predates your birth. Please come back when you are 18.

>> No.20423487

>I'm sorry that you don't understand a meme that predates your birth. Please come back when you are 18.
Very witty. *slow golf clap*
Are all oldfags as sharp as you?

>> No.20423500

Somebody needs to run that webm of the fat moron in the football pads shaking his finger and putting his chubby fist into 2 pieces of bread, please

>> No.20423501

Please understand
Burrito artists deserve 50 dollars an hour

>> No.20423507
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U need to lurk for 2 moar years

>> No.20423516

They screwed me out of a discount at the grocery store and were like allright I'm going to check on it later please wait
So I did wait
I waitedr right Infront of him blocking the line so nobody else could pay until he fixed it

>> No.20423526

Lurk before posting has been dead for ten years

>> No.20423532

too bad you're not

>> No.20423538
File: 69 KB, 462x462, chipotle logo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet there is still a line out the fucking door most days at this place.
I guess everyone forgot about all those folks getting sick from eating there a while back

>> No.20423560

Moes is that wannabe Mexican fast food place right?

>> No.20423590

>I guess everyone forgot about all those folks getting sick from eating there a while back
Kek. I still remember that South Park episode where Cartman had his first menstrual period after eating at Chipotle.

>> No.20423594

No it's a bar on the Simpsons you stupid fuck.

>> No.20423606

>Moes is that wannabe Mexican fast food place right?
>No it's a bar on the Simpsons you stupid fuck.
He was talking about Moses, NOT Moe's, you stupid fuck.

>> No.20423607

Does anyone really want to be Mexican? I don't think actual Mexicans seem that pleased about it, half of them act black and they're always trying to escape Mexico

>> No.20423612

No he wasn't you lonely attention whoring faggot.

>> No.20423620

2 years isn't remotely enough anymore, anon. 2014 was 10 years ago. You need to lurk for at least 12 years to not be a newfag at this point.

>> No.20423636
File: 2.57 MB, 498x280, m00t.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true..
I will never be a newfag, even though I came right at the beginning of the cancer that killed /b/
If you had stopped coming in 2010, and then popped in to take a look at 4troons today, you'd find most of the boards unrecognizable.
Yeah, It was always a cesspoole, but at least it had enough real in it to make panning the sludge to find the occasional flake of gold worth it.

>> No.20423827

Moe's just tastes like pure salt to me.