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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20417982 No.20417982 [Reply] [Original]

What CAN'T you mix with ranch dressing?

It just works with anything you dip into it.

>> No.20417986

That looks like shit
You suck

>> No.20417987

gettin sick of all your negativity partner

>> No.20418032

Twix bars.

>> No.20418035

bet you look like shit

>> No.20418079

I want to drink it...

>> No.20418645

>What CAN'T you mix with ranch dressing?

>> No.20418651

ranch is something you should have grown out of at 13
just eat garlic mayo like a real man

>> No.20418694

you wouldnt dip cheese bread in ranch

>> No.20418698

Only libtards eat ranch with pizza

>> No.20418720
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>anything you dip into it.
you can dip more than veggies in there, try a meaty sausage

>> No.20418774

except for my magatard brothers who put it on everything.

>> No.20418779

I have ranch for the first time until fairly recently in my thirties and I liked it so I'll eat it again.

>> No.20418930

I read that as "lizards" instead of "libtards" at first, and it made your post so much better.

>> No.20418941

Chocolaté éclaire. Just don’t, trust me.

>> No.20418953

True fact: Roast beef with chocolate sauce is a surprisingly good combination.

>> No.20418958

This isn’t surprising at all. People slather sweet shit on meat all the time.

>> No.20418960

>Homemade looking picture
What I really care about is the recipe for the ranch dressing. Variations of the ranch for more diverse offerings.

Like what do I replace the mayonnaise base in ranch dressing with? Do thickened cream sauces achieve an acceptable consistency. I just don't want to make my own mayo.

>> No.20419144

i like ranch but the bleach companies have been pushing this shit to be breakfast food for the last few years and its disgusting.

Get ready for ranch on hashbrowns getting shoved down your throat soon. I'm serious btw next few years we will see a major film where a character eats breakfast and uses ranch as a breakfast condiment.

>> No.20419573

every person I have ever seen dip pizza in ranch are redneck republicans.

>> No.20419576

What's wrong with ranch?

>> No.20419584

I do not care for ranch

>> No.20419590

i got no problem with ranch or redneck republicans, but they aren't the only ones. one of the service provider job sites I go audit every now and then has a lot of hispanics employed. when we pass thru their cafeteria, i usually see a bunch dipping their little caesars pizza into ranch after pouring hot sauce all over the slices.

>> No.20419603

>What's wrong with ranch?
It's an insult. Ranch. Dressing. Cowboys don't do that kind of shit. Never did, never will.