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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20417578 No.20417578 [Reply] [Original]

>record scratch
>freeze frame
>yep, that's me. you're probably wondering how i got into this situation.
any hunters here? what's the weirdest thing you ever ate?

>> No.20417580
File: 3.00 MB, 4032x3024, 431354585_1077481693542842_1797742608897472858_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's moose fetus soup.

>> No.20417863

Clearly a feetus

>> No.20417870
File: 1.50 MB, 288x288, 9mm-gun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hunt but i don't normally take two of anything let alone meese (rabbits don't count)

>> No.20417965

How are hunters confident that the animals they consume aren't carrying some heinous disease?
This isn't the hunter-gatherer age, so say what you will about factory-farmed meat but all those antibiotics and other stuff they administer to their stocks is for a reason and every now and then there is an outbreak of Mad Cow or Avian Flu the producers will holocaust the entire stable/pen to prevent spread and food supply contamination. Plus there's USDA inspectors, as underpaid and overworked as they are, present at slaughterhouses. With wild game, there is nothing.

I wouldn't want to risk parasitic colonization or dying from Chronic Wasting Disease because I made sausage from the wrong deer:

>> No.20417981 [DELETED] 

Did you really get 2 tags? Nigga that's enough meat for like 3 years.
Meese really only have prion issues in their nervous system

>> No.20418013
File: 140 KB, 500x737, 2d9l8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you really get 2 tags?
doubt it, i'm guessing two people hunting together or he's REALLY far from game warden country because those guys are like spec op bush ninjas

>> No.20418037

I feel kinda bad for the hekkin moosarinos.

>> No.20418049 [DELETED] 

Don't feel bad. They would murder you because they think it's funny.
The meat is really fucking good but the fat is gamy as he'll. Very odd combination

>> No.20418052

We have this thing called cooking, wherein you heat up a foodstuff to higher temperatures than bacteria can survive for long enough that they all die. Don't eat game meat rare, duh.

Nothing beyond prions is going to survive a boiling stewpot. And if prions are what you're worried about you shouldn't be eating any ruminant meat period.

>> No.20418070

Mother Nature will remember how you murdered her children and ate their flesh.

>> No.20418073

She can file it between the fact I shit down a tube built out of compressed clay materials mined from the Earth and transported across three countries and how many species' habitat my house took away.

Harm minimization is bullshit cope, go an prim or fuck off.

>> No.20418080

>takes a photo of a dying animal instead of finishing the job
Piece of shit.

>> No.20418081

how gamy, like black bear gamy?

>> No.20418093
File: 429 KB, 373x566, Screenshot 2024-04-20 at 03-03-55 deer overpopulation - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most hunters are the biggest conservationists you'll ever meet and do more to preserve nature than an vegantard will ever do.
What you seem to forget is humans are and always were part of the ecosystem and when we remove ourselves it causes damage.
VA has 100 deer/ square mile when the maximum the area can support without damage is 20 because some retards restricted hunting, this is causing other animals and plants to become endangered

>> No.20418104

I hunt rabbits and once I ate the liver, it was fucking gross. Chicken liver is nice but it's not weird and I don't chase chickens.

>> No.20418123

This, being a hunter/fisher and spending weeks alone with nature every year actually made me far more environmentally conscious whereas I never gave a fuck before. I don't buy into the carbon bullshittery but I avoid plastics, clean up wilderness while I'm there and don't needlessly buy shit that pollutes.

>> No.20418130

reasonable and really all you can do.
carbon is just a scam to take money and cripple our economy

>> No.20418134

You can't murder animals and pretend you care about nature. You can't conserving nature is the opposite of being a conservative.

>> No.20418137 [DELETED] 

Never had bear, but its inedible game. Luck its a lean meat so you can cut the fat caps off

>> No.20418141

Animals murder each other all the time, that's what nature is. And if people don't hunt deer they'll overbreed and starve.

>> No.20418145 [DELETED] 

Don't argue with the retarded libtard homosexual. He eats meat every night in the form of his boyfriends cock

>> No.20418148

That's messed up :(

>> No.20418155

You're just jealous he's having sex and you're not.

>> No.20418158 [DELETED] 

I was the dude that turned his boyfriend gay. I literally cucked him

>> No.20418189
File: 260 KB, 460x283, Screenshot 2024-04-20 at 03-03-45 deer overpopulation - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man you really are retarded and incapable of extrapolating beyond what is spoon fed to you.
nature has a balance, if you remove predators herbivores overpopulate and decimate the saplings then the land become barren and the soil drys out and turns into a desert then everything dies.
This isn't a theory its fact and we've seen it happen and is precisely why we reintroduced wolves to Yellowstone park.
Humans were always one of the main predators that kept thing in balance so stupid shit like picrel doesn't happen which is currently staring out all the other herbivores

>> No.20418211

pic related wouldn't happen naturally its happening BECAUSE of humans, the lack of predators have nothing to do with it.
If there weren't vast stretches of grass everywhere deer wouldn't be overpopulated to begin with. humans created the perfect ecosystem for deer to thrive in. Predators just keep populations spread out instead of clumped together.

>> No.20418214

Nothin' too weird. Tag a duck or two, call it a day.

>> No.20418240
File: 149 KB, 828x813, 1695305680181395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really can't grasp that humans are part of the ecosystem, you have some weird dissociative thing happening where you think you are some kind of outside spectator on a alien planet or are some kind of time traveler and you're trying to not contaminate the timeline.

bro you are a animal just like every other on this planet and we've been intertwined for hundreds of thousands of years

>> No.20418263

Is there anything more aesthetic than blood splatter on fresh snow?

>> No.20418285

We're sapient and that means we have the power to engineer the world on a scale nothing else that lives on the planet can dream of. You can't shit about on your black box that sends electrical signals halfway across the planet before you go off to drive your metal box powered by hydrocarbon-fueled explosions and then pretend you're exactly on the same level as the ape that shits from trees. We fuck shit up.

You can fart around and tell yourself your industrial lot is a perfectly natural habitat because one beetle scurries by your foot and huff that copium until you die, but I'm not sticking my head in the sand and pretending. We either get to be stewards of the Earth or we deserve to have our shit collapse so we end up being 'just another part of the ecosystem' aka shitting apes in the trees. One or the other, not both whenever it's most convenient.

>> No.20418287

This has definitely not been my experience

>> No.20418289

Every hunter I've ever met has been a gigaboomer who wants the oil industry to drill everywhere, they don't give a shit about conserving as long as they get theirs and they'll ignore the mine tailing bioaccumulation until they die of alzheimer's.

>> No.20418327 [DELETED] 
File: 299 KB, 720x960, 22154663_1496620210393858_2829295829885443228_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wild game is the cleanest, anyone who says otherwise is a kike.
i'm native, i don't need no faggot ass tags.
raw meat is better.
bear fat is the best.
this. total deer death.
virgin pussy blood on my dick.
kys, klaus.
i'm an ultra-nationalist trad-cath/animist/satanic zoomer.

>> No.20418333

Gayest post I've seen in a long time, thx anon

>> No.20418336
File: 112 KB, 720x960, 12038532_1665891167030702_4441757230220457495_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're welcome. here's some more animals i epically pwned.

>> No.20418493

any new kills? that's some old ass pics

>> No.20418498

fucked in the pussy*>>20417580

>> No.20418667

Everythings black and white with you fuckwits and that's why your intentions never translate to positive results. Go build a gulag for some successful farmers to die in or something, retard.

>> No.20418679

Ok but boomers in general are fucked, younger hunters are more nuanced (unless you're American in which case my condolences)

>> No.20418802

>VA has 100 deer/ square mile when the maximum the area can support without damage is 20 because some retards restricted hunting, this is causing other animals and plants to become endangered

Wow I wonder what the original cause of this prey animal population explosion is. Surely it can't just be restricted hunting? I wonder if there was already a natural mechanism in place that the hunters possibly interfered with or outright removed?

>> No.20418849

farmers and ranchers usually

>> No.20419126

>i epically pwned
any fag with a gun could kill animals. Powertripping loser

>> No.20419166

animals spawned simultaneously with humans. should have started crafting right away. fucking dead loosers lmao.
gun goes pew pew pew

>> No.20419183
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you are one insane hillbilly

>> No.20419190
File: 292 KB, 500x334, 1688336830892363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least i'm not a dumb dead animal lmao

>> No.20419663
File: 715 KB, 766x430, Screenshot 2024-04-20 at 15-42-06 oldest evidence of humans in north america - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again we are not aliens that just appeared on this planet, humans have always been there hunting, even more so back before agriculture took over as our main food source

>> No.20421006

You have a poor understanding of evolutionary ecology and it's not worth discussing it any further with you.

>> No.20421039

you want us to be "stewards of the Earth" but don't believe in culling overpopulated species that are destroying the ecosystem?

>> No.20421063

how does moose taste?
i've had deer once and dont remember much of it because my friend's boomer dad overcooked the shit out of it
for me, it's bison but that doesn't count cuz i can get it at wally world

>> No.20421065

imagine the collateral you could get with a barrett .50 cal

>> No.20421173
File: 2.87 MB, 1280x720, 1666400197408489.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not much actually .50 deflects instantly, i have a gif of someone shooting peeps (marshmallow bunnies) is it only makes it through like 3 before flies off to the side

>> No.20421194
File: 2.01 MB, 310x174, 6rzx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it and food related because peeps

>> No.20421775

kill yourselves

>> No.20421778

his brain is malnourished from a vegan diet, don't bother trying to argue

>> No.20421796

>Downing 2 meese at once in the backcountry
I want to see the recovery effort. Need a couple pickups for all that meat.

>> No.20421802

>muh nuance
this was after someone argued that hunters are the only thing preventing ecological collapse lol

>> No.20421929


>> No.20422009

Walrus meat was the best thing I ever ate. Seals are really nice too. I want to eat polar bear some day, they're getting overpopulated, so hunting one down would be a good deed as far as I'm concerned

>> No.20422093

that's the thing i just don't understand about rethuglicans: they're all for rural living and being closer to nature...except when there's a company that wants to extract resources there and genocide all the fauna in the area in the process, because then they get on their knees and fellate that corporate cock hard.

>> No.20422365

Think for yourself

>> No.20422389

What an absolute retard
The outbreaks occur because of factory farming you absolute mongoloid, they’re crowding thousands of animals into a space that’s far too small, of course disease outbreaks will occur. How can you be so fucking stupid to not understand this?
Nobody administered antibiotics to animals for literally thousands of fucking years because it wasn’t necessary, the only reason it became necessary was after industrialization and factory farming became the main method of farming meat.

>> No.20422394

Midwit post
Most of the US, especially the coasts, have had their predator populations absolutely BTFO over the course of the last 200 years because wolves and bears are scary.
The prey population explodes because Americans decided to shoot all the predators in the first place. The grizzly population in California (their fucking flag has a grizzly on it, if you somehow didn’t know) is extinct bc Californians didn’t want to deal with them wandering into town.

Humans preventing prey explosions is probably necessary now, but it certainly wasn’t an issue before we showed up. Realistically, even if the populations explode, the cycle would eventually normalize after a few dozen years of starvation events and predator population explosions. This cycle is naturally part of every ecosystem anyways. Humans just fucked caused the cycle to have higher ups and downs by destabilizing it.

>> No.20422398

Semi-based, semi-retarded
The scale to which we have fucked with ecosystems is disastrous and unsustainable. This is true.
However, we are part of the planet, therefore the ability we have to affect the planet is also natural. This is true.
The problem is human beings need to find a balance. We are a natural part of the ecosystem, therefore, even the things we do like building infrastructure, hunting, farming are all natural parts of the order of the world. However, when we get to the point of outright raping nature, we need to be able to see that and take a step back.

Both are right. Both are wrong. The snake that eats its own tail is happy.

>> No.20422859
File: 494 KB, 419x558, Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 16-49-27 massive wolf packs - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because wolves and bears are scary.
you've become so detached from reality so quickly its actually insane, bears and wolves are not pets, they are a apex predator that were and still are a actual threat to human life not just from outright hunting and killing us but also wiping out our livestock so we starve to death. They didn't want to kill wolves they HAD TO

>> No.20423006

post reads like a rancher's PR firm

>> No.20423039

Wtf? I want to hunt lemurs now.

>> No.20423051

>detached from reality
It’s wild that you think they encroached on our territory when it was literally the other way around, and apparently I’m detached for actually understanding this.
They aren’t a threat to farms at the present day, we can produce and maintain electric fences, which absolutely BTFO large predators. If anything, small predators are more problematic (ferrets, weasels, that type of shit) to farms because they actually can circumvent electric fencing and attack fowl.
Large predators are also easily BTFO by firearms, which cuckolds think are bad. Unless you actively fuck with bear cubs, most of them will be terrified even just by the sound of a firearm. You’d have to be a literal untermensch to get fucked by wolves because you can just climb a tree, and if you have a gun, scare them off by shooting into the air or BTFOing the largest one which will scatter the rest.

Only animal that’s actually terrifying is a mountain lion, because you don’t see them coming. Bears and wolves are only scary to a literal retard, case in point, as I wrote this in such simple terms that even you could figure it out.

>> No.20423181

Is the blood from game animals safe to cook with? Could you bleed a couple gallons for some soup and sausages?

>> No.20423205

>uhm, excuse me? is that a heckin EXTREME POSITION on 4CHAN of all places? you march right up to the principal's office right now mister!!
i'd take a million an prim fuckwads over a single one of you, cuckold

>> No.20423214
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>starve to death
Who do you think you're fooling on this one, like honestly

>> No.20423422
File: 59 KB, 870x523, Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 20-07-35 Largest wolf pack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its that way NOW because we did exactly what you said we didn't need to do, picrel is still happening in remote areas and the webm in >>20421173 is happening is cities all across the south and make no mistake boars are probably one of the most dangerous animals in north America and a bolt action .30-06 isn't going to help in this situation.

>> No.20423430
File: 406 KB, 454x596, Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 20-17-43 russains starvng - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one loss election to commies later

>> No.20423440

Not him but notice how civilised countries don't have wolves and tigers roaming around wildly.
In Japan, for example, they've been extinct for a very long time.

>> No.20423468

what a retarded take. 2016 really turned the entire world into completely brainless extremists.

>> No.20423896

A frozen hellhole =/= America no matter how you frame it. Also a country where firearms are strictly illegal, by the way. Nobody in that village had a gun lying around that wasn’t illegally taken from an abandoned Soviet installation.
Also, shotguns exist. Nobody asked human beings to inhabit a fucking swamp full of poisonous snakes, boars, and crocodiles. We chose to.
If your idealized version of society is Japanese, you’re probably gay also.

>> No.20423968

Its almost as if its a false dichotomy and there is insanity on both sides...